Harry Potter gets manipulated by evil magicians kids....

Brent, I gather you were not sleeping during this re-play, correct?
Were you meditating, imagining, following intuition, a mix of this?

EsoQuest said:
...just imagine yourself standing back from Hermione and start asking the good crone questions, and see what your thoughts form into as responses, impulses, intuitions and the like.
Did you did just and only as EsoQuest described: "just imagine...and see what your thoughts form into"?

Excuse my stubborn insistance please. I am learning.
I also tried the method EsoQuest proposed, but not yet with the Skeleton Sorcerer. I need some preparations first before I'm ready. I sense that brutal clashing of the forces isn't the answer, and Brent's experience clearly illustraded it - thanks for sharing this, Cyre!

Cricket, I'll try to help. Ever observed thoughts? How they form, how they flow, come to your mind? I think you have noticed, that some of them aren't your creations - they just emerge from somwhere. In replaying a dream consciously you can use it. Within recalled situation or scenario you choose to act differently than before and observe "reaction". Those thoughts emerging from somwhere which constitute the environment and other players in the dream obviously form in response to your choices! In that way you can observe how the drama unfolds, what outcomes stem from your choices and you learn. Many times you can fail, many solutions may be wrong, but as long as you collect all those experiences and learn from them - you gain knowledge. Eventually, you find adequate solution and the drama reaches satisfactory end.

At least it's my understanding of what EsoQuest proposed.
Cricket said:
Brent, I gather you were not sleeping during this re-play, correct?
Were you meditating, imagining, following intuition, a mix of this?

EsoQuest said:
...just imagine yourself standing back from Hermione and start asking the good crone questions, and see what your thoughts form into as responses, impulses, intuitions and the like.
Did you did just and only as EsoQuest described: "just imagine...and see what your thoughts form into"?

Excuse my stubborn insistance please. I am learning.
Nope, wasn't sleeping, was meditating, i noticed a slow reponse in the good crone at first, but i just kept asking and eventually my subconcious formed the rest. The only thing i controlled consciously was myself in the dreamscape, the rest kinda just flowed.
Cyre2067 said:
If i may - why'd ya leave? and What country do you live in now?
Long story. I live in Greece now, and left the US where I was working on a project of mine with a partner (still working on it from afar) because I had to serve in the military or lose my Greek rights. I came back the day the bombing started in Serbia.

Regarding the dream replay method, which I have suggested on a few threads, it is very simple and quite profound as Brent's comment shows despite that simplicity.

It works because you are addressing your subconscious through its own language. By envisioning that language you dramatize your communication and gain insight through drama, which is the mechanism of dreams anyway. Even though this dream may have had collective and interdimensional elements, these were stored as Avatars in Brent's subconscious.

Even though there were dream elements of otherness (not directly personal to Brent), Brent's subconscious related to all of them so the link still existed. By imagining the dream, and playing your part of the drama consciously, the other aspect play their's as well. You don't think them doing anything, you don't puppet them and you don't put words in their mouths.

It's a lot like divination. You simply set up the conditions and the results seem beyond your control. You play one part of the overall equation and the other plays itself. It's like entering the Star Trek holodeck where the characters insist they are real. And in a way they are, but that reality is supported by many human psyche's in this one.

The more people contributing to a thoughtform the stronger it is. Hollywood has realized this, and invested a lot of money so people can empower the thoughtforms the PTB want empowered. This is the literal power of myth.

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