hello and can i have some suggestions please


eagles fly free

First of all hello to all. I have been reading around the posts for a long time and finally have taken the 'courage' to join and speak up.

For as long as i know myself i always had, shall i say 'warnings' of things that happen in the very near future but they are always not clear, like 'cryptic' clues that donot allow at the time to know what excatly or were and in some cases that can be a nightmare. In the last year i decided to talk to my mother about it that to my surprise told me that she has the same and since i never talked about it she was hoping that she did not pass it on.

What i want to ask is that. Is there any way to 'open' this channel in order when the 'messages' or warnings or whatever we may call them come can be more 'clear'. The reason is that i have decided not to try and block them but to receive them openly. I did try to find some relevant literature in a book store here in london but nothing seemed relevant.

Any suggestions welcome.

Best regards
eagles fly free said:
i always had, shall i say ''warnings'' of things that happen in the very near future but they are always not clear, like ''cryptic'' clues that do not allow at the time to know what excatly or were and in some cases that can be a nightmare.
I've had similar things, though not so often, and mostly in rough times. Typically I only understand after whatever it was warning me of happened ...

Is there any way to ''open'' this channel in order when the ''messages'' or warnings or whatever we may call them come can be more ''clear''.
I'm no expert, but I've read around a bit, and one thing which I think might help is meditation - I have only tried to do it a few times (working on it...), but at those times I did "feel" more connected to whatever it was that knew better. Of course a "feeling" is no evidence.

I believe I have read somewhere on the site that meditation, like dreams, can be dis-info, but we know it can be useful too - Laura has been using it for a long time, and on one occasion at least the C's suggested she meditate on a given subject.

There is info on meditation in this thread IMO it's a matter of using discernment regarding this as everything else.

Besides that... hmm... maybe written analysis, in case there are any patterns to find?
I call them signs, generally i trust my gut and things work out, later i will get an "Ah Ha!" which explains why i did what i did, but i could only realize it after the chain of events had proceeded.

Example: Came home from a movie and had a strong feeling to go for a walk. It was weird because i had no reason to want to walk, infact i didn't want to walk, i just wanted to chill, but i couldn't ditch the feeling, so i walked. About a block from my house i found a few foreigners who needed a jump for their rental. Easy, clean, i couldn't believe it.

Ergo i trust my gut.

edit: as to your request on how to "open" the channel or whatnot, i suggest meditation, focus on opening yourself to possibilities while not having any concrete expectations. Being open to what you need to do when you need to do it, and hearing the call of the universe when you may not want to. You can also ask internally for guidance, take a stroll at the bookstore and see what catches your eye. There's a lot of disinfo out there, so take what you read with a grain of salt, and be sure to check references and accuracy of info presented. If it sounds flaky, it probably is. If it sounds like its based on science and evidence - check it.
Dear Marie

thanks for your input. In my case they are not associated with 'rough' times. They just come no matter if it is a hard or a good time. I will check out the thread.

Dear Cyre,

Thank you also and yes i do trust my gut also. It has saved me a few times in the past and i am pretty sure it will in the future too. Regarding the bookstores it is true they have lots and lots but if you look closely then you realise that the vast majotiy are just empty shells with nothing to offer. I wish i was back in hong kong, i am sure a chat with an old palm reader would have helped. The one i think off is the one that told me and found most about my past and predicted up to now my then future with fantastic accuracy. And i am not talking generalities.. she found out 2 things that not many knew bu ton the other hand if they have the 'gift' then i believe that by touching you they can 'read' you.

I am glad i joined and if anything that feels like a 'warning' comes my way i will share it with all. I am not counting my last nightmare as one... usually they do repeat themselves at least twice and it dod not happen in this case.

Best regards to all
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