Hajj stampede: Death toll in Mecca rises


The Living Force
FOTCM Member


From YT:
Crane collapse at Grand Mosque (Kabaa) in Mecca
لحظة سقوط الرافعة في الحرم شيء مخيف اللهم ارحم الأموات
عاجل | الدفاع المدني السعودي: 87 قتيلا و 187 مصابا على إثر #‏سقوط_رافعة_في_الحرم المكي
65 killed in crane collapse at Mecca mosque
A crane collapsed Friday at one of Islam's most important mosques -- the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca -- killing at least 65 people and injuring 154 others, Saudi Arabian authorities said Friday on Twitter.

There was no immediate comment about the cause of the collapse.

The Masjid al-Haram surrounds Islam's holiest site, the Kaaba -- a shrine that worshipers visit during the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Approximately 2 million people a year make the pilgrimage.

The Hajj is due to begin later this month




At least 87 people have died after a crane collapsed on the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, the Saudi Arabian government has said.
More than 180 people were injured in the accident, the country's civil defence authority said on Twitter.

Images from the scene showed part of a huge red crane crashed through the mosque's roof. The cause of the collapse is not known.

Mecca is currently preparing for the annual Muslim Hajj pilgrimage.
Image copyright EPA
Image caption Images posted on social media showed what appeared to be the collapsed crane

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to arrive in the Saudi city from all over the world later this month.

Reports suggested the crane fell on the east side of the mosque following high winds and rain. The Arabian peninsula has been has been hit by strong sand storms over the past week.

A video posted on YouTube, which could not be independently verified,
appeared to record the moment the crane fell, with a loud crash heard in the background followed by panic and shouting.

Images circulating on Twitter appeared to show numerous bodies and blood on the floor of the mosque.

The mosque is Islam's most sacred site and the destination for millions of Muslims undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage every year.

Saudi authorities began a major expansion of the site last year to increase the area of the mosque by 400,000 square metres (4.3 million square feet), to allow it to accommodate up to 2.2 million people at once.

More than three million people undertook the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in 2012. Saudi authorities have taken steps in 2013 to limit the number of people involved. Large numbers of people have resulted in several tragedies over the years, including a stampede in 2006 that killed nearly 350 people.

At the heart of the Grand Mosque is the Kaaba, a black cube-shaped building which Muslims all over the world face when they pray.

Islam requires that every Muslim capable of doing so performs a pilgrimage to the site at least once in their lifetime. Once at the mosque, pilgrims perform "tawaf" - walking seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction.
Already up here: http://www.sott.net/article/301542-Crane-collapse-at-Grand-Mosque-in-Mecca-kills-at-least-87-people
Oh sorry - i did check and thought the reports said it happened just now. Thanks Heimdallr.
What I find ironic (symbolic perhaps?) is that the "crane" (the bird) is the main subject of the so-called satanic verses in the Quran.
I couldn't help but be appalled at the lack of compassion that many people on Facebook expressed, associated with this tragic event. I saw posts attributing it to a karmic payback to Moslems. Heartless.
According to the Jerusalem Post, a Top Iranian space scientist was among those killed in the Mecca crane collapse.

Top Iranian space scientist and university professor Ahmad Hatami was killed in the crane collapse in Mecca's Grand Mosque on Friday which killed 107, Iran's Fars News Agency reported on Monday.

An Iranian minister confirmed that Doctor Ahmad Hatami, who was a renowned member of the Iran Space Research Center, was killed along with 8 other Iranians who made the deadly pilgrimage to Mecca.

According to reports, eight Iranians were killed and 32 more were injured after intense storm winds caused a crane above the Grand Mosque to collapse.
It is the famous company Bin Laden that was in charge of the works in the mecca and yes, the same family that the famous Bin Laden, the company is from the father of the family.

Ghostdoghaiku said:
I couldn't help but be appalled at the lack of compassion that many people on Facebook expressed, associated with this tragic event. I saw posts attributing it to a karmic payback to Moslems. Heartless.

Well, America has been subjected to 14 years of anti-Moslem propaganda via the 911 false flag / War on Terror ongoing middle-east assaults after all. Allow yourself to be exposed to this crap long enough & by its subtle/insidious nature, it infiltrates your brain even when you know it's all lies! I came to that shocking realization on the last aired NCIS episode that is a 3-part story arc involving the procurement of teens via the internet by a global terrorist group & the use of bouncing betty bombs. One scene involved a Moslem girl wearing the customary hijab - and I became aware that I was experiencing very negative feelings upon seeing that image - I was appalled! It really made me stop & think.

I don't normally watch NCIS episodes involving any War on Terror/middle-east themes - I find them repugnant & recognize them as a method to advance the terror agenda playing out in real life. But then I don't watch any of the Christian tele-evangelist programs either & their obvious use of the Christian religion to convince their adherents of the apocalyptic destiny of their religion re the middle east. And, in fact, were my negative feelings more of an anti-religion reaction than an association of Arabic persons w/ (fake) terror? I'm inclined to think so, but also recognize just how much the mainstream mass media is influencing the minds of America that are still firmly entrenched in the BS lies spawned by the 911 attack.

BTW - I really don't get why Muslims worship the Black Stone meteor fragments encased in the Kaaba - but I guess the same could be said for all the Christians worshiping the Bible. If it's deemed holy, you worship it.


The Black Stone of Mecca, or Kaaba Stone, is a Muslim relic, which according to Islamic tradition dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient sacred stone building towards which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Stone is a dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of millions of pilgrims, that has been broken into a number of fragments cemented into a silver frame in the side of the Kaaba. Although it has often been described as a meteorite, this hypothesis is still under consideration. It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient sacred stone building towards which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Laura discusses quite a bit about the Kaaba stone in her book, Comets and the Horns of Moses and how it relates to the worship of Saturn, and what Saturn really was in those days, among a lot of other information on it. She did an extensive amount of research into this. It's a very interesting read!
Nienna said:
Laura discusses quite a bit about the Kaaba stone in her book, Comets and the Horns of Moses and how it relates to the worship of Saturn, and what Saturn really was in those days, among a lot of other information on it. She did an extensive amount of research into this. It's a very interesting read!

Thanks Nienna for that tip. I have the book/read it - but I guess information overload means a lot of stuff that goes in eventually goes out. I'll have to reread it. I also read David Talbott's The Saturn Myth - that was a real eye opener. I think just about every symbol associated w/ religion, the Illuminati, Egypt came out of that cosmic/celestial period. The Nike swoosh in particular is supposedly a depiction of Saturn's rings.

Meanwhile, the NWO agenda appears to be rolling along as predicted - Albert Pike on WW III:

"The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

The Syrian refugee immigration crisis currently playing out in Europe appears to be part & parcel of this agenda - divide & conquer at its best. And it's not that hard to see Agenda 2030 coming to full fruition in the very near future - the ultimate problem-reaction-solution global fix. The fact that our psychopathic world leaders created the problem(s) in the first place is ignored and what better way to implement global communism than to mandate it under the guise of sustainability and peace - the only way the planet can survive! Of course, the general populace must forgo all rights to self-determination > a process already manifesting (mandatory vaccines anyone)! And it's going to be breaking out in less than 10 days:

From September 25 through September 27, 2015, at a major conference in New York, The UN is launching "The 2030 Agenda," hailed as the "new universal agenda" for humanity.


In the last week of September, Pope Francis will meet President Obama and then step onto the dais of the UN General Assembly to make a keynote speech on the future of the world.

The event marks three very special occasions. The first is the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations itself in 1945. The second is the 50th anniversary of the first Pope to address the UN, back on the organisation’s 20th anniversary in 1965. During that visit, Pope Paul VI pledged the loyalty of the Catholic Church to the agenda of the United Nations – effectively making the Church the UN’s servant on Earth.


So maybe that crane crashing down onto the Grand Mosque is even more prophetic/symbolic than has been speculated.

Stick a fork in it - the frog is done!

Boiling Frog Syndrome - Have You Become a Boiled Frog?

p.s. no frog was actually harmed in the video.
thought it made sense to pop this here - maybe unrelated but it does seem odd.
CCTV: Huge glass panel falls inches from super-lucky Saudi stroller

Published on 21 Sep 2015

A Saudi man can consider himself the luckiest man on Earth after a huge glass panel fell from a great height and landed just inches from his head, and didn’t hurt him much.

There happened another unfortunate incident in Saudi Arabia - after the crane collapse - and during for the Muslim famous Hajj. On it's way to Mecca in Mina over 717 people got killed because of a panic. It happened at a place where pilgrims stone the devil and throw stones against huge pillars. Several other stampedes happened over the years and it is the biggest one since 1990.

Hajj stampede update: Death toll in Mecca rises to 717 people killed, 863 injured - Yet another bad omen for Saudi Arabia

Here is the actual Sott-comment:

This is the latest tragedy at the holy Muslim city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, following a recent fire and the collapse of a large crane into the Grand Mosque in Mecca last week, which happened 14 years to the day since 9/11 and the ensuing 'global war on terror', which Saudi Arabia played a major role in.

At least 118 people were killed when the crane, operated by Bin Laden Construction Group (and owned by Osama's brother), was struck by lightning and blown over during a powerful sandstorm on the eve of the Hajj pilgrimage. At the behest of Saudi King Salman, Saudi Binladin Group (SBG) has now been banned from taking on new work, and will have its current projects reviewed.

Some other members of the Bin Laden family were killed in a private jet crash at a UK airport last month, in an incident which "doesn't make sense", according to a pilot who regularly flies into the airport.

Bad omens are piling up for Saudi Arabia...

It is indeed a bad omen and yesterday was also the news that Saudi-Arabia will head the Human Rights panel and they have a history of going against many human rights.

Beheaders Need beheading: US welcomes news that Saudi Arabia will head UN Human Rights panel
Re: Hajj stampede: Death toll in Mecca rises to 717 people killed, 863 injured

It's been more than shocking to see how viciously Saudi Arabia has been attacking Yemen. There are theories as to the real reason why so much is being obliterated.

"Find out why “Jerusalem” is not the holy city for the Jews nor the Muslims, and visit the real city of David “in Yemen”"

Ashraf Ezzat, an Egyptian born in Cairo and based in Alexandria. He is graduated from the faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.
Keen not to be entirely consumed by the medical profession, Dr. Ezzat invests a lot of his time in research and writing. History of the ancient Near East and of Ancient Egypt has long been an area of special interest to him.
In his writings, he approaches ancient history not as some tales from the remote times but as a causative factor in our existing life, and to him it’s as relevant and vibrant as the current moment.
In his research and writings, Dr. Ezzat is always on a quest trying to find out why the ancient wisdom had been obstructed and ancient spirituality diminished whereas the Judeo-Christian teachings and faith took hold and prospered.
Dr. Ezzat has written extensively in Arabic tackling many issues and topics in the field of Egyptology and comparative religion but “Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites” is his first books in English.

From this link re his book Jerusalem, Nothing Holy About the Holy City -
https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/2015/08/24/jerusalem-nothing-holy-about-the-holy-city/ :

The whole Zionist ideology is based on a simple Hebrew word that carries old historical connotation; Aliyah. The word means going (or better yet moving/migrating) upwards where the new land of Israel is supposedly situated. Aliyah, was and still is one of the essential tenets of Zionism that call upon the diaspora Jews to migrate (return) to the land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael).

The question here is not whether the Diaspora Jews should or should not migrate to Israel (of course they should not). But instead we should ask why the Hebrew word, Aliyah, unequivocally specified that the direction of the migration should be upwards.

After some reflection we could easily come to the conclusion that the original Jews before migrating to modern day Jerusalem must have come from a land located to the south of Palestine.

And since the Hebrew book and language is very ancient, then Aliyah (as an ancient word from the ancient world) meant the Jewish migrants must have dwelled (before they migrated) not in Europe or America but to the south of the Levant where ancient Arabia and Yemen is. In that sense they had to go upwards or (Aliyah) towards Palestine (starting from the 4th century BC according to our research)

As I stated before in my book, Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites, the whole Israelite book (with its patriarchal stories) is a case of lost geography. A forged Hebrew Bible has been feeding the world with tampered with history and fake geography for over twenty three hundred years now. Unfortunately, this mass deception is still in effect till this very moment.

My three-year investigation of the history of ancient Egypt and the Israelites combined with the research of a serious community of high profile scholars (including the pioneer research of Prof. Kamal Salibi’s Bible came from Arabia) have yielded the same evidence-based conclusion; the Hebrew Bible and its stories took place in the south of ancient Arabia and Northern Yemen. The geography of ancient Arabia and Yemen as meticulously described by renowned classical Arabic Historians coherently offers the actual theater of the Israelite stories; its mountains, valleys and tribes (as written and described in the Bible).

The current location of both the Temple Mount and the whole of the state of Israel are based on an Ideology; downright fake and deceptive. The whole issue of the so called Holy Land is so unholy and false that even the Muslims’ view of Al Aqsa and Qods/Qadas is based on distorted and fake narrations as well.

Qades, as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, is a Yemenite mountain 80 KM south of modern day Taa’iz city and it has nothing to do with Jerusalem. According to Islamic Hadith (traditions) the first Qibla (Direction during prayers) was towards Bayt al-Muqaddas (supposedly Solomon’s Temple), only that had actually been built in Northern Yemen and not in Jerusalem’s Palestine as everybody believes (more details on that in the book).

In the third century BC, the Hebrew Bible was translated to Greek at the legendary Library of Alexandria. Seventy Jewish scribes were assigned this task by King Ptolemy II (Greek monarch of Egypt at the time). In the Greek translation the Jewish scribes had fraudulently relocated the theatre of the Biblical stories from North Yemen and South Arabia to Egypt and Palestine.

In the distorted Greek version that came to be known as the Septuagint Bible, Egypt had been falsely made the land of the Israelites’ bondage and its king the Pharaoh of Moses. Nothing in the Hebrew Bible had actually worked in the way you think it did; nothing at all. The beliefs of the gullible masses over twenty three long centuries till this present point in our modern time are entirely based on Jewish deception and forgery.

So, the original (and utterly humble and tribal) stories of the Israelites had actually taken place in ancient Arabia and Yemen. The whole Hebrew tales had absolutely nothing to do with western culture nor were they meant to. The whole book is very local and reflective of an extremely intolerant and violent tribal (Arabian) culture. The problem was not only in the distorted translation of the Hebrew Bible to Greek, but in the golden opportunity this translation offered for the Israelites’ dogma and tribal tales to disseminate into western culture.

Back to the Holy Land and Al Aqsa compound in Palestine which throughout the ancient and medieval times was considered part of the Levant for the Romans and the Byzantines. As for the Arabs they always regarded Palestine as part of Bilad El-Sham (the land of Sham)

Only Jerusalem was called Aelia by the Arabs. This was verified by the terms of the city’s surrender to the Muslim Caliph, back in 637 AD in which Claiph Umar referred to the people of Jerusalem as the people of Aelia (no mention of Jerusalem or Qades/Qods.

Narrations mention that Caliph Umar on his meeting with the Orthodox Patriarch (Patriarch of Jerusalem at the time) accepted the surrender of his people and addressed them as the people of (Aelia). Contrary to the Jewish-manipulated history, Jerusalem as well the rest of the Levant was predominantly Christian at the time of the Islamic conquest. So the talk of a Jewish revolt and a brief Jewish autonomy in Palestine in 614 following a short lived Persian invasion in the earlier year is historically invalidated.

I don’t mean that Christianity was more tolerant than Judaism at the time; on the contrary the new faith was deeply soaked in extremism and divided over (utterly insignificant) Christological arguments. Maybe that made it easier for Islam to spread, albeit by sword, in the once Byzantine-controlled Levant and North Africa. To capitalize on his sweeping victory all over the Levant, Caliph Umar decided to build the first Islamic Mosque in Aelia (so called Jerusalem in history books). Umar, being a complete foreigner to the newly conquered city and its landscape, asked his top advisor to help him pick the right spot for the new mosque. Guess who came to the Caliph’s rescue; … right, another Jewish (scribe) Rabbi. As expected this Umar’s Rabbi followed the footsteps of the seventy Rabbis in their earlier deceptive undertaking known as the Septuagint Bible.

Umar’s top advisor was a Jewish Rabbi from guess where? … Right again, Yemen. Ka’ab is accredited with being the prime source of infiltrating the Islamic literature with endless Israelite distorted stories and narrations (according to which the place began to be designated “Al Aqsa” and “Bayt Al- Muqaddas” from then on).

Umar’s Rabbi came from the homeland of the early Israelites; Yemen where all the Israelite stories and wars took place. Yes, the stories of Joseph, David, Solomon and Moses; they all had taken place in Yemen. The dramatic tales of slavery and bondage that started with Joseph all the way down to the exodus of Moses and his followers happened not in Egypt but in an obscure and tribal (Yemenite) town/village by the name of “Mizraim” (falsely translated and long peddled – even on the internet- by Jewish scribes as Egypt).
Yemeni Heritage, Saudi Vandalism

For more than 10 years, I was one of a number of American and Yemeni archaeologists surveying and excavating sites dating to the fabled South Arabian kingdoms and beyond, to prehistoric times. We were members of the Dhamar Survey Project, started by the University of Chicago and named for a historic town in highland Yemen.

The team spent decades exploring the magnificent megalithic monuments and walled towns of a civilization that developed terraced agriculture as early as the third millennium B.C., an ancient tradition that has stunningly etched the entire surface area of the region’s steep mountains like a topographical map. The project collected thousands of artifacts from more than 400 sites, including tools, pottery, statuary and inscriptions in ancient South Arabian languages.

We ensured that all of these artifacts, evidence of ancient cultures that traded at great distances during the Neolithic period and eventually built roads to link the highland towns to major incense trade routes, were deposited in the Dhamar Regional Museum. There, they were restored and studied by foreign teams and Yemeni archaeologists, and put on display.

This museum has just been obliterated from the air. In a matter of minutes, the irreplaceable work of ancient artisans, craftsmen and scribes — not to mention the efforts of Yemeni and foreign researchers who have dedicated years of their lives to studying and preserving this legacy — were pulverized. The museum and its 12,500 artifacts were turned to rubble by Saudi bombs.

Since March, Saudi Arabia has conducted a large-scale campaign of air attacks on its neighbor with the stated purpose of driving back the Houthi rebels who have taken control of the capital Sana and large parts of the country. These aerial bombardments have not managed to reverse the gains of the rebels, but have succeeded in devastating Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Arab world. Thousands of civilians have been killed or injured, and hundreds of thousands have been displaced, amid severe shortages of food, fuel and medical supplies.

Less reported is that these bombardments show a pattern of targeting cultural heritage sites in a country that has made extraordinary contributions to world civilization. Mohannad al-Sayani, director of Yemen’s General Organization of Antiquities and Museums, confirmed to me by email that 25 sites and monuments have been severely damaged or destroyed since the beginning of the conflict.

Thought by many to be the historic home of the Queen of Sheba, Yemen is one of the great jewels of human antiquity, with a legacy of magnificent temples, water-management projects and towering cities dating back thousands of years. This cultural wealth is not limited to ancient sites: Three of Yemen’s cities are on the Unesco World Heritage list for their breathtaking vernacular architecture.

Yemen is central to the story of mankind: Sixty thousand years ago, early man walked through Yemen along the Bab al-Mandab, one of the major out-of-Africa routes that Homo sapiens took to colonize Eurasia. Archaeologists like me have found the remnants of prehistoric cultures that navigated the Red and Arabian Seas 8,000 years ago; these early travelers and traders left behind impressive megaliths.

Then there are the prehistoric walled hilltop towns and massive cities that were ruled by the South Arabian kingdoms of the first millennium B.C. Yemen also boasts a rich Islamic heritage that includes some of the oldest, most elaborately decorated mosques in the world.

On June 12, the historic city of Sana, itself a Unesco World Heritage Site, was bombarded by the Saudis. This city, continuously inhabited for over 2,500 years, contains some of the most beautiful traditional architecture in the world. The deliberate targeting of a civilian district of the old city was inexcusable and raises serious questions about Saudi Arabia’s intentions in this conflict.

Indeed! WHO exactly would want ancient evidence of real history blasted to smithereens!
Re: Hajj stampede: Death toll in Mecca rises to 717 people killed, 863 injured

Zeep, you should have sott.net put that up on their site, makes a good whodunit and why.
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