funny thing happened today


The Living Force
Here is a little background:

I am a pretty big android smartphone fan so I frequent this site ( pretty regularly.

However today I was reading chapter 47 of the wave series and came across Laura's comment on asking for DNA to be unlocked. I pondered this and decided to incorporate it into my daily meditation today. Well that was that.

I get back to work from lunch and I navigate to the droid-life site and find this article (_

basically stating the name of the new verizon droid line-up was going to be the droid DNA.

Upon seeing this I was like "Really universe you are going to be THIS obvious" lol Then I remembered that synchonicities are often used or manifested by STS before a decision is made to sway someone with the amazing synchronicities. However, this was done after the fact and I remember reading that STO will use little confirmations only after a decision is made so they do not infringe on any individuals free will.

What do you guys think about this small but somewhat comical experience?

Keep in mind that this information or news on the name of the phone might have already been published so remember i'm just giving you my anecdotal account of what transpired today.
trendsetter37 said:
Here is a little background:

I am a pretty big android smartphone fan so I frequent this site ( pretty regularly.

However today I was reading chapter 47 of the wave series and came across Laura's comment on asking for DNA to be unlocked. I pondered this and decided to incorporate it into my daily meditation today. Well that was that.

I get back to work from lunch and I navigate to the droid-life site and find this article (_

basically stating the name of the new verizon droid line-up was going to be the droid DNA.

Upon seeing this I was like "Really universe you are going to be THIS obvious" lol Then I remembered that synchonicities are often used or manifested by STS before a decision is made to sway someone with the amazing synchronicities. However, this was done after the fact and I remember reading that STO will use little confirmations only after a decision is made so they do not infringe on any individuals free will.

What do you guys think about this small but somewhat comical experience?

Keep in mind that this information or news on the name of the phone might have already been published so remember i'm just giving you my anecdotal account of what transpired today.

Well, first of all I think cell phone radiation is bad (search the forum for more info), so one should limit their usage as much as possible. Also, it takes more than meditation to unlock DNA. Have you been following the Ketogenic Diet thread in the Diet and Health section? You may want to check it out.
trendsetter37 said:
However today I was reading chapter 47 of the wave series and came across Laura's comment on asking for DNA to be unlocked. I pondered this and decided to incorporate it into my daily meditation today. Well that was that.

I get back to work from lunch and I navigate to the droid-life site and find this article (_

basically stating the name of the new verizon droid line-up was going to be the droid DNA.

Upon seeing this I was like "Really universe you are going to be THIS obvious" lol Then I remembered that synchonicities are often used or manifested by STS before a decision is made to sway someone with the amazing synchronicities. However, this was done after the fact and I remember reading that STO will use little confirmations only after a decision is made so they do not infringe on any individuals free will.

What do you guys think about this small but somewhat comical experience?

These types of coincidences are pretty common. In my experience, most of the time they're just meaningless, albeit sometimes entertaining. If there's any meaning to be found in yours, Mrs. Peel's advice to check out the diet threads is probably the way to go. A ketogenic diet has known effects on DNA expression, and perhaps others that aren't yet known...
trendsetter37 said:
Here is a little background:

I am a pretty big android smartphone fan so I frequent this site ( pretty regularly.

However today I was reading chapter 47 of the wave series and came across Laura's comment on asking for DNA to be unlocked. I pondered this and decided to incorporate it into my daily meditation today. Well that was that.

I get back to work from lunch and I navigate to the droid-life site and find this article (_

basically stating the name of the new verizon droid line-up was going to be the droid DNA.

Upon seeing this I was like "Really universe you are going to be THIS obvious" lol Then I remembered that synchonicities are often used or manifested by STS before a decision is made to sway someone with the amazing synchronicities. However, this was done after the fact and I remember reading that STO will use little confirmations only after a decision is made so they do not infringe on any individuals free will.

What do you guys think about this small but somewhat comical experience?

Keep in mind that this information or news on the name of the phone might have already been published so remember i'm just giving you my anecdotal account of what transpired today.

Wait wait do realize that the same electromagnetic radiation surrounding and or emanating from cell phones also emanate from cell phone towers and computer chips? To tell someone to limit their cell phone use is a bit off. Especially if you consider the frequency of the actual cell network. The frequencies that are associated with smartphones data reception (1.0 to 3 Ghz) is also found in wifi and almost all computer chips. Even some within the modern automobile.

So I don't know that I follow your warning about cell phones to clearly. Correct me if I'm wrong

P.S. Also atoms produce and absorb EMF as well albeit a much smaller wavelength but they do indeed. This is how photons are absorbed because light is an electromagnetic frequency as well (approximately 400 THz or 400,000 GHz).

I guess I said all of that to say this. What are the good or bad frequencies? Since everything is pretty much vibrating in some form or fashion. Whether that be electromagnetically or physically.
The point is to minimize exposure where and when you can. For instance - do not keep a cell phone in your bedroom. Use a wired headset (do not put it up against your head). Keep it turned off as much as you can. Don't treat it like a part of your body (inseparable from you). In other words, use common sense. Yes, we're all swimming in cell radiation, so minimize it where you can because it does damage DNA and it does promote brain tumors from all available evidence.
You can also turn off your computer equipment when not in use, and remove electronics from your bedroom where possible. If you must have WiFi, turn down the signal strength as low as possible, position the antenna as efficiently as possible (so you can reduce signal strength), and unplug it when it is not used. For this last point, I always recommend having your WiFi device be a separate device from your LAN switch/router/modem. Use a WAP that supports bridge mode to do that. Personally I don't use Wifi in my house, it's a convenience not worth the exposure.

You cannot directly prevent everyone around you from transmitting, but you can limit your own transmissions to reduce EMF in your immediate vicinity. Certainly your exposure to EMF is reduced if you only have to tolerate your neighbors cell/Wifi and not your own as well.
trendsetter37 said:
Wait wait do realize that the same electromagnetic radiation surrounding and or emanating from cell phones also emanate from cell phone towers and computer chips? To tell someone to limit their cell phone use is a bit off. Especially if you consider the frequency of the actual cell network. The frequencies that are associated with smartphones data reception (1.0 to 3 Ghz) is also found in wifi and almost all computer chips. Even some within the modern automobile.

Also make sure that the wifi circuit is disabled (via the internal software) of any external modem that's being used with your internet service. I had the wifi disabled on my laptop but still felt a headache until I realized the internal wifi of my outside modem was still on. I called the internet service and they walked me through on how to switch it off. Wifi and cellphones give me headaches.
trendsetter37 said:
Wait wait do realize that the same electromagnetic radiation surrounding and or emanating from cell phones also emanate from cell phone towers and computer chips? To tell someone to limit their cell phone use is a bit off. Especially if you consider the frequency of the actual cell network. The frequencies that are associated with smartphones data reception (1.0 to 3 Ghz) is also found in wifi and almost all computer chips. Even some within the modern automobile.

Personally I am sensitive to radiation, that gives me headache when I use. most f the time I prefer to keep it distance if I expect calls , though I prefer to switch off when there is no call is expected. when I use , I prefer to corded head set with a RF filter intertwined in between (like the one that is the one on monitor coaxial cable ). I was using the phone recent months more than I want to due to professional reasons.

I have a 3-axis RF field strength meter which I use it to measure once in a while. here are my observations and I have 4 towers in 1 mile radiation from my house.

Normally it measures 30 to 200 mv/m , but I use cell phone it shoots up to 1500 to 2500 mv/m when I am using cell phone Or if i switch on wi-fi at home . If it is in a car , I have seen going up to 4000 mv/m. This is not continuous, it goes up and comes down , as if periodically ( multiple times in a minute ) connects ( more strength) and gets the data and it goes comes down.

Radiation strength exponentially decreases with the distance from the source.
ignis.intimus said:
You can also turn off your computer equipment when not in use, and remove electronics from your bedroom where possible. If you must have WiFi, turn down the signal strength as low as possible, position the antenna as efficiently as possible (so you can reduce signal strength), and unplug it when it is not used. For this last point, I always recommend having your WiFi device be a separate device from your LAN switch/router/modem. Use a WAP that supports bridge mode to do that. Personally I don't use Wifi in my house, it's a convenience not worth the exposure.

You cannot directly prevent everyone around you from transmitting, but you can limit your own transmissions to reduce EMF in your immediate vicinity. Certainly your exposure to EMF is reduced if you only have to tolerate your neighbors cell/Wifi and not your own as well.

Yep, get rid of your wifi!!!!
seek10 said:
Radiation strength exponentially decreases with the distance from the source.

Yep, power density goes down by the square of the distance from a point source.
I tried wearing the Q Link product ( ) around my neck for some time but I was feeling off/sick more often felt like it weekend my immune system. Is there anything we can wear a bracelet or neckless or something to help reduce the EMF from impacting us? Does anyone have a link to purchase such material? colloidal silver?

I never sleep with my phone and often leave the house without it but I can't avoid the computer being a teacher, creating power points, researching, emailing participating on the forum.
LQB said:
seek10 said:
Radiation strength exponentially decreases with the distance from the source.

Yep, power density goes down by the square of the distance from a point source.

Right, all signals* are affected by attenuation. The further the signal travels, the more it's strength is reduced. This is very easily observed when speaking, the further someone is away from you the louder you must speak for them to hear you. Water traveling down a hose is another good simple example; try attaching a 300' hose to your outside faucet and see how much water comes out the other end (at what pressure).

*at least as far as I am aware. this is the modern, taught in textbooks, explanation of the phenomenon. that it affects ALL signals. makes me curious if and how the C's transmission might be affected by this fact.
I can not get rid of my wifi, I live in a remote village and without it I would be able to have Internet. But during night I put it off. No cell phone in my room. I have a cell phone just for my car, in case I need it, I live in the middle of nowhere and it is important. Since I made some electrical changes and change also my lights (I am not using anymore light of low cost) I don't have anymore headaches. It is a very complicated situation, you need connection but it is devilish.

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