Have the elites made a deal with aliens: Earth vs relocation to another planet?

Watching the video closely, don't look at mars. Look at the information that appears on the screen during the landing.

I correct myself. It could be that they simply used a transparent film and made it change quickly as I observe a blur.
What ARE the three alternatives of where this experiment is heading?
As I see it, and it doesn’t have to be anywhere close, but I think it is, the alternatives will be (for those who live to experence them), according to their capacity of comprehension, what they would be able to recognize, or ‘see’ into. Iremember the Cs saying at one point that there would be many frightened people out there and we, should be prepared to help as many as we can. Excuse the poor paraphrasing. The Cs also said that knowledge protects. I have asked myself many times. Knowledge of what? It is not the knowledge of the future per se as it was never given explicitly. Most likely and importantly it is knowledge of the past, and thanks to the titanic work done by Laura and this forum, there is a great grounding. Knowledge of ourselves and the psycho traps of our civilization, a stellar ibidem. What is left as part of knowledge, refers to recognizing and avoiding the real threats, basically the navigation map and and last but not least the knowledge of the center / core of belief that includes the values that we want to be preserved for the future.
I don’t know about others but every time I am reading the ‘material’ on this forum it seems to show a new angle or meaning I did not pick before. The Work is never done.
I'm trying to connect the ark and alt 3. It seems like the ark may be used to transport people away from Earth to maybe Mars or the moon. Earth will transform into 4D planet by the Wave and the 3D STS elites may be presented with the ark as an escape route. But since you need to be STO in order to be in close proximity to the ark like Moses was, the 3D STS elites may be destroyed. Or another scenario would involve a STO Moses-like person being tricked into signing a new ark of the covenant to transport certain groups of people away from Earth. This reminds me of STS lizards transporting souls from Kantek to Earth after Kantek's explosion. Maybe the ark is used to transport unawakened souls to another 3D planet as cavemen!
I'm contemplating this too. But it seems that the earth will be both a 3D planet and a 4D planet after the wave. What matters is "who you are and what you see." I guess this is the difference between the upcoming natural disasters with the wave following, and all the other previous natural disasters when humans were 3D when Kantek and Atlantis was destroyed. Transportation was needed then which could easily be done via UFOs?

Maybe you don't need an ark to transport, but you may need an ark to manifest other things? And maybe you would need STO oriented people to run and 4D STS would have to trick/program these people into the programming that "humans have destroyed the world, the aliens will save you and the world." I remembering reading Dolores Canon, and I know she was quite misled on a lot of issues, but one story of a woman in hypnosis recalls the future where she is floating in a space ark growing plants and maybe tending alien hybrids. Another interesting woman, Penny Kelly, who, I think, has a little more of a clue than Dolores, tells a story of a woman who had a vision of aliens arriving on her front door when the sky is orange and stating that if she wants to come with them she has to come now and leave her family behind.

Seems to me perhaps "Alternative 3" are place(s) and plans. The place(s): underground cities, space "arks,"? The plan: to rule us in 4D as well through programing/trickery/disguising/blocking visual images of 4D STS via HAARP. Also, imagine how much more programing can be done with the threat of sickness/viruses if people were to stay on earth, form communities and try to re-build.

I expect STS to do what they've done before when there are natural disasters of monumental proportions: rescue some with an eye to rescue those who have been brainwashed or more susceptible to be controlled. Try to keep humans in 3rd density/STS while it is crumbling. I can't find the exact transcript date, but the comment was made by the Cs that you can ride the wave "or go under."

I have no idea though. Just some rough thoughts.
Maybe you don't need an ark to transport, but you may need an ark to manifest other things? And maybe you would need STO oriented people to run and 4D STS would have to trick/program these people into the programming that "humans have destroyed the world, the aliens will save you and the world." I remembering reading Dolores Canon, and I know she was quite misled on a lot of issues, but one story of a woman in hypnosis recalls the future where she is floating in a space ark growing plants and maybe tending alien hybrids. Another interesting woman, Penny Kelly, who, I think, has a little more of a clue than Dolores, tells a story of a woman who had a vision of aliens arriving on her front door when the sky is orange and stating that if she wants to come with them she has to come now and leave her family behind.
Yes I can imagine STO oriented people being tricked to manifest their erroneous wishes using the ark. "The factories and animal farms are polluting the world and increasing CO2. Send my people to a place with pristine environment without any deepstate, nuclear weapons etc." The ark responds by bringing them to cavemen era.
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This video tells an imaginary story of the good guys vs the bad guys, with a twist!
*spoiler alert*
-behind the scenes negotiation
-off world escape
-no government by the end of august
and war advice by SunTzu ; "give the cornered enemy a way out!"

I am curious of any other 'rumors' along this line. As the Host John Peterson gives us a hypothetical story while seriously implying that this may be really occurring!
(if moderators find this to be noise, as i have been known to make noise:)
My question is-" if the prime directive has been violated by the bad guys, doesn't that give the good guys the chance to step in and mitigate?"
Thanks again, and thank you Chateau Team for all you do!

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