Giuseppe Calligaris


Jedi Master
Hello, has anyone know about some researches about mister Giuseppe Calligaris? Maybe some books or other things like that? :-) I try to use "search" option here but it gives nothing. Thank you for your answers :-)
If you haven't viewed this session with the C's, it may interest you. The practitioner and his techniques they are asking about, seems to be attempting similar "views into other Densities"and healing the different energy bodies through grids and ley lines.
I have read limited bits of information regarding Giuseppe Callgaris, and his grids and visions stuff was what this "Original Bioquantics" reminded me of.

I found a book in polish that is short and describes a lot of interesting information that from what I see are conected with C's. I was also try some exercises from it but without effect - my "material" life is being more time consuming each time I try to figure out things in this book, soo maybe someno could try it and it could help for everyone here. As I understand it, by special pressure on special points on our body we could open our higher abilities, and that points, were tested by Callgaris with medical and sience methodology. He wrote hundred of pages of information about his work with terminology and methodology of sciencists. He saw the pain of world war, and by his work he tried to help people with their health problems but he seems to be blocked by "world" e.g. publishing houses that wanted to publish his books went bankrupt.

book in polish about Calligaris that was mentioned
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