a Tar Baby? Copyright piracy

beau said:
Running a traceroute gives some unusual results:

As does a reverse DNS:
So, please correct me if I'm wrong - but the second link indicates that China has no record of this ip - and the information that 'name' provided indicates the ip is within a range of ips that is owned by the NSA - in an 'anti-terrorism' context even.

So - what do you think we're looking at here? Is this the 'terrorist material' link to be used at some point? Or, is it just one of our better known, or lesser known, 'obsessives' playing tricks and games?
Not exactly that China has no record of it, but rather that the existence of this IP, and its domain, is rather sketchy. They are on a few lists that name servers which show spam-like conditions ( and Like name said, it could be an NSA "IP block", which to me would indicate that they have exclusive control over that IP, not necessarily to be used in an anti-terrorism context though. They could just be taking the IP and saying it's for that purpose but using it for something altogether different. That would be why trying to track down where this IP originates is difficult. Better to send one out to China than to Fort Meade.

Now, what does this mean in the context of the actual website? Laura pointed out how the linked words don't actually lead to anything. It's possible it was set up to be a google-bomb, though google has said recently that they have changed their algorithms to make that more difficult. The supposed domain owner is dubious, but he could also be a set-up guy. I'm not sure what the real purpose of the site could be, but it certainly has a few unusual skeletons in the cyber-closet. The most you get from reading the page is that it is used to vector people away from any kind of truth. Most of the stuff on their page is short, but filled with many keywords. I randomly clicked on one page of SHOTW, pg. 352, and it was very short and linked word was friends, which took me to a page talking about the tv show Friends.

So it's kind of confusing what the real purpose is. Who would take the time to put Secret History up, page by page? Who would put all those links in each to the pages which essentially all lead to this page? It's crazy. I can only think that it is a tar baby, intended to vector anyone away from real truth.
One final thing for me. Another whois search reveals the name ruan zhidan -

I'm pressed for time but it looks like this guy is also a spam peddler as well, based in China:
Every link on Global governement is linking other sites who are themselves linked together.

Moreover if you go to http:(slash)(slash)www(dot)dotrend(dot)com/index.php you'll see the same list of websites who are interlinked together, the full list has 64 websites registered.

Dot trend states that :

All sites listed on are for sale. The statistics shown here are only taken from the main page and do not reflect an actual traffic count for that site. If you are interested in purchasing one of these sites including domain, content, and design, please contact us with full proposal at
It looks more like an attempt to register as many websites as possible in topics quite different from each others in case someone would need one of these websites, then they would have to buy it off the person(s) who set it all up.

Whoever it is it does look that every sites was registered from China but with a fake addresses.
beau said:
So it's kind of confusing what the real purpose is. Who would take the time to put Secret History up, page by page? Who would put all those links in each to the pages which essentially all lead to this page? It's crazy. I can only think that it is a tar baby, intended to vector anyone away from real truth.
Fwiw, I believe putting links in pages of text can be done automatically using software. I noticed that wherever the word 'human' is used in the SHOTW text it is replaced by a link, and always by a link to the same location. Same for other words, such as 'people', 'global', etc.

So, I think the SHOTW e-book was converted to html, and those html files were then put through a tool to produce those links. All can be done with little manual work, using the right tools.

Also, the copyright statement on page four was blatantly copied as well:
! Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Laura Knight-Jadczyk
All Rights Reserved
ISBN# 0-9765041-0-3

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, other
than for "fair use", without the written consent of the author.
Someone clearly violated this.
Very interesting evening I am having. In searching through google, some keywords, that I try to place, I find And on the forum, which contains the keywords I am looking for I find a small group of very intelligent people brainstorming to find a solution. I have not received an email from Laura yet asking me to remove her book. I would certainly do so at her request. I am hoping, however, that she allow me to keep the book on my site. A lot of speculation as to why my network is the way it is, and why it appears to be so random, so please let me explain.

I am a professor.. knowledge.. and information.. and viewpoints is what I do. My love for knowledge and extropian values combined with moderate youth carries me from one idea to another and I share those ideas on my websites with the world. No other reason than the reason of knowledge or truth.. or most importantly the next question. I put the links on the sites the way I do because for some reason when reading I get stuck on words.. those words bring me to ideas and thoughts.. so I link it together. Many links lead to because Glasglow has an encyclopedia that I use for reference during my research. Encyclopedia information offers objective information while individual documents offer subjective information, so they link back and forth millions of times. My network is not some secret network used for any ill intentions.. It's simply a map of my mind and what I am thinking about.

With that said. I am very happy to have found Signs Of The Times this evening. I hope we can have some enlightening conversations in the future.

P.S. Laura. If you do not wish to honor my request to keep the document on my site. I will certainly remove it. Please email me at

Mr. Michael
Well, seems to be rather a map of your complete disregard for intelectual rights.

One example:

You link from Laura's book page no 318:


using hyperlinked word "farmer"

to another page

Now, at subpage
we can find:
Summary: Should fish farming be banned or severely restricted? Or should it be encouraged?
By admin
Querrying google with part of the first phrase:

We find that it was written by George Molyneaux

I've seen a lot of "summaries" on your pages, mainly ripped from the work of people publishing at

And, hey, seems you forgot to introduce yourself, but no worry though..
glasgow said:
My network is not some secret network used for any ill intentions.. It's simply a map of my mind and what I am thinking about.
Considering the rather schizophrenic and nonsensical links and websites, I'm not sure how wise it is to use such a comparison - but, perhaps it is appropriate.

gg said:
P.S. Laura. If you do not wish to honor my request to keep the document on my site. I will certainly remove it. Please email me at
A request after the fact is rather an odd way to go about things - reminds me of the psychopathic saying that goes something like, "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission". Since most of your links seem to be commercial in intent, ("Besides that I run about 70 websites, and direct 6 product and/or service based companies within our Corporation" - from the myspace page) that would imply that you are benefiting financially from pirating the work of others. Might be interesting to pull that thread and see where it leads.
Mr Michael,

I am curious as to why you chose to put up Secret History of the World on your site? Of all the possible books to post, why that one? And how does it fit into the rest of your thinking? Did you read it, and if you did, what sort of thoughts and words did it bring up?
glasglow said:
I am a professor.. knowledge.. and information.. and viewpoints is what I do. My love for knowledge and extropian values combined with moderate youth carries me from one idea to another and I share those ideas on my websites with the world. No other reason than the reason of knowledge or truth.. or most importantly the next question. I put the links on the sites the way I do because for some reason when reading I get stuck on words.. those words bring me to ideas and thoughts.. so I link it together. Many links lead to because Glasglow has an encyclopedia that I use for reference during my research. Encyclopedia information offers objective information while individual documents offer subjective information, so they link back and forth millions of times. My network is not some secret network used for any ill intentions.. It's simply a map of my mind and what I am thinking about.

Mr. Michael
okay, so tell us what "Clearwater Real Estate", "Italy Property", "Spanish Property" and "patio garden furniture" websites have to do with your search for knowledge and what sector of your mind they inhabit, and why.

Also, since you are an atheist and an advocate of the theory that cultural and technological development will expand indefinitely and in an orderly progressive manner throughout the universe, does this mean you also advocate the theory of "memes" as expounded by Richard Dawkins?

Also, how can you claim to be a sentient being, conscious of the actual state of the world around him and still believe that today's cultural and technological development will expand indefinitely and in an orderly progressive manner throughout the universe?

Just some questions
anart said:
glasgow said:
My network is not some secret network used for any ill intentions.. It's simply a map of my mind and what I am thinking about.
Considering the rather schizophrenic and nonsensical links and websites, I'm not sure how wise it is to use such a comparison - but, perhaps it is appropriate.

gg said:
P.S. Laura. If you do not wish to honor my request to keep the document on my site. I will certainly remove it. Please email me at
A request after the fact is rather an odd way to go about things - reminds me of the psychopathic saying that goes something like, "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission".
Indeed what a bizarre way of twisting things.

It's not the author of SHOTW and therefore the owner of the author's rights who should ask for any removal after an illegal publishing, rather it's the publisher who should ask for the authorization of the author before publishing any material.

But the best solution if you don't want to be bothered with other people author's rights is to write books by your yourself, just a creative way of using professor skills...knowledge....information...points of view.
What bothers me is that a professor so blatantly disregards the current rule of law regarding reprinting. I wonder what you teach your students, if you have any? Do you not think that you are undermining the reasons the book was written? And do you not think you are taking away from that person's rights to an earning from said work? If it were me, I think I would be a lot less patient.

Laura worked very hard on that book for you to go and do what you did without asking permission. Then go to and twist it to sound like it's YOUR permission she should ask. "Twisted" being the pertinent word.


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