Happy 30th anniversary for the C's!!!

Wow! Thirty years, in some respects, it seems like the twinkling of the eye. What a light has been shown to the world with that twinkling...A beacon of light, which continues to light the way, despite great personal suffering.

Happy Birthday!

Thanks to Laura and Ark for your relentless search and discovery of truth and the reality of the world we live upon. If I had not discovered the Cassiopeia website, and the books published by Laura, I dread to think where I would be at this time, it has been life changing.

Also thanks to all the members that have contributed in the quest for truth, your insight and guidance, love and kindness.
Happy Anniversary! Thank you to Laura, Ark, the Chateau team and the Cs for decades of hard work. When I first got access to the internet I went on a quest to find the truth. Life was crazy then. I found Laura's website and read her first communication from the Cs, I was stunned and frightened. But I had to go back and continue to follow her work because it made more sense than any other explanation. You have been my lighthouse for 25 years. Thank you!
Hurray! Cheers to thirty years!! 🥂
Thank you for all so much for these years of dedication, Laura and Ark and everyone and everyone!!!

Thank you for being the light in the dark, even for people you never met. Thank you all for working hard everyday to hone your connection with the C's and the DCM.

Thank you to the C's for being there and helping us as much as they can!

A big hug to all of you and may we go into the future together! 💐☺️
While buttering my toast (and that's no joke), i had in mind about that it's around this date that the first communication with the C's happened, 30y before. So i came back here, with my buttered piece of bread + a few things to eat to enquire about and ... that's it, there's a post about this, how funny !

So, yes, thanks, thanks to all who contributed to this up to where we arrived and of course, to Laura who started the engine. Thanks to the C's for their answers and guidance. This "still on-going experience" completely changed my vision of our world, of my life, of its meaning(s), etc etc. It's even difficult to find the right words when i try to consider how i was seing "life on earth" 20y before compared with today. It's like a personal wake-up, like changing from passive to active, something triggered, and it's not yet finished.
"What a ride !" is also a sentence that pop'ed up in my mind while writing this.

Let's go on ! :)
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