Here are 1,249 well sourced examples of Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption


Padawan Learner
I don't know if this worth for Sott but maybe it can be useful:

Some of the things on this list are major events that should scare the daylights out of any true liberal who cares about civil liberties.

Other things on this list are medium things that some Obama supporters may dislike, but would be willing to overlook in light of the things that Obama has done which they like.

And some of the things on this list may seem trivial, but I still think they are an interesting reflection of the kinds of policies that Obama supports.

Every claim that I make in this list is sourced. Click on the underlined text to see the sources. I have cited a wide variety of sources, from right wing, to left wing, to middle of the road.
Thank you for the effort, but who will benefit? Anyone with a brain knows that Obama is all kinds of rotten. Those who support him are too stupid to accept any contrary information. Maybe a small percentage are not stupid, but willingly corrupt.
I can't help thinking that Obama is nothing but a easily manipulated puppet. And, he's going to be VERY happy about giving those reins of power to another (yes even if they are almost certainly worse nutter) who will be next president. And we all know the 'powers that be' want it to be Hillary. Because she really is horrid.

When was the last time in America that a US President really had any power (let alone a conscience)? Especially if he or she didn't do exactly what they were told? Apparently they may not be able to have both. Not unless they are really clever.
Session 30 January 2010
Q: (L) I wonder if there were any UFOs associated with them? (Joe) Is Obama a psychopath?

A: No, more like schizoidal

Q: (L) Well, that's a type of psychopath.

A: More or less

Q: (L) I don't think I would have pegged him as schizoidal. Well...

(Joe) You don't see much of him.

(L) On the other hand, consider the history of his father, so... Yeah.

(Burma Jones) Yeah, you only see him under controlled circumstances when his handlers are around............

Obama Willing To Exonerate Clinton Before FBI Probe Complete, Now Won’t Comment On Damning Findings Jul 27, 2016

Psychiatry.. Also called dementia praecox. a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.
a state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements.

“The beast of arbitrary calamity has always been with us.”
― Andrzej Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology
curious_richard said:
Thank you for the effort, but who will benefit? Anyone with a brain knows that Obama is all kinds of rotten. Those who support him are too stupid to accept any contrary information. Maybe a small percentage are not stupid, but willingly corrupt.

This is an unnecessarily harsh response, in my opinion. Even if many people can't be convinced of the corruption and pathology of our leaders, there's nothing wrong in providing information that illuminates the truth. That's what we do e.g. by publishing articles on SOTT all the time. Whatever little we can put out there to counter the lies is helpful.
curious_richard said:
Thank you for the effort, but who will benefit? Anyone with a brain knows that Obama is all kinds of rotten. Those who support him are too stupid to accept any contrary information. Maybe a small percentage are not stupid, but willingly corrupt.

Well, I guess you never know who will benefit. In my opinion some people definitely could. I think about those not interested in daily world affairs at the moment but intelligent enough to identify valuable piece of information if they would encounter it someday.
Maybe someone will come across this list someday and out of pure curiosity check it out. Such a person would probably be taken aback by it. And maybe it will be enough to implant a seed of uncertainty and from now on such a person would begin to pay more attention to the information and reality around and gradually begin to see all the lies. A bit like butterfly effect :)
So I definitely appreciate the effort of the author to put this together.
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