The Living Force
Well, this story has everything! – pouring millions into a certain boondoggle, reinforcing the global warming disinfo distraction, rejuvenating the credibility of the "chemtrail" disinfo distraction and instilling hope that the PTB can protect us with some technological wizardry. And then there’s that familiar theme of being “helped” in a way that might ultimately hurt us (i.e. hastening the looming ice age).
A $20 million Harvard University project will send aerosol injections up into the earth’s stratosphere, in the world’s biggest chemtrails experiment on the public to date.
Two US scientists say they hope to solve the problem of global warming by conducting the world’s biggest and most expensive solar geoengineering project within the next few weeks.
The aim of the program is to establish whether chemtrail technology can simulate the atmospheric cooling effects of a volcanic eruption, in a desperate attempt to halt climate change.