Gulf Blue Plague with Michael Edward


FOTCM Member
If you want to get a real clue of what is happening in the Gulf Coast, listen to The Gulf Blue Plague (BP) with Michael Edward. In today's program, other than yours truly, Jennifer - a brilliant student from Louisiana - will also speak about her and her classmates' experiences and health challenges living directly on the Gulf. Don't miss it!

with Michael Edward

Special Guest Dr. Gabriela Segura

Our special guest is Gabriela Segura, M.D. from Toulouse, France. Her article The Day the Water Died: Detoxing After the Gulf Oil Spill brought to our attention how mainstream western medicine doesn’t recognize diseases caused by environmental toxicity. Dr. Segura is a heart surgeon with extensive experience and interest in alternative health, research, psychology and the human condition. Her internet site is at HEALTH MATRIX.

Also joining us is Jennifer, a brilliant student and aspiring saxophonist from Grand Isle, Louisiana, who will speak about her and her classmates' experiences and health challenges living directly on the Gulf.

Join in and listen every Friday for two hours of Gulf of Mexico Blue Plague (BP) discussions, interviews with special guests, call-ins, and updates with Gulf coast resident and Living Light Network host Michael Edward. BLUEPLAGUE.ORG

"Wherever the Gulf wind blows and the Gulf water flows"

The radio program is for two hours this Friday, March 11, beginning at 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time in the U.S.
This is a fantastic interview with invaluable information. I'd consider it a 'must listen'.
Yep, great interview. Psyche, you got big heart and I thought I even heard you cry. It is heart breaking to hear the little 13yo Jessica talking about all the trouble there.
I thought it was a brilliant and touching show. :flowers:
There is so much information to discuss about this radio show, but the fact that Jessica mentioned that there are a lot of miscarriages in the area brought to mind the recent spate of dead baby dolphins in the gulf.
What Jessyca shared in the show basically confirms the worst fears. These people are being exposed to unprecedented levels of toxic chemicals and they are all getting VERY sick and very quickly. Normally, you would expect some diseases after several years. But they are all getting sick right now: cancer, autoimmune diseases, etc And they're dying! Michael Edward's research on engineered bugs mutating and aggravating health problems is also very important.

The population in the Gulf Coast is basically being exterminated, all the while the government says everything is fine.

Things are getting very intense in the Big Blue Marble.
In today's radio show of the The Gulf Blue Plague (BP) with Michael Edward, Dr. Mark Sircus and yours truly will be discussing essential info for detoxification from Gulf of Mexico toxins as well as radioactive fallout detoxification. It begins at at 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. I hope you won't miss it!

with Michael Edward

with Mark Sircus, OMD & Gabriela Segura, MD

The information being offered in this broadcast is absolutely essential for detoxification from Gulf of Mexico toxins as well as radioactive fallout detoxification. We are very privileged to have both Dr. Sircus and Dr. Segura discuss the proven and researched methods for naturally ridding our bodies of the lethal contaminates from our air and water.

It's vital for everyone to read the latest IMVA updates Dr. Sircus is posting at International Medical Veritas Association as well as essential information Dr. Segura posts at Health Matrix and Signs Of The Times

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