Georgy Sidorov: Traces of an ancient civilization in Russia, and who are the Illuminati


FOTCM Member
I stumbled upon a Russian researcher and writer Georgy Sidorov, who is quite prolific and apparently famous in certain circles. He wrote several books and did a lot of lectures all over Russia on the topic of "true" history, "true" archaeology, origins of human civilization, Illuminati, aliens, etc.

There are a lot of books and materials to go through, and while some things are similar to what has been mentioned by the C's or researched and shared on the forum, there are also many things that emphasize Russian white nationalism, among other questionable things (as you will see below), so everything should be taken with a grain of salt.

Regardless, since are also some note worthy things, there is a need to assess if it's in any way factual and worth the time going over all his books, and doing deeper research. I am still not sure.

Here's his site and below his biography. Notice the second part of the biography.

Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov was born in the Kemerovo region. He is a Don Cossack by his father and an old noble family by his mother. Following the family tradition, Georgy Sidorov studied Cossack military art from childhood. Subsequently, it saved his life more than once. Georgy Sidorov graduated from the Biology and Soil Faculty of Tomsk University. After graduation he moved to the north of the Tyumen region in the Khanty-Mansiysk national district. For several years he worked in the State Agricultural Inspection, where he was engaged in ungulate counting and fighting poachers.

Then he was accepted to the scientific department of the Yugansk reserve. From here his wanderings across the north began. During his 20 years of work in the Arctic Circle, Georgy Sidorov visited the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, the Arkhangelsk Region, the Subpolar and Middle Urals, and Yamal. He worked on the shores of the Gulf of Ob, Pura, at the top of the Taz and on the Yenisei. In Eastern Siberia Georgy Sidorov visited the Putorana plateau, lived and worked for some time in Evenkia (Baikit, Surinda, Tura).

After Evenkia the young researcher moved to Yakutia, where he worked on the Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Alazei and Khrom rivers. For several years Georgy Sidorov lived in the Verkhne-Kolymsky district in Nelemny, the capital of the Yukaghirs. He visited the Korkodon and Omolon rivers (Yukagir highlands). He worked on the Anadyr among the local Chuvans. On work Georgy Sidorov traveled to the north-east of Chukotka, he had a dream to visit Russian America. But he failed to realize it.

In all his travels in the north of Asia, the young researcher stumbled upon traces of ancient stay in the high latitudes of representatives of the white Caucasoid race. He was told about white, blue-eyed, fair-haired people who once lived all over the north of Siberia by Khantey, Nenets, Evenki, Yukagir and Chukchi storytellers. Among other things, the local people repeatedly showed the curious Russian the places where the towns and villages of white people of the “distant past” once stood.

For two decades Georgy Sidorov carefully recorded the legends, mapped the places where the white mysterious race once lived according to the aborigines. As a result of his research Georgy Sidorov came to the conclusion that relatively recently about 2-3 thousand years BC the entire north of Asia was controlled by the ancestors of modern European peoples. That the cradle of the white race, as Western scientists believe, is not Europe or Central Asia, but the giant expanses of Siberia.

There is one more surprising discovery that George Sidorov managed to make, it is to meet in the forest wilds of the Russian north in the Urals and Siberia under the guise of the Old Believers representatives of the ancient Vedic tradition, and not pagan, and pre-religious that was spread on Earth in the days of the pre-flood civilization of Oriana-Hyperborea and Atlantis.

Keepers of this tradition, as the researcher found out, on the Earth are very few, but quite enough to bring to us, people of modern technogenic civilization, that spiritual heritage, without which the market civilization, built by biorobots, is doomed to perish. People calling themselves descendants of the White-Eyed Chuds or Siberian Cheldons showed their friend and researcher the vaults of books and ancient musical instruments destroyed by Christians. Georgy Sidorov had heard them sound and realized that Russian psaltery, zhaleiki, dulcimer and horns are able to turn on the ancestral memory of ancestors.

Also in order to dive into the world of a parallel civilization the researcher had to undergo several serious initiations. George Sidorov writes about all this in his books. Much of the truth he has to omit and understate. But what to do? This is our reality. Some people are simply not ready to accept the new knowledge, and some will try to get to the bottom of the secret parallel civilization, which the author mentions.

I found this author when searching for information in Russian about Illuminati. The Illuminati - what is real? is the thread that prompted this search. But then I noticed that he supposedly managed "to meet in the forest wilds of the Russian north in the Urals and Siberia under the guise of the Old Believers representatives of the ancient Vedic tradition, and not pagan, and pre-religious". And this is very interesting in relation to what is being discussed in Theodore Illion: Darkness Over Tibet thread.

There is also this quote from one of his books:

Here is a dialog G. Sidorov had with one of the Siberian hermit elders on this topic:

"- I am surprised by your categorical attitude. Do you really have concrete knowledge about that time, and even about affairs on other planets? - I asked the guardian.

The old man was silent for a few seconds, then, sighing, he said:

- India has always been a periphery of the Aryan world, so on its territory something and survived from the heritage of the ancestors. But, unfortunately, very little, young man. Ancient knowledge of past epochs is preserved here, on the territory of the former Tartary and Rus', - the keeper nodded towards the forest.
- Thousands of books poured into wax capsules. In underground vaults on the Volga, in the caves of the Urals and underground mountains of Eastern Siberia they lie waiting for their time. Some of them are preserved in Altai, in Gornaya Shoria, some in Tibet. But the largest underground repositories of ancient books, and not only, - the old man's voice became mysterious, - are here, in the Urals and Siberia.
It is a pity that the time has not yet come to study them. But it will surely come - no one has canceled the law of time yet. Now do you understand how I got the knowledge I'm sharing with you?
- I understand, but do you really know Prakrit, the ancient language of our ancestors, and that prehistoric alphabet?
- Prehistoric, you say? - smiled Cherdyntsev. - How much you have to learn! Here we speak Russian, but this language is only Russian because our people have managed to preserve it. In fact, we speak a truncated language of space communication, which differs little from its original.
- But the Old Russian language is completely different!
- Not Old Russian, but Church Slavonic. Think about it: if the sacred Sanskrit and our modern Russian are very similar, and so much so that Sanskrit-speaking Hindus in Russia do not need translators, can the ancient Prakrit be very different from the language we speak now?
- Logic suggests no.
- Keep in mind, Sanskrit is not the language of the Scythians, it absorbed a lot of words from local dialects.
- It turns out that the Scythians spoke about the same as we do?
- If we discard Finnish, Turkic, German and Anglo-Saxon words, which got into our modern language, it turns out that there is no serious difference.
- What about writing? - I asked a new question. - As far as I know, our ancestors wrote both runic and Glagolitic.
- And a mixture of runic and Venedic, or rather Phoenician, - added Cherdyntsev. - And they also had knot writing.
- There was,” I nodded.
- You forgot about our cosmic sound symbols. All the above-mentioned types of writing, including the alphabet of the Tripolitans, Etruscans and Pelasgians, are later. They appeared wherever the ancient alphabet had been forgotten. The one that the Christian Church attributes to Cyril. In science, it's called proto-Cyrillic. The expert of proto-Cyrillic is our Russian genius, academician Valery Chudinov. Do you know him?
- How not to know!
- But even he does not realize that he is engaged in cosmic alphabet, the language of divine Adityas. Have I answered your question? Any other questions?
- Then what did Cyril come up with?
- On the basis of the proto-Cyrillic alphabet he composed the Church Slavonic alphabet for Bulgarians and Moravians, the alphabet of a separate language, closed to the Church. That's all.
- And why is it considered that we use what Cyril and Methodius invented?
- Because this myth was promoted by the Christian Church. Is that clear to you now?”

Apparently in his books he has a lot of dialogues like this with the "old guardian" and others. I didn't really go through his books very thoroughly, at least not yet, so can't say much.

Also take a look at the following short video dubbed in English about Gornaya Shoria. It's a mountainous and taiga region located at the junction of the Altai, Sayan and Kuznetsk Alatau mountains. Here's also a map that shows that it is also close to the region mentioned by the C's.


Anyways, at the very beginning of the video it's possible to see pictures of Sidorov near the giant rocks. According to the video, he was the one who discovered the giant rocks at 2013.

Now to the topic of Illuminati. When I searched about this topic in Russian, I mostly found things that come from the Western sources. But I also found some pretty crazy descriptions and ideas that led me to Sidorov's book "The doom of those who think they are Gods". Here's its summary:

Before you is a unique publication that sheds light on the main role of the Russian World in the global historical process. On the pages of this book reveals the most important foundations of power building, as well as manifested hidden meanings of many high-profile events of world and domestic history. Who was actually beneficial to the accession of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne? Who exactly stood behind the revolutionaries of the first half of the twentieth century? What goals they trully pursue? Who still leads these secret forces and how they manifested themselves during the Crimean Spring of 2014?
Georgy Sidorov's book “opens your eyes” to the subtle plan of geopolitical processes, about which today it is simply not accepted to talk. After reading it, many things fall into place. After all, it is the correct understanding of the past and a conscious choice of the future for Russia will finally predetermine the outcome of the long confrontation between the descendants of Atlantis and Hyperborea.

And here are some quotes from the book that on one hand mention some interesting and familiar things, and on the other hand Sidorov makes some truly crazy claims, particularly about Stalin and his attempt to "save and protect" the Soviet Union. But then who knows. It was also interesting to see the mention of Jews being tools. Some other things are quite confusing and off, so I am not sure.

"Quite recently, we have all witnessed the disclosure of some secret power, which in normal times is not visible to the average person, hidden behind the veil of everyday events. But the events in Crimea made this force manifest itself with all the obviousness. America and the European Union, controlled by it, invaded Russia's sphere of influence - Ukraine. This force since the time of Atlantis has tried dozens of times to do away with the descendants of Oriana (Hyperborea), but each time received a worthy rebuff. How this hostile force was born, who controls it, what are its goals and what lies ahead of us about all this you can read in this fascinating book."
In our study we would like to familiarize the reader with the level of knowledge, which in his difficult time possessed Joseph Stalin. Let's try to understand who created pre-Christian secret societies and who managed them. As we noted above, not only Kaganovich, but also many other people close to Stalin felt that Joseph Vissarionovich is well aware of who manages the secret Masonic order, what forces created it and who is behind them. All of these people for more than one year observed the titanic struggle, which was conducted by Stalin with the forces of destruction in Russia, and after the World War - in Western Europe. Many of them themselves took part in this battle, but few of them realized who they were dealing with. Because Joseph Vissarionovich deliberately did not call things by their proper names. Maybe in order not to frighten his allies, or maybe for other reasons known only to him.
So who gave birth to the priesthood of Seth on Earth and gave it the necessary knowledge to create the “God's chosen”, and on the basis of Judaism and Christianity built the structure of European Freemasonry? This secret is unknown to Masons of the highest initiation. It is known only to the servants of Seth. And even then, only those who are directly connected with their curators. But from the above material is clear that Stalin knew about the highest supramasonic hierarchy. From where we can only guess. Maybe from his secret mentors, maybe from the book “Stans Jiang”. The fact remains. Therefore, despite his dislike of Zionism, Joseph Vissarionovich was never a rabid anti-Semite. He always divided Jews into his own and strangers. He treated his own as friends, the outsiders as enemies, but with regret and understanding. Why did Stalin have such an attitude towards the Jews? Because he knew very well that the Jews are just a tool. They are used, and in case of need, they are always covered up.
So who are these mysterious unknowns? To answer this question, let's remember the structure of our DNA. It turns out that in human DNA of the total number of genes for the structure of the body is responsible for only 1%. All other genes, and their 99%, are considered genetic garbage. But ancient geneticists knew well that the so-called genetic garbage is the main component of the chromosome, as it is responsible for human behavior. It follows from all of the above that the human species can take the form of a human being, which 99% may not be it.

Visually such a creature can not be distinguished from humans. It will be an exact copy of you and me, but at the same time, genetically, 99% completely different. On this genetic principle is built the essence of the invasion of alien alien intelligence on Earth. They look human, but they only look human. These things are not really human. If to believe the legends of Tibet and India, it was they who led the kingdom of Atlanteans and led it to war with the northern empire, in fact this war destroyed it.

It was they who in the post-Flood time seized power in Sumer and, relying on Semitic tribes, genetically dissolved Sumerians in the mass of Semites who migrated to Mesopotamia. They did the same with the state of Sargon I. Genetic Akkadians too were dissolved in the Afro-Asiatic stratum of new settlers. Later, exactly the same fate befell Babylonia and Assyria. It is the same everywhere, the same handwriting.
What can be said about that? Only one thing, those who were only 1% human were adherents of liberal ideology. That is why they imposed ritual prostitution on the countries of the East for the rapid dissolution of people of the white race (Sumerians, Akkadians or Babylonians) in the layer of nomadic Semites.

According to the law of Sumer or Akkad, as well as the laws of the Chaldean kingdom, no young girl had the right to marry without serving three months as a prostitute in the temple of the Goddess Ishtar, Astarte or Rhea Cybele. Such service threatened not so much pregnancy as the encoding of a woman's yellow body with foreign energy. In our time, this process is known as the law of telegony.

If to take into account that in temples of amorous Goddesses entertained visiting Semites, the final is clear.

In summary, that's what he thinks of Illuminati: "If we speak of the Illuminati below, we shall mean the alien beasts who have taken the form of man."

Here's more:

Joseph Stalin once dreamed of liberating the earth from these creatures. Who they are and what is the task of these creatures, Stalin knew perfectly well. He also realized the difficulties of the upcoming struggle. That is why he tried his best to prevent war with Germany. Stalin saw the Germans not as enemies, but as allies.
But the fact is that alien genes have spread to a greater or lesser extent over hundreds of years not only among Sephardic Jews, but also among Arabs, blue-eyed descendants of Phoenicians, Philistines, Canaanites and Greeks. But the main carriers of the reptiloid alien genes are the Sephardic Jews. It is for this reason that this wing of the Jewish people is so aggressive to people of other nationalities. Philosophers and cultural scientists try to explain such aggressiveness by the influence of Talmudic ideology. To some extent they are right, ideology is of great importance. But, unfortunately, pathological hatred of other nations cannot be explained by it alone. The gene pool is also at work here.
If you look at Stalin's attitude toward the Jews, it becomes clear that Joseph Vissarionovich knew that the Sephardim were genetic enemies. Nowhere in the higher echelons of power after 1938 were they to be found. European Jews remained somewhere, but again of Kaganovich's class - people entirely devoted to the revival of the Russian communist empire.
The genetics of humanoid creatures require them to eat human shit from time to time. This is similar to crocodiles, lizards and many birds. Of course, we may object that we are talking about mental illness. But such a diagnosis explains nothing. The effect is always connected to the cause. The cause is in nature, which is similar to the nature of reptiles and birds. Clearly, our argument can be dismissed as fantastic. But there is another one, which is also related to the nutrition of representatives of the black elite. We mean eating a living human brain, and from a living person. It is clear that such cases for thousands of years have always been kept in the strictest secrecy. But there's nothing secret that doesn't come to light. According to the description of eyewitnesses, such procedure is not just a tasty and useful food it is a kind of magical ritual of non-human to the mechanism of our human psyche.

At this point I am contemplating if it's worth giving his books more attention.
At this point I am contemplating if it's worth giving his books more attention.

Only if you find them entertaining.

What Nević Nenad said above.

These legends of an Ancient Advanced Race are universal. Every culture has them.

Over the decades I read through most of them. I think they all contain a base truth, as evidenced by ancient megaliths and anomalies in our DNA, but get speculatively spun in the re-telling to favor whichever race, culture, religion or region is re-telling them.

Indians do it. Nazis do it. Russians do it. Latin Americans do it. Chinese do it. Jews do it. Even recently developed cultures like Americans spin up a version with stuff like Mormonism.

What I eventually learned to do when I stumbled across a new one so as to not waste years of my life obsessing over the details was to scan it looking look for commonalities with the other ones.
It's probably worth a read, but have you ever heard of those Old Believers since you live in Russia? There probably are ruins, artifacts an treasures buried in the remote areas of the country, and some people may have knowledge of it, but what they know is probably a watered down version of the truth. Also, there is a certain "Master Race" vibe when he talks of the ancient Europeans, and what was done to suppress their genetics. Maybe there is some truth to it, but it sounds divisive to me.
It's probably worth a read, but have you ever heard of those Old Believers since you live in Russia?

My understanding is that the "Old Believers" were a group of people who fled to rural areas to escape persecution after a doctrinal schism in the Russian Orthodox Church that happened in 1652.

The Jewish Bolsheviks exterminated millions of them, as this video describes...

At this point I am contemplating if it's worth giving his books more attention.
Hard to say but some very interesting things he mentions regarding the Old Believers and ancient races of Hyperboreans vs Atlanteans, similar to the Cs. I agree with the others about some disinformation thrown in there for good measure, so if you do decide to delve into his books, it would be a matter of ‘read and weed’.
Regarding the timing of a possible ancient civilzation in Siberia (Hyperboreans), much of Siberia was actually warmer during the Ice Age when the North Pole seems to have been over the Hudson Bay. Which is also why Siberia was unglaciated, unlike North America and Europe.

Now the North Pole is much closer to Siberia, making it much colder. So a flourishing civilization in Siberia is more likely when it was warmer there, which is before the end of the Ice Age.
Visually such a creature can not be distinguished from humans. It will be an exact copy of you and me, but at the same time, genetically, 99% completely different. On this genetic principle is built the essence of the invasion of alien alien intelligence on Earth. They look human, but they only look human. These things are not really human. If to believe the legends of Tibet and India, it was they who led the kingdom of Atlanteans and led it to war with the northern empire, in fact this war destroyed it.
This literally spelled vampire to me.
It's probably worth a read, but have you ever heard of those Old Believers since you live in Russia? There probably are ruins, artifacts an treasures buried in the remote areas of the country, and some people may have knowledge of it, but what they know is probably a watered down version of the truth.

I didn't know about old belivers before, but looked into it a bit in relation to this thread.

Also, there is a certain "Master Race" vibe when he talks of the ancient Europeans, and what was done to suppress their genetics. Maybe there is some truth to it, but it sounds divisive to me.

I agree. That's what bothered me—that despite not being overly antisemitic or nationalistic, what he says may certainly resonate with white supremacists.

Hard to say but some very interesting things he mentions regarding the Old Believers and ancient races of Hyperboreans vs Atlanteans, similar to the Cs. I agree with the others about some disinformation thrown in there for good measure, so if you do decide to delve into his books, it would be a matter of ‘read and weed’.

Yes, that's what actually draw my interest. But apparently he isn't the only one who talks about Old believers holding ancient knowledge. Here's a quote from "Slavs and Hyperborea" by Turov Valentin:

As V.A. Shemshuk writes in his work “Meeting with Koschei the Immortal”, the Slavic history is a continuation of the history of the Hyperborean civilization, which died 7.5 thousand years ago. “The Hyperboreans did not name themselves so, the Greeks called them so, and the peoples themselves called themselves usually by the name of the gods they worshipped, the Aryans from the name of the god Ara (Arya, Ora), the Slavs - from the name of the goddess Slava. Or from the name of their heroes and glorious leaders (the Czechs named themselves after their king Chech or Cheek). ....

Today it is no longer a secret that the once dominant Vedic beliefs, one way or another, have survived to this day, just as the Old Believer communities have survived..... Likewise, communities with more ancient worldviews are still alive, where the Magi piously preserve the cult of ancestors.”

So it seems there are other authors that talk about it, and it's possible that they don't have similarly crazy ideas about Stalin and Illuminati. Will look into it at some point.
I think it all sounds fascinating. Yeah, maybe some corruption of the info, and maybe even reversal of the roles of the players, but if it was in English, I'd be reading it!
@Laura I found the book in Russian as a PDF and spent a few days translating it with the help of language models running locally on my machine. They do a better job than Deep-L or Google Translate because they grok the context and the intended meaning better. Figured since you expressed interest, it's a worthy project, so here it is, for anyone who wants to read it. I haven't read it myself yet, which is an odd thing to say considering I translated it, but hey AI is good for something!

"Рок возомнивших себя богами" - Original Russian PDF

"Рок возомнивших себя богами" (The Doom of Those Who Think They are Gods) - English Translation PDF

@Keit - would you be able to take a peek and see if the translation is decent? To me it looks good, but I don't have a literary mastery of Russian.

And if anyone is curious, this is the original source where I downloaded the Russian PDF from:

Also -- if there are any other books available in PDF (or any digital format) that don't exist in English, I'd be happy to translate if you give me a link. They don't have to be Russian, but I'd need a native speaker to confirm the translation looks good.
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