My condolences, Persej. Sometimes I talk a lot, I hope to serve as a mirror, tracks, what I write. Oddly, these experiences, both foreign and own, have surrounded me lately and I find this thread, I will use the network.
If we must leave to our families,
"you will be prepared to do it" was transmitted by Cass.
My grandmother died, by part to my mother. His mother. I had not visited my grandmother for three months. When the note after time without seeing her. He was emaciated, his face reflected stress, worry, was sick. Headaches.
She has had to take care of my grandfather, her husband, of 94 years of age. He can not walk alone. And he lives with three children, who were unable to help (adults who are 40 years old). My anger at seeing three air sacs, which do nothing. Everyone expected the death of my grandfather, he was too emaciated, they said. I used to talk a lot with him, and the old, he travels and comes back in his day for the time of his memory, very lucid and feeling of wanting to stay alive.
My mother returning from a trip, I told him that my grandfather, this very well, for his age, it could be even better. To eat well, be nice, your dizziness, weakness are not eating and lack of nutrients and other things that surely needed. And does not require doctor for that. I still maintain, if my grandfather is fed properly, he could stand and walk again. I would like to test the bone broth with him, I'm sure it would help a lot. And coconut oil to boost your immune system, I talked to his son about it, but they prefer to give him a Gatorade when you are constipated. "I must ask your doctor if he can take coconut oil," a son says. Thousands of news that the gatorade kills people, kills them on life, but they are taking it. That is frustrating. "Do what you want".
"Perhaps my father will not pass this year," she tells me. -According to what I observe, my grandmother, with the trio of idiots whose children do not help it, pay attention, she could leave first. His face reflects being mentally and emotionally affected.
My grandmother was revived arriving at hospital. Revived, for medical disgusting, sick of money, saying only that he had no salvation. Why would the revived then?... the brought back to "life" to let her "die".
My grandmother died first, the January 9 this year for brain-spillover. Headaches were a hint, that something was already happening in your brain. When you look at a person, under heavy pressure from stress at an advanced age, you can not expect good results.
I also learned about the death of my grandmother, by part to my father in a similar way, I loved her very much, had more emotional connection with her. She raised me. But I have not had emotional attachment when she died, I felt happy. Because she also suffered the indifference of their sons and had to take care of one who was dying of AIDS. Those were my first contact with the departure of an life.
He once told me "I want to see you grow, when you graduate in the college" I at the age of less than eight years, then I said him "I'm sorry but you're not going to be there."
Heavens! will have been scary to hear that. The son of the devil. But I had heard of other adults, the elderly were dying around 70 and 80 years. I even hear of elderly dying in similar ages. I think he died at the age of 72 years. I knew it was impossible, somehow i had accepted. And the feeling of that moment, it was like when you feel you have reached the truth about something and just be honest and free of lies with yourself. That gives way to calm, no mental noise, only the serenity, by accepting what is natural. She appeared three times in dreams after his death. She wanted to see me when she was in the hospital, and my mother did not let me to go to see it. She did not want me to see to my grandmother spoiled. So I guess those dreams, where he appeared in a long corridor with columns and sun shines and smiling was a goodbye, maybe. It feels like a dream "inserted".
By worry, stress, emotional distress and mental, also died first that my uncle, who was carrying the AIDS virus, then.
Today, I just kidding with at the cosmo "so, again joined to the force, eh? Already reached to see something that I do not. Well, go to enjoy the show in the first row from up there. Should continue their next lessons. See you at the hour of departure. I still do what I can here." Yes, I also feel that they are free, in some sense or maybe it is just my desire to get out of here and misinterpretation by emotional haze, seeing so much injustice and I want to convince myself that it is a ticket to freedom? We must be aware of and watch out for that.
The curious ways in which each individual accesses a piece of knowledge.
"A lesson without pain is meaningless.
That's because you can not gain something without sacrificing something in return.
However, once you've withstood the pain and overcome, you gain a heart that is stronger than everything else.
That's right, a heart of steel."
Be strong, be aware.