Good deed for the day


Jedi Master
So, the mobile flu shot clinic came to work today. There was a line outside HR of people waiting, so I ducked my head inside and got the attention of one of the nurses.
"Are you here for a flu shot?" she asked.
"I dunno..." I glanced at the large box they were pulling the inoculations out of and saw no additional paperwork. "Do you have a list of ingredients or something? Side-effects?"
She had a look of actual disgust on her face when she said, tersely, "No, these don't have those."
"Okay...well, even Tylenol comes with a little booklet in about 5 different languages, saying what's in it and what the side effects are...and I'm supposed to allow you ladies, while I'm sure you're very nice people, but I don't know you at all, to inject me with something that even -you- don't know what's in it? Would you let -me- inject you with something if you didn't know what it was?"

At this point, the head of HR was turning red and really looking upset, so I backed off and said, "Have a nice day", but as I turned away to go, I noticed that several people had had second thoughts and left the line. I'd been speaking loudly on purpose, for just that reason :)

Learning -is- fun :)
Sounds like fun to me! Too bad you didn't have some printed flyers that expose the evil stuff for what it is that you could have handed around.
Laura said:
Sounds like fun to me! Too bad you didn't have some printed flyers that expose the evil stuff for what it is that you could have handed around.

Yeah, it was a sort of a spur-of-the-moment opportunity, didn't really have any time to prepare anything. Plus, I haven't found a page yet that puts the data in one neat page that I can post on the bulletin board, yet. Still looking :)
"haven't found"?

WhiteBear no make? :D

WhiteBear said:
Learning -is- fun :)

Indeed. All seriousness aide, I enjoyed that. No really, a buddy and I did something like that 4 years in a row at my job back before I came here. I didn't really know about the dangers then, I just didn't want to catch the flu after the shot like several others I know did. :)

Congrats on the good deed!
All you have to see is that flu shots
are now * * * * FREE * * * *
at your local drugstore.

It is generally believed that anything of value,
you pay through the nose, right?
beatrix said:
All you have to see is that flu shots
are now * * * * FREE * * * *
at your local drugstore.

It is generally believed that anything of value,
you pay through the nose, right?

The apartment complex where I live (mostly elderly and disabled individuals) offer FREE flu shots every year. They're making them available tomorrow. Most of the people I know in my building cannot believe I always opt out of this freebie. Never have had the flu shot. For ten years I worked in a physicians office with lots of sick adults and kids coughing and sneezing all over the place during every flu season. Luckily I was able to opt out of the flu shot then.
Now, the rules have changed in the office - mandatory for all employees. So, I'm glad that I do not work there any longer. Good diet, lots of vit C (and a few other supplements) and I look forward to another season of health.
Echo Blue,

I am not sure how to quote excerpts (setup same as ats, and I always messed it up),
but that is no surprise about giving free flu shots at places inordinately populated with the elderly.
That 'reminder' article that was on Sott recently really comes to mind -- see:

My sister is a nurse and this year, b/c she always refuses the flu shot, the for-profit hospital
made her sign a waiver -- I guess, in the event that she gets sick, they can write her up, or something.
WhiteBear said:
So, the mobile flu shot clinic came to work today. There was a line outside HR of people waiting, so I ducked my head inside and got the attention of one of the nurses.
"Are you here for a flu shot?" she asked.
"I dunno..." I glanced at the large box they were pulling the inoculations out of and saw no additional paperwork. "Do you have a list of ingredients or something? Side-effects?"
She had a look of actual disgust on her face when she said, tersely, "No, these don't have those."
"Okay...well, even Tylenol comes with a little booklet in about 5 different languages, saying what's in it and what the side effects are...and I'm supposed to allow you ladies, while I'm sure you're very nice people, but I don't know you at all, to inject me with something that even -you- don't know what's in it? Would you let -me- inject you with something if you didn't know what it was?"

At this point, the head of HR was turning red and really looking upset, so I backed off and said, "Have a nice day", but as I turned away to go, I noticed that several people had had second thoughts and left the line. I'd been speaking loudly on purpose, for just that reason :)

Learning -is- fun :)

I'm glad some people turned away after you done your deed! At least a few people get that if they can't even tell you whats in it, then its probably a bad idea to be injected! The way you put it I think definitely helped:)

I've not gone up to anyone directly and mentioned that the flu jab contains awful things for you as per free will and strategic enclosure, but I've let it 'drop' into conversation with people that I know are at least 'alternative' and open to a different reality than the one that is presented. And they don't seem surprised; one even mentioned that the world is too overpopulated and that it would be a good thing to trim down the numbers! The strangest thing is that this person is one of the loveliest individuals you could meet in a lot of ways! Programming anyone?
Paragon said:
one even mentioned that the world is too overpopulated and that it would be a good thing to trim down the numbers! The strangest thing is that this person is one of the loveliest individuals you could meet in a lot of ways! Programming anyone?

LOL, flashbacks to my 12-step she a "Friend of Bill"?
beatrix said:
Echo Blue,

My sister is a nurse and this year, b/c she always refuses the flu shot, the for-profit hospital
made her sign a waiver -- I guess, in the event that she gets sick, they can write her up, or something.

I think that any workplace that is making flu shots available, whether they are free or not, probably will make their employees sign some sort of waiver if they are opting out of the shot. Employers are always looking for ways to cover themselves - so no one can say they were not offered the flu shot. Of course, making anything (like flu shots) mandatory could also be a way of finding out which of your employees are not 'followers' of authority. Still, your sister was smart not to take the shot.

When my son was in school I signed a waiver opting out of any further immunizations (at the time they were adding the hep b series). School was really upset and said I would have to keep my son home should there be an outbreak of any illness. What 'any illness' meant they couldn't define. But I had no problem agreeing to keep him home. His pediatrician also was relentless in insisting he NEEDED these immunizations (and others) for him to grow to a healthy adult. But I politely declined every time. So far, he's a healthy adult.
[quote author=beatrix]
My sister is a nurse and this year, b/c she always refuses the flu shot, the for-profit hospital
made her sign a waiver -- I guess, in the event that she gets sick, they can write her up, or something.

Just a guess (I too work in the healthcare industry) but the waiver probably states that if she gets sick she will not be covered through the employee health services department.

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