Groundbreaking Toronto survey on student mental health can create change: Editorial
Toronto students worry about family, school and future, survey finds (a better one)
There is also an interview done by CBC Canada. Michael Enright spoke to Finland’s education reform guru, Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, about how the country’s egalitarian, low-stress model has helped Finnish students reach for the top.
I had a listen and it's informative (length 30min). Dr Pasi Sahlberg is a clear and eloquent speaker describing some differences between Canada's and Finland's schooling system and what he stands for - the well being of students first, grades after.
According to the Star's Kris Rushowy, 103,000 students from grades 7 to 12 reported surprisingly high levels of stress, ranging from anxiousness to loss of confidence and loneliness. Believed to be the largest of its kind, the 2011 study provides a snapshot into the emotional lives of teenagers, many of whom are watching parents live through tough economic times while obsessing about their own uncertain future.
......One of the most significant findings shows that 46 per cent of high school students (and 34 per cent of upper elementary students) said they were not comfortable seeking help from any adult in their school.
Clearly, educators need to do a better job reaching students — in particular those on the fringe of high school life. These invisible kids don't benefit from relationships with teachers.
Toronto students worry about family, school and future, survey finds (a better one)
There is also an interview done by CBC Canada. Michael Enright spoke to Finland’s education reform guru, Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, about how the country’s egalitarian, low-stress model has helped Finnish students reach for the top.
I had a listen and it's informative (length 30min). Dr Pasi Sahlberg is a clear and eloquent speaker describing some differences between Canada's and Finland's schooling system and what he stands for - the well being of students first, grades after.