GDP per capita of Arab Israelis third of that of Jews


Beacon of light and democracy in the Middle East, indeed...

GDP per capita of Arab Israelis third of that of Jews

Study from Arab Center for Alternative Planning: Human development index of Arab Israelis 44 slots lower than Israel overall; level of education in Arab towns lower than education in Palestinian Authority, Libya

Roee Nahmias Published: 01.18.07, 23:44

The level of education in the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Lebanon, and Libya is higher than that of Arabs in Israel, according to a socio-economic study performed by the Arab Center for Alternative Planning.

The study, presented Thursday in Nazareth, brought forth a long list of worrisome economic statistics indicating a grave situation for the Arab public in Israel.

Perhaps the most worrisome statistic of all is that the human development index of the Arab public in Israel ranks in 66th place out of 177 countries, 44 slots below the general ranking of the State of Israel.

The center, which sought to present a clearer picture of the socio-economic status of Arabs in Israel, asked two investigators to carry out the study on their behalf: Dr. Hanna Swaid, formerly the director-general of ACAP, and Raja Khoury, ACAP's administrative manager.

The study was commissioned in order to provide an answer to two central questions: How wide is the gap between the Arab population and the Jewish population in Israel, and what is the true socio-economic condition of the Arab population in relation to the world, including Arab countries?

Those conducting the study used the human development index (an index set up by the UN that measures development based on criteria such as education, health, and GDP per capita, rather than strict economic parameters) to measure the status of the Arabs in Israel in relation to the rest of the world.

Health level – lower than in Costa Rica, Cuba

The findings revealed a concerning picture: The HDI among the Arabs of Israel is 0.77, very similar to Libya. For Israel overall, the HDI is 0.9.

Moreover, in comparison with the rest of the world, Israel is ranked 22 out of 177 countries. However, when looking at only the Arab population, the ranking plummeted to 66.

This was also the case for health. The overall level of health in Israel was calculated at 0.9, while health amongst the Arab population was rated at 0.85, which is lower than countries like Costa Rica and Cuba.

The GDP per capita for Arabs in Israel also presents a concerning picture. The Arab sector's GDP per capita is a third of the GDP per capita of the Jewish sector, and is identical to the GDP per capita of Romania and Iran.

Other economic statistics in the survey shed light on the unequal situation: 90 percent of Arab Israelis live in towns ranked in the bottom three clusters of local councils, as compared to only seven percent of Jews who live in these conditions.

In addition, only one percent of Arabs lives in towns ranked in the five top clusters of local councils, as opposed to Jews, 76 percent of which live in the five top clusters of local councils.

Here are some comments from the newspapers' readers, also very telling:
andrew , MIAMI,FL (01.19.07)

5. The Israeli Govt have given ample chances..
.for education,the arab israeli, have not been working hard getiing the tertiry education.They have dires social problem and the economic concern.Evert=y time some funds are receieved from international donors, they use those for terrorism.
They should get active in nation building programme.The saga of racism is really untrue,The Pali have never been proactive when it comes to advancemet in life, The Pals are lazy and street fighters,The must work hard to improve their life,Thye should avoid the engagements on terror and Jihat,which could only make the Islamic Religion branded as terrorist mobe pscyco,The Israel has been ging theam all the best but all those chances were being wasted,There are a many people out there that are willingly waiting for such oppourtunity, who are worth all the social, economic support,The IDF just give awa
bentham , singapore (01.19.07)

16. Does anyone really believe these stats?
If Israeli Arabs are so bad off, why not move to PA, Jordan or Libya where they can live in peace, freedom, religious tolerance, women's rights and, of course, prosperity? These stats are skewed and certainly a lie and not done by any READ unbiased third party.
Robert , Haifa, Israel (01.19.07)

18. #17, who's the liar?
Jews hate the Arabs??? Since when? We just don't want them in our country or taking over our land. This is not hatred. They deserve all the rights, priveledges, and comforts of life, like any other human beings, in THEIR OWN COUNTRIES, just not in ours. They are simply unwelcomed guests in our house, not any sort of subject of hatred, and no, we don't deserve having them. We deserve a decent government that would rid us of them, and thus resolve this conflict forever.
Antonio , Haifa (01.19.07)
The comments are pretty bad except for the fact that, I am assuming, most of the Israeli people don't actually know the "truth". But for me the clincher of the comments is this one:

18. #17, who's the liar?
Jews hate the Arabs??? Since when? We just don't want them in our country or taking over our land. This is not hatred. They deserve all the rights, priveledges, and comforts of life, like any other human beings, in THEIR OWN COUNTRIES, just not in ours. They are simply unwelcomed guests in our house, not any sort of subject of hatred, and no, we don't deserve having them. We deserve a decent government that would rid us of them, and thus resolve this conflict forever.
Antonio , Haifa (01.19.07)
Huh??? I thought that the Palistinians were in their own country. Remember, they were there for about 1500 years, at least, before the Zionists decided to come run them out of their own country. And the solution is to "rid us of them, and thus resolve this conflict forever".

Yep, that'll work. Just get rid of them. And while you're at it, can you get rid of the Bush regime, too. That would also take care of a lot of problems. Oops, maybe that is already in their plans for the future.

Just the way I see it for now.
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