Session 18 May 2024


FOTCM Member
Session Date: May 18th 2024

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Falkor, Bella

FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:

3DStudent, Adobe, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Anamarija, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, Ant22, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, Aya, Beau, Bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton, cassandra, Cleo, Cosmos, Deliverance, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, finduilas495, Gawan, Glenn, grini, Gwenllian, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, hlat, iamthatis, irjO, Iscreamsandwish, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Josi, Juba, Keyhole, KJN, Korzik18, Laurentien2, Laurs, Lilou, LQB, Luis Miguel, Maat, marek760, Mari, Mark, Mark7, Martina, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Miracle, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, msante, Navigator, Neil, new_to_chess, Nicholas, Nienna, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, PopHistorian, Puma, RedFox, Redrock12, Regulattor, Ryan, rylek, Saman, seek10, seeker2seer, Sinapi, Steph_Rivers, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Temperance, thorbjorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Uperios, Voyageur, vulcan59, Whitecoast, williamsj, Windmill knight, Yas, Ysus, Zar

Q: (L) Today is May 18th, 2024. [Review of those present] Is anybody there?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And who do we have with us?

A: Mouinorra of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay. We've got quite a list of questions, so we might as well get on with it. Now, the first question is from Laurentien2, and he asks:

(Laurentien2) Are CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) related to the opening and closing of the Sun window?

(L) Well, that stopped me right there because, what is the Sun window? Now, I know the C’s have said that the center of spherical objects are windows, but I don't believe they ever said what they were windows to, and I don't think we ever asked that, did we? I mean...

(Laurentien2) Yeah, I thought, Laura, that they were a window to another realm, to another density. That's how I interpreted it.

(L) Right. So, I guess the first question we should ask before we even go any further with this, is, you said that the centers of spherical objects (and I think they even said all spherical objects, in a sense) were windows. So what is it a window to?

A: Depends on the object.

Q: (L) Okay. So, what is the window at the center of the Sun an opening to, or a window to?

A: Antiuniverse object.

Q: (L) Okay. So, the center of the Sun opens to an antiuniverse object. Is that antiuniverse object like an anti-Sun?

A: Close.

Q: (Ark) But you know, coming back to this question, once there is a window in a spherical object like the Sun, the window stays open as long as this spherical object remains a spherical object. And only what goes through this window can change or can fluctuate depending on activity.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, the window stays open because its function is as a window.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. So, there is no opening and closing of the Sun's window as long as the Sun continues to exist as a spherical object. And therefore, the question about coronal mass ejections is not relevant to the window state of the Sun. So, let's ask the next question: Are coronal mass ejections significant in some way, in a more than just, you know, ‘exploding thing’ sense?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And what are they exactly?

A: Surges in heliogap field.

Q: (L) Okay. Surges in heliogap field. What… [laughs] I'm gonna do it, what is a heliogap field?

A: Field surrounding solar system.

Q: (L) Okay. So, I read about this Voyager spacecraft that they sent up years and years ago, and it was going into the outer reaches of the solar system and there were some strange effects on it when it started getting close to the reach of the Sun's... What would you call it? Its electrical reach.

(Andromeda) Electromagnetic field?

(L) Yeah, something like that. Yeah.

(Scottie) There's a name for it.

(Andromeda) Yeah, I know...

(L) I don't exactly remember what they call it. Do you know, honey?

(Joe) The heliofield.

(Niall) The heliosphere.

(L) That's it. Okay. So, does this have anything to do with the end of the heliosphere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And is there a gap outside this heliosphere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And you're saying that there was a surge. Where does that energy come from that surges across this gap and enters the heliosphere?

A: Other systems.

Q: (L) ‘Other systems’, as in solar systems or star systems?

A: Yes. Also galactic current.

Q: (L) So, there is a galactic current that's flowing in the galaxy, yes?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And this galactic current crosses the gap into our heliosphere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And causes surges because it adds energy to our system. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those surges can cause CMEs?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And can those surges also cause very, very big ones?

A: Yes. Some surges can cause a star to explode.

Q: (L) Well, that's pleasant. Is that what's going to happen here?

A: No.

Q: (L) How do you know it's not going to happen? [Laughter]

A: Current is not that strong at present.

Q: (L) All right. Laurentien2, are you happy? Everything's okay now?

(Laurentien2) Yes, from what I understand, I'm happy, Laura. Sorry.

(L) Okay. I just wanted to make sure we handled your question with sufficient thoroughness. And we found out a few little things. Okay. It says here ‘Niall and Joe have questions about the CME.’ So, ask your questions, Niall and Joe.

(Niall) When was the last year in which auroras were seen as widely around the world as they were last week?

A: 1989.

Q: (Joe) Is it just the strength of the current that would dictate damage to Earth's electrical infrastructure?

A: Direction of eruption also.

Q: (Chu) So, that's why it didn't fry everything.

(Joe) Okay. Are there any effects on human beings from an event like the one from last week?

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) And would the answer to the question of what those effects are, be: ‘Depends on the person’?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So, they can be positive or negative?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) I see. Does it involve DNA changes, essentially?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (Joe) What is the most common effect, let's say, on human beings from such things?

A: Quickening.

Q: (Joe) Okay. So, is that in any way similar to the purported effects of the Wave about hyperkinetic sensate and amplifying what is in a person?

A: Minor similarity.

Q: (Joe) So, what does quickening mean, then, in terms of the solar flare effects, or solar storm effects?

A: Whatever is present is "jumpstarted".

Q: (L) Okay. This next question:

(Navigator) After the recent solar flares, some predict that there will now be an uptick in volcanic and earthquake activity in the next 30 days. Will we see that?

A: To some extent, yes.

Q: (Navigator) Did these recent solar storms affect human health?

A: Spa [See previous answer].

Q: (Laurentien2) Was the HAARP experiment at the same time as the solar storm a coincidence, or was it deliberate?

A: Coincidence. Interfered with HAARP activity.

Q: (PopHistorian) How far has Earth's magnetic pole shifted since the year we call 1900?

(L) Isn't that a question that can be easily answered with some research?

(Ark) Wikipedia! You can find it on Wikipedia.

(L) Yeah, consult Wikipedia.

(Andromeda) Do you want to ask if the recent auroras are what the C’s were referring to when they said ‘watch the seas, skies, and land’ recently? Or is there more to come?

A: More coming!

Q: (L) All right. Here's Keyhole:

(Keyhole) In the book "Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease" (1911), Dr Charles Sanford Porter explains his practice of treating thousands of patients with many different maladies using a diet consisting solely of raw milk. Another book "The Miracle of Milk: How to Use the Milk Diet Scientifically at Home" by Dr Bernarr Macfadden...

(L) I remember him. Not because I'm that old, but because I saw his book...

(Keyhole) ...was published some years later in 1923, and describes a similar protocol.

Dr Porter found that heating the milk (pasteurization) destroyed its ‘healing’ properties, and insisted on the raw variety. There are at least 42 studies demonstrating that consumption of raw milk in childhood confers substantial protection against the development of immune disorders like allergies, asthma, and atopic diseases. This is not found for pasteurized milk.

Raw milk possesses a rich microbiota, including many beneficial species of probiotic bacteria. Intake of raw milk increases abundance of beneficial gut microbes and reduces dysbiotic bacteria. This is all destroyed through the pasteurization process.

Raw milk/milk products contain numerous beneficial substances including: lactoferrin, immunoglobulins IgG and IgA, transfer factors, lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacteria, whey, vitamin A, D, K2, calcium etc.

Pasteurization of milk makes various proteins more allergenic and less digestible, it also reduces nutrient bioavailability.

There is a large body of people who report substantial benefits in gut health after consuming raw milk. Likewise, many people who were unable to tolerate pasteurized dairy products report being able to tolerate raw milk. There are accounts of some doctors/patients surviving on 100% milk diets for prolonged periods (up to 42 years, according to Charles Sanford).

Dr Weston A. Price found that several traditional cultures who consumed an abundance of dairy appeared to be in good health and lived disease-free.

(L) Finally we get to the question:

(Keyhole) Considering this research, is raw cow's milk good for most people?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) Is it good for some people?

A: Yes. Note that children were specifically mentioned. Milk is a neonatal nutrient designed to promote growth. In the natural world creatures no longer consume milk after weaning. In some cultures, as mentioned, adults appear to do well with dairy products. What is not apparent is the adaptation and the weeding out of those who did not survive so well.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that in this group that Weston Price mentions, ‘traditional cultures who consumed an abundance of dairy, appeared to be in good health and lived disease free’... Those were individuals who had basically adapted, and anybody in their cultural group from previous generations who could not adapt basically died off, and only left alive those people who were tolerant. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And it said, ‘42 studies demonstrating that consumption of raw milk in childhood confers substantial protection against the development of immune disorders’. And that's with raw milk.

A: Yes but there are still dangers. Remember that milk is growth promoting. If the individual is not fully adapted, that growth promotion can take unpleasant directions.

Q: (Andromeda) It's also growth promoting for a specific type of animal, right? Each different type of milk?

A: Yes. The growth schedule of a cow or goat is very different from a human being.

Q: (Joe) So, when you say ‘the growth promotion can take unpleasant directions’, are you talking about things like cancers or any kind of malignant... (Gaby) or strokes…?

A: Yes. Milk protein aggregates if not properly digested. A cow has several stomachs.

Q: (Joe) So, in that case then, is raw milk more dangerous than pasteurized milk? Does pasteurization inhibit the...?

A: No, that is not the issue. Milk can be used medicinally with benefits for very short periods for some people.

Q: (Chu) And they spelled ‘very short’ more slowly, as if they were stressing it.

Q: (Gaby) There are two main kinds of casein proteins in cow's milk, A2 beta-casein and A1/A2 beta-casein (the more common kind, allegedly the result of genetic mutation usually dated to 5000 years ago), with the second kind being the most harmful for people's health. Considering this research, is there a profile of persons who might not benefit from raw cow's milk, even if hygienically sourced from a healthy cow and even if it contains mostly the ‘beneficial’ casein?

A: Most.

Q: (L) So, most people will not benefit from raw cow's milk?

A: Yes.

Q: (Chu) What kind of person benefits, then? What kind of issue are they treating that they might benefit from drinking it?

A: Genetics plays a role along with the ability to manage the information.

Q: (L) What information?

(Joe) The information contained in the protein.

(L) Is that what it is? The information in the protein?

A: Yes.

Q: (Chu) So, it's very hard to tell, basically, if it's good for you or not.

(L) Right.

A: Casein is a receiver/ transmitter like all proteins. You might say that persons with strong bovine affinity can do better with milk than others.

Q: (Gaby) Organic portals?

(L) So, the same would be true for other milks, like if you have goat affinities, or…?

(Andromeda) ...or camel affinities, or yak, or moose [laughter]?

(Joe) What about coconut?

(L) What does … coconut has nothing to do with...

(Andromeda) It's not milk! It's water.

(Joe) I like coconut. Do I have a strong affinity for a coconut? [Laughter]

(L) Is coconut milk protein?

(Joe) I don't know. No.

(L) I don't think so.

(Andromeda) Well, I definitely don't have any affinity to a cow.

(L) So, it's an iffy situation, and obviously raw milk is better than pasteurized milk. It can be used as a medicine for brief periods of time. If it's going to be consumed, it should be while they're children, because apparently children appear to benefit, even if it's cow's milk. At least better than adults. And groups of people that appear to be well adapted to milk are exactly that: adapted. Because all the people who couldn't tolerate it in their culture died off.

(Andromeda) That would've been me.

(L) Yeah, I would've died off.

(Steph_rivers) Does fermentation of raw milk help the lactic bacteria break down the casein proteins and lactose to levels that render it harmless/digestible?

A: Not really.

Q: (gottathink) Regarding raw milk and its benefits, does it make any difference if the source is goat, sheep, cow, buffalo etc.?

(L) Well, I think that's pretty much covered.

(Persej) What is the substance that Weston Price named ‘activator X’? And here's a description of the activator X: ‘He determined that neither total hours of sunshine nor temperature was the chief controlling factor' in how much activator X was present in the milk. Rather, 'the factor most potent was found to be the pasture fodder of the dairy animals. Rapidly growing grass, green or rapidly dried, was most efficient'.’ So what is this activator X?

A: Information! Note the fact that grass of a certain nature provided this. Apply that principle to foods. Studies are most often of little value because subjects are self-selecting. A truly random group is almost never seen. Weighing and measuring constituents of a substance can be indicative if the potentials of information are taken into account. This is why pork is better for advanced humans than beef or many other meats. The information of the pig is more in line with the direction of the human. The meat of the pig is composed of proteins with similar receivership capacity.

Q: (Scottie) So, eat bacon!

(Andromeda) Iberico!

(Niall) Pork is better for us than beef?

(L) Keyhole, do you have any other questions? Did you get all that?

(Keyhole) One quick question about pork. Would you be able to ask about the fatty acid composition of pork fat? Because they just said that pork is in general better than beef, but the composition of pork fat, the ratio of fatty acids has been associated with lots of chronic health issues in the research. So, could you ask them about whether consuming pork that's not been pasture fed - so, for instance, pork from the supermarket - is that still healthy for humans, given the fact that their feed changes the composition of the fatty acid, and that's thought to be a real problem, as per the research anyway?

(L) Can we break this down into simple questions? Is pork from the supermarket okay?

A: No

Q: (L) So, it needs to be pasture fed pork, basically?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, you're basically talking about things that would be ideal conditions?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what about the fatty acid composition?

A: If the diet is varied, that issue does not arise.

Q: (Keyhole) Sorry, a quick question. Pasture raised pork is extremely difficult to find, so what's better: beef or supermarket pork?

(L) Grass fed beef or supermarket pork. Well now you're adding another parameter to it.

A: Grass fed is better on both counts. But in absence, pork is better.

Q: (L) And just remember what they said about studies and how the subjects of studies are self-selected.

(Andromeda) Can we ask about why eggs are bad for so many of us?

(L) That's a good question. Why are eggs so bad for so many of us?

A: They are the potential young of another species with linkages to reptiles.

Q: (L) So, it's the information again?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And it's concentrated in the egg?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Just like the information about cows is concentrated in the milk?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is there much information of any consequence in non-meat foods like grains and stuff like that? Is that something that should be considered from an information point of view?

A: Considered, yes.

Q: (L) Well, we know that seeds are the potential young of plants.

(Andromeda) And plants can be going one way or the other.

(L) And grains have been shown to be, you know, pretty detrimental...

(Chu) But from some veggies you get vitamins that you don't get from meat.

(L) Yeah. But veggies are different from grains. I mean there's a lot of root vegetables, leafy vegetables or fruits, all those kinds of things that do not entail eating the seeds or the potential young. So, maybe there's... Is there some kind of cosmic law about consuming the young of other creatures?

A: Close

Q: (Chu) Okay, so sprouts for example would be worse than a head of lettuce?

(L) Yeah.

(Chu) 'Cause it's a bunch of babies.

(Andromeda) It's a bunch of babies in one bite. [laughter]

(Chu) What about the cooking alterations when you fry with lard or tallow? Which one is better?

A: A mix would be ideal.

Q: (Joe) 50/50?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) And reusing the fats is bad?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Even bacon fat?

A: No

Q: (Andromeda) I knew it!

(L) That's because it's freshly rendered.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And it's smoky. [laughter]

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay.

(Temperance) May I piggyback on the pork feed questions? So, from what I've understood based on what I've learned about pork diets or pig diets, they're not able to survive on pasture alone. Is this true?

A: Close. Omnivores like humans.

Q: (Temperance) Okay. What is the optimal supplementation with grain to balance out their diet?

A: Avoid grain. Feed veggies etc.

Q: (Joe) And acorns.

(L) Acorns are seeds of oak trees.

(Temperance) Are they able to digest milk better than humans?

A: Yes

Q: (Temperance) Okay. I remember hearing something about people having dairy cows, then using the excess milk or excess whey to then fatten up pigs. So, I suppose that's one way to do it and I'll look to avoid grains. Thank you very much.

(Joe) Are acorn-fed pigs that we get, are they bad because they've been eating baby oak trees?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) That law doesn't apply to pigs.

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) The tree drops them freely. They're not taken from it.

(Andromeda) Where does fish fit into all of this? Fish and fish oil?

(L) Well, they already told us about that once; that fish substitute semi-adequately. Man does not live by fish alone. So, buy every piece of bacon. [laughter] So, okay, let's move on to the next questions.

(PopHistorian) Several forum members have reported onset of tachycardia, particularly atrial fibrillation. Drug companies have increased targeting of afib sufferers in recent years. Many articles call it a new epidemic. Is the incidence of tachycardia truly rising, and why?

(L) Is it truly rising?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why?

A: COVID vax.

Q: (L) Well, what if you don't take the COVID vaccines?

A: Shedding from others.

Q: (L) So, even if you don't take it, you can get the effects of it from the shedding?

A: All should undertake antivax protocol of some sort including heart support.

Q: (Gaby) Like hawthorn berry.

(Joe) CoQ10, hawthorn berry.

(L) Several different things, like nattokinase that keep your blood clean.

(Gaby) Plasmalogens.

(L) And help your heart.

(Andromeda) CoQ10, L-carnitine, fish oil, NAC.

(L) Yeah.

(Niall) Those vaccine fascists, they basically got what they wanted: Everyone is subject to its effects.

(L) To a certain extent. Is that true? Everybody has basically been exposed?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are those who got the vaccine worse off than those who didn't?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there some protections for those who did not get the vaccine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Hmm. Well, none of this is very pleasant.

(PopHistorian) Is there anything in particular from our forum research that we need to be aware of to prevent or treat this problem?

(L) Well, I guess they just said what to do. Is there something we haven't covered?

A: No.

Q: (L) Alright.

(Windmill Knight) The C's have mentioned that Jordan Peterson is a great soul, yet he is also very much driven by his emotions, and therefore, has trouble coping with objective reality. Lately, he has publicly made some remarks in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that are greatly off the mark and lacking in empathy, to say the least, like encouraging Netanyahu to 'give them hell', accusing the Palestinians of playing the victim, or calling anti-genocide demonstrators 'resentful, childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination.' Several of us have the impression that the Jordan Peterson, before his medical coma for his severe benzo withdrawal symptoms, is no more. He is particularly different since befriending the likes of Bibi Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. Is it really just his emotions that are twisting his views or is there something else at play here?

A: Peterson was subjected to intensive programming during his coma.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't replaced?

A: No

Q: (L) Just subjected to intensive programming, I'm assuming by 4th density?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Yes? Somebody had something to say?

(seek10) Can I ask one question on the anti-vaccine protocol?

(L) Yes

(seek10) How often should we do that protocol?

A: Every day for at least 6 months.

Q: (L) Ark and I did it for like two years. I mean, we took the stuff for two years, every day.

Q: (L) Okay...

(Beau) Did Michael Jackson ever have any sexual activity with minors?

A: Minor.

(Beau) Were there efforts to falsely accuse him as a pedophile?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But if he had minor sexual interactions with minors, then he was a pedophile.

A: Not exactly. Just confused.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't a true pedophile, he was just confused. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Why was this done? Why were these accusations made?

A: Because his confusion was clearing and he was growing stronger.

Q: (L) So, he might have become a force against them?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he manipulated into these situations with children?

A: Yes

Q: (L) He was practically a child himself...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, next:

(Approaching Infinity) 1) In past sessions, you have said there are six types of abduction, but only three have been discussed in any real detail. First, there is alpha state induction, aka ‘level 3’ abduction - remote manipulation while conscious or dreaming. Second is the soul duplication or ‘virtual reality’ abduction - soul imprint is extracted via TDARM, body copied in 4D, then soul reinserted into 3D body. And third is physical abduction, where the 3D body gets removed to 4D via TDARM.

(L) I don't know if it was necessarily that the 3D body was removed to 4D via TDARM. I think it was removed to 4D just, you know, out and out, plain as... Are you sure about that distinction?

(Approaching Infinity) Well, in the Missing 411 cases, which by context seem to be considered permanent abductions, there's been talk of the remolecularization process and crossing dimensional boundaries. So, I'm making an assumption that that is at least one of those types where it's removed into 4D.

(L) Okay, let's ask, okay, he says the third is physical abduction where the 3D body gets removed to 4D by a TDARM. Is that what happens?

A: No.

Q: (L) What happens?

A: 3D body taken to 4D.

Q: (L) And no TDARM involved. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, no TDARM is involved in that third type of abduction, but they do use technology to remove people. I mean, they open portals, pull 'em through a portal, so to speak, something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they have, like, tractor beams and stuff?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But they don't have to disassemble 'em?

A: No

Q: (Approaching Infinity) A couple other possible variations are mentioned in the sessions, mostly based on the MIA/KIA discussion. First there is reanimation, where the soul is picked up prior to going to 5D and reinserted into the reanimated body. Second is body duplication/cloning, which resembles reanimation, except a new, replacement body is created. And the third might be a strictly 3D abduction, for example, where the physical body enters a 4D area without TDARM, like when one enters or is taken to an underground base. Are these accurate?

A: Close enough!

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Why is alpha-state induction considered an abduction, which implies some part of us is taken? Did ‘level 3’ just mean it takes place strictly in 3D?

A: Abduction there refers to consciousness.

Q: (L) So, they're just taking your consciousness, is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the Missing 411 cases, in which bright, athletic men go missing and turn up dead in water, there is medical evidence that many of them were alive for much of the time they were missing, and only died shortly before their bodies were found. What happened to them during the time they were alive, which sometimes lasted days or several weeks?

A: Food source.

Q: (L) Well, they weren't eaten.

A: Emotional food. Also breeding experiments.

Q: (L) Niall and Joe, what are your questions about Albias animals? What are Albias animals?

(Joe) So, in January this year there were 600 sheep that were spooked or corralled into the back of a poly tunnel. And they all died from fear. And they claimed at the time that it must be a dog. They didn't really see a dog, but they said there were wild dogs around.

(L) 600 sheep died from fear because the dog scared them?!

(Joe) Yeah. And then, more recently, there was an event where 600 chickens were allegedly killed by a pack of stray dogs. And they say it goes back over two years, but these wild dogs have never been caught.

(Chu) And it can be sheep, goats, chickens...

(Joe) It just seems that the numbers being killed seems unlikely for a dog or pack of dogs. And we're wondering if it's something other than what people assume it is?

(L) What is it?

A: Temporary transfer of perimeters to 4D where 2D creatures can be easily overwhelmed.

Q: (L) Okay. And what causes transfer of perimeters?

A: 4D bleedthrough due to local activity.

Q: (L) What kind of local activity? Are we talking about people performing rituals and stuff?

A: Close

Q: (Joe) Wasn't there something about witches or something?

(L) Creepy!

(Chu) I dunno, but some of the animals were wounded, too.

(Niall) Is this related to the spate of horses that were being abused by some satanic groups?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) In that area, yeah.

(Niall) Well, that was all over France during the COVID year, in 2020/2021.

Q: (L) Okay, next question: hlat wants to ask in regard to the session of July 17th, 2022:

Session Date: July 17th 2022

(hlat) Silly question. My daughter had an unusual experience and would like to know what happened. One morning she woke up in bed and saw my son standing in her doorway. Son said to Daughter something about cooking chicken tenders, and then Son ran off. Daughter got out of bed after a few seconds, walked down the hallway, and saw Son and Second Daughter in the living room. Daughter asked if Son had asked her about chicken tenders, and he said he didn't. Second Daughter said Son had been sitting with her the whole time and couldn't have gone to Daughter's room. What happened?

A: Bilocation. Did he get his tenders?

(hlat) What factors favored my son's bilocation back in 2022?

A: Natural tendency.

Q: (L) He has a natural tendency to have the ability to bilocate?

A: Yes. But it will fade. Of interest is that the daughter was able to see him!

Q: (hlat) Is bilocation one of the features of 4D or of a 4D bleedthrough?

A: Not necessarily. Abilities of the soul.

Q: (hlat) When a person experiences a 4D bleedthrough, does the entire locator or environment temporarily exist in fourth density, even when the others in the same locator don't perceive the bleedthrough?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it's also the ability to perceive that's important?

A: Yes

Q: (L) As you just said about the daughter. Okay:

(hlat) The upcoming Wave will take us from 3D to 4D. Do the precursor waves also take us from 3D to 4D albeit temporarily?

A: Somewhat, yes. Also it is a process that is ongoing.

Q: (Joe) So, kind of like when they were talking about being able to perceive 4D in 5D, you have to be aware of it beforehand. So, is it in terms of the bleedthrough, people who are aware of the idea of another reality of 4D, would that awareness at least help them in terms of being able to address discrepancies and that kind of stuff?

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) And also paying attention to discrepancies rather than normalizing everything, right?

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) It's an important factor.

Q: (L) Miracle asks:

Session 27 April 2024

Q: (irjO) In our timeline, besides the construction of the Coral Castle, when was the last time the ‘sound focusing wave’ technique was regularly used as a building method?

A: 1100 BC

Q: (irjO) Why did we stop using it?

A: Tech lost due to cataclysms. Also genetic component watered down and weakened. It emerges anomalously now and then. Witness: Leedskalnin.

Q: (L) So, there was a genetic component to this tech?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it was certain people who had the genetics who were doing it?

A: Yes

(Miracle) Does anybody on the forum have the ‘sound wave focusing’ genetics?

A: Several.

Q: (irjO) Would a person carrying sound wave focusing genes know that they have these genes?

A: Not usually.

A: (irjO) Would an organic portal consciousness maintain an individualized identity after death?

Q: (L) I think we already talked about that. We talked about the fact that they go to the soul pool. It's already in the sessions. It's already been discussed.

(irjO) So, the reason for that question is because I read a lot of books regarding the past life therapies and regressions, and there is no way to identify if any of those persons who were doing one of these therapies could be an organic portal. So, my question basically is, are organic portals able to also remember past lives?

(L) Well, yeah, but we just said they don't have them.

(Andromeda) Or maybe they have glimpses. If they're kind of like a bunch of different energies that have been around before...

(L) Can they remember past lives of other parts of their soul pool as their own?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they could even remember several past lives that, you know, conflict with one another because they're picking up past lives from other members of their soul pool or even other people that they are closely associated with.

A: Yes

Q: (irjO) When they go to this so-called soul pool, are they able to contemplate their lessons similar to soul beings?

A: No, they learn as a unit.

Q: (Windmill knight) The C's have confirmed that nuclear detonations can have effects on other densities or dimensions, that they can break dimensional barriers or even cause damage there. Do people who die in nuclear blasts have difficulty or suffer some sort of additional effect when transitioning to 5D due to the nuclear energy?

A: Yes. And it is a great "sin" to utilize such bombs.

Q: (L) So, in other words, the damage that is done by them is so heinous that those who are involved in doing it incur very, very serious karmic burdens. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (Keit) According to Peter Garyaev (creator of a ‘wave genome’, author of papers on Linguistic Wave Genetics), the DNA molecule is encoded speech structures, thoughts and images, which he claimed is also possible to treat with information. Garyaev assures us that with the help of thought and correct speech, you can heal yourself. You need to talk to your organs, as if trying to persuade them to become healthy. He created ‘Garyaev Matrices’ (DNA music) that can heal organs, bones, and body regions. Primary recording is carried out by a special laser capable of generating photons that change their polarization (spin states), i.e. recording information when probing any objects (cells and tissues, bioactive substances, photographs, etc.). It creates a quantum representation of the healthy state of a particular person and then corrects deviations by returning to the normal/healthy state.

The questions: Is Garyaev’s work legit and worth looking into?

A: Yes but needs weeding.

Q: (Keit) Would it be beneficial to listen to his ‘Garyaev Matrices’?

A: Wouldn't hurt. Cure? Depends on many factors.

Q: (Keit) There is an official institute that sells all kinds of related equipment. Are they legit or are they frauds?

A: Salesmen.

Q: (Keit) Would it be beneficial to try their equipment?

A: Not so much.

Q: (Keit) If ‘Garyaev Matrices’ are working, the institute claims that only they have the original recordings, and whatever we find online are copies and fakes, and the results are unpredictable. Is it true, and should one buy only their recordings?

A: Partly, but also protecting income stream.

Q: (Keit) Did Garyaev die a natural death?

A: Yes

Q: (Keit) In the session on 15th of April, 2000, it was confirmed that the Russian magnetics lab is located in a range of mountains called Sayan or Sayany. In the same region there is a mountain range called Ergaki. The place has a lot of legends and stories, some of which connect this location and the Sayan mountains in general to the ancient civilizations, similar to the legends of Shambhala. And the whole region of the Sayan mountains is also connected to the Altai mountains. The Ergaki have various strange stone structures that supposedly were utilized as part of a technology that was known to ancient civilizations. A story from the 60's tells that there was a construction going on nearby and the workers saw a ray of light (a beam) that exited the chain of rocks called ‘Sleeping Sayan’, and the ray illuminated the entire area. An hour later people arrived in "Volga" cars, that back then usually belonged to high-level officials. They told the workers to forget about what they saw. Is this story true?

A: Partly.

Q: (Keit) If yes, what was this beam?

A: Emitted by occasionally functioning ancient tech.

Q: (Keit) Was the Altai-Sayan region part of the Atlantean civilization?

A: No

Q: (Keit)The Sayan mountains are also the favorite vacation location of Putin. Is it just because of the nature, or are there any other additional reasons? If there are additional reasons, what are they?

A: Nature and awareness of ancient associations.

Q: (L) So, he likes the nature and he is aware, and he goes there because it makes him feel connected or something. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Ryan) Did Plato engage in sexual activity with minors, as both Cleckley and Laura surmised?

A: Yes

Q: (Ryan) If yes, how much did that contribute to the reason his work seems to have escaped censorship throughout Western history, unlike that of many greater Greek thinkers?

A: Yes, a lot.

Q: (L) So, it contributed a lot to the survival of his work.

(Ryan) How much, as a percentage of Plato's surviving work, did he plagiarize from others?

A: 80 percent.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't so creative after all, eh? [laughter]

(Niall) And we're all living in Plato's Republic!

(PopHistorian) How valid or useful is the Attachment Style system now in use for almost 70 years and seemingly gaining credence rapidly? Is this system more useful when applying the theory that the four styles are not absolute categories, but more like focal points in a spectrum, and individual styles may move within the spectrum depending on their state of mind and current circumstances?

(L) Okay. So, is the system more useful if it is applied as a spectrum?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is there anything in particular you can say about it?

A: 60 percent is genetic inheritance and only 40 percent is nurture.

Q: (L) That was the last question! Ha-ha-ha! [laughter]

(Joe) I got two. Only short ones.

(L) Oooh...

(Joe) When me and Andromeda and also others have left here for a while, when we come back, we notice that when we're away we feel different. And when we come back we feel like… kind of like a... how do you describe it?

(Andromeda) Heavy.

(Joe) Like a kind of heaviness.

(Chu) Like there's more gravity.

(Joe) We feel more oppressed. [laughter]

(L) So, you feel oppressed here and you feel freer elsewhere?

(Joe) No. But we notice that there's a difference. So, we're wondering what, you know… others have experienced it as well. So, we're wondering if there's anything tangible to that or what might be the source of that perception?

A: Letting go of burdens. Your lives involve taking on the weight of the world and your group in particular. Also you probably also feel the protective bubble and the weight of protection.

Q: (L) So, when you leave, you feel like you're letting go of responsibilities?

(Andromeda) No. I don't.

(L) You don't have to pay attention every minute.

(Joe) So, there's a weight of protection.

(Scottie) Like protecting each other or something?

(Andromeda) Like pressurization?

(Joe) What's the protective bubble?

(L) The one that we erect over this place every time we do a SRT.

(Joe) Okay.

(L) Where have you been? You've been absenting yourself?

(Joe) They didn't say it was that one. It could be another protective bubble, a different one. [laughter]

(L) Is it a different protective bubble than the one we create?

(Joe) Or is there more than one?

A: More than one. Also the gravity is slightly greater due to the growing 4D atmosphere.

Q: (Joe) Hmm.

(Andromeda) It does feel like gravity increased.

(Joe) Does gravity increase during these solar flares sometimes?

A: Maybe.

Q: (Joe) The only other question was if my mom is okay?

A: Very well in fact!

Q: (L) So, did I really see her when she passed?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Because she seemed awfully cheerful. I mean, she was, like, almost laughing. Well, you know how she was, she was, you know... We had this little competition sometimes about, you know, cooking and being moms and that stuff. And so, then she just tells me, okay, you're the mom now! [laughter] Take that!!

(Andromeda) I can imagine her saying it.

A: P loves you all and is finally doing exactly what she wants which includes sending positive feelings to all.

Q: (L) I'll never forget. When I asked S, I said, well, you know, 'cause she was still on machines and they hadn't turned off the machines yet. And I said, will you come back? And she says, ‘Are you kidding?!’ [laughter] That's what she said: ‘Are you kidding?’

(Joe) Come back where?

(L) Come back into her body, so we could, you know, wake her up. Because her body was still alive on the machines. Okay. Is there anything we need to know that we haven't asked? If so, consider it asked.

A: Many more trials coming in place after place. It takes a lot to awaken a dumbed down population. Many will not survive. Take care of each other. Goodbye.

Q: (L) So, it ain't over yet. The fat lady didn't sing!

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Q: (L) Okay. So, there is no opening and closing of the Sun's window as long as the Sun continues to exist as a spherical object. And therefore, the question about coronal mass ejections is not relevant to the window state of the Sun. So, let's ask the next question: Are coronal mass ejections significant in some way, in a more than just, you know, ‘exploding thing’ sense?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And what are they exactly?

A: Surges in heliogap field.
This is very close to an answer from 1994:
Q: (L) What is causing the Earth changes?

A: Electromagnetic wave changes.

Q: (L) Can you be more specific?

A: Gap in surge heliographic field.
Surge in gap field vs. Gap in surge field.

And there was this from 2014:
(Alada) There was apparently an electromagnetic storm, but there wasn't any related CME or plasma release to seemingly cause this, but there was a weakening of the Earth's shield. What caused this suddenly weakening of Earth's shield?

A: Surge of energy between sun and companion. This reduced the electrical flow to earth, thus weakening the field and increasing the flow of cosmic rays.

Q: (L) Okay. Surges in heliogap field. What… [laughs] I'm gonna do it, what is a heliogap field?

A: Field surrounding solar system.
Q: (L) Okay. So, I read about this Voyager spacecraft that they sent up years and years ago, and it was going into the outer reaches of the solar system and there were some strange effects on it when it started getting close to the reach of the Sun's... What would you call it? Its electrical reach.

(Andromeda) Electromagnetic field?

(L) Yeah, something like that. Yeah.

(Scottie) There's a name for it.

(Andromeda) Yeah, I know...

(L) I don't exactly remember what they call it. Do you know, honey?

(Joe) The heliofield.

(Niall) The heliosphere.

(L) That's it. Okay. So, does this have anything to do with the end of the heliosphere?

A: Yes.
Sounds like the heliopause:
The heliopause is the theoretical boundary where the Sun's solar wind is stopped by the interstellar medium; where the solar wind's strength is no longer great enough to push back the stellar winds of the surrounding stars. This is the boundary where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance. The crossing of the heliopause should be signaled by a sharp drop in the temperature of solar wind-charged particles,[30] a change in the direction of the magnetic field, and an increase in the number of galactic cosmic rays.[34]
Q: (L) And is there a gap outside this heliosphere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And you're saying that there was a surge. Where does that energy come from that surges across this gap and enters the heliosphere?

A: Other systems.

Q: (L) ‘Other systems’, as in solar systems or star systems?

A: Yes. Also galactic current.

Q: (L) So, there is a galactic current that's flowing in the galaxy, yes?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And this galactic current crosses the gap into our heliosphere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And causes surges because it adds energy to our system. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those surges can cause CMEs?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And can those surges also cause very, very big ones?

A: Yes. Some surges can cause a star to explode.

Q: (L) Well, that's pleasant. Is that what's going to happen here?

A: No.

Q: (L) How do you know it's not going to happen? [Laughter]

A: Current is not that strong at present.

A: Information! Note the fact that grass of a certain nature provided this. Apply that principle to foods. Studies are most often of little value because subjects are self-selecting. A truly random group is almost never seen. Weighing and measuring constituents of a substance can be indicative if the potentials of information are taken into account. This is why pork is better for advanced humans than beef or many other meats. The information of the pig is more in line with the direction of the human. The meat of the pig is composed of proteins with similar receivership capacity.
Is that because they have human DNA? From 2001:
Q: (L) Okay, now about the Pig God: what is it about pigs that makes them ideal as a symbol for the manifestation of God energy, or even as a vehicle?

A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.

Q: (L) What does that code relate to?

A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.

Q: (L) Are you suggesting that some codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure" was spliced into an animal?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Why an animal and not a human being? Is it because the STS energy is so contractile that a pig is an appropriate receptacle?

A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) So if we go through this geomagnetic reversal, this supposedly happened several times before in a cycle... Does it cause mutations in humans and other living things?

A: It can.

Q: (Andromeda) According to something this guy says in this book, pigs and humans popped onto the scene at the same time...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Is this a mutation that happened side-by-side, or... I don't know exactly what I'm trying to ask... Are we primate and pig hybrids?

A: No.

Q: (Andromeda) So it was a mutation?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) That happened at the same time for humans and pigs?

A: Yes. Viral.
Thank you for another information packed session :wizard: :flowers:

(Beau) Did Michael Jackson ever have any sexual activity with minors?

A: Minor.

(Beau) Were there efforts to falsely accuse him as a pedophile?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But if he had minor sexual interactions with minors, then he was a pedophile.

A: Not exactly. Just confused.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't a true pedophile, he was just confused. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Why was this done? Why were these accusations made?

A: Because his confusion was clearing and he was growing stronger.

Q: (L) So, he might have become a force against them?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he manipulated into these situations with children?

A: Yes

Q: (L) He was practically a child himself...

A: Yes

This was quite a shocker, I will admit that I was taken in by the “testimonials” of his alleged “victims” in Leaving Neverland. Sweet heaven, they really put the narrative together well - and the boys' parents complied with the lies! And it must have been lies, none of what they said in the documentary could be considered “minor”.

And speaking of experts, I am now wondering about the motivations of specialists who cast the 'guilty' verdict, such as Jim Clemente for example. I'm not suggesting that Clemente was a part of the spear campaign, but I'll take this as a reminder that some narratives are better stitched than others and caution is needed at all times before believing anything, including so-called experts.

I have bumped into a few interviews like the one below, where Michael talked about the general population being lied to. Apparently, this was recorded not too long before his death. I now beat myself up for not putting that together with the alleged pedophilia. Manufacturing those kinds of accusations is the PTB’s modus operandi, and yet I got fooled so easily by a well-concocted lie. In the end, if not by those lies, they neutralised him with medication dependancy and heaven knows what else.

Poor Michael, such a lonely soul. It must have been a tough life to live. He paid one heck of a price for his fame and fortune.

Thanks for sharing another jam-packed session. So then, old "Whacko Jacko" did engage in a criminal act, kinda confirms my suspicion. But he was confused. Hmmm, and he was heading in "conspiratorial" directions with his personal musical statements in his latter years. So certainly he was a figure with great reach who needed to be neutered and contained. As stated in the session, he was in a state of arrested development himself, and was never going to be the leader of a vanguard in the arts, he was largely speaking just a rather camp mainstream entertainer. I hope his soul has learned some vital lessons about his strange life on 5d. Increasingly I think seeking fame and fortune on 3d is a karmic bind. Narcissistic wounding seems a common generative theme for me, and these wounded souls then seek emotional validation in their performances instead. It's part of the story, perhaps not the whole thing though.

I'm loving these Q+A style sessions of late, there's so much going on in our world in so many areas that it's difficult to keep one'self abreast of all the pertinent info. We've been warned of late that a big "marker event" is incoming, which will cause another paradigm shift in our reality. Hopefully we can keep planting seeds in our mass culture and at least a few more souls will come to question the programming of the repressive state apparatus.
This was quite a shocker, I will admit that I was taken in by the “testimonials” of his alleged “victims” in Leaving Neverland. Sweet heaven, they really put the narrative together well - and the boys' parents complied with the lies! And it must have been lies, none of what they said in the documentary could be considered “minor”.
Rob Ager did a number of videos on this at the time. Ager is a film analysis guy, and has a history working with abuse victims. He called BS at the time:

Thank you for a surprising and a "juicy" session! :-)
(PopHistorian) Several forum members have reported onset of tachycardia, particularly atrial fibrillation. Drug companies have increased targeting of afib sufferers in recent years. Many articles call it a new epidemic. Is the incidence of tachycardia truly rising, and why?

(L) Is it truly rising?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why?

A: COVID vax.

Q: (L) Well, what if you don't take the COVID vaccines?

A: Shedding from others.

Q: (L) So, even if you don't take it, you can get the effects of it from the shedding?

A: All should undertake antivax protocol of some sort including heart support.
I have atrial fibrillation for almost 1.5 years, and it was the worst last year in September, higher frequency with light-headedness. It got better and in the last two months I barely notice it - didn't use any special protocol. Maybe it was related to the vax.

Funny synchronicity- my friend asked me to send him an anti-vax protocol just a few minutes before the session was released. :-)

If someone could point me to the latest antivax protocol, that would be nice.
Such an amazing session guys!!! So many questions that I have been thinking and reading about recently. It was like you were discussing stuff I wanted to ask. It left me speechless. This one, like many others, deserves rereading and re-investigating.
Thank you so very much.... very blessed.
Thank you so much for very informative session !

A: More than one. Also the gravity is slightly greater due to the growing 4D atmosphere.

I am relieved. It's not just my weight that is slighty greater :lol:.

I feel like something is different with the world around me, my personality dramatically changed, I feel extremely sad and scared. Maybe... just maybe that is because of that strange aurora....

You are not alone with this. Stay strong !
Poor Michael, such a lonely soul. It must have been a tough life to live. He paid one heck of a price for his fame and fortune.
Yeah. :-( I can't substantiate the rumours, but people are saying that Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry I believe financed Leaving Neverland. That could explain why she interviewed Robson and Safechuck and director Dan Reed on her own network. Interestingly, her audience consisted of sexual abuse survivors. How is that for programming all the sexual abuse victims and she has been doing that for years.:mad:

There is an article on Medium that debunks Leaving Neverland, but I haven't read it yet.
WOW! Another information packed session, thanks to all involved especially Laura and Andromeda, who make the sessions possible, much gratitude.

The revelation regarding Michael Jackson is particularly interesting, like many others, I fell victims to the propaganda surrounding his persona as presented to the public. I wonder about the comment Laura made he was basically a child with the C's giving confirmation. Was his development suppressed on some level intentionally?

There is no doubt he was a spectacular performer with his songs and dance routines that captured the imagination of his followers world wide.

The video presented previously in this thread by @ Ant22, presents a different perspective on his intellectual ability to absorb information, digest it's implications and present it in a coherent way, an indication that he was beginning to mature both intellectually and in a soulful way? It provides possibly, confirmation regarding the massive disinformation campaign against him. One can only imagine given his worldwide influence in the music world, his followers, the information regarding the reality of our world spreads and becomes common knowledge...He had to be stopped OSIT
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