Windmill knight said:
I think that what Oxajil is pointing to is not leaving your life in the UK, but committing to that particular plan in Madeira. That perhaps going out is good, but going there is not. I must say that I sort of suspected the same as Oxajil, but in my case, that is simply because an island in the middle of the ocean doesn't feel like the best idea to me at this point in time. Even if we don't have big climate or cosmic changes, I don't know how a serious economic crisis or social collapse would affect an island. Anyway, I don't mean to scare you or anything, but if you are getting this dreams and strangeness that seem to be an alarm about a long term commitment, perhaps it's worth considering this angle.
Thing is, hard as I try, it just doesn't seem to ring true. I know what you're saying (or I think I do) and that is how I also interpreted Oxajil's remarks. From an intellectual perspective, if you will, the obvious would seem to be what you're both suggesting although it doesn't
feel that way, does that make sense?
I remember that last year just before I got married I became ill. I also went through my wedding ill. The obvious seemed to be that some part of me didn't want to get married, as was also mentioned, however, everything in me was saying yes and I just couldn't get my head around it. I still look back and find my getting married to have been one of my best decisions.
This doesn't mean that the same applies to me moving to Madeira, but rather that symbols may not manifest as obviously as we first see them.
To be completely honest, as far as I'm aware, I don't really feel worried nor fearful about moving there, it feels to me to be the right decision. My only drawback is that I will be further away from any fellowship members. That hurts.
I do consider, however, that the Universe may tell me something about it, but if it does tell me something with a message in a dream that involves my feelings, they should resonate somehow, in some way, with my real life feelings, and it isn't feeling that way regarding Madeira.
To be more specific about the move itself, we're not buying a property, not yet, and I am investing heavily on my online business which will enable us to be "portable". In other words, we're not seeing this as a final destination, it may be, who knows, or it may only last a few months. For now we're just going to "try it out".
Now, I've thinking about this throughout the day and here is what I came up with: I have, as I mentioned, recently enrolled in a nutrition course. I did a fair bit of research beforehand and chose this course for several reasons. I knew that I would have to put up with some falsehoods such as all of the information about carbs but I decided to play the game, at least I will get a diploma in the end and a comprehensive online business course along with it.
Anyway, two days ago I submitted my first homework in which I wrote a few things I don't necessarily agree with. I did what I had to in order to pass my first module, or so I thought.
I don't regret one bit having signed up for this course, but what has been eating at me is some doubt about how much I should speak regarding various diet issues that I know will go against the standard course guidelines, and most regular guidelines for that matter. How much "nice" should I play? I know how to play nice and agreeable when needed, too much unfortunately, and to may own detriment as the link I added in my previous post exemplifies. I have problems with drawing the line in certain circumstances, and with simply sharing information that I think will cause some turmoil. It's as if I have to shut up and play quiet, too much, too often, as if I weren't entitled to speak out. I've been staring at this trait of mine right in the face lately and I don't like it. Not one bit.
I don't know if the above is related to my dreams, but it strikes a chord in me and causes serious discomfort, while my move to Madeira, so far, doesn't. That is, except for making me sad that I won't be closer to other FOTCM members for the time being.
Still, I will think about it Oxajil and WK, I really will.