
Don Diego

Jedi Master
"Hawthorn will be the only medecine available from our land to cure the upcoming plague"

I quote this from memory of an old anthology book of propheties from the last 3-4 centuries refering to the "end of times",what we call in french "révélations privées".
These are ancient propheties made by women only,some of them stigmatised some not,with a strong christian background.Of course the main topics described are a series of catastrophes supposed to happen in the future with very accurate descriptions of our times and ways of life.
It's strange because Hawthorn don't seem to be as powerful as Thyme or Rosemary to fight infections,maybe it's just a clue?

I dare to say that I have been puzzled all night long after reading the last session and I imagine I'm not the only one...And again a great grateful thank for sharing.

Unfortunatly I don't have the book at hand because since I've moved in new house all my books are still in the boxes lost somewhere in the attic...

So all my apologies for this innacurate post (no recipes or part of plant to use)and I promise that I undertake to do research very soon!I must say I've been urged to share because my contribution to this forum is so weak...
Marie Julie Jahenny : february 12 (!!!) 1850 - march 4 1941

She's rather famous as "la stigmatisée de la Fraudais". During 70 years she prophetised on a weekly basis,mostly on friday,while being in ecstasy in presence of choosen trustworthy persons in order to transcript faithfully and loyally.She has been successively strucked blind deaf dumb and severely stigmatised,also been the target of church authorities and neighborhood of course...
All this material means hundreds of "sessions"where she depicted not only her close future but most particularly our present times and events,especially the matter which we are dealing with:the coming comet.
You won't believe me! her motto : KNOWING AND TRANSMITTING

Ok let's return to our subject:

23 Fevrier 1938: "Il y aura une grave maladie que la science humaine ne sera pas capable de soigner. Cette maladie attaquera d’abord le cœur, puis l’esprit et en même temps la langue. Cela sera terrible. La chaleur qui l’accompagnera sera un feu dévorant tout, insupportable et si intense que les membres du corps infectés en deviendront rouges, d’un rouge féroce et insoutenable.
Après 7 jours cette maladie, qui aura germé comme la semence dans le champ (période d’incubation), s’étendra rapidement à tout le corps en faisant de grands progrès. Mes enfants, il n’y a qu’un seul remède qui pourra vous sauver. Vous connaissez l’aubépine blanche qui pousse dans presque toutes les haies. Les feuilles de l’aubépine (pas ses branches) peuvent arrêter l’avancée de cette maladie. Vous rassemblerez les feuilles (pas les branches). Même sèches elles conserveront leur efficacité. Vous les mettrez dans l’eau bouillante et vous les laisserez reposer environ 14 minutes en couvrant la marmite afin que la vapeur ne s’échappe pas. Au début de cette maladie, ce remède doit être bu 3 fois par jour. Cette maladie provoquera de continuels vomissements et nausées. Si le remède est pris trop tard, la partie du corps infectée deviendra noire, et sur le noir une sorte de trait pâle et jaune apparaîtra"

There will be a serious disease that human science won't be able to heal.This disease will first address the heart then the spirit(mind) and at the same time the tongue.It will be terrible.Heat accompanying will be a consuming fire,unbearable and so intense that infected members of the body will become red,a red intense and unsustainable.
After 7 days this disease will germinate as the seed in the fields(incubation period)will spread rapidly to whole body making great strides.My children,there is only a single cure that can save you.You know white Hawthorn grows in almost all hurdles.Leaves of Hawthorn(not its branches)may stop the advance of this disease.You will gather leaves(not its branches).Even dry they will retain their effectiveness.You will put in boiling water and let them stand for approximatively 14 minutes covering the pot so that the steam escapes not.At the beginning of this disease this remedy must be drunk 3 times a day.This remedy will cause continuous vomiting and nauseas.If the remedy is taken too late,the infected part of the body will become black and a kind of pale yellow line will appear on the black.
We continue:
"You will employ as infusion ground ivy (lierre terrestre ou herbe de saint jean) especially during crisis,chest aches and huge headaches.
For unknown fevers the humble Violet (Violette),fragrance of virtue and humility will have its effects."

As you can see I have relayded hands on some of my ancient books which have disappeared for almost 25 years ...Buried among Guénon and Steiner stuff! What I've found a propos of the comet is incredible and need to open a new thread.Soon!
Here is something about Hawthorn used mainly for heart problems: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/hawthorn-000256.htm

Hawthorn (Crataegus species) has been used to treat heart disease as far back as the 1st century. By the early 1800s, American doctors were using it to treat circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. Traditionally, the berries were used to treat heart problems ranging from irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Today, the leaves and flowers are used medicinally, and there is good evidence that hawthorn can treat mild-to-moderate heart failure.

Animal and laboratory studies report hawthorn contains antioxidants, including oligomeric procyandins (OPCs, also found in grapes) and quercetin. Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals -- compounds in the body that damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body and grow in number as we age. Environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, smoking, some medicines, and air pollution) can also increase the number of these damaging particles. Free radicals are believed to contribute to the aging process (such as wrinkling) as well as the development of a number of health problems including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants found in hawthorn may help stop some of the damage from free radicals, especially when it comes to heart disease.

Plant Description:

Hawthorn is a common thorny shrub in the rose family that grows up to 5 feet tall on hillsides and in sunny wooded areas throughout the world. Its flowers bloom in May. They grow in small white, red, or pink clusters. Small berries, called haws, sprout after the flowers. They are usually red when ripe, but they may also be black. Hawthorn leaves are shiny and grow in a variety of shapes and sizes.
What's It Made Of?:

Hawthorn contains many substances that may benefit the heart. These antioxidant flavonoids -- including OPCs -- may help dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, and protect the blood vessels from damage.

The berries, leaves, and flowers of the hawthorn plant have been used for medicinal purposes. Most modern preparations use the leaves and flowers, which are believed to contain more of the flavonoids than the berries.
Medicinal Uses and Indications:

Hawthorn is used to help protect against heart disease and help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Heart failure

Hawthorn has been widely studied in people with heart failure (a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to other organs in the body). A number of studies conclude that hawthorn significantly improved heart function. Studies also have found that the herb can improve the ability to exercise in a person with heart failure. Participants in studies have reported that hawthorn significantly improved symptoms of the disease (such as shortness of breath and fatigue). One study found that hawthorn extract (900 mg/day) taken for 2 months was as effective as low doses of captopril (a prescription heart medication) in improving symptoms of heart failure.

A large study found that a standardized hawthorn supplement was effective in 952 patients with heart failure. The study compared conventional methods of treating heart failure (with different medications) with hawthorn alone and in addition to the drugs. After 2 years, the clinical symptoms of heart failure (palpitations, breathing problems, and fatigue) decreased significantly in the patients taking the hawthorn supplement. People taking hawthorn also took less medications for their condition.

Heart failure is a serious condition, and you should never try to self-treat with hawthorn. Ask your doctor if hawthorn is right for you.

Chest pain (Angina)

Some preliminary evidence suggests hawthorn may help combat chest pain (angina), which is caused by low blood flow to the heart. In one early study, 60 people with angina were given either 180 mg/day of hawthorn berry-leaf-flower extract or placebo for 3 weeks. Those who received hawthorn experienced improved blood flow to the heart and were also able to exercise for longer periods of time without suffering from chest pain. However, more studies would be needed to say for sure whether hawthorn was effective.

High blood pressure

Although hawthorn has not been studied specifically in people with high blood pressure, some people think that its benefits in treating heart disease may carry over to treating high blood pressure (hypertension). However, so far not enough research has been done to say whether hawthorn is effective at lowering blood pressure -- and if so, by how much.

In one study, a hawthorn extract was found to be effective for hypertension in people with type 2 diabetes who were also taking their prescribed medicines. Participants took 1,200 mg hawthorn extract daily or placebo for 16 weeks. Those taking hawthorn had lower blood pressures than those taking the placebo.

You should talk with your doctor before taking hawthorn if you have high blood pressure.

Here may be a small clue confirming that it was used during times of plague (and its meaning probably misinterpreted?). It is about a tree in Denmark.

The Hou Hawthorn

The oldest tree in the village, but how old it really is, takes a leap in the dark. - Some people say it is more than 200 years old - then it must be older than the village which was founded by the fisherman Rasmus Andersen Færgemann in 1846 when he and his family settled down in Hou.

The strange history about it's origin is whistling in the gnarled twigs of the Hawthorn. - Plague hawthorn it is sometimes called, because traditions say that hawthorns have been planted upon the graves of plaguedeads. If that's true - the tree must be about 600 years old, yet nobody has ever been able to prove it.

Another tradition says that dead cattle have been burried under the Hawthorn. If this is the true story - the tree has been planted during the great veterinary epidemic about 1700.
This is an old thread but is the most relevant. On the recommendation in the latest session to take Hawthorn, which I have never tried, I bought some yesterday from Nutter's (20% off day) just to see what would happen.

It's a tincture made from:

Medicinal Ingredients:
Certified Organic Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna, leaf and flower), Certified Organic Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna, berry)

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Distilled water, certified organic alcohol

The directions say to take 60 drops (from the supplied eyedropper), which equals 2 ml, in a little water. I took 45 drops as a 'first time' last night. It tastes like 'tea', very earthy and woody, quite pleasant actually. Very soon after, I started to notice a difference. I didn't know I had a very minor buzzing ache, of sorts, in my chest/heart area until it disappeared, replaced with a slight feeling of relief; also as if a little weight was lifted. The directions mention to take this 3 times a day on an empty stomach for the next 2 months minimum to see beneficial effects. It felt pretty good to me already.

I also bought the Pau d'Arco tincture because the capsule that I'm taking now has magnesium stearate.

I also bought some loose Hawthorn tea.
We just planted a Hawthorn tree on Mother’s Day with some of my grandmother’s ashes. We chose this tree for its spiritual qualities to honor her. She must have been guiding this decision from the other side knowing that it will be an important remedy for the family.
This is an old thread but is the most relevant. On the recommendation in the latest session to take Hawthorn, which I have never tried, I bought some yesterday from Nutter's (20% off day) just to see what would happen.

It's a tincture made from:

The directions say to take 60 drops (from the supplied eyedropper), which equals 2 ml, in a little water. I took 45 drops as a 'first time' last night. It tastes like 'tea', very earthy and woody, quite pleasant actually. Very soon after, I started to notice a difference. I didn't know I had a very minor buzzing ache, of sorts, in my chest/heart area until it disappeared, replaced with a slight feeling of relief; also as if a little weight was lifted. The directions mention to take this 3 times a day on an empty stomach for the next 2 months minimum to see beneficial effects. It felt pretty good to me already.

I also bought the Pau d'Arco tincture because the capsule that I'm taking now has magnesium stearate.

I also bought some loose Hawthorn tea.

Thanks for sharing this.

I’ve had weird and uncomfortable things going on in my chest and heart area for over a year. Multiple trips to the doctors with various tests showed that ‘everything is normal’ and they attributed the weird beats, an episode of a-fib, and general pressure-like feeling to anxiety that I’ve also been having.

I couldn’t really find a tincture that had both flowers/leaves and berries, so I just got the flowers/leaves one to try.

After three days I’m noticing improvements, with less pressure sensation in the chest, heartbeat more regular and no pounding.
Thanks for sharing this.

I’ve had weird and uncomfortable things going on in my chest and heart area for over a year. Multiple trips to the doctors with various tests showed that ‘everything is normal’ and they attributed the weird beats, an episode of a-fib, and general pressure-like feeling to anxiety that I’ve also been having.

I couldn’t really find a tincture that had both flowers/leaves and berries, so I just got the flowers/leaves one to try.

After three days I’m noticing improvements, with less pressure sensation in the chest, heartbeat more regular and no pounding.
I’m having symptoms also of tight chest that feels like anxiety as I’m working (massage and rehab therapy) with people every day many of them vaccinated I’m a bit worried that I’m experiencing shedding effects. I also had palpitations one day after trying A2 milk. Scared me. I’ve started nartokinase this week but keen to try hawthorn also.

Are you keeping going with it daily ?
This is the experience in my practice as well, I recommend it specially for those who seem to be suffering from these symptoms during the COVID era.
Is it safe to take even if I just am concerned about heart issues? I don’t want to be dramatic but then I don’t want to dismiss symptoms either and I tend to not think too much of things. But cardiac symptoms are worrying in todays times.
I also ordered Hawthorn and Natokinasse capsules from iHerb.
I will start taking both of them from tomorrow and I will start with minimal doses.

Can I use them together? I mean I will probably take Nattokinaseon an empty stomach and about 2 hours later the Hawthorn.
As I said for a start I will take Hawthorn once a day. Nattokinase will go once a day anyway.

The hawthorn plant can be found naturally in the mountains near where I live and I found a lot of recipes online on how to make a natural tincture from it.

I also read that Hawthorn can increase the number of stem cells, which is beneficiary for our health.

On the Balkans, the Hawthorn is known as Glog. It is used for heart problems but also for many other things.
In Balkan mythology, the sharpened Hawthorn stake ( along with the silver bullet ) is the only thing that can kill a vampire. Also, it is used as an effective remedy against different "daemons".

Here is a link to a webpage in Serbian. You can translate it:
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