Healing the Planet

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Canadian mother's and son's death survival experience and mother's received message how to heal her son and the planet, received from Beings of Light, and related website with complete information
Posted by the Team Leader for Thailand
Join the World Meditation July 17, 2007 -- Be a part of the Healing!
The Grid said:
The light beings use the term "fire the grid" when they speak of the energizing of humanity with divine power, on July 17, 2007. They say firing the grid will accomplish two things. First, it will pulse healing energy into the center of the earth and regenerate the core, or the heart of the planet. Just as we poured our energy into my dying son, we will individually give the gift of our true intention, the gift of our individuality and the gift of our healing energy. As they explained, my son's energy field was badly deteriorated, as is the Earths. We must pour some of our living energy into the Earth, and the accumulation of our combined energy will regenerate the Earth. They told me humans are like little lightening rods, channelling God's energy to the planet. Because we have separated ourselves from our complete connection to The Source, by not having a fully functioning human grid, God's energy has not been able to easily flow into the Earth. If we choose to come together to rebuild our grid, then the natural flow of energy between us and God, God and the Earth, and from person to person, will be restored. Do you see what a wonderful gift you will give? This energy will live on eternally with the earth and its inhabitants; the splendour of the creator's intention for us realised in the creation of this new energy field for our planet.

How do we do this you ask? The time has been set for July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time. I have been given no indication about why this date and time have been chosen, but this date has been told to me over and over again. I have been asked to bring together as many humans as possible, throughout the world from every corner of the globe, to simply sit and pray or meditate for one hour during that time. Hopefully, with your help, we will amass a union of humans, such as the world has never seen. Loving humans with one intention - to heal our planet and awaken our souls to our true propose...to become one with our Source of Light.
Sounds tasty...
Sounds like the "Love and light brigade trying to heal the planet with love and light again". Maybe Im a bit to skeptical, but the tone of the website goes against many things I have read in the C's transcripts and also many of my own views that one should not try to "Heal the World", we should only work on ourselves, and that is what "The Work" (as I understand it) is about. Who are we to try and change the world for our own liking? That sounds to me like wishfull thinking. I would rather leave the planet alone to heal herself in her own natural healing cycles than seek to impose my own will and wishfull thiking on the planet. I will have a deeper look at the website linked above over my lunch hours, but I already get bad feelings about it all.

From The Plan

Human beings chose many thousands of years ago to disconnect themselves from a collective grid, so that they could have free will. This severance has allowed us to make our own decisions and be independent. But it has also allowed us to make many mistakes which have adversely affected this planet. And it has made our direct communication with The Source more difficult. We are now at a turning point when our disconnection could mean the end of the earth as it now exists.
Maybe I'm reading that statement wrong, but it suggests that having freewill is a bad thing, and also that we have made mistakes. IF all is just a learning process and we are simply learning many different lessons, then we are being judged by these beings of light as being wrong or sinners somewhat reminiscent of the post by the user Motti a few days ago under the 9-11 General Discussion topic. Also what evidence and from where is the opinion coming that the world is about to end and cease to exist? Sounds to me like more baseless fear mongering to make people feel guilt-tripped into doing as they are told by the owners of this website.

From the Plan

They told me humans are like little lightening rods, channelling God's energy to the planet. Because we have separated ourselves from our complete connection to The Source, by not having a fully functioning human grid, God's energy has not been able to easily flow into the Earth.
As far as I understand what is being said here, this site postulates that God (The Divine, or whatever name we each know our creator by) energy has not been able to easily flow into the earth. It sounds to me like someone is trying to say that we are being starved of God's energy...this makes me wonder where the proof for this sort of statement comes from?

To speak plainly I believe that we are all a part of God, every human, every grain of sand and everything in this world...so to say that God's energy is being in some way blocked would go against my own beliefs (which im open to being wrong on and still change everyday I encounter new information). If God is the prime creator of all, both the Creative and Entrophic/ Negative and Positive, then no matter what happens to drag this world into negativity, it does not mean that God's energy is being blocked, only that one of the two polarities is more prevelent and the nergy is still there, just in a different form.

Maybe the Mods could help me on that theory. Is it possible to block the energy of the Creator in any way shape or form in any part of creation? Im just thinking that if were all a part of The One, then the energy never dissipates so long as their is creation of anything?
sounds more like feeding the matrix than firing the grid
Humans are the only conscious and erect animals on the planet. As such, there have been traditions that implied that the human spine-supported biological matrix transduces energies from sky to earth and back again. And the fact that humans are conscious means this can be a deliberate process. It has also been said that hyperdimensional entities can ground energy and presence through humans, and can also conversly feed on them.

So the information Grid is providing is not new, and in essence it might not be wrong in principle. What I think is a point of suspicion is the call to channel energy in a deliberate manner not only on a specific date, but at a specific time.

Personally, whenever I see 11:11 presented in any context of world-redemption, warning lights go off. The number is presented as a kind of psychic gate-way. It even looks like such when written. So when people see this number the meaning of gateway resonates in their minds.

The seemingly ad hoc date might point to some numerologic meaning. The date 2007-7-17 amounts to a numeric triad 9-7-8 (where the 8 is not its first, but second monthly harmonic of 17). From my own studies of numerology (others might interpret it differently), 8 (derived from 17) represents physical nature, 70 represents a specific probability, and 900 a cosmic structuring affected by that probability.

Right or wrong, the specific nature of date and time is given in a LINEAR manner to get people to focus on a temporal coordinate that is give from the OUTSIDE rather than as a spontaneous non-linear result of knowledge. So this may just be another attempt to get a group of people to act as channels to something that wants to access or attain greater grounding to the terrestrial level, and get a firmer holding therein.

The rule of thumb here is that nature is alive and organic, and we are part of that organic system. If the organic system begins throwing off the matrix imposed on it, the matrix will want to dig its claws deeper into 3D through human conduits. And it will give then specific LINEAR directions to make that possible.

EsoQuest said:
Humans are the only conscious and erect animals on the planet.
Eso, I am puzzled: according to your terminology, is God an animal too?
ark said:
Eso, I am puzzled: according to your terminology, is God an animal too?
I am referring to humans as vertebrate biological organisms. As such, they are animals of a particular specialization. Perhaps there is another designation for "animal" rather than the biological. If so, I am not familiar with it.

As for God, I gather from your question that you are saying that if humans are conscious and erect biological organisms with spines (vertebrate animals), then God must be one as well. My take on "God" is that it is not a conscious singular being, or finite group of beings.

Hence, I would not say God is exclusively human, animal or erect. God is, furthermore, a word used to describe different meanings. To accurately answer your question in more detail, I would need to know your definition of God to insure we are speaking of the same thing.
EsoQuest said:
ark said:
Eso, I am puzzled: according to your terminology, is God an animal too?
I am referring to humans as vertebrate biological organisms. As such, they are animals of a particular specialization.

Well, humans also consist of atoms. Like rocks. So you could as well call them minerals. But you have chosen "animals" - for a reason that I do not quite understand. Humans are (perhaps?), more than "vertebrate biological organisms" as well as they are more than "minerals". I am having problems with your logic here....
ark said:
Well, humans also consist of atoms. Like rocks. So you could as well call them minerals. But you have chosen "animals" - for a reason that I do not quite understand. Humans are (perhaps?), more than "vertebrate biological organisms" as well as they are more than "minerals". I am having problems with your logic here....
Well Ark, the reference system I chose was, IMO, the most congruent with the physical manifestation of the uniqueness of humans in terms of structural anatomy, the erect spine, which was the focus of my statement. The erect spine is a physiologically defining attribute of human nature (although not the only one).

The channeled information above said:

They told me humans are like little lightening rods, channelling God's energy to the planet.
To me this lighning rod analogy brought to mind the erect spine, anatomically unique in humans. Anatomy is related to biology and the human as a biological organism, so I really thought I was being quite specific here. If I was to decribe humans as a conglomerate of chemicals and/or atoms, for example, then I am sure you would have been even more confused.

Your statement tells me that you may think it would have been more accurate to include a clause in my description defining humans as more than biological organisms. First, I did not say they were less. That they are more does not take away from their organic nature. Second, that which is more in humans, IMO is interlocked with their organic nature. Interactions with the environment, even hyperdimensional ones, include that organic/material nature down to the quantum level, osit.

To say humans can be a bridge between the cosmic and the terrestrial, because they have a soul would be a bit of a generalization because without bodies this interface is inactive. To say that a reference to the organic nature of a human being implies they are somehow less than what they are is misreading what I was saying.

Humans are the only conscious and erect animals on the planet. Humans are conscious, they are erect and they are vertebrate biological organisms (which my biologist friends tend to call animals, so I followed suit here). All living physcially healthy humans have these three attributes. As to the more, if you are referring to the soul, apparently that is variable among humans, as has often been discussed on this forum. To bring it into the picture could have brought a different kind of difficulty with my logic, and rightly so.

Since I was referencing the lighning rod analogy, which brought to mind that the erect spine might be connected, I focused my description to what I considered common human attributions in line with that analogy.
If my logic is still problematic, please feel free to point it out.
My difficulty probaly originates from a somewhat different classification, as in Gurdjieff's/Ra/C's system, where humans are roughly classified as 3-rd density (dimension) beings, while animals are 2-nd density (dimension) beings. Which is suggestive that they are "essentially" different. Of course you are right that the devil is in the details. When we read Suffi's:

I died a mineral and became a plant.
I died a plant and rose an animal.
I died an animal and I was man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar with the blessed angels.
But even from angelhood I must pass on.
All except God perishes.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become that which no mind has ever conceived.
this can mean that "a man" is something that a human animal may be able to become, but it is not automatic.

I think I am satisfied now. Thanks for your clarifications.
Thank you for all of your comments ... I am abandoning my role within the structure proposed by the 'Fire the Grid' website ... agree it sounds more like feeding the matrix to me ... in line with what Stephen Gamble outlines in his series of articles, Shopping for Spirit ... online at www(dot)equilibra.uk.com ... agree with the first comment that people may heal themselves ... after all, this boy was brought back from death's door ... but I don't think this planet needs our efforts to do the same ... if the earth cleanses itself periodically of the 'virus' living on its surface ... it's not much different than putting the dirty laundry through the washing machine.
Dhane Blue
Another thing to consider, who cares about some planetary "grid" or lack thereof? The idea here seems to be that our problems on this planet are not due to ignorance, subjectivity, and mechanicalness which allows the pathocracy to manipulate everyone, but due to some energy grid being gone and lacking of some heavenly energies. This is quite clearly a load of garbage designed to distract people into focusing on activating some love and light grids that will do absolutely nothing. This way they are effectively kept from ever coming to a realisation of the REAL problems and the REAL solutions, osit.

The planet is not sick, WE are.
gnosticpathfinder said:
but I don't think this planet needs our efforts to do the same ... [to come back from death, like the boy on "Shopping for spirit"]
You think the planet is death.... or a "dying planet"?

Evil needs only one thing to reign: For good people to do nothing.

Thus, seekers... and finders!
Well, these are sticky points, indeed. On the one hand we are learning or have learned that the Earth, her people, nature and reality are perfect just as they are as they are all part of God/reality/Primary Source etc. Nothing is broken and it is our not function (if we seek STO polarity) to fix anything without being genuinely asked for help due to the law of Free Will operating in this universe. But we are also called to act for our own destiny by gaining knowledge, clarity, and purity. So in this it seems we would have to find the balance that allows for us to act for our own destiny without interfering with Free Will or the perfection of the universe. Hmm, I'm hoping someone can make this point clearer for me. It is a subtle line that I am having trouble grasping.
mamadrama said:
Well, these are sticky points, indeed. On the one hand we are learning or have learned that the Earth, her people, nature and reality are perfect just as they are as they are all part of God/reality/Primary Source etc. Nothing is broken and it is our not function (if we seek STO polarity) to fix anything without being genuinely asked for help due to the law of Free Will operating in this universe. But we are also called to act for our own destiny by gaining knowledge, clarity, and purity. So in this it seems we would have to find the balance that allows for us to act for our own destiny without interfering with Free Will or the perfection of the universe. Hmm, I'm hoping someone can make this point clearer for me. It is a subtle line that I am having trouble grasping.
If the universe is perfect just the way it is then how could we 'interfere' ?
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