George Kavassilas


The Force is Strong With This One
I would recommend that readers of the forum check out the Australian website for George Kavassilas _ After listening to a lecture prepared in March 2009, it was interesting hearing his description of what we have in store in 2012/2013. Your(pophistorian) work with other channelers make you a great one to consider the messages that George is giving. I have enjoyed reading all the comments from everyone, thanks for the great efforts! I am a new participant in the forum but have been following the Cassiopaeans and Laura for about 10 years.
Hi Nap,

I would like to encourage you to make an intro post in the newbies section of the forum. You don't need to write much, just a little about yourself and how you found the forum. Thanks!
I don't know about this guy. It could be the COINTEL PRO kicking up a notch to ensnare 'new age' folk of a more mature caliber. The 'love n light' vibe just doesn't quite resonate with me.

Ok, the dude might have had some experiences, but that's about it. Unless i could have similar experiences to validate anything he's saying, it's still 'fluffy'.

What bothers me is that he never even touches on psychopathy, and ponerology, and real world events that are taking place.

Honestly, the vibe i get from listening to this guy's presentations is: " This earth is gonna turn into a star. Drop whatever you're doing, and prepare for that. Either you get killed in the coming cataclysm, walk through the portals that will be appearing all over the earth, or board an alien ship (which by the way, says are deceivers)".


I'm really grateful I discovered this forum and read Secret history of the world, the wave series (up to 4) and other material, because, there is so much good information and disinformation floating around. A solid foundation is a must!
George did an interview on Project Camelot Radio a few days ago (March 9) about "ascension" and the Earth changes leading up to it.
Link on this page: _ though I don't recommend it except for maybe a few minutes of entertainment.

He talks about all the beings and dimensional critters he's been in contact with over the years, including Mother Earth herself, to whom he gives more credence than the "extraterrestrials" who are all around and spreading disinfo. OK, fine, but he also says that, "in 2004 I stood up and claimed that I was a member of the Galactic Federation of Light and everything was wonderful, and, ah, and they basically assimilated me into their empire, into their structure, and, ah, used me to propagate their, ah, philosophies on the planet." He says they're using love against us, love and empathy and passiveness, which he calls a pacification program. "They bliss people out, the meditate and get blissed out... You've gotta be careful what kind of energy you decide to merge with." At this point, I expected that he would be clear about his current "status" with regard to all of this, but he continued in a dichotomous, confusing way.

My personal opinion is that he's not a great communicator, at least not by speaking. Kerry seemed to be trying to get him to answer questions directly but he really was not very clear about anything -- seemed to be freely associating quite a bit. After each muddled spiel, Kerry would grab with seeming desperation onto something small he'd said, agree with it, and lead him in that direction, but then George would spin off again. She was responding with a lot of "Rrrrrright, ah..." and "Okaaaaaaay, ah." I'd had my fill of word salad less than ten minutes in. When he said he'd been taken up into ships every night and having his memory wiped and that he's been having memory problems for years, I started reaching for the Stop button, and reached it just as he was getting into his numerous abductions by the shadow government, who has massive fleets of UFOs like the one over "Guatelemara" (his muddling of this place name perfectly represented his whole presentation) in Mexico.

I noticed that his claimed, long history of abduction into the ships of the "extraterrestrial overlords" was awfully similar to Sheldan Nidle's story. Coincidentally, Kerry's guest the previous week was none other than Sheldan Nidle, to whom Kerry referred as, "I'm not naming any names, but someone else who claims to be from the Galactic Federation."
One wonders how Kerry can keep a straight face interviewing these people.
i have always found Kerry to be very , rude? i am not sure that is the correct term to use, but some guests will be speaking on a certain line of thought and she will pipe in about lizzys or this or that simply trying to glean HER truth from the person rather than simply listening to what they have to say and asking questions based on the guests thoughts or statements

she is simply looking for validation of HER beliefs, which isn't wrong this is what we all do however rather than accepting new information for what it is she, well this is what i feel about her, she seems to need to have them validate her belief which it seems she has already decided

i really like the variety of guests they have yet i feel that her interruptions and seemingly one sided purpose detracts from what those guests could offer, so much so that now i will not even watch anything project camelot because of HER, which is my choice of course, and there are many other places to glean information without it being always guided to one persons direction
Jimbofirstround said:
i have always found Kerry to be very , rude? i am not sure that is the correct term to use, but some guests will be speaking on a certain line of thought and she will pipe in about lizzys or this or that simply trying to glean HER truth from the person rather than simply listening to what they have to say and asking questions based on the guests thoughts or statements

she is simply looking for validation of HER beliefs, which isn't wrong this is what we all do however rather than accepting new information for what it is she, well this is what i feel about her, she seems to need to have them validate her belief which it seems she has already decided

i really like the variety of guests they have yet i feel that her interruptions and seemingly one sided purpose detracts from what those guests could offer, so much so that now i will not even watch anything project camelot because of HER, which is my choice of course, and there are many other places to glean information without it being always guided to one persons direction

Does she annoys you that much? I mean she has to be strong and kinda put her foot down because mainly she interviews crazy, disinformants that could talk any kind of stupid things for hours, so she needs to get the info that is the most fruitfull from their guest. That's why she interrupts.

i totally agree sometimes she needs to steer them back on track as anyone would when someone is rambling or incoherent or plainly contradicting themselves, but i find she only asks things in relation to what SHE has decided is the reason for everything

i cannot quote exactly from her so i will make a hypothetical situation

say you are telling her that Cassiopeians are true STO beings only interested in offering relevant knowledge to our "class"

she would likely say well the Illuminati has planted Lizzy's everywhere and this is the reason you are being led to believe that the Cassiopeians are STO so how does this relate to the US govt and the church

perhaps this isn't a good hypothetical situation , but i think you understand what i mean

she has already decided she has the answers to life and the cosmos and guides her guests to answer things in a way which validates her beliefs

rather than learning new information she wants to bundle it into the paradigm she has created for herself
Jimbo wrote: << some guests will be speaking on a certain line of thought and she will pipe in about lizzys or this or that simply trying to glean HER truth from the person rather than simply listening to what they have to say and asking questions based on the guests thoughts or statements >>

Actually, I find that to be the case with virtually every "spritual" talk host I've listened to -- though I listen to none very regularly.
I have been following George's information for some time and would like to add my 2 cents worth. I think his basic message is sound. He readily admits that he was deceived in the beginning. If you listen to some of his more recent material 2010-2011 it really parallels much of the material in Barbara Marciniaks's "Bringer's of the Dawn". Which we know was a precursor of the C's material. If you have not read the "Bringer's of the Dawn" material as of late I would suggest that you re-familiarize with that material. I feel the information in that work has a lot of depth and goes deeper then the symbols on the pages reveal on a quick read or superficial level. Being that work was published in 1992, if you read it again it sounds like it was written last year. It's quit uncanny.
I think George is a little limited in his vocabulary and has a little difficulty distilling down some of his experiences. Don't base your idea on this fellow on one interview with Kerry. Kerry has some pre set notions and it is difficult for her at times to bend with some information. She, like the rest of us are trying to process a lot of information coming in on different levels. We all know that this is an enormous task. All of this material is interconnected with the very precise information gleaned from the C's material. It comes down to how we are getting "centered" and releasing our internal "blockages".
Some concepts of what I get from his material is:
Don't give your power away to a higher authority, you are your own higher authority.
Be aware of deception, it is everywhere and has many guises.
The true light is within you, you will find it there.
Polarity is being played out by many different "races/beings" on different levels/Densities (directly relates to STS/STS context).
No one source has all the answers. Be aware and open (use discernment).
Everyone is experiencing this growth at their own soul level.
Not everyone is going to chose or be ready to go into higher densities.
To me, all of this has a familiar "ring" to it....
Thanks, Fastwalker. From your perspective, would you say there's anything new in George's messages, that is, for forum members here that would be worth a deeper look?
Thank you PopHistorian for your reply. You are asking me a semi loaded question here. Yes, I can decipher from my perspective what I feel is being transmitted. I really can not begin to surmise what would be worth looking at for other members of the forum. It seems like everyone has a slightly different take on things or level of comprehension.
I would like to list an example of this if I may. Over the years I have gifted "Bringer's of the Dawn" to many people. In the process of doing this I have noticed some interesting things. The work IS encoded. When others read it, depending on where they are, they just can't comprehend the depth of the material! Try as they might they just can't grasp the concepts being transmitted. I find that very curious. I found that when I first read it, it was a very easy read for me. Now, for example when I read it, I am getting much more out of it. I have read it many times and have now created an audio file of it, which has changed the dynamics/understanding once again. Part of this is no doubt due to incorporating information from other sources (networking). Most notably the information from the C's, Laura's fine work with everyone else who contributes to the "network". Part of this is due to the opening of the higher centers/chakras. Which I feel is related to DNA. So, any information can be "new" if looking at it from a different angle or light...
I thought, that the partial list I listed were some of the things to look into or review. I can give some others if the members would like. I really do NOT want to get into any heavy debate as to objective/subjective head butting. It has happened to me in the past on the forum, with things being totally taken out of context, much to my surprise, some of it hostile in my view. To reply to all of that becomes an energy drain. Even me stating to you what I just said could be taken wrong.
I think George's information is all relevant and has a high degree of accuracy. Because of some of the comments on this topic are questioning the material and his intent. I would have to say that the question to ask would be: Why do they not understand the material? If they can't see the relationship between this material and what the C's convey.Then I would have to surmise that they do not have a grasp or deep understanding of the material. They are all saying the same thing but from different views. They being- George, Marciniak and the C's.
If further understanding is wanted I can offer some other related reading which would help clarify some of the topics he discuses.
I did note however that many of the posts were about Kerry as if this has something to do with the message of George Kavassilas.
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