Happy New Year!!!

Happy new year everyone, bring it on!!!
Ready for a new round of challenges and learning. Thank you all for expanding and creating new understanding of Truth in a world that relies on us not knowing.
Ye have been turning on lights in darkened rooms for years. All my love and good health to everyone.
Slainte mhaith.
Couldn't have said it better.
Happy New Year Everyone!:cheer:

Can't help but recall the dramatic scene in Toy Story 3 when the toys were within seconds of being dropped into the incinerator:
As with many action sequences, the last-minute getaway seems imminent. While Woody flails about manically, trying to uncover the possible exit, the rest of his companions are less certain. Eventually, they realize the hopelessness of their cause and commit an act so selfless, so instinctual of what we've felt for these characters, that it stops your heart beat, if only for a moment.

They hold hands.

First Buzz and Jessie (if only accidentally), then Bullseye the horse and the Potato Heads. Eventually, faces serene if still slightly afraid, they look to their ersatz leader, Woody, for the final link in their chain of fate. Seeing their reaction, their brave calm and sense of sacrifice, the cowboy that started the entire storyline two decades' prior grabs their mold formed hands, and waits...

To me, that's the essence of this forum - us, holding hands, facing the direst of futures together in faith and knowledge.

With the bravest of calm, we shall take on 2021 with continued hope and heart! The light will not be vanquished! 🎆

One for All and All for One!
With those missing 500-years or so, thus whether it be 1521 or 2021, wish you and yours the very best in growth and protection. 💐

“Well, we have a whole new year ahead of us. And wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, a little more loving, and have a little more empathy, and maybe, next year at this time we'd like each other a little more.”
― Judy Garland
Happy new year all. Thanks to everyone who participates here.
Thanks to all who made this place a reality so we can share, care and learn in these very difficult times.
Love to all and let's see what 2021 brings to this crazy world we live in. ❤️ :hug2:
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