Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

Another article on Castro's son.
Well, I suppose it's possible and the resemblance is undeniable, but I also think they're also not being very scientific nor jouranlistic about the claim as I daresay that maybe Trudeau does not look like his father, and looks more like Castro, but there have to be plenty of people with similar features and picking Castro is obviously just because of the tendency to want to see everything left as evil and it's a catchy and scandalous claim to make.

So, I don't know, I couldn't deny it, but the report that it's citing it's simply another website saying the same thing that the article linked says. I truly dislike Trudeau, with intensity in fact. But I would also be careful about jumping on an unverifiable story that it's mostly scandalous and that could be ultimately used to delegitimize the entire movement.

Again, it's possible, but the case they're making is rather flimsy and even if it were true, what difference would it make? and I mean in practical terms.

Also, the report the the article is citing, links to a website that has this at the end of the article in big bold letters:
"Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed."

Which should speak for itself. Whenever I find websites like this, with a seemingly rational stance on an issue but that at the end take a quick turn into irrational declarations, I am usually reminded of COINTELPRO, controlled opposition.

Though, maybe I am missing information.
More on cutting communications.

Check current status: Bell Canada Outage Map

Bell Canada Outage Map​

The following outage map shows the most recent areas in Canada where Bell Canada users have reported their issues and outages. If you are having an issue with Bell Canada and your location is not listed, make sure to submit a report below.

It doesn't look suspect to me, when I visited the site... 54% were internet related, 21% mobile phone related. Looking at the overall reports from the past 24 hours, they are rather few. Outages usually lead to a lot more reports (from where it is still possible to report them, I mean).

However, it's good to have the link ;-) in case the Canadian PTB critters are up to something, playing ping-pong with the communication networks.

Networking IS FUN ! :clap:


Well, I suppose it's possible and the resemblance is undeniable, but I also think they're also not being very scientific nor jouranlistic about the claim as I daresay that maybe Trudeau does not look like his father, and looks more like Castro, but there have to be plenty of people with similar features and picking Castro is obviously just because of the tendency to want to see everything left as evil and it's a catchy and scandalous claim to make.

So, I don't know, I couldn't deny it, but the report that it's citing it's simply another website saying the same thing that the article linked says. I truly dislike Trudeau, with intensity in fact. But I would also be careful about jumping on an unverifiable story that it's mostly scandalous and that could be ultimately used to delegitimize the entire movement.

Again, it's possible, but the case they're making is rather flimsy and even if it were true, what difference would it make? and I mean in practical terms.

Also, the report the the article is citing, links to a website that has this at the end of the article in big bold letters:
"Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed."

Which should speak for itself. Whenever I find websites like this, with a seemingly rational stance on an issue but that at the end take a quick turn into irrational declarations, I am usually reminded of COINTELPRO, controlled opposition.

Though, maybe I am missing information.
To me it wasn't so super clear either. I mean i like the conspiracy idea of that Justin Turdeau would be Castro's son - but... well the images... I got the feeling of seeing something from both men (Castro vs Pierre Trudeau) in Justin.

I believe it is important to compare Justin Trudeau with young images of his father Pierre, in order to see if there are similar features. As his father got older, it makes it rather difficult to find similarities with Justin.

I just noticed;
Justin has the similar kind of skinny fingers like Pierre Trudeau. I am sure Justin had to compensate certain aspects by becoming a handsome charmer and clown actor. Does he drive big cars, too ? (bad gay joke, I know). :-[


Skinny_Pierre_Trudeau_fingers.jpgPierre Elliot Trudeau after being nominated to represent riding of Town of Mount Royal circa 1965
I daresay that maybe Trudeau does not look like his father, and looks more like Castro, but there have to be plenty of people with similar features and picking Castro is obviously just because of the tendency to want to see everything left as evil and it's a catchy and scandalous claim to make.
I think the resemblance is much to close for that explanation. Plus the pictures of his parents with Castro show their connection and possibly he was born nine months from that encounter, if true. To me this is more background information on the people involved which is always useful.

But I would also be careful about jumping on an unverifiable story that it's mostly scandalous and that could be ultimately used to delegitimize the entire movement.
Well, hopefully no one blows this out of proportion and successfully diverts the entire movement..... but the Canadians seem much more together then that and their cause is to great. Maybe used as a tactic by the dark side perhaps? Then everyone(most) will see right through it.

Also, the report the the article is citing, links to a website that has this at the end of the article in big bold letters:
"Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed."
Yes, a Big Red Flag.......not good. So this person could try to use this for nefarious purposes. But, that doesn't change what I see in the pictures which to me show Castro's son.

Which should speak for itself. Whenever I find websites like this, with a seemingly rational stance on an issue but that at the end take a quick turn into irrational declarations, I am usually reminded of COINTELPRO, controlled opposition.
Finding such a twist at the end of an article certainly throws everything into another direction and makes one question.. Perhaps thats the cointelpro right there, The extreme comment helps to delegitimize the whole article that a lot of people are looking at now.

Lots of hidden things are coming out now, so its interesting.
So Dr. Mercola talks also about this movement and the good news, apart the trucks are:

By popular demand, I am pleased to share with you an exciting update — my entire Censored Library has finally returned! Through Substack, an information sharing platform, I am once again able to share with you all the valuable research I have gathered through the years. Click below to access my Censored Library now.

Global Trucker Convoys Protest Mandates

Well, I suppose it's possible and the resemblance is undeniable, but I also think they're also not being very scientific nor jouranlistic about the claim as I daresay that maybe Trudeau does not look like his father, and looks more like Castro, but there have to be plenty of people with similar features and picking Castro is obviously just because of the tendency to want to see everything left as evil and it's a catchy and scandalous claim to make.

So, I don't know, I couldn't deny it, but the report that it's citing it's simply another website saying the same thing that the article linked says. I truly dislike Trudeau, with intensity in fact. But I would also be careful about jumping on an unverifiable story that it's mostly scandalous and that could be ultimately used to delegitimize the entire movement.

Again, it's possible, but the case they're making is rather flimsy and even if it were true, what difference would it make? and I mean in practical terms.

I don't know. I personally have no invested opinion about Trudeau father, being born a generation later, but generally considered the application of the war measures as morally depraved, but nothing else than the continuation of what the Crown is in its essence, and expressly allows by its constitution. So, no hard feelings there.

Yet even judging the incoming hypothesis with the trust I'd assign to Weekly World News, it wins the spot for a working hypothesis. That the couple would allegly be swingers in the late 60s is not a huge allegation especially given the circles they dabbled by. I haven't spent time looking at many pictures of Trudeau father growing up, so I couldn't tell if it was a crude swap, but assuming these pictures are indeed of Trudeau father and his wife, the story instantly sticks. You'd rather have to provide some serious evidence to suggest he was _not_ Castro's son and actually Trudeau's. If she was leaning on him that way (and I'd bet Castro wasn't the cuckold Trudeau was), there's no way he let another local get to her.

Also, the report the the article is citing, links to a website that has this at the end of the article in big bold letters:
"Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed."

Which should speak for itself. Whenever I find websites like this, with a seemingly rational stance on an issue but that at the end take a quick turn into irrational declarations, I am usually reminded of COINTELPRO, controlled opposition.

Though, maybe I am missing information.
The first is true, the second is a stance I wouldn't adopt but could hardly condemn - after all, it's hard to not to wonder if it might be better if all exoteric religions were to be destroyed. It's just not the way things work, considering how belief is tied into sovereignty, things have to evolve by themselves, and likely it is possible that exoteric religions are necessary glue to provide shared meaning between individuals not yet ready for more. Anyways. That's a trolly statement, still an opinion. I don't think I'd discount it because of the nature of anon sources. What I'd like to is double-check the timing of the trip and the existence of that triangle picture, and it'd be my working hypothesis whatever the source.
It doesn't look suspect to me, when I visited the site... 54% were internet related, 21% mobile phone related. Looking at the overall reports from the past 24 hours, they are rather few. Outages usually lead to a lot more reports (from where it is still possible to report them, I mean).

However, it's good to have the link ;-) in case the Canadian PTB critters are up to something, playing ping-pong with the communication networks.

Networking IS FUN ! :clap:

View attachment 54679

View attachment 54680
There were connections problems yesterday also in Spain and Portugal, with Vodafone and Movistar. So maybe they are trying this around the world for the big one.
As to connections with Occupy, I don't think that was originally a DS op. The reaction from the power structure was not to use it to replace an inconvenient government, but rather to ignore, then mock, then ultimately infiltrate, disrupt, and destroy it. The initial Occupy movement seemed to catch them off guard.

Just to change this up, although truckers is still core, the above bold Occupy brought up a later search from another thread, with mention of Mark Carney's wife. Therein, it was noted that she is the daughter of a pig farmer who became Diana Fox Carney upon marriage, wherein the Guardian reminded that Diana (sister of Tania, who had married Lord Rotherwick- now Lady Rotherwick), had also been a supporter of the Occupy Movement (she is now an economist). Even her now husband (ex Goldman Sachs boy of 13-years), had said that he was sympathetic to the Occupy cause (not truckers). What are these reasons?

Surly not this from his lips:

Carney clearly feels himself to be a man of destiny. “When I worked at the Bank of England,” he writes in Value(s), “I would remind myself each morning of Marcus Aurelius’ phrase ‘arise to do the work of humankind’.”

Doing this "work of humankind" in his and his fellow WEF members world, while quoting Marcus, seems to be wrapped up in 4DSTS illusions of grandeur.

It should be noted that Carney worked within some of the biggest investment wealth transfer organs in the world, and made life and death decision on Thursday morning calls as a central banker. See Ellen Brown's remarks on Mark, under the heading Carney’s New Game.

As for the author of the National Post piece above, he further writes:

Carney draws inspiration from, among others, Marx, Engels and Lenin, but the agenda he promotes differs from Marxism in two key respects. First, the private sector is not to be expropriated but made a “partner” in reshaping the economy and society. Second, it does not make a promise to make the lives of ordinary people better, but worse. Carney’s Brave New World will be one of severely constrained choice, less flying, less meat, more inconvenience and more poverty: “Assets will be stranded, used gasoline powered cars will be unsaleable, inefficient properties will be unrentable,” he promises.

As for Diana:
Diana Fox Carney was born in Britain to a wealthy pig farming family and was educated as an economist at Oxford, where she met Mr. Carney.

Diana herself, was once dubbed UK's climate eco-warrior (also runs the Canadian leftist "Ottawa-based think tank Canada 2020," and is a firm believer in net zero neutrality, not to mention her Senior Advisor work with the Eurasia Group, and other:

She sits of the Advisory Board of growth equity fund, BeyondNetZero, and Canadian ag-tech company, Terramera. She is a Strategic Advisor at Willis Towers Watson and a Senior Advisor on climate at Eurasia Group. She began her career with the UK Government in Zanzibar, then spent time as a Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute working especially on rural livelihoods and asset-based approaches to development. She has also held leadership positions at Canada 2020 and the Institute for Public Policy Research (UK) and was until recently the Executive Director at Pi Capital in London.

She is very busy.

“New Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s wife: an eco-warrior who says banks are rotten,” screamed a headline in The Telegraph shortly after Mr. Carney was named to Britain’s highest bank last November.

September 2020 had Diana on a YT talk, which overall speaks to lockstep measure: "Creating Resilient Futures: Climate, COVID and the Economy"

Carney himself (the central banker of bankers), is vehemently opposed to truckers. And yet of the original banking Occupy momvement, Carney had said:

Demonstrations like the Occupy Wall Street protests, which will hit Canadian cities this weekend, are a "democratic expression of views'' and "entirely constructive,'' Mr. Carney said.

However, that was then and not now, no, not now, as he knows change must come at all costs, as they - all of the string pullers, have pulled the big global pin and there is no way they can't put it back in - it to late. Thus, in his role as some type of lieutenant or higher for the WEF (and more), there is no doubt about his path. This path in Canada can also be seen in this Build Back Better Canada2020 talk (the think-tank that his wife had run, or still does.)

Taken both together (always interested in the man behind the woman, and the woman behind the man that often makes up the whole), it is easy to see their goals to help build (while transferring wealth into fewer and fewer hand) some type of utopian vision for the few. As for the truckers in Ottawa, again his home town, and possibly his and his pals seat of power in Canada, they can only be seen as a threat to their ilk's global plans. They will get nasty defending their plans. Now a guy like Trudeau, albeit a player under the WEF, and useful to the overall plan, is much lower ranking then a guy like Carney, and Justin is also in the political limelight and subject to making stupid mistakes just before going into hiding, or surfing, one after the other.

If humankind ever gets out of this Build Back Better for the Select Few business model mess, one heck of a story could be written on all the nonsense that has brought us all to this point. Carney himself will have his own section in it, as will Ottawa, and so many other politicians and influencers, cities and countries. Across the globe, though, the supply backbones of societies has these, our brave truckers, who often are ignored except on the highways (never ignore trucks on the roads), and yet they will not be forgot.

End quote by Peter Foster:

When it comes to the COVID crisis, writes Carney, “We are living Lenin’s observation that there are ‘decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen’.” Strange that Carney would cite one of the most ruthless murderers in history for this rather bland insight, but then Carney’s Agenda is not without its own parallels to Lenin (minus, one presumes, the precondition of rampant bloodshed).

Hmm, someone to look up to for all Canadians they say on the news.

As for Justin's true beginnings:

To me it wasn't so super clear either. I mean i like the conspiracy idea of that Justin Turdeau would be Castro's son - but... well the images... I got the feeling of seeing something from both men (Castro vs Pierre Trudeau) in Justin.

Yes, only Margret will ever know for sure, and it is highly unlikely anyway, so no real point in chasing this down (IMO).
Not long ago I listened to one of the interviews with Khazin (Russian economist). In this particular interview he didn't talk about the convoy much, just mentioned that "color revolution is now happening in Canada". His statement didn't seem right to me, but made me think about the possibility. I think that at the time the mention of "color revolution" was just a phrase, probably because many Russians have a knee jerk reaction to any sort of uprising, unless it is absolutely necessary.

Later I heard another interview with him, where he expended his views on the matter, and in his opinion (and in opinion of other Russian analysts that I listened to) what we are seeing now in Canada is an expression of the true "will of the people". That people who support the convoy are patriots, and that they had enough. Essentially, the PTB were hoisted on their own democratic petard.

Also he has a feeling that Trudeau may be actually removed (by PTB), only because they require the populace to be obedient before the economic crisis will become more apparent. But then the cat is out of the bag, and the lies that the mainstream media says only further solidifies the distrust. Basically it seems like PTB overplayed their hand.

It's true that the convoy has a good coordination and organization. But then the lead organizer himself (don't remember his name) said to Carlson Tucker that he got advice from the organizer of "Occupy Wall Street". That there was a plan and strategy before they initiated the convoy, and also now the organizers don't hide it and they make sure to get advice from knowledgeable people how to persevere and maintain the protest, while keeping it peaceful and civil.

Proper strategy and preparation doesn't mean malicious intent. Obviously it can be subverted and manipulated. I even speculated that perhaps just like with bitcoin (being created by CIA), there is a deep faction or source that decided to initiate this protest in order later use it as an excuse for food shortages. But you see, even if it's true, this source couldn't forsee the response of the people. Considering how Canadians are usually "nice and polite", and how they kept quiet during the whole corona craziness, it wasn't possible to predict that they will see it as an opportunity to finally wake up from their slumber.

And without this response of people supporting the truckers at every intersection, the protest probably wouldn't have the same effect. But obviously it doesn't exclude hidden interests. It just that this protest has many markers that so far are uncharacteristic of other protests that were actually organized by PTB. But will see how it goes.
I may be completely of off the mark here but, i was wondering if the Canadian convoy uprising, the recent changing of the covid narrative by the same virologists and doctors thanks to whom the PTB rolled out the plandemic isn't related to the following event reported by Pierre here:

Post in thread 'Session 23 May 2020' Session 23 May 2020
There was a second press conference yesterday with Maxime Bernier, Randy Hillier and more doctors of law, science and more. We can see the opening of a second front now. The freedom convoy is non political it whole purpose being to stop the mandate and bringing back our freedom but, it permitted to give a voice to those who have been shut down from speaking, scientist, politician, man of the faith etc... This is brilliant, the organiser of the convoy are focusing on keeping the convoy for freedom moving forward, assuring it financially, bringing alternative way (bitcoin) to assure that money kept coming in and keeping the non violence, peaceful and joyous image and leave the scientific, juridical etc.. aspect to expert. The convoy as created this opening capturing a large audience first, bringing a good portion of the population to seek alternative platform of information which is now promoting real science and attacking the narrative of the whole false pandemic. Now we can talk about exposure, media exposure, as more and more people are abandoning the legacy media for the alternative one.

Sorry if it is on Laura-Lynn Tyler facebook page, didn't find it yet on other site. Look for february 9 press conference.


A three-term Quebec Liberal MP is raising questions about the Justin Trudeau’s handling of the pandemic and says he agrees with fellow Quebec Liberal MP Joel Lightbound who yesterday said the federal government’s response has become “politicized” and “divisive.”

“He [Lightbound] said exactly what a lot of us think,” said Liberal MP Yves Robillard (Marc-Aurèle-Fortin, Que.) in an interview with The Hill Times. “I agree with everything that Lightbound said.”

In a highly unusual move, Lightbound (Louis-Hébert, Que.) held a press conference yesterday and criticized his government for playing politics in its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic which has resulted in deep divisions in the country. At the start of the press conference, he distanced himself from the ongoing trucker’s protest, dubbed “Freedom Convoy 22,” but said that the concerns of these demonstrators and other Canadians should not be ignored. Lightbound said that he’s been hearing similar concerns from his constituents, most who are vaccinated. He said some of his constituents who shared their views with him are parents whose children are sinking into depression, and businesspeople and artists who are incurring significant business losses. At the same time, Canadians see countries around the world who have either dropped all their restrictions or are headed in that direction, Lightbound said.

“I’ve heard from people worried that those making the decisions seem at times to have been blind to the fact that we’re not all equal for lockdowns that not everyone can earn a living on a Macbook at the cottage. I’ve heard people worried that a few might have lost sight of the quiet and discreet suffering of the many,” said Lightbound in his press conference yesterday, who until yesterday was the Liberal Quebec caucus chair.

“I’ve heard people in great pain to see some of their friends whom they love and respect but who’ve decided, for whatever reason, we might very well disagree with, who’ve decided not to get vaccinated and as a consequence, are jobless, selling what they have and moving to the United States, away from their communities, away from their friends and from their families,” Lightbound said.

“I can’t help but notice with regret that both the tone and the policies of my government have changed drastically since the last election campaign. It went from a more positive approach to one that stigmatizes and divides people,” Lightbound said.

After the press conference, Lightbound had a meeting with Chief Government Whip Steven MacKinnon (Gatineau, Que.) and stepped down as the regional caucus chair for Quebec, but MacKinnon said Lightbound would remain a Liberal MP.

Robillard said that he had a conversation with Lightbound this morning and expressed his support to him. Going forward, he said, they will work on this issue together.

In his remarks to reporters yesterday, Trudeau (Papineau, Que.) said that the restrictions are necessary and that they’re working to help bring COVID under control.

“Quite frankly it’s worked,” Trudeau told reporters yesterday. “We have seen the curves lower in Canada than elsewhere. We’ve seen lower death rates. We’ve seen quicker economic recovery because Canadians stepped up, because Canadians got vaccinated.”

A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister’s Office declined a direct response to Robillard’s interview with The Hill Times. The PMO, however, referred to Trudeau’s remarks he made this morning in reaction to Lightbound’s press conference, prior to the national caucus meeting.

“Over the past many, many weeks, I’ve had many conversations with all different members of the caucus, including Mr. Lightbound on a number of occasions,” Trudeau told reporters. “I spoke with him yesterday morning. We’re going to continue to talk. We’re going to continue to go through this the way Canadians are, where yes, we’re all tired. Yes, we’re all frustrated, but we continue to be there for each other. We continue to know that science and public health rules and guidance is the best way through this pandemic, is the way we’re going to get to the other side.”

Meanwhile, Robillard told The Hill Times that the restrictions are taking their toll on his mental health and other Canadians. He said he’s planning on seeing a doctor about this.

Prior to the Christmas break, MacKinnon instructed all Liberal caucus members in writing to avoid all non-essential travel because of COVID. Robillard, however, had already planned on travelling to visit family in Costa Rica. He informed MacKinnon about his plans to which the whip expressed his disapproval. Still, Robillard went ahead. In reaction, MacKinnon dropped the Quebec MP from the House National Defence Committee and sent an email to all MPs about this.

“Members of our Liberal caucus know the importance of adhering to, and surpassing, health and safety measures brought forward by all levels of government,” said MacKinnon in his email sent out to all Liberal MPs and staffers on Dec. 22. “As such, Liberal MPs were informed that nonessential international travel was to be avoided, and I was profoundly disappointed to learn that Yves Robillard has decided to travel outside the country despite this measure. Although the Member is fully vaccinated, his trip is not considered essential and he will be removed from his parliamentary Committee duties as a result. I also intend to further discuss the matter with him upon his return.”

Robillard told The Hill Times that he went out of the country because at that time the international travel was not banned. He said Trudeau recommended to caucus members against travelling during the Christmas break but did not disallow anyone. Robillard said that before arriving back in Canada he had two negative tests and arrived back in Canada COVID-free. He said he has no regrets about travelling out of country during the Christmas break.

“He [Trudeau] said to everybody in the caucus ‘I strongly disapprove those who are going to travel during that time,’ but he never said, ‘Don’t,’ ” said Robillard. “It’s not something that even the prime minister can say. We all have our authority, we all have our conscience. And, I was not going there to please anybody, I have family over there and I’m so happy that I went and, you know what, I came back with two tests, one from over there and one at my arrival, and I didn’t have COVID. So those who are going to tell me that I was in danger, no. People over there are respecting the masks and the [social] distance.”

He also objected to MacKinnon’s decision to drop him from the House National Defence Committee and sending an email to all Liberal MPs about this. He said he wants the whip to apologize to him for this.

“He’s cutting my wings, and he’s going to regret it, I tell you,” said Robillard. “He does that not only with me. So, no, I didn’t need that. And, it troubles me because it’s my mental health that’s taking the shock. That’s why I want to see my doctor, my family doctor.”

By deadline, The Hill Times was not able to reach MacKinnon.

Robillard said that he’s not worried even if he’s kicked out of the caucus. He said there are more MPs in the caucus “who’ve just had enough” and “are not going to pass the rest of our mandate like that,” but did not get into details, except to say he will speak up more frequently on issues that are on his mind.
From Clif High's newsletter this morning.


Their Last Card

How will they play it?​

clif high
Feb 10CommentShare
How will they play it?
That Last Card?
With fanfare? Noise? Fireworks? Theater?
Or just lay it there on the table, face down?
They are going to have to do it soon.
You know it. We all know it.
They know we see it.
Well, they could wait, but for what gain?
The longer this goes on, the greater the emotional momentum that must be overcome by that Last Card. So there is a penalty, for them, in delay.
Their Last Card can only be played once.
They dare not bluff.
That Last Card can't be anything less than spectacular, or the failure will last a thousand years.
How do you think they will play it, that Last Card..."

Basically, answers to his questionin the substack email were:

-Alien card

-Secret new weapon Wernher von Braun warned about (apparently)


-Weather warfare engineered

-Quashing the uprising (IMO, possible - taking down internet, bringing in Chinese military, Canada has agreement with China but convoys are so widespread now and playing that card would be global clampdown; don't think they're ready for that iron fist yet)

-Globalists lose

-Nothing happens, I interpret this as meaning mandates dropped for now

Then there is this answer to Clif's question from 'Minionmaster' and I did see this WHO meeting referred to yesterday and it may have bee here on this forum.

An international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness

"From today until 29.01.22, the WHO will hold an emergency meeting and deliberations in Geneva on expanding its ability to target (take over) all member states in the event of a pandemic and "any other type of threat or disaster." WHO wants member states to sign a new treaty on Covid-19, which expands the 2005 treaty. Once signed by the Minister of Health, the WHO constitution (as per Article 9 of the same) will take precedence over a country's constitution (189 countries have signed the 2005 treaty) during natural disasters or pandemics."

The second front, bringing out the real doctors and scientists with the link to video was posted above by Laurentien2. Absolutely essential and so glad to see that. I think the real journalists are essential as well, because otheerwise the above treaty will roll over us all. Dismantle The Trusted News Initiative in all it's forms. People following Joe Rogan and all the journalists reporting on convoys is a first step. It's a huge part of the battle, to get real reporting out. It's been so awful to keep seeing the suppression of information that would have defused the PsyOp within some months rather than all of this. I guess 'lessons'. Certainly lessons were and are being learned!

I searched for the C's transcript were C's said the whole globe would come under complete control - for a time - and Laura asked can't we hide out off grid somewhere (paraphrasing obviously), and answer was 'no', but it will change.

New timelines possible. I felt in my bones last November we were going into a lengthy grid down period but then I noticed early in November a definite lightening of the atmosphere, like night and day, and it didn't happen. Subjective but a couple other people from our old dowsing group had confirmed. We have been right before but had to change our tune on our call in November.

Link to Clif High substack.

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