Gold: recent changes in market psychology "a game-changer"

michaelrc said:
I think we should have a pretty good idea of what their plan is by now. Many of what are hailed as "brilliant"or "wizards of smart" have produced papers and speeches on population reduction as far back as the 40's and 50's. Today however the're far more sophisticated at the sales job. How's that ole saying go... "they had me bent over and my pants around my knees and l never even knew my belt was undone". :-[

Honestly, I'm more concerned with what nature has in store for humanity and how the PTB will respond to those natural disasters than any grand eugenics plan the PTB may or may not have. Take charge of your own health, gather and apply knowledge, and build a network seems to be the best approach no matter what's coming.
I have been cleaned out by the Government, they took everything. Having a bit of a stash helped somewhat and gave me a chance to be self supporting once more. Now I am reduced to a day to day situation, no work no money and must continue to live.

Continuing to do on a daily basis has opened up new doors, things that I may have never considered had I been flush with cash. Trying to hang on to your money may make things worse for a person, in the long run. Having nothing that they want is the best way to avoid their attention. Having a hoard will certainly attract attention, more so in the near future.

This chapter of my life is not what I expected but it has given opportunity for being in the present on a daily basis.

A Korean man told me that I have no need for wealth, it would be taken away. It seems that understanding what drives my machine and how I think is more important than having and holding money.
michaelrc said:
I think we should have a pretty good idea of what their plan is by now. Many of what are hailed as "brilliant"or "wizards of smart" have produced papers and speeches on population reduction as far back as the 40's and 50's. Today however the're far more sophisticated at the sales job. How's that ole saying go... "they had me bent over and my pants around my knees and l never even knew my belt was undone". :-[


Gates also admitted during the interview that his family’s involvement in reproductive issues throughout the years has been extensive, referencing his own prior adherence to the beliefs of eugenicist Thomas Robert Malthus, who believed that populations of the world n eed to be controlled through reproductive restrictions. Though Gates claims he now holds a different view, it appears as though his foundation’s initiatives are just a modified Malthusian approach that much more discreetly reduces populations through vaccines and GMOs (


Some may say Gates’ endeavors are all about the money, while others may say they are about power and control. Perhaps it is a combination of both, where Gates is still in the business of promoting his own commercial investments, which includes buying shares in Monsantowhile simultaneously investing in programs to promote Monsanto.

Even your own article says that it is about power and control. The "population reduction" they want to achieve through limiting the number of children, as is done in China. In fact, I remember Gates talking about this issue - he thinks that achieving better living conditions will automatically reduce the need for having many children in poor countries. This is pretty far from being proof for any plans of genocide.
Bobo08 said:
I'm not your gold broker but if I ever decided to buy gold, it should be delivered physical gold, that is, gold that I could hold in your hand and store in my house. I would never buy any of the gold substitutes such as gold stocks, gold fund, or even gold stored in an insured safety deposit box at the bank. Regarding the security issue, it is simply a question where the gold is more likely to be lost: at my house or at the bank's safety deposit box in a gold run. It's up to the individual but I know what my choice would be.

That's definitely my viewpoint. The only gold I own that's in a depository must be there because it's part of an IRA. What inhibited me from buying more gold while living in NC was that sales tax was added into the price, creating a 7% additional cost. I was delighted to learn that in SC, where I now reside, does not require sales tax on precious metals purchased.
michaelrc said:
Get your stuff now! Don't wait! I am thinking the average Joe will be taking a heck of a risk trying to buy goods with precious metals. Some feel as long as they have a little gold for backup that they'll be able to trade for goods after the paper currency collapses. Why wait until after? Do you think you are savvy in regards to trading gold for goods? Do you already know of a safe place to barter and where you will remain anonymous (no snitches)?

The secure feeling of owning gold coins is kind of an endorphin rush every time you visit your stash but to what end? What standing will we have (in the new control system) that will allow us to purchase goods with precious metals when the populace has been indoctrinated to snitch on suspicious activities? An example of what l am trying to confey would be the 911call from Walmart by a concerned shopper. The Walmart shopper saw a man holding a gun under his arm and talking on his cell phone in the toy department. The police showed up and shot him dead because they were told by the dispatcher, (thanks to the see something say something snitch), there is a man with a gun and he is aiming it at children in the toy department at Walmart. The store surveillance video showed a man shopping for a toy BB gun for his son and discussing the possible purchase with his wife. The 911 callers statement to the dispatcher was proven false.

This is the kind of mentality that the controllers want (see something say something).

Rant over, and sorry if this is a hijack. :/

I think it's good to do both: stock up on supplies and barter goods for the immediate phase, and gold for the new system set up which will be gold-backed currency. Also, all my gold is in coins in small amounts that would be feasible to manage in routine buying and bartering.
I agree, JGeropoulas. When I began purchasing supplies some time ago, gold wasn't even on the list. However, after reading more about PMs and their value in previous economic collapse, I decided that they are just another item to add to your inventory. Both gold and silver can be purchased in 1 gram bars, making it possible for most people to afford at least some.

None of us knows exactly what the future will bring. Considering not just economic collapse, but also earth changes, individual situations could vary considerably across the globe. PMs could be valuable for some and useless for others. My recurrent thought is (considering all those around me are still on a SAD diet and not in the best of health) what if a bit of bullion is the only thing that will provide medicine or medical treatment (or some other essential) for a loved one?

I'm going to try to cover the bases and not put all my eggs in one basket. At the very least (with my small amount of silver), there will be an ample supply for my colloidal silver generator ;D
Gold and silver or even copper and nickel will likely trade if there is still a threshold amount of civilization infrastructure still functioning. During the times when this is not the case, you're going to have to hold onto them and hope that a time will again arise when they have value.

Lately I've been getting into Swiss army knives and other quality multi-tools. They are compact, durable and have an obvious value to anyone examining them. Maybe not everyone thinks they need one right now, but once a SHTF situation takes hold they would be glad to have one or they will likely know someone else who could use one if they are already set in that regard. We will need to be wary with any type of bartering situation and of course basic supplies for oneself and family/friends should be taken care of to whatever extent possible before acquiring items intended for barter. Food, water, fuel, clothing etc. take up a lot of room and for most of us there is only so much you can stock before it becomes unwieldy and starts to look like a rather obvious hoard. Gold and silver might require "exchanges" where their weight and purity can be assessed, and if it's not possible for these exchanges to operate safely then trading PMs directly from person to person for essential supplies will likely be a crap shoot that is not worth the risk if circumstances are really dire. But small tools should still "move" as a form of commerce if indeed any movement is possible at all. OSIT.
axj said:
Even your own article says that it is about power and control. The "population reduction" they want to achieve through limiting the number of children, as is done in China. In fact, I remember Gates talking about this issue - he thinks that achieving better living conditions will automatically reduce the need for having many children in poor countries. This is pretty far from being proof for any plans of genocide.

Yea! But the way l view vaccines, GMO, Monsanto, Blackwater Xe (Bill Gates " allegedly" owns) just might be different from your view. Sorry, lam the world's worst debater... my cognitive dissonance... cont.s


Right on! Right on! Right on! I like the way you think.

meta-agnostic said:
Lately I've been getting into Swiss army knives and other quality multi-tools. They are compact, durable and have an obvious value to anyone examining them. Maybe not everyone thinks they need one right now, but once a SHTF situation takes hold they would be glad to have one or they will likely know someone else who could use one if they are already set in that regard. We will need to be wary with any type of bartering situation and of course basic supplies for oneself and family/friends should be taken care of to whatever extent possible before acquiring items intended fjor barter. Food, water, fuel, clothing etc. take up a lot of room and for most of us there is only so much you can stock before it becomes unwieldy and starts to look like a rather obvious hoard. Gold and silver might require "exchanges" where their weight and purity can be assessed, and if it's not possible for these exchanges to operate safely then trading PMs directly from person to person for essential supplies will likely be a crap shoot that is not worth the risk if circumstances are really dire. But small tools should still "move" as a form of commerce if indeed any movement is possible at all. OSIT.

mod: fixed quote box
michaelrc said:
axj said:
Even your own article says that it is about power and control. The "population reduction" they want to achieve through limiting the number of children, as is done in China. In fact, I remember Gates talking about this issue - he thinks that achieving better living conditions will automatically reduce the need for having many children in poor countries. This is pretty far from being proof for any plans of genocide.

Yea! But the way l view vaccines, GMO, Monsanto, Blackwater Xe (Bill Gates " allegedly" owns) just might be different from your view. Sorry, lam the world's worst debater... my cognitive dissonance... cont.s

Vaccines and GMOs don't kill enough people to be an effective means of genocide, but they are very effective by comparison at causing sterility. So the 'population reduction' is likely to mean limiting the number of children as stated by axj. The hype from the conspiracy blogosphere, however, would lead one to think that the GMOs and vaccines promoted by world leaders were means of killing off the population within hours or days, which is obviously not true. So it might be that the PTB are spreading the 'conspiracies' to keep people from seeing what's actually going on, as with chemtrails being a cover for our changing atmosphere.
My tinfoil hat might look a bit shabby... although l did try to infer that there's a new subtle approach to these "conspiracy's", meant not to frighten the herd. That's what l meant with the "pants around the knees", comment. All information outside of the mainstream is now considered conspiratorial. If someone 40yrs ago started ranting about losing all our constitional rights in the US or that two people of the same sex will sometime in the future be able to marry and head up a household... why it would have been very hard to control a big belly laugh. Conspirators are the messengers and most likely the message isn't well received. How about the "chic with the Ouija board", comment? I am not telling anyone here what they don't already know. l just seem a bit ruffled for some reason. Got alot going on l suppose. Anyway more "genocide", and l don't accept the standard definition as it's too narrow.

An internal advisory by the agricultural ministry of India in January 2012 had this to say to the cotton-growing states in India — “Cotton farmers are in a deep crisis since shifting to BT cotton. The spate of farmer suicides in 2011-12 has been particularly severe among Bt cotton farmers.”

The highest acreage of Bt cotton is in Maharashtra and this is also where the highest farmer suicides are. Suicides increased after Bt cotton was introduced — Monsanto’s royalty extraction, and the high costs of seed and chemicals have created a debt trap. According to Government of India data, nearly 75 per cent rural debt is due to purchase inputs. As Monsanto’s profits grow, farmers’ debt grows. It is in this systemic sense that Monsanto’s seeds are seeds of suicide.

The ultimate seeds of suicide is Monsanto’s patented technology to create sterile seeds. (Called “Terminator technology” by the media, sterile seed technology is a type of Gene Use Restriction Technology, GRUT, in which seed produced by a crop will not grow — crops will not produce viable offspring seeds or will produce viable seeds with specific genes switched off.) The Convention on Biological Diversity has banned its use, otherwise Monsanto would be collecting even higher profits from seed.

Monsanto’s talk of “technology” tries to hide its real objectives of ownership and control over seed where genetic engineering is just a means to control seed and the food system through patents and intellectual property rights.

A Monsanto representative admitted that they were “the patient’s diagnostician, and physician all in one” in writing the patents on life-forms, from micro-organisms to plants, in the TRIPS’ agreement of WTO. Stopping farmers from saving seeds and exercising their seed sovereignty was the main objective. Monsanto is now extending its patents to conventionally bred seed, as in the case of broccoli and capsicum, or the low gluten wheat it had pirated from India which we challenged as a biopiracy case in the European Patent office.
A Jay said:
Some stored food/water, knowledge to increase self-sufficiency, a reliable network, and improving our physical/mental/emotional health should be the focus. Gold is only a store of value, and even then you can't eat it. But if you have 'needful things' and know how to use them, that could be worth more than gold.

This financial adviser has compiled 2 lists of wise steps to take--one for financial preparation and the other for self-sufficiency
I wonder how much time we have before this type of chaos visits the US? I'm sorry to have to report that my thinking at this time is very 3D. I'm spending everything ( new furnace, pole barn, flue liner, Propane underground tanks, concrete) the works. The furnace grate cost climbed $60 in one month. What???

Belarus In Full-Blown Hyperinflation Panic: Blocks News, Online Stores; Bans All FX Trading For 2 Years

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/22/2014 15:33 -0500

Hyperinflation OTC Transaction Tax

"We have to do something with these Belarussian rubles,"exclaims one Belarussian as she shops to turn worthless rubles (BYR) into physical assets. As AFP reports, The Belarussian currency was dragged down by the slide of the Russian ruble last week, leading authorities to impose draconian measures, forbid price increases even for imported goods, and warn people against panic. Now, however, in an effort to stem the flood of hyperinflating domestic prices, authorities have blocked online stores and news websites to stop the run on banks and shopsas people scramble to secure their savings. One of the blocked news websites noted, it "looks like the authorities want to turn light panic over the fall of the Belarussian ruble into a real one,"calling the blockages "December insanity."

And indeed they have stepped up the insanity, extending the halt in FX trading...

Today the Belarus central bank shocked its own population when it also announced full-blown capital controls designed, releasing additional measures to stem the "negative trends of currency and financial markets " including raising mandatory sales of FX revenue to 0%, suspending all OTC FX trading (so pretty much all FX),introducing a 30% fee on all FX purchases, "recommending" that banks halt BYR lending until February, and sending 1-yr interest rates on liquidity operations with banks to a eyewatering 50% in hopes this leads to an increase in BYR deposit rates. It will. What it won't lead to is stabilization in the deposit market as the natives realize they too are next up on the hyperinflation train.

End result:
JGeropoulas said:
I think it's good to do both: stock up on supplies and barter goods for the immediate phase, and gold for the new system set up which will be gold-backed currency. Also, all my gold is in coins in small amounts that would be feasible to manage in routine buying and bartering.

I agree. There might also be a window of opportunity in the beginning of the financial collapse where currencies drop, gold and silver start reaching their real value and economic activity / commerce is still going on (albeit reduced). In such a context gold and silver could a very strong purchase power in order to buy some useful assets before economic activity drops to virtually zero.
Pierre said:
JGeropoulas said:
I think it's good to do both: stock up on supplies and barter goods for the immediate phase, and gold for the new system set up which will be gold-backed currency. Also, all my gold is in coins in small amounts that would be feasible to manage in routine buying and bartering.

I agree. There might also be a window of opportunity in the beginning of the financial collapse where currencies drop, gold and silver start reaching their real value and economic activity / commerce is still going on (albeit reduced). In such a context gold and silver could a very strong purchase power in order to buy some useful assets before economic activity drops to virtually zero.

That's the way I see it too Pierre. The only thing I might add is that as the collapse/reset proceeds, your silver may serve well to protect your gold until the new value of gold stabilizes post-reset.
Another marker that might indicate some soon-to-come changes in the gold and silver market is the growing gap between supply and demand (of physical metals)

For years gold and silver market have been suppressed leading to artificially low prices. The problem is that such low prices pushed some producers (mining) out and forced the surviving ones to minimize their investments (exploration, production tools...). That has led to a weakening supply of physical gold and silver. Meanwhile these artificial low prices stimulate the demand (industries, jewelers, central banks, individuals...)

As a result the demand grows way faster than the supply to the point that some signs of shortage are starting to appear: one investment fund closed its precious metal branch because it's "unable to provide a sustainable source of physical precious metals", some mints are running out of coins while others are announcing 6 months delays on deliveries, there's also an increase in coins premium (the difference between the paid price and the official market price...)

This gap that has been growing between supply and demand might be one of the reason why several countries asked around the same time the repatriation of the national gold. There seems to be growing awareness of a coming shortage and the realization that in such cases the first to ask are the first served ... and the last ones don't get anything.
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