High Strangeness, Adele Edisen and the otherworldly murder of JFK

Michael B-C

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This is an extraordinary story which I’ve thought about posting on a number of times over the years ever since I first stumbled upon it way back when, yet something else always came along…. anyway, the conversation on the zoom Wave reading last Saturday brought it sharply back to mind, so I’ve at last taken the opportunity to lay it out here for forum members who may never have come across it before.

I find the interface between the infamous deeds of November 1963, the web of human led monstrosity that surrounds it and the playing out of some game or code emanating from behind the curtain, anomalous and highly suggestive. I suspect there is something in this story that holds a missing key regarding the whole JFK mosaic and may also serve as a tool for further conversation around the whole subject of anomalous information in general and how it may be suggestive of key missing pieces in the overall mosaic picture, especially on such a well worn path as this one is.

The mosaic frame in question is perhaps how our reality interfaces with another bridging, symbolic reality that in itself may represent an even larger mosaic of reality than the one we know. The prism I’m going to use is the assassination of President Kennedy. Like many here I have researched this subject in great depth over the years and despite all the work I recognize that somehow something essential is always elusively missing from one’s true understanding of how it fits into the wider scheme of things beyond the obvious geopolitical and economic drive of encroaching neo-liberal ‘fascism’ i.e. 3rd density pathocracy.

To say the obvious in passing – he was killed 22nd November – 22/11. Double 11 and 33. Codes of illusion and delusion. I will post anon something relating to the ancient religion of Maya which I think has some interesting perspectives on the ‘reality’ of illusion, our role in making it ‘reality’, its way of immersing us like fish in water and how, when we see beyond or through or know the illusion, it must reveal itself. And how that revealing is written into its ‘rules’ and in fact is going on all the time – if we but look for it.

I have the idea that this story is somekind of 'trickster' joke with near full revelation on the whole ghastly truth...


This story is not that well known even among hardened JFK researchers and this version is I think the most complete in its attention to detail. It comes from H.P. Albarelli Jr’s A Secret Order: Investigating the High Strangeness and Synchronicity in the JFK Assassination, of itself a very interesting and un-sensational walk through of the topic (though you wouldn’t believe so from the garish summary below from Amazon).

Reporting new and never-before-published information about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this investigation dives straight into the deep end, and seeks to prove the CIA’s involvement in one of the most controversial topics in American history. Featuring intelligence gathered from CIA agents who reported their involvement in the assassination, the case is broken wide open while covering unexplored ground. Gritty details about the assassination are interlaced throughout, while primary and secondary players to the murder are revealed in the in-depth analysis. Although a tremendous amount has been written in the nearly five decades since the assassination, there has never been, until now, a publication to explore the aspects of the case that seemed to defy explanation or logic.

Of all the events covered in the title this one stood out a mile for me as being of immense value in terms of spotting the billowing curtain of high strangeness that haunts this case under cover of all the grotesque events surrounding that November day, 1963 and that we have sadly come to know so well.

For this post I’m going to edit the full chapter dedicated to this story into a linear narrative though my accompanying commentary may digress. I hope not to have edited out any important detail on the way that carries with it the weight of implication of the whole – for the devil is in the detail as we all know, especially when it comes to any potential high strangeness at play.

The chapter was created by the author after he undertook no less than 11 interviews with the subject over an eight-month span and multiple written communications by email with the subject signing off on the final draft for accuracy.


So first meet the woman in question, Adele Edisen.


Born as Adele Elvira Uskali Edisen (1928-2017), she was the daughter immigrants from Finland who came to America in 1917. Her father had been a soldier in Finland’s war for independence from Russia. Captured and imprisoned, he escaped and made his way to New York where he met his future wife, a professional singer who had also emigrated from Finland, as well as eventually being Adele’s birthplace. Adele’s father became a merchant seaman and spoke several languages, including Russian and Spanish.

(so we have an interesting ethnic background and historical context straight away.

Adele was an exceptionally bright science student at school with a near photographic memory and extraordinary retentive ability allowing her to recall the most minute details of her study (a lifelong gift and one essential to the credibility of this whole story).

In 1948, aged 20, in a philosophy class at the University of Chicago she met her future husband Clayton Byron Edisen.

(Chicago University seems to pop up regularly with regard to the development of the psychopathic ideology behind the rise of the NEOCONS and in particular the influence of Leo Strauss (1899–1973), a refugee from Nazi Germany who taught at the University of Chicago (1949–1958) and whose schizoid ideology can be boiled down to ‘might is right’ and who ended up teaching/mentoring such delights as Paul Wolfowitz and Abram Shulsky).

Edisen had just returned from active duty with the U.S. Army Occupation Forces in Germany.

(There doesn’t seem to be any readily available information on his role in the army of occupation – but it would be interesting to find out what that was and most importantly who he interacted with when there).

Recalls Adele:

“He copied my notes on Aristotle as he had missed part of the class. One thing led to another and we fell in love. We married before he had been admitted to medical school at the University, and we lived in pre-fabricated veterans housing on campus all through our following years, he in medical school and internship at Billings Hospital and I in the Department of Physiology.”

Upon graduation in 1954 from the University of Chicago (Ph.B., Liberal Arts, and Ph.D., Physiology) Adele and Edisen both ended up in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, chaired by Dr. Robert Heath, at the Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana.

(This is where it starts to get interesting as Dr. Robert Galbraith Heath was one of the poster boys of CIA mind control experiments with a terrible legacy that we will come back to anon. But for now from the dreaded Wikipedia for a basic cover up biography :)

Dr. Robert Galbraith Heath 1.jpg
(graduation picture)

Robert Galbraith Heath (9 May 1915 – 24 September 1999) was an American psychiatrist. He followed the theory of biological psychiatry that organic defects were the sole source of mental illness, and that consequently mental problems were treatable by physical means. He published 425 papers and three books. One of his first papers is dated 1946.

Heath founded the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University, New Orleans, in 1949 and remained its chairman until 1980. He performed many experiments there involving electrical stimulation of the brain via surgically implanted electrodes. He placed DBS electrodes into the brains of more than 54 patients. It has been suggested that this work was financed in part by the CIA and US military.

Heath also experimented with the drug bulbocapnine to induce stupor, and LSD, using prisoners in the Louisiana State Penitentiary as experimental subjects. He worked on schizophrenia patients, which he regarded as an illness with a physical basis.

At Tulane University, the NINDB awarded Adele a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship, enabling her to pursue her work. As Adele recalled:

“I continued my research on monosynaptic excitation and inhibition and was published in two medical journals. My husband began his private practice of psychiatry, and we began our family of three children...”

Whereupon she became a fulltime stay at home mother of 3 and Edisen began his private practice of psychiatry.

(Let’s pause there:

Monosynaptic excitation and inhibition: The Yin and Yang of the Brain

To make a working nervous system, only two forces are necessary: excitation and inhibition. Excitatory signaling from one cell to the next makes the latter cell more likely to fire. Inhibitory signaling makes the latter cell less likely to fire.

At chemical synapses in the brain, glutamate and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) are transmitters for excitation and inhibition, respectively… glutamate and GABA are the Yin and Yang of the brain... in principle, a nervous system of only a handful of neurons and two transmitters - excitatory and inhibitory - is possible.

The balance between neural excitation and neural inhibition is crucial to healthy cognition and behavior. A brain dominated by glutamate would only be capable of exciting itself in repeated bursts of activity, similar to an epileptic seizure. Conversely, a brain dominated by GABA would only be capable of quiet whispers of activity, with little synchronization necessary for meaningful communication between brain areas. Healthy brain activity thrives in the middle area between these two extremes, where a balance between excitation and inhibition generates complex patterns of activity.

Because complex patterns of brain activity are thought to underlie flexible behavior and cognition, the ratio between excitation and inhibition - referred to as E/I balance - is becoming increasingly recognized as a crucial measure for assessing the fitness of any brain.

Both excitation and inhibition, acting alone, attract the brain toward distinct patterns of relatively simple activity. The balance of both creates a critical state, like the boundary between a gas and a liquid… the phenomenon is called self-organized criticality (SOC).

…SOC is thought to be important for brain function because it allows the brain a certain degree of flexibility. Just as a critical substance might flexibly switch between a gas and a liquid state, SOC might allow the brain to visit many different activity states.

Wherever SOC is observed in nature, it seems to produce complex activity across many temporal and spatial scales
as a result of a slow process that builds energy and a fast process that dissipates energy. This complexity can be described by a pattern called a scale-free distribution. Unlike the normal distribution or “bell curve” we know from statistics class, a scale-free distribution has no mean or average.

…where excitation and inhibition are unbalanced (disease states can occur). Imagine building a pile from glass beads rather than grains of sand. The smooth beads do not stick well (as with sand), and the fragile pile collapses like a Jenga tower once it reaches a critical mass, never achieving true self-organized criticality. This is analogous to state of excessive neural excitation: synaptic inhibition is too weak to stop the storms of excitatory bursting that interrupt complex signaling and form seizures. Conversely, imagine building a sandpile using wet sand. The wet sand is sticky, resulting in few avalanches as the cohesiveness of the sand is too high. This is analogous to a state of excessive neural inhibition: Excitatory drive cannot overcome the suffocating grip of synaptic inhibition, hampering neural computations that depend on complex signaling.

In the near future, drugs that alter neuronal excitability may show promise in guiding the diseased brain towards E/I balance. Indeed, just as many spiritual practices advocate for maintaining an “inner balance,” a physical balance between opposing forces appears central to maintaining a healthy brain. The synergy between opposites observed in the brain reminds us that complexity requires a balance.

(Back in the late 50’s-early 60’s we have to forgive the eager Adele for her fascination with understanding the inner workings of the human brain/mind interface which perhaps clouded her value judgement system in terms of the kinds of directions her research would lead, especially in the hands of the evil and nefarious. It’s clear that from very early on, her work – cutting edge at the time – attracted a lot of unpleasant interest that she wasn’t to appreciate in the context we now have post MK/ULTRA and all that has gone on since (and is even now today playing out to its fullest and darkest extent)).

In approximately September 1962, by now Dr. Clayton Byron Edisen, became seriously ill with what was eventually diagnosed as acute cholecystitis, producing severe abdominal pain greatly impairing his ability to practice psychiatry. As a result Adele, decided to return to her research in neurophysiology and began searching for a position, and through the Department of Physiology at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine, was able to apply to the NINDB for a third-year level Postdoctoral Fellowship.

While awaiting word on her second fellowship, Adele began conducting research on a volunteer basis at the Department of Physiology. In December 1962, Dr. Sidney Harris, chairman of the department, notified Adele that he had received a telephone call from a Dr. Jose Rivera of the NINDB informing him that Adele had been awarded a one-year fellowship beginning January 1, 1963. Adele’s award included a salary and a small equipment grant for use in her on-going research on synaptic inhibition and excitation in the cat spinal cord.

(Note that CIA contractor Dr. Sidney Harris was in full awareness and involvement regarding her new position and we can assume was serving as a knowing interface between her work and the agencies - both military and CIA - that were showing great interest in her work on mammalian synaptic inhibition and excitation and guiding her successful career path. The fact that they started her off on her new path day one of the year of Kennedy’s murder may be pure coincidence… but in the scheme of this story it is safe to say one should not take anything at face value…)
APRIL 1963

This is where our story really begins.

In April 1963, Adele travelled to Atlantic City, New Jersey to attend meetings sponsored by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), an umbrella organization for six biological societies, including the American Physiological Society. The dark-haired, attractive woman arrived at the Atlantic City Convention Hall on April 14.

On April 17, as scheduled, she presented her paper describing her ongoing research with the LSU Department of Physiology. She lunched with a group of former graduate school classmates, and then wandered through the scientific equipment exhibits at the Convention Hall.

Recounted Adele:

“I was really pleased to find that there were also booths of various scientific foundations because I had just read of a new research award to be offered by the National Institutes of Health, which seemed to be perfect for me. I stopped at the NIH booth to ask about it and I was referred to the NINDB booth on the mezzanine floor above. I was excited to learn that NINDB had their own booth and went to the mezzanine right away.”

At the NINDB booth, Adele found that it was staffed by a man whose name tag read, “Dr. Jose A. Rivera,” the man who had called to announce her fellowship.


(Dr. Rivera is our key protagonist and I’ll include what biography there is of this mystery man later. Suffice for now to say he was embedded military/agency intelligence operative with a very strange and disturbing history).

“He was quite short,” Adele recalled, “at least an inch shorter than I am, and I’m 5 feet 4 inches tall. He was dressed in a brown suit. The buttoned jacket was tight because he was obese. He had intense dark brown eyes, which were magnified by the glasses wore. His hair was jet black, thinning, and had some gray in it. His skin was noticeably dark and his face was pockmarked, as if from a bad case of past acne.”

When Adele arrived at the booth, Rivera was speaking with someone else. While Adele waited for Rivera to be free, he glanced at her name tag, kindly acknowledged her presence and extended a roll of Life Savers to her, inviting her to take one. Adele took one from the pack, handed it back, and sat down to wait in a vacant chair off to the side of the booth.

(This first mention of offering and freely taking a ‘Life Saver’ is key. It will be a recurring event in the story with significant implications, especially regarding her interactive acceptance of the journey she was being taken on).

Life Savers is an American brand of ring-shaped hard and soft candy. Its range of mints and fruit-flavored candies is known for its distinctive packaging, coming in paper-wrapped aluminum foil rolls...The candy's name is due to the fact that its shape resembles that of a traditional ring-style life preserver also known as a "life saver".

With the presentation behind her, it felt good to simply relax, she remembered. A few days before travelling to Atlantic City, Adele had contracted what she recalled as:

“A bad upper respiratory infection” and had been running a slight fever. Before I departed the meetings, my physician prescribed an antibiotic, oxacillin, a semi-synthetic penicillin, to take for about ten days. By the time my presentation was over I was feeling better.”

(The timing of this may be merely coincidental but it is worth noting that she contracted a bacterial infection ahead of this trip which may have impacted upon her in some particular way. It is also worth noting that Rivera was a bacteriologist, as we will learn later on).

When Rivera finished his conversation, he turned his undivided attention to Adele. He connected her name right away to the call to Dr. Harris months earlier about her fellowship. Rivera told Adele he was delighted to finally meet her and that he had high expectations for her work under the NINDB award.

“I’ve heard wonderful things about your research,”
he told Adele, in what she later recalled as a “guttural voice, with a very heavy Hispanic accent:’ Rivera flattered Adele with his remarks, yet she felt uneasy about the way Rivera intently stared at her.

(So here we have an indication that from this very first engagement she was being monitored and managed by Rivera and that some plan regarding her was most likely already well under way without her knowing – but that her heightened intuition was giving off warning signs even at this first meeting).

“His dark eyes held mine in an odd and challenging way,”
she recalled. “His face was also odd in the way that the sides seemed mismatched. His right side looked as if he had had Bell’s palsy with a slightly drooping mouth.”

Adele asked about the new NIH research award she had heard about, and any other support NIH might offer.

“Rivera said he thought there were additional programs, but he didn’t have any printed information or brochures with him. He promised to mail those available to me in New Orleans.”

Rivera again handed Adele the Life Saver pack and she took another, and he suggested they walk downstairs to get a Coca Cola.

(The second offering and acceptance of a Life-Saver seems now to have been part of a carefully managed initiation and normalisation process within their power relationship… he as master gets her the ‘initiate’ to accept a sweet from him as a normal part of their exchanges… what these Life Savers actually contained at future meetings will be a subject of great interest)

Downstairs, the two sat drinking soda and talking. Years later, Adele recalled their conversation in detail:

“He said he would help me continue with my research. He was supportive. He spoke fondly about the time he had spent in New Orleans working at Loyola University, where he taught chemistry or biochemistry. It turned out we had mutual friends and acquaintances in New Orleans. He knew Dr. Fred Brazda, chairman of the Biochemistry Department at the LSU School of Medicine. I think he mentioned people that worked under Robert Heath. He also mentioned a few people and doctors at Ochsner Hospital and the new clinic opening there.”

Alton Ochsner Ochsner, the son of German immigrants, was born Kimball, South Dakota, on 4th May, 1896. His uncle, A. J. Ochsner, was founder and president of the American College of Surgeons.

Ochsner studied at Washington University, St. Louis before moving to the University of Wisconsin Medical School. He then went to work with A. J. Ochsner in Chicago where he helped develop techniques for blood typing. In 1927 Ochsner, with the help of his uncle, was appointed as Head of Surgery at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans.

In 1939 Alton Ochsner and Michael De Bakey published an article suggesting that there was a link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer
. Along with William Donovan Ochsner was on the board of the American Cancer Society. Later he became president of the organization.

As a result of his research he established the Ochsner Clinic in 1942 and pioneered the "war against smoking." In 1952 Ochsner appointed Mary Sherman to take control of the cancer laboratory. In 1955 he published Smoking and Cancer: A Doctor's Report.

Ochsner was a passionate anti-communist and after becoming friends with Cordell Hull, was invited to look after Tomas Gabriel Duque, the former dictator of Panama. He also become friends with Anastasio Somoza, the dictator of Nicaragua. Ochsner also treated Juan Peron, the dictator of Argentina.

The FBI maintained a file on Ochsner. This file was recently released under the Freedom of Information Act. It shows that Ochsner had a long relationship with various U.S. government agencies.

Ochsner also developed a close friendship with Clint Murchison who helped fund various right-wing organizations. Ochsner was also connected to Warren Commission member, Hale Boggs. According to one Louisiana State Representative, Ochsner was "the most aggressive seeker and recipient of so-called federal handouts in the Second District (Hale Boggs' district).

In 1961 Ochsner, with the financial help of Clint Murchison, established the Information Council of the Americas (INCA). Ed Butler was appointed as Executive Director of INCA. The main objective of the organization was to prevent communist revolutions in Latin America. Ochsner told the New Orleans States Item: "We must spread the warning of the creeping sickness of communism faster to Latin Americas, and to our own people, or Central and South America will be exposed to the same sickness as Cuba." (16th April, 1963)

Edgar and Edith Stern, owners of WDSU radio and television, were members of INCA. Eustis Reily of the Reily Coffee Company personally donated thousands of dollars to INCA. However, it was William Frawley, a Californian industrialist and close friend of Richard Nixon, who was INCA's largest financial contributor. The organization used some of this money to make a film about Fidel Castro entitled, Hitler in Havana. The New York Times reviewed the film calling it a "tasteless affront to minimum journalistic standards." (A DVD of this film is still available with one made by INCA about Oswald).

One of Ochsner's friends described him as being "like a fundamentalist preacher in the sense that the fight against communism was the only subject that he would talk about, or even allow you to talk about, in his presence."

Edward Haslam argues in Dr. Mary's Monkey that "Ochsner's hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up." Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited Mary Sherman to run the research operation. The basic project was set up March 23, 1962, using conventional facilities, which then expanded out of the loop for its final phases. Haslam believes that Sherman was involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccine contaminated with SV-40. This work included using a linear particle accelerator located in the Infectious Disease Laboratory at the Public Health Service Hospital in New Orleans. According to Haslam there was a second-lab working on this project. This was being run by David Ferrie on Louisiana Avenue Parkway.

Ochsner was strongly opposed to the domestic and foreign policy of President John F. Kennedy.
He wrote to Senator Allen Ellender: "I sincerely hope that the Civil Rights Bill can also be defeated, because if it was passed, it would certainly mean virtual dictatorship by the President and the Attorney General, a thing I am sure they both want."

Ochsner was also friends with Clay Shaw. Ochsner was president of the International House, whereas Shaw was director of the organization. Both men were also directors of the Foreign Policy Association of New Orleans and arranged for CIA Deputy Director to New Orleans to discuss the communist threat.

Ochsner sat on the National Institute of Health Board of Directors. A fellow director in the early 1960s was Dr. Jose Rivera. In 1963 Rivera was in New Orleans handing out research grants from NIH to the Tulane Medical School.

The records of the Mexican consulate office in New Orleans show that when Lee Harvey Oswald obtained his visa for his trip to Mexico, he did so at the same time as William Gaudet. As Edward Haslam points out in Dr. Mary's Monkey: "Gaudet... is known to have worked for the CIA and edited an anti-Communist newsletter which Ochsner financed."

…On 21st July, 1964, Mary Sherman was murdered. The following day, Ochsner wrote a letter to R. H. Crosby, his largest financial contributor saying "our Government, our schools, our press, and our churches have become infiltrated with Communism".

In 1967 Jim Garrison began investigating the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Ochsner told a friend that he feared Garrison would order his arrest and the seizure of INCA's corporate records. Ed Butler took these records to California where William Frawley arranged for them to be hidden. Ronald Reagan, the governor of California refused all of Garrison's extradition requests. Frawley had previously helped fund Reagan's political campaigns in California.

Ochsner attacked the Garrison investigation as being unpatriotic because it eroded public confidence and threatened the stability of the American government. In his article, Social Origins of Anticommunism: The Information Council of the Americas (Louisiana History, Spring 1989) Arthur Carpenter claimed that Ochsner launched a propaganda campaign against Garrison. This included sending information to a friend who was the publisher of the Nashville Banner.

According to Carpenter, Ochsner also attempted to discredit Mark Lane, who was assisting the Garrison investigation. He told Felix Edward Hebert that Lane was "a professional propagandist of the lunatic left". Ochsner also instructed Herbert to tell Edwin E. Willis (Chairman of the House Committee) to dig up "whatever information you can" on Lane.

Felix Edward Hebert later sent Ochsner a report on Mark Lane extracted from confidential government files. This included "the files of the New York City Police, the FBI, and other security agencies." These files claimed that Lane was "a sadist and masochist, charged on numerous occasions with sodomy". Hebert also supplied Ochsner with a photograph that was supposed to be Lane engaged in a sadomasochistic act with a prostitute.

Alton Ochsner died on 6th September, 1981.

(Rivera showed considerable interest in her biographical background and Adele told him all about how her family came from Finland and her life to date as an American citizen).

“Rivera continued to stare at me in his odd way," Adele remembered. “I kept talking, telling him things because he made me so uncomfortable.

(There is a suggestion here of some kind of hypnotic process – or predatory feeding that energetically induced her to spill up details on her personal life).

“I told him that I planned to visit the NIH and NINDB in Bethesda after going by train to Philadelphia for the weekend to see friends there. He told me to call him as soon as I got to Washington, D.C., and that he would have his secretary make motel reservations for me. He then told me that on my return, I would have to come to his home for dinner and meet his wife and family. I thought his invite was most gracious and I accepted, telling him I’d be delighted to be his guest.”

When Adele arrived in Washington, D.C. on Monday, April 22, seven months before Kennedy’s assassination, she telephoned Rivera at his NINDB office. Rivera gave Adele the address of a Bethesda motel, the Kenwood Country Club Motel, where his secretary had booked a room for Adele. He explained that his wife, who was a nurse, had unexpectedly been called to work that night at the hospital where she was employed, but that he would pick Adele up that evening at the motel and they would go to a restaurant for dinner.

(Here we see how Rivera manipulates and controls her dependency and emotional state – taking control of her social itinerary, booking her in to a very swish and expensive hotel and then having earlier created a cover story of having a wife and family which she could safely socialise with him in, then takes it away under understandable pretexts – a busy nurse - making Adele vulnerable to accepting lone companionship with him at his demand.)

Rivera arrived at the motel around 7:00 P.M. and drove Adele to a well-known Washington, D.C. restaurant, Blackie’s House of Beef, on the edge of Georgetown.

(This restaurant pops up in a number of agency related stories and appears to be one of their favoured out of the way up market eateries down the years)

On the way, Rivera again offered Adele a Life Saver, which she accepted.

(This is the third noted offering and it is likely with what follows that this may have been the first to be laced with some kind of hallucinogen).

While waiting for their table at Blackie’s, Adele recalled, Rivera began telling her about his recent travels to Dallas, Texas.

“He said if I ever went to Dallas I should go to a nice nightclub called the Carousel Club says Adele. “I told him I’d be sure to go there, and then he asked if I knew Lee Oswald?”

“Who?” Adele asked.

“Lee Oswald,” Rivera said.

“No, I don’t know him” Adele answered, thinking of a boy she had known in high school named Fred Oswald.

“Oh, you really should get to know him”, Rivera said, explaining that Oswald had lived in the Soviet Union, was married to a Russian woman and they had a child together. The Oswalds were planning to move to New Orleans soon, Rivera had said. Adele made a mental note of the name Lee Harvey Oswald, assuming he was an associate of Rivera’s or a fellow medical researcher.

(This opening exchange is totally driven by Rivera right from the start of their evening. This tells you what the sole purpose of their social engagement was intended for. Being given such precise and uncontextualized information of such an acute and dangerous nature – remember this is April 1963 – is remarkable in itself).

Once seated for dinner, Adele remembered, their, conversation turned to work related subjects.

“I was mostly talking about my research and plans for research, just babbling on about that. At some point, I asked him what he was interested in, what research he did. It was then that I learned that he was a bacteriologist. I had not known that. Later I found out he had been in the Army, but he didn’t mention it. I asked what interested him in bacteriological work and he said hemorrhagic fevers. That, I remember. I knew very little, if anything, about hemorrhagic fevers in 1963. It was only later that we learned about Ebola, Lassa, and Marburg fevers which were hemorrhagic fevers. He didn’t say anything to me about being involved in biochemical warfare research with the Army. He didn’t mention Fort Detrick or anything about the Army.”

After they had finished dinner and were about to leave the restaurant, Adele recalled, “Rivera spoke about a recent shooting at General Edwin Walker in Dallas. Then he said, ‘You know, they think Oswald did it.”

(Here sadly we have no indication of the tone he said this with i.e. could the ‘they think’ have been ironic? We’ll never know)

Adele says she had no idea what to think when Rivera said this. The man named Lee Oswald - the person whom Rivera said she should go out of her way to meet - had shot at a general?

“I didn’t know if he was joking or what:’ recounts Adele. “I didn’t ask. I kept quiet, not knowing what to say.”

Adele recalled that she felt strange, almost otherworldly, walking out of the restaurant, asking herself who really ‘was this peculiar man beside her, talking to her about so many odd things.

Rivera drove Adele back to her motel in Bethesda. The two made small talk along the way and Rivera commented that he had earlier heard on the radio that there was going to be a very severe rainstorm that night in the area. Adele recalls him telling her, “You’ll probably be kept awake because of the storm and the other partying guests:’ Adele was not sure what he meant about the other guests, but had noted when she checked in that the motel was quite busy.

(This is further indication of a continuation of the suggestive hypnotic/drugged purpose of Rivera’s handling of her that night. The Life-Savers, the planting of dangerous information, the suggestion of an impending storm… the planting of experiences yet to come… some form of mind programming going on.)

That night, Adele hardly slept at all. Indeed, there was a driving rainstorm, as Rivera had predicted. Adele’s room was next to the motel’s swimming pool and she listened to the hard rain striking the pool’s surface. She fell asleep for about two hours before getting up with what she describes as adistinct déjà vu feeling.”:

Everything I was doing, I had done before, like checking out of the motel, getting into the taxi to go to NIH, watching the scenery and the buildings passing by as I rode along. That was very strange for me, along with the fact that before I got into the taxi I noticed that the ground outside was completely dry. Even the grass, short and tall, and shrubbery and furniture around the pool, were completely dry, as if there had been no rain at all.

That morning, Tuesday, April 23, 1963, Adele checked out of the motel because it had been completely booked except for the one night she stayed there. Rivera had told her the day before that his secretary would arrange separate accommodations for Adele for her second night.

(This first location therefore sounds like a pre-planned stage one and the shift to location two under probably false pretexts, a further stage, with disorientation and lack of familiarity at its core)

Adele took a taxi to the NIH complex, where she spent the morning meeting with Dr. Karl Frank, a neurophysiologist who had attended the University of Chicago and studied under Dr. Ralph Gerard, along with Adele. Dr. Frank gave Adele a guided tour of his laboratory and told her of his work developing a way of measuring membrane electrical resistance, which excited Adele because it was closely related to her own research. Adele then had lunch with several former Chicago classmates.

(Here we have the use of the word excited… she shows signs of this excitability throughout and its possible connection to her own studies on the subject are worth noting).

Later that afternoon, Rivera met with Adele and drove her to the Victorian-style Hotel Raleigh on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. (The Hotel Raleigh was used often by the CIA because of the ease with which Agency security operatives could wire rooms there for covert eavesdropping and monitoring, as well as perform black bag jobs within. The hotel was razed in 1964 for redevelopment).

Adele went to her room to freshen up while Rivera waited her in the hotel’s expansive main lobby. They were to go to Rivera’s home for dinner, but when Adele came back downstairs, Rivera explained that his wife had again been called in to work, so they would again go to a restaurant for dinner.

(More of the same pattern of disorientation and engineering of lone companionship).

As the couple approached the hotel’s main doors to the street, Adele recalled, “A tall, sharp-faced man called out to Rivera, addressing him as ‘Colonel’. Rivera excused himself for a moment and walked over to the man. They stood a few feet away speaking to one other for a few minutes. I was able to catch some of the gist of the conversation and it seemed to be about their times together in the army and work with telemetry and telephoto lenses.”

(Was this actually a predetermined ‘casual’ meeting for Adele to witness and learn about?)

Telemetry is the collection of measurements or other data at remote or inaccessible points and their automatic transmission to receiving equipment for monitoring.

Upon concluding this conversation, Rivera told Adele that they would have dinner at the Key Bridge Marriott Hotel on Lee Highway in Arlington, Virginia, just across the historic Key Bridge connecting Georgetown and Virginia.

In his car, Rivera explained to Adele that when he was in the Army - the first time he had mentioned his military service to her - he had been involved in “photographing demonstrators with telephoto cameras from rooftops.” He said, “We’d identify individual demonstrators and put their names in files. We’ve started this on the West Coast.”

(Again bizarre and disturbing information to share casually with a junior medical person).

Adele recollected that just as she began to wonder how this covert surveillance work related to Rivera’s NINDB duties, he mentioned having “another office on the hill,” and one in “Foggy Bottom.” Unfamiliar to Adele at the time, “Foggy Bottom” is the term for that area of the District of Columbia where the U.S. State Department is located, as well as George Washington University and Hospital.

After this, Rivera extended his ever-present roll of Life Savers to Adele, saying, “Here, take one; please help yourself”. Adele recalled that she took only one.

Before driving to the Marriott, Rivera gave Adele a windshield tour of a number of nearby sites, including the Library of Congress, the Capitol building, the cherry blossoms along the Potomac River, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and the White House.

“We passed the White House a number of times’ Adele said. “The first time we approached it, he asked, "I wonder what Jackie will do when her husband dies?”

The question shocked Adele. “What?” she had blurted, thinking she may have misheard Rivera.

“Oh, no,” he said, “I meant the baby. She might lose the baby.”

(This vile comments are made worse in its darkest implication when you consider that Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, JFK’s yet to be born third child, was born prematurel, and lived just over 39 hours before desperate attempts to save him failed and he died on August 7, 1963, near 4 months after this conversation. The tragic event had an understandably profound impact on JFK.)

Three months later, his death was eclipsed by his father's assassination, but the Kennedy infant's death brought hyaline membrane disease (HMD) into the public consciousness and inspired further research.

Infantile respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS), also called respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, or increasingly surfactant deficiency disorder (SDD), and previously called hyaline membrane disease (HMD), is a syndrome in premature infants caused by developmental insufficiency of pulmonary surfactant production and structural immaturity in the lungs. It can also be a consequence of neonatal infection and can result from a genetic problem with the production of surfactant-associated proteins. IRDS affects about 1% of newborns and is the leading cause of death in preterm infants.

Adele was still perplexed and had no idea what Rivera was talking about. She was also becoming very nervous and frightened. “This was the first time, the first inkling I had that he might be implying something sinister concerning President Kennedy.”

During the strange ride through Washington with Rivera that night, Adele became increasingly nervous. “Every time we passed the White House, which was three times, Rivera would ask me if I saw Caroline on her pony Macaroni, and say other silly, crazy things like that. I was beginning to think that he was insane. For a minute or so I thought about somehow getting out of his car.”

Adele added, “Not everything he said was nonsensical or bizarre. He was very critical of President Kennedy’s position on civil rights. He made some really disparaging remarks about black people and the civil rights movement”. Adele also recalls that Rivera made several remarks about NIH. “He referred to it as ‘the Reservation’ because there were so many ‘chiefs’ and no ‘Indians He repeated this several times. Then out of the blue he asked me if I knew John Abt” (John Abt was the attorney Oswald asked for shortly after the assassination of JFK.)

“John who?” she asked.

“Abt. John Abt.”

“No” Adele replied. “I don’t know who he is?”

Rivera then explained who Abt was. “He said Abt was a New York lawyer who defended communists against the Smith-McCarran Act. This was a law that forbade someone from being a member of the Communist Party, he said. He explained all of this to me as we rode along in his car.”

Eventually, Rivera drove Adele to the Marriott in Arlington where they had dinner.

Towards the end of the meal, Rivera asked Adele if she would mind doing him a favor when she got back to New Orleans. Adele agreed, and he said, “Well, it’s detailed so you should write it down.”

Adele took a small memo book and pencil from her purse. “Rivera asked me to call Winston de Monsabert, with whom he had worked at Loyola, and to tell him to call Rivera when he was leaving New Orleans”. Adele wrote this down.

NOTE: Winston Russell de Monsabert, PhD: de Monsabert was born in New Orleans and was a cousin to King Louis of France. He received B.S. in Chemistry from Loyola University; New Orleans in1937; in 1945 received an MA in Education from Tulane University, New Orleans; and a PhD in Chemistry from Tulane in 1952. From 1948 to 1969, de Monsabert worked as Professor of Chemistry at Loyola University.

Rivera then began to talk about Dallas and how much he enjoyed the city. Adele vividly remembered that he pointed toward her memo book, and stared very intently at her, saying,

“Pretend you’re in a phone booth and you’re very, very nervous and upset. Your handwriting is very shaky. Now write down this telephone number: 899-4244.”

Adele says she wrote the number down and was surprised to see that her hand was shaking.

(Mind control programming at work? Was this ‘command’ to call de Monsabert a test to see how controllable and malleable to suggestion she had by now become…? )

At that moment
, Adele recalls, “Rivera said, ‘Write down this name: Lee Harvey Oswald. Tell him to kill the chief.”

Adele obeyed. “I wrote the name Lee Harvey Oswald and then under it wrote in quotation marks: ‘kill the chief.’ When he saw me writing down those three words, he said, ‘No, no. Don’t write that down. You will remember it when you get to New Orleans. We’re playing a little joke on him.”

(The ‘we’re playing a little joke on him’ may have the deepest of implications with regard to how Oswald was being handled as a possible long term Greenbaum subject).

Adele recalls looking at the name Lee Harvey Oswald and thinking that perhaps Oswald was an African American “because I knew in New Orleans African Americans often used three names, inclusive of their middle names. I thought the word ‘chief’ might have had something to do with Rivera’s earlier joke about NIH. I thought that maybe Oswald was an NIH scientist married to a Russian scientist, the woman Rivera had said he married. I was trying to make sense out of everything he was saying.”

Adele was becoming quite uncomfortable. She picked up her memo book and tore out the page she had written on, putting it in her purse.

As she did this, Rivera said, “I’ll show you where it will happen.”

“Where what will happen?” she asked.

Rivera did not answer, “but he took my memo book and with a pen he took from his pocket he drew a square, and then a double line on top and on the right-hand side of the square. He said something like ‘these are the windows and this is on the fifth floor: and then he drew a little circle and said ‘there will be some men up there: Then he said, ‘I’ll show you where it will happen.”

“Where what will happen?” Adele asked. “What are you trying to tell me?”

Adele was becoming increasingly alarmed with Rivera’s words, as well as his appearance. She says, “He looked like he was having some sort of seizure, his face was puffy and red, and he was very excited.”

Rivera did not respond to Adele’s questions, but instead went on talking in bursts. She recalled him saying:

“Oswald is not what he seems ... (1)

…we’re going to send him to the library to read about great assassinations in history(2)

…after it’s over, he will call Abt to defend him ... (3)

…after it happens, the President’s best friend will commit suicide(4)

…the director of the International Trade Mart is involved in this… (5)

…it will happen after the Shriners’ Circus comes to New Orleans.... (6)

…After it’s over, the men will be out of the country, but someone will kill Oswald, maybe his best friend(7)

…remember, the first time it happens won’t be real:’ (8)


(1) Double, double agent… or Greenbaum?

(2) For what purpose – to copy or to learn from and see how they happen so you can pre-empt? Or something else entirely…?

(3) Oswald made his first attempt to call attorney John Apt at 1:40pm, Saturday 23rd November 1963.

Edward Grant Stockdale was a close friend of Jacks’ and an ardent New Frontiersman. On December 1, 1963, he told his attorney that ‘those guys’ were trying to get him. Stockdale died on December 2, 1963 when he fell (or was thrown) from his office on the 13th floor of the Dupont Building in Miami. He did not leave a note but the police declared it to be suicide and closed the case. Many of his friends said he was not the type of person to kill himself.

(5) The infamous Clay Shaw of Jim Garrison investigation renown.

(6) The Shrine Circus took up performance residency in New Orleans from
November 23 to December 1, 1963. However they were a sizeable operation and needed days to set up, so we can assume they were there in some form or other before 22nd November. And why the reference to a circus at all – clowns, magicians, masquerades… a liminal world inhabited by tricksters?

(7) Jack Ruby has been reliably placed in Oswald’s company in the years and months running up to the assassination.

(8) The
Chicagofailed’ assassination incident, of October 31st 1963.)

JFK AND THE Unspeakable by James J. Douglas

At the same time as the generals were confirming their plot in Saigon, the FBI was discovering a plot to assassinate President Kennedy in Chicago three days later - within hours of the time Diem would be assassinated.

On Wednesday, October 30, the agents at the Chicago Secret Service office were told of the Chicago plot by Special Agent in Charge Maurice Martineau. Abraham Bolden was one of the agents present. Bolden had left the White House detail voluntarily two years before in protest against the poor security being given the president. Bolden would now suffer for bearing witness to the Chicago plot against Kennedy.

I know former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden. Between 1998 and 2004, I interviewed him on seven distinct visits to his South Side Chicago home. I hope my brief narration can do justice to the story of Abraham Bolden - and of his wife, Barbara Louise Bolden, who at the age of seventy died at home from an asthma attack on December 27, 2005. With the help of their faith, the love of their family and friends, and the writings of a few supportive researchers, Abraham and Barbara Bolden survived truthfully for decades the retaliation of a systemic evil that goes beyond the imagination of most Americans.

Special Agent in Charge Martineau's startling announcement to his Chicago Secret Service agents about a plot against Kennedy came in the context of their preparations for the president's arrival at O'Hare Airport three days later on Saturday, November 2, at 11:40 A.M.

On Saturday afternoon, JFK was scheduled to attend the Army-Air Force football game at Soldier Field. At 9:00 A.M. Wednesday morning, Martineau told the agents the FBI had learned from an informant that four snipers planned to shoot Kennedy with high-powered rifles. Their ambush was set to happen along the route of the presidential motorcade, as it came in from O'Hare down the Northwest Expressway and into the Loop on Saturday morning.

The FBI had said "the suspects were rightwing para-military fanatics." The assassination "would probably be attempted at one of the Northwest Expressway overpasses." They knew this from an informant named "Lee." Who was the informant named "Lee"? Could it have been Lee Harvey Oswald? We will return to that question.

The following day, the landlady at a boarding house on the North Side independently provided further information. Four men were renting rooms from her. She had seen four rifles with telescopic sights in one of the men's rooms, together with a newspaper sketch of the president's route. She phoned the FBI.

The FBI told Martineau everything was now up to the Secret Service. James Rowley, head of the Secret Service in Washington, confirmed to Martineau that J. Edgar Hoover had passed the buck. It was the Secret Service's jurisdiction. The FBI would do nothing to investigate or stop the plot against Kennedy.

Martineau set up a twenty-four-hour surveillance of the men's boarding house. He passed out to his agents four photos of the men allegedly involved in the plot. The stakeout reached a quick climax on Thursday night, October 31, at the same time as halfway around the world rebel tanks and troops were preparing to move through the streets of Saigon toward the presidential palace.

In Chicago, Secret Service agent J. Lloyd Stocks in his car spotted two of the suspects driving. Stocks followed them. When the men drove into an alley behind their rooming house, Stocks did, too. He discovered too late that the alley was a dead end. The men had turned their car around and were on their way back out. They squeezed past Stocks's car at an unfortunate moment for the agent - just as his car radio blared out a message from Martineau. The startled men looked his way, then drove off quickly. Stocks reported back to Martineau with chagrin that he'd blown the surveillance.

Martineau ordered that the two men be taken into custody immediately. They were seized and brought to the Secret Service headquarters early Friday morning. Through the early morning hours, J. Lloyd Stocks questioned one of the two men, while his fellow agent Robert Motto questioned the other. The two suspects, who have remained anonymous to this day, stonewalled the questions. In the meantime, their two reported collaborators remained at large. President Kennedy was due to arrive the next day for his motorcade through the streets of Chicago.

(This whole exchange, which she remembered verbatim… of itself highly suggestive of the controlled state she was in despite her abilities in this area… and the specific’s mentioned, are at the heart of the high strangeness of this whole episode.

I suggest that what she remembers above of Rivera’s outburst comes close to
some form of ‘channelling’ description, especially considering the agitated, excited ‘seizure’ like state of Rivera as he spewed out this litany of near exact ‘prophesies’ 6 months ahead of time.

On the basis that we accept her testimony in good faith – and no one has ever suggested or made a case that she was in any way lying, embellishing or distorting what happened and what she remembered so vividly and consistently – to come out with three completely impossible to predict for sure events and 5 seemingly impossible to know random but dynamite facts all at the same time (which smashes the need to know basis of many assumptions around the case) beggars belief without it in some way being ‘channelled’ or ‘directed’ through him… especially as everything he said can be shown to be valid and to have happened or have real meaning… again I say this, 6 months before the day of the assassination…

There is something of huge significance taking place in this bizarre series of encounters.

Here follows the description from the book how the evening ended.

Adele told Rivera she wanted to leave. Rivera walked with her out of the restaurant toward the elevators. Adele planned to hail a taxi as soon as she was outside, but there were none in sight. When she went to get into Rivera’s car, Adele found that his passenger side door would not open from the outside; Rivera got into the car on the driver’s side and opened the door from inside.

She recalls, “After I got into his car, I leaned over to shut the open door, and I heard him rustling through my purse, presumably looking for the notebook page. That made me quite angry, and I yanked my purse away from him. I had no idea then, of course, how important that page was, but I simply did not want him going through my purse. I was offended and frightened at once.”

Adele said that Rivera told her, “Look, I really don’t want to have to hurt you.”

“Why in God’s name would you want to hurt me?” Adele asked.

If you go to anyone about this you’ll be very sorry.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. ‘This’ what?” Adele asked.

“The authorities, the FBI, or anyone. Don’t go to anyone or we will hurt you. We will be watching you.”

By this time, Rivera was driving Adele back to her hotel in Washington, D.C. Adele told Rivera, “I don’t want any trouble with you or anyone. I really don’t understand what this is all about.”

“Don’t worry:’ said Rivera. “Just don’t go to anyone if you know what’s good for you.”

Adele continued, “We got back to the Hotel Raleigh and I thanked him for dinner and apologized for any misunderstanding. He told me that he would pick me up in the morning as planned and to get a good night’s sleep. I got up to my room and again I couldn’t sleep at all. By morning I was exhausted and confused and scared.”

Said Adele: “I kept thinking about the things Rivera had said to me. And his threats. My hands were shaking and I was having trouble focusing my eyesight. I felt flushed.... I had no idea what was going on. When I looked at the wallpaper and the carpet in my room it looked like it was undulating.... The more I thought, the angrier I became. I looked up Rivera’s home telephone number and I called him even though it was late. A woman answered, his wife I assumed. I asked to speak with him, and when he came to the phone, I asked him what was going on and what were all the things he had talked about. He said that I was upset and that he should not have left me alone. He said that he should have stayed with me, which really scared me. I said that I wanted to talk with him the next morning, as he had promised to drive me to the laboratory of Dr. Ichiji Tasaki. I had an appointment with Tasaki. I really didn’t want to see Rivera again, but I had to try to bring things to some sort of closure, to try to understand what was really going on.”

The next morning, Wednesday, April 24, 1963, Adele took a taxi to NIH, where she met Rivera in a conference room in the NINDB building. “I was really mad at this point:’ Adele says. “I worked myself up to it, to being able to confront him. I asked him about what he had said and I threatened to go to the FBI.”

Says Adele: “I wanted to see what he would do and he threatened me again. He said if I went to anyone, the FBI or anyone else, I would be very, very sorry.”

“Don’t be stupid about this,” Rivera warned Adele. We just played a little joke on you.”

Adele went to her meeting with Dr. Tasaki and Rivera waited to drive her back to the hotel, where she was to check out around noon.

On the way back to the hotel, Adele recalls, Rivera made small talk and acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened between them. He suggested that he and Adele have lunch since Adele still had a few hours before her flight left for New Orleans.

Adele recounts, “At lunch he showed me a photograph of his wife and daughter from his wallet, and I spoke of my future research plans, asking him to be sure to send the application for the five-year research award, which he had promised to do.”

Adele says that things briefly turned strange and frightening once more, “when Rivera talked about Jackie on Air Force One and about the plane catching on fire. He asked me, ‘What would Jackie do?’ And then he said, ‘What would you do?’ He looked at my stunned face, and said, We will be watching you, Adele. We will know what you are doing.”

After lunch, Rivera walked Adele back to the hotel to say good bye, but not before he asked, “Adele, what did you do with the page you wrote on from the notepad last night?”

“I threw it away”, Adele lied.

Rivera looked at her and said, “You’re sure?”

“Yes”’ she lied again.

Forget what happened here,” said Rivera.

(So there’s programming, probably LSD, there’s some kind of high strangeness, there’s then brazen threats and nicey-nicey…. The most telling line for me remains We just played a little joke on you. I think there is substantial meaning behind this throw away line.

I’ll post more soon on what happened next.
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Over night I've had a most bizarre thought which just came to me this morning as I stared up at the ceiling going over the above.

Adele recalled that she felt strange, almost otherworldly, walking out of the restaurant, asking herself who really ‘was this peculiar man beside her, talking to her about so many odd things.

Despite all the surface clues that demand attention as a 3rd density PSYOP/mind control event - so many of the details also add up to patterns we find in fairy stories and their mirror, alien abductions!

I know that sounds mad - but if you think about it.

  • The excitable 'girl' with a dream of being something led into a nightmare by her own desires.
  • The sick 'prince' (her husband).
  • The journeys involved.
  • The guides on the way.
  • Monitoring ahead of the pivotal event.
  • The specific places of engagement being 'out of the way'.
  • The meeting with the strange 'goblin' creature who is both human looking yet 'other'.
  • The first action being a sweet/food that is offered and freely taken.
  • The repeated use of this and the continuing uncritical acceptance.
  • The invitation accepted to enter 'his world' on his terms.
  • Staring eyes that are repeatedly held.
  • Daytime and night time experiences (waking reality and sleep blurring).
  • Dreams within dreams - e.g. storms that do and do not happen.
  • Déjà vu.
  • Confusion, high anxiety and stress.
  • Strange journeys at night in a carriage of some kind i.e. taxis
  • Terrifying information/knowledge that is shared yet that makes no sense.
  • Prophesy.
  • Threats that if you tell we will harm you.
  • Insistence that its all a trick, a game.
  • The life lived thereafter as a Cassandra that no one will believe (that I'll post on soon).
  • Watching events unfold that you are powerless to stop - but 'know'.

I'm not suggesting that what happened didn't happen to her in this realm and with agents of this realm. But the whole pattern underneath the suits and the cars and the fixed geographic locations is really strange. As if some kind of blurring between 3rd & 4th D STS was at play here.

Normally we draw a line between these two parties, or rather assume an interchange at some hidden and secret point, but how often do we get the opportunity to see both the puppet and the puppet master out at play at the same time, dancing together in 'broad daylight' in some way that reveals the symbiotic relationship simultaneously?

There is something about a man in black about Dr Rivera that I can't quite yet fathom... but I also could be way off here...

I do also wonder what would have come up if Adele had ever been taken through a process of hypnosis by someone like Laura. I'm left wondering what isn't in this story that was perhaps buried in her subconscious mind... and indeed even if her memories that she so clearly and consistently held to were in fact some kind of screen memories to hide something totally different - and that what we read here is not what actually took place in 'reality'... mere speculation of course...
Michael B-C a dit:
Codes of illusion and delusion. (...) some interesting perspectives on the ‘reality’ of illusion, our role in making it ‘reality’, its way of immersing us like fish in water and how, when we see beyond or through or know the illusion, it must reveal itself. And how that revealing is written into its ‘rules’ and in fact is going on all the time – if we but look for it.

I have the idea that this story is somekind of 'trickster' joke with near full revelation on the whole ghastly truth...

I was amazed by this description of what we are going through right now. Was it intentional?

Les codes de l'illusion et du délire. (...) quelques perspectives intéressantes sur la "réalité" de l'illusion, notre rôle pour la rendre "réelle", sa façon de nous immerger comme un poisson dans l'eau et comment, lorsque nous voyons au-delà ou à travers ou connaissons l'illusion, elle doit se révéler. Et comment cette révélation est inscrite dans ses "règles" et se produit en fait tout le temps - si nous ne faisons que la chercher.
J'ai l'impression que cette histoire est une sorte de blague de "tricheur" qui révèle presque toute la terrible vérité...

Je suis restée étonnée par cette description de ce que nous vivons actuellement. Était-ce voulu ?

Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)
To say the obvious in passing – he was killed 22nd November – 22/11.

What an interesting story... If I would hear it a month ago, I would have never questioned "the obvious". Yet, after reading Miles Mathis's multiple essays on the manufactured and stage events (really, our whole reality seems to be smoke and mirrors), I no longer believe in "the obvious".

If the narrative is controlled on both ends, especially in the events of such magnitude, then the alternate or dissenting theories will also be taking the curious into multiple rabbit holes, away from the truth. In case of JFK association, that truth is the lack of the body. It was a fascinated read: https://milesmathis.com/barindex2.pdf (as of this morning that link is broken. I attached .PDF file that I saved previously)

Miles goes to say that Robert Kennedy's association was also a hoax. Taking into consideration the strange deaths of his oldest brother Joseph P Kennedy Jr in 1944 at age 29 and son John F Kennedy Jr death in 1999 at the age of 39 Miles concludes that these people have been "hidden kings" of the "shadow government" that ruled the US ever since...


  • barindex2.pdf
    4.7 MB · Views: 21
Michael B-C a dit:

I was amazed by this description of what we are going through right now. Was it intentional?

Les codes de l'illusion et du délire. (...) quelques perspectives intéressantes sur la "réalité" de l'illusion, notre rôle pour la rendre "réelle", sa façon de nous immerger comme un poisson dans l'eau et comment, lorsque nous voyons au-delà ou à travers ou connaissons l'illusion, elle doit se révéler. Et comment cette révélation est inscrite dans ses "règles" et se produit en fait tout le temps - si nous ne faisons que la chercher.
J'ai l'impression que cette histoire est une sorte de blague de "tricheur" qui révèle presque toute la terrible vérité...

Je suis restée étonnée par cette description de ce que nous vivons actuellement. Était-ce voulu ?

Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)

May I suggest you to listen Lucien Cerise, if you don't know him. It's an expert in social engineering and no need to say that with this situation, he has a very good example to explain these concepts :

Covid-19 and biopower, a case of consent fabrication ?

/End of the digression :-)
The story continues through a series of phases as follows. The seeming high strangeness, however, effectively vanishes from here on in and its replaced by common and garden obfuscation by the 3D power system all the way, only visible via its lowest level of foot-soldier with any implications beyond well hidden in the shadows.

I include these final events so as to witness the lifetime's efforts she made against the deafening silence she faced to the day she died... as if she was being told 'none of this ever happened'... :


About a week after Adele returned to New Orleans, she thought to call the telephone number for Lee Harvey Oswald that Rivera had given her. However, Adele told the author:

“My husband said, ‘don’t ever call that number: I had told him about the strange happenings with Rivera, and he said it was all too bizarre to get involved in and that I was lucky to be okay. I told him that I thought I should go to the FBI or Secret Service, and he said, ‘No, we’ll end up getting investigated ourselves and we will never hear the end of it’. However, Clayton did try to look into it himself. He called people about Rivera, and he consulted a couple of attorneys, one in Chicago and another in New Orleans. Like he had predicted, everyone felt the story was bizarre.”

This may be innocent but it seems slightly odd back in 1963 that a medical doctor would have this kind of awareness of the dangers of getting involved with deep-state apparatus and yet also know how to explore certain channels to see if he could dig anything up. 1963 US was a very regimented ‘conservative’ place with no such thing as ‘conspiracy theorists’ - though at the same time its possible that having lived through the cold war and the McCarthyite age any one with a brain could see that powerful forces were at work below the surface. It’s possibly suggestive, however, that there might be something more than meets the eye about Clayton, especially considering his wartime military background in Germany.

Adele continued:

“I called the phone number Rivera had given me for Oswald. It was around the first few days of May [1963]. A man answered who identified himself as Jesse Garner. I asked for Lee Harvey Oswald and he said there was nobody there by that name. I thanked him and hung up.”

Jesse J. Garner resided at 4911 Magazine Street, New Orleans, from 1960. Lee Harvey Oswald occupied the apartment known as 4905 Magazine Street (part of the same house complex) from May 9, 1963, to on or about September 23, 1963.

For about a week Adele tried to fathom why Rivera had given her a number and name that amounted to a dead end. She wondered if perhaps she had dialed the wrong number. About a week after her first attempt, Adele called the number once more. The same man answered again, but when she asked for Lee Harvey Oswald, he said, ‘Oh, they’ve just arrived. Lee isn’t here right now, but Mrs. Oswald is. Would you like to speak with her?”

Adele said she would. “She answers, it takes time for her to come to the phone, and she spoke Russian, which surprised me even though Rivera had told me she was Russian. I spoke to her in English, even though I knew a little Russian from what my father had taught me as a child. I asked her if it would be okay to call back in a few days to speak to her husband, that I wanted to ask him ‘about someone who had asked me to call him. She said, ‘Da and I thanked her. And I did call back a few days later.”

Adele said she called the Oswald number again at mid-day about five days later (i.e. on or around May 14th) and again Jesse Garner answered. Adele asked for ‘Lee Harvey Oswald, and Garner told her to hold on and he would go and get him.

What is interesting about the above is that it suggests Jesse Garner lied in his sworn testimony before the Warren Commission when he claimed:
  • I first talked to Oswald about a month after he moved into the apartment. I spoke to him about payment of the rent, because he was a few days late in paying his rent for the second month he lived in the apartment. He told me he would have the rent in a few days. I later learned that he did pay the rent to my wife shortly thereafter.
  • Oswald appeared to be a quiet sort of man and I did not talk to him about anything other than the rent that first time that I met him.
He then goes on to claim the only other time they conversed was when he insisted Oswald take down some posters in the porch relating to pro-Castro sentiment (thus damning him as a commie sympathizer). The final time they conversed he stated was the day they moved out in September.

Adele’s statements above, however, utterly contradict this. According to her Garner and the Oswald’s were intimate enough by around 15th May for Garner to not only be calling him ‘Lee’ but also that he was possibly acting as some kind of phone monitor on behalf of the Oswald’s and collected Lee to take this second call from an unknown person (especially when one thinks that all the apartments and Mr Garner’s house were separate – see below).

When Oswald came on the line, Adele said, she introduced herself and asked him if he knew Dr. Jose Rivera, a research scientist at NIH in Bethesda, Maryland.

“No, I’m sorry, I don’t know him,” replied Oswald.

Well, that’s odd, Adele said, because he seems to know you and your wife.”

Adele said Oswald did not respond right away, so she apologized for asking him such a seemingly strange question, and then she asked him, “Would you mind telling me where your phone is located?”

Oswald gave Adele Garner’s street address, 4909 Magazine Street. (Adele says she made her call to Oswald no later than May 20, 1963. According to the Warren Commission and the FBI, no government authority at this time knew the Oswalds had moved to Magazine Street.)

Adele then thanked Oswald for speaking with her and apologized for having bothered him. She also recalled that when she hung up she wondered how Rivera knew that Oswald, who she still assumed was a research scientist, would be moving to Magazine Street weeks before he actually did. She guessed that, most likely, the move had been planned well in advance, yet she also wondered why the Oswalds had selected “a rather run down section of the city” to live in.

“Needless to say,” says Adele, “I didn’t deliver Rivera’s message to ‘kill the chief’ to Oswald.”

As seasoned and respected JFK researcher William E. Kelly Jr. has astutely pointed out, “What is really strange is that Dr. Jose Rivera [while in Washington, D.C. with Adele] knew Oswald’s New Orleans phone number on Tuesday, April 23, 1963, before Oswald himself knew where he was moving to in New Orleans.”


A short while after this, Adele read a news account about the Secret Service that made her think that she should call them to report her experience with Rivera. She told Clayton she was going to make the call, and he strenuously argued against it. “We’ll look like crazy people” he told her. “People will think we are out of our minds.”

Adele made the call anyway.

She recalls only that the date of her call was “a few days after July 4, 1963.” She asked for an appointment in person at the local Secret Service office to-speak to an official about what she knew. She recalled later:

“A man identified himself as Special Agent J. Calvin Rice. I explained to him that I wanted to come down to his office and speak to the Secret Service about an experience I had had in April when I met a man in Washington, D.C. who said some very strange things about the President that I felt they should know about. Special Agent Rice said that would be fine and he gave me directions to his office:’

Adele was anxious and ambivalent. “I was going to go down the next day, but I got cold feet. I thought Clayton would get angry, and I was very scared. I had the note with Lee Harvey Oswald’s name on it, and the words ‘kill the chief’. Those words made me especially nervous.”

The next day Adele phoned Special Agent Rice again. “I called yesterday and I wanted to come down to talk with you, but I can’t do that right now.”

Agent Rice replied, “Fine, we’ll be here anytime you decide to come in’ (Interestingly, J. Calvin Rice, an FBI agent who shared offices with the Secret Service in New Orleans, transferred to the FBI’s Dallas, Texas office shortly after Adele’s call and before the assassination of JFK.)

About two months later, in August 1963, Adele and her husband Clayton were watching television, she told this author, when they saw a local CBS evening news account about a man named “Leon Oswald” who had been handing out Fair Play for Cuba Committee leaflets in front of the International Trade Mart. Adele wondered if the leafleting man, shown on the account, could be the same Oswald that she had called. However, she soon forgot about it.

A few days after Labor Day, September 1963, while at work, Adele was surprised to briefly spot Dr. Jose Rivera coming out of an elevator at LSU Medical School. Adele stood in the hallway staring at him, not knowing what to do for a moment. Adele says, “When he looked up and saw me staring at him, he did a double take and literally tripped backwards, looking like he had seen a ghost.”

Adele walked away briskly and called her husband, asking what he thought she should do. Clayton told her to stay calm and to avoid Rivera without being obvious or rude. Clayton then called a friend whom he asked to keep an eye out for Adele’s safety. Adele did not see Rivera again.

What one is to make of her description of Rivera’s reaction to seeing her again after 5 months is anyone’s guess… but it seems to bear no relation to the calm, deliberate and all powerful manipulator that Adele painted from her time with him back in April. Surely he would have continued monitoring her career and actions after April? Were the implications of seeing her walking freely around just 2 months before the assassination a shock to him…? Did he expect her to have been ‘vanished’ by nowwas he being played as much as she was…?


On the day President Kennedy was killed, Adele had gone to a meeting with one of her children’s teachers before reaching her office, and she had not heard any news.

“I went to work and got there about a half hour past noon. When I walked into my section, everyone was listening to the radio. President Kennedy had just been shot while riding through the streets of Dallas. We also learned that Governor Connally had been shot, and he and the President were being taken to Parkland Hospital. Listening to the radio reports was otherworldly. It was hard to believe. When I learned later that day that the man who had shot Kennedy was Lee Harvey Oswald, I was shocked. I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach, my knees buckled. I thought about Rivera and all the strange things he had said to me.”

Kill the chief. Tell him to kill the chief.

Adele went over and over the conversations with Rivera.

“The more I thought, the more I felt that I was involved in all that had happened. I had thought that Rivera was most likely a cruel practical joker or worse, a psychotic, but not a conspirator in the murder of the President of the United States.”

We are playing a little joke on Oswald.

As she was now to discover, whatever the ‘joke’ on Oswald, the ‘joke’ was now to play out on her life… she was now fated to become a Cassandra forever battling against the pre-determined narrative nightmare…


On November 24, the Sunday after the assassination, Adele took a chance and called Special Agent Rice again at his office number. He answered the phone and Adele told him she had some information related to the assassination that he needed to hear right away. Rice told her to go right away to the Federal Building at 600 South Street in downtown New Orleans, where he would meet her in the main lobby.

When Adele arrived, Rice was waiting and he took her to an office on the fifth floor. On the way to his office, Rice stunned Adele by informing her that Oswald had moments before been shot in Dallas.

In his office, Special Agent Rice identified himself this time as Secret Service Agent John W. Rice, in charge of the Secret Service’s New Orleans office. He asked Adele to sit down.

There is no suggestion here from Adele that this was a different man to the man she had spoken to by phone back in July. Yet suddenly Special Agent J. Calvin Rice has become John W. Rice, SAIC… a subtle but significant difference. It is possible she made assumtions on the voice being the same aided by the confusing use of same surname... whatever, one is reminded about the moving of fake Oswald’s around a chessboard… and here we have agents with similar sounding names doing the same thing…as well as blurring of lines between FBI and Secret Service...

Adele noted later, “Rice was a thin and short man, not much taller than I am. Later, I learned that FBI agent J. Calvin Rice was over 6 feet tall and quite husky.”

Adele continued,

“After I sat down, agent Rice introduced me to a tall, heavy set, balding man with wire-rimmed eyeglasses. This was FBI Special Agent Oren Bartlett. He was FBI liaison with the Secret Service. There was no one else in the office with us that I saw. They interviewed me for about four hours, and I think the interview was tape-recorded. Agent Rice sat at his desk and I sat to his right, and FBI agent Bartlett stayed standing most of the time. Several times, agent Rice got up and went behind a partition to check something, I think. I assumed this was a tape recorder.”

Adele provided the two agents detailed background on herself, and then told them how she had come to meet Dr. Jose Rivera in Atlantic City, and about her two days in Bethesda and Washington, D.C. She showed the agents her airline tickets, hotel receipts, and the notes she had kept, including the notebook page with Lee Harvey Oswald’s name on it.

“When I showed them all of this:’ Adele says, “their questions became more intense, and they asked me more about Rivera, his work at NIH, and his physical description. I answered all of their questions and gave them Rivera’s home and office telephone numbers.”

Adele recalls, “The FBI man, Oren Bartlett, went behind the partition in the office and called someone from a phone back there. I could hear him passing information on to someone about Rivera. I assumed they were going to bring Rivera m for questioning somewhere.”

When Bartlett came back from behind the partition, he asked Adele if he and Rice could have the page from my notebook. Adele handed it over, realizing that her interview was over at this point.

However, as Special Agent Rice walked her toward the office door, he asked her to call if she remembered anything else she had not told them. Rice also requested that she not speak to anyone else about Rivera or the incidents in Bethesda and Washington, D.C.

“I understood this to be for my own protection as well as for their investigation,” Adele recalled. She fully expected that she would soon hear news reports concerning the apprehension or questioning of Dr. Rivera. After a few days of hearing nothing, Adele called Rice and told him she was concerned about her safety. Adele says agent Rice told her, “Don’t worry about anything. That man can’t hurt you:’ Adele says that she took this to mean that either Rivera shad been apprehended or was being held for questioning:’ Adele never spoke again with agents Rice or Bartlett, and neither man ever contacted her.

A classic case of going through the motions of appearing to take her case seriously and then just burying the investigation in the system. There have been no releases of any documents from government sources that admit any such interview or investigation ever took place.

It would be safe to surmise that a need-to-know basis about Rivera meant that any passing of the story up the food chain by the FBI/Secret Service agents was all they needed to do and if they received a command to ignore it that would be that as far as they were concerned - they had done their jobs worth and they would know not to ask further questions about progression etc.

It is also worth pointing out that whilst many researchers continue to focus on the CIA and FBI roles in the whole story that much evidence from the day in Dallas reveals that The Secret Service – along with military intelligence - were in many ways the main facilitators and even perpetrators of the actual murder. So Adele was going to get no joy out of going to them anyway.


Not long after Adele returned home from the meeting, and while she was still under the impression that Rivera was perhaps being held by the FBI or Secret Service, she received a form letter bearing Rivera’s signature and acknowledging receipt of her routinely filed work-progress reports. The report had been requested by another official at NINDB who routinely signed them, and Adele was frightened and confused to see Rivera’s signature.

The more she thought about the letter the more frightened she became. Within days, she says:

“I became terrified. I assumed that the Secret Service and FBI agents did not believe me, although they had asked me to call them if I remembered anything else. They also had told me not to speak to anyone about my being there with them, as a protection for myself. I expected to be called before the Warren Commission, but I never was.”

Adele recounted, “My husband suggested that I consult Dr. Milton Erickson, a widely known and respected medical hypnotist, to confirm my experiences and memories. I tried to make contact with Erickson several times, but each time he had some medical emergency of his own and I was never able to see him. I suffered through fearful times, depressions and anxieties. For many years I did not speak of these things and would not read anything about the assassination.”

Adele, of course, had no idea that Dr. Erickson was covertly consulting with the CIA through the auspices of Project Artichoke, ZR/ALERT and Unit B, and other Agency programs. The question hangs out there did her husband know any of this and was that why he chose this man, knowing he would do nothing...

After the Warren Commission released its findings in 26 thick volumes, Adele was puzzled and disappointed to find nothing in it about Dr. Rivera. She contacted a New Orleans attorney, Jack Peebles, who filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the government for any files and documents related to Rivera and Adele, but the request produced nothing.

In 1975, after the U.S. Senate committee (known as the Church Committee) was formed and had begun its investigation into illegal intelligence community activities, Adele wrote to Sen. Frank Church about her experience. She was informed that the matter was “outside the purview of the committee’s work.”

On Adele’s behalf Attorney Peebles sent a letter dated December 13, 1976 to U.S. Rep. Thomas Downing of the Church Committee. The letter stated that Rivera, who Adele now believed might have been connected to covert research activities for the CIA, might have attempted to drug or hypnotize her in 1963. In his letter, Peebles made it clear that Adele did not want publicity, or her name used by the Church Committee, unless investigators were able to verify her statements.

Attorney Peebles wrote a second letter on May 2, 1977 to U.S. Congressman Louis Stokes, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. On December 23, 1978, Adele wrote to U.S. Rep. Richardson Preyer asking for a formal response to one of Peebles letters. No response was received from anyone. Another letter by Peebles to Sen. Daniel Inouye brought a response of interest in her case, but Inouye’s staff aide was reluctant to subpoena Rivera, and nothing further happened.

Adele was becoming increasingly concerned by the lack of follow-up of any kind with respect to her interview with agents Rice and Bartlett.

“If my information was not considered to be relevant and pertinent, there should be some record of the fact that the interview took place. The fact that there is no record is odd and suspicious. I know what I know and what happened to me, and I think others have a right to know also.”

In 1991, Adele wrote an account of her meetings and conversations with Rivera, and published it in the November 1999 issue of The Third Decade, an obscure journal devoted to the JFK assassination. Then on November 18, 1994, Adele Edisen testified before an Assassination Records Review Board hearing held in Dallas, Texas. The Board heard the basics of Adele’s strange encounter, but oddly, perhaps due to a very tight schedule, seemed to give it short shrift and had very few questions for her.

Having read all 5 volumes by Douglas Horne on this butchered process this doesn't surprise me. Not only was the 'investigation' not meant to be an investigation, it was set up in such a way to make sure that it deliberately did not investigate any form of new evidence. Horne managed to circumvent that directive to a miraculous degree but he was just one investigator permanently battling a process that tried to block his efforts to uncover the truth at every hands turn. Adele is not mentioned in his study and I would imagine the information never reached him - and even if it did, despite his brilliant persistence, he doesn't strike me as a man who would take such anomalous and bizarre information seriously. Taking high strangeness on face value and on its own terms is not exactly everyone's forte!


On July 24, 2011, Adele sent a letter to President Barack Obama at the White House. She began by stating:

“I am writing to you for help with an important problem which I cannot solve by myself, despite all the Freedom of Information/Privacy letters I have written over the years, and those by my attorney, to various congressional investigative bodies.”

Adele then provided the President with highlights of her career and provided a summary of her encounter with Jose Rivera, and her meetings with the FBI, including a late 1984 meeting with an FBI Special Agent “who asked me to write a very brief account of my experience in 1963 which he was to send to FBI Headquarters with his cover letter and a copy of my curriculum vitae.” Nothing further was heard from the FBI, Adele explained. Her letter continued:

I believe Jose A. Rivera, a former US Army Colonel, was one of the traitors and conspirators who plotted and murdered President John F. Kennedy. These traitors, in government positions in the military and intelligence and their financial backers, wanted to destroy Kennedy and his administration because he was working for economic improvements for all peoples, for Democracy, and for worldwide peace and harmony. These were not the goals of his murderers and War profiteers. Many of them can be linked to the conspiracy to overthrow President Roosevelt and our system of government in order to establish a fascistic dictatorship in 1933-1934, just thirty years before 1963.

What I wish to ask is that you, with your Executive authority and power, ask the relevant agencies, the National Archives, and the National Declassification Center to release FBI, Secret Service, and CIA and Congressional documents, audio tapes, film/video recordings, in their possession which relate to me, Adele E. Uskali Edisen, and to Attorney Jack Peebles, and to Jose Alberto Rivera, and Winston de Monsabert, and Grant Stockdale (friend of John Kennedy, whose death after the assassination was predicted by Rivera in April of 1963.)"

Adele concluded her letter with the words:

“November 22, 2013, about two years from now, will be the 50th Year Anniversary of the death of President Kennedy, and all documents and records currently withheld from the public’s access should be made available to the American people. We have a right to know our true history.”

Adele received no response.

In March 2017 she passed away aged 89.

She never changed or contradicted her story to the day she died and she never stopped fighting for the truth of what happened to her and to President Kennedy.

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What an interesting story... If I would hear it a month ago, I would have never questioned "the obvious". Yet, after reading Miles Mathis's multiple essays on the manufactured and stage events (really, our whole reality seems to be smoke and mirrors), I no longer believe in "the obvious".

If the narrative is controlled on both ends, especially in the events of such magnitude, then the alternate or dissenting theories will also be taking the curious into multiple rabbit holes, away from the truth. In case of JFK association, that truth is the lack of the body. It was a fascinated read: https://milesmathis.com/barindex2.pdf (as of this morning that link is broken. I attached .PDF file that I saved previously)

Miles goes to say that Robert Kennedy's association was also a hoax. Taking into consideration the strange deaths of his oldest brother Joseph P Kennedy Jr in 1944 at age 29 and son John F Kennedy Jr death in 1999 at the age of 39 Miles concludes that these people have been "hidden kings" of the "shadow government" that ruled the US ever since...
I admit SlavaOn I've only given a cursor glance over the first 10 pages of the PDF you posted so as not to appear to dismiss the suggestion you make out of hand - but those pages were plenty enough to end it there.

I would suggest to you its very wise to beware flat earthers! These 'gate keepers' of madness who use false logic (i.e. where there's conspiracy why not find 12 more...? Indeed the more crazed in logic the better!). Its been the curse of serious attempts to get people beyond forums like this to take the whole issue of systemic and vicious conspiracy as being the norm of so called democratic power systems for years now (its know as 'Official Secrecy' or 'National Security') and has done untold harm with the wider public, especially people with a brain who immediately run for the hills when they come across such delusions. Think Sandy Hook and the staged nature of such shootings with actors. Its a form of reverse Cognitive Dissonance, namely the implications of the revealed corruption and lies is so great, its better to come up with a truly bonkers theory that suggests its all really just a game, and act, than face the consequences of the reality of such evil (i.e. yes indeed these types will happily kill dozens... 100s... millions of people rather than go to all that trouble to fake it... just for the kicks... and of course the money, the fear programing, the control, etc, etc)

The typical pattern is selective evidence and then a warping of that evidence to fit a predetermined off the wall theory. Use of photographs to prove someone is really a fake or a dummy or alive etc is a notorious path to wishful seeing and thinking. For example there's a very damaging book called Harvey & Lee by John Armstrong that very convincingly tries to prove that there were really two Oswald's from birth - and I confess for a while I was almost half convinced (until you realize that photos of the same person are a product of different photographers, cameras, lighting states, angles, printing procedures etc, and that you can make anyone's life into a seeming ghost story on that basis of foolery).

More importantly the attempt to turn the Kennedy boys into 'creatures of the deep' is a most malevolent and easily disapproval absurdity. As always the truth is much more important and powerful and shocking - that despite their upbringing, they were the closest things to 'mythic' heroes of the light our modern political world has ever seen emerge to do fearless battle with the great serpent down here.

If you only ever read one book on the whole horrible affair, I would suggest you read James Douglas' JFK and the Unspeakable. You'll come away knowing not just more about how it happened but more importantly why it happened and why he mattered so much and why the monsters from the deep created such a grotesque 60 year, ongoing process of lies and cover up to hide their evil shame from public view.

When the C's talk about the programming being complete - The JFK story is one of the key foundation stones upon which the whole horrible ignorant acceptance of lies as truth is built. That's why it still matters that we here do not become part of that awful road to a living hell.
I admit SlavaOn I've only given a cursor glance over the first 10 pages of the PDF you posted so as not to appear to dismiss the suggestion you make out of hand - but those pages were plenty enough to end it there.

I would suggest to you its very wise to beware flat earthers! These 'gate keepers' of madness who use false logic (i.e. where there's conspiracy why not find 12 more...? Indeed the more crazed in logic the better!).

Hi @Michael B-C

I was not able to follow your argument. Who is a flat earther - Miles Mathis or myself? You have used a loaded term, it is almost like a curse... I was rather impressed with Mr.Mathis's logic - one can't write hundreds of scientific papers on math and physics without being a logical person...

I enjoy reading extraordinary stories. I plan to read H.P.Albarelli Jr. book that you introduced. Somehow you took "never-before-published information about the assassination of JFK" from that book without a grain of salt :) Why, do you think, would "CIA agents reported their involvement in the assassination" and revealed what they revealed? Are they perjuring themselves and trying to overturn the official case of JFK murder? That is the same "crazed logic" that you found in the first 10 pages of the PDF!

Hi @Michael B-C

I was not able to follow your argument. Who is a flat earther - Miles Mathis or myself? You have used a loaded term, it is almost like a curse... I was rather impressed with Mr.Mathis's logic - one can't write hundreds of scientific papers on math and physics without being a logical person...

I enjoy reading extraordinary stories. I plan to read H.P.Albarelli Jr. book that you introduced. Somehow you took "never-before-published information about the assassination of JFK" from that book without a grain of salt :) Why, do you think, would "CIA agents reported their involvement in the assassination" and revealed what they revealed? Are they perjuring themselves and trying to overturn the official case of JFK murder? That is the same "crazed logic" that you found in the first 10 pages of the PDF!

View attachment 36303

Hi SlavaOn. First up my apologies if you in anyway interpreted my opening line as a critique of you - my flat earth comment was solely in reference to Miles Mathis.

In terms of the rest of your post I have to say I am confused - for please forgive me - but I do not understand the following from you at all:

Somehow you took "never-before-published information about the assassination of JFK" from that book without a grain of salt :)
I took never before published information? Do you mean this story of Adele Edison? If so that's in correct - it has been published a number of times its just that Mr Albarelli's version is the most thorough and with the fullest assistance and detail provided by the key witness, Adele herself.

'Without a grain of salt..'. ????
Can you explain what you mean by that?

Why, do you think, would "CIA agents reported their involvement in the assassination" and revealed what they revealed?'
- no idea what you mean. I think if you read my posts again they have next to nothing to do with the CIA.

'Are they perjuring themselves and trying to overturn the official case of JFK murder?'
Now I'm really lost...

That is the same "crazed logic" that you found in the first 10 pages of the PDF!

I was rather impressed with Mr.Mathis's logic - one can't write hundreds of scientific papers on math and physics without being a logical person...

If I may say the world is full of scientists who have written '100s of papers' devoid of any other logic than that which keeps them in paid employment! I'm sorry but I am not impressed with his credentials nor am I by his logic.

After your post I set myself the task of carefully reading through his whole paper out of respect for you... but surprise, surprise I ground to a halt again after the first 10 pages! Why? Because its full of demonstrable garbage. If I had read anymore I would have jumped out of my window...!

His 'logically deductions' are risible... take this one for example:

JFK was a politician who only wants votes -> but JFK was no fool -> he knew the risks of riding in an open air car -> yet he rode in an open air car -> but he had to be seen to be in the parade -> people can't tell the difference between real and fake anyway -> and JFK was a politician which means he was a professional liar -> therefore the man who rode in the Dallas motorcade was not JFK but a double. :wow:

I don't know where to start on that one... I really don't. It is full of projections, logical fallacies, innuendo, etc - and most importantly it has no idea of how The Secret Service micro managed the presidential security procedures to the letter and how JFK stated it was not his place to interfere with their duty and advice regarding his safety. Furthermore if Mr Mathias had ever bothered to research the mind set of Kennedy at that time, his state of ill health, his stress, the impact of death upon him - especially his third child - and yet his refusal to yield before untold intimidation day in day out, he might have come to understand (but I doubt it) that Kennedy knew he had a rendezvous with death and he knew he had to face it and he knew he was going to show no fear - ever! That's another reason why he agreed to what everyone else said was the most dangerous form of security that day... but that's a concept that I suspect is beyond Mr. Mathis and his logic.

As for the exploration of the autopsy pictures by using just three examples and then extrapolating his whole argument from them just beggars belief. There were dozens of publicly available photos. He has chosen these three. Why? Perhaps because they fit his preconceived argument the best - that JFK was not murdered in Dallas? More importantly, he clearly knows absolutely nothing about these photos because if he did he would know they are all FORGERIES! All existing autopsy photos have been proven in minute forensic detail and beyond any reasonable doubt in the 5 volumes of Inside the ARRB by Douglas Horne to be complete fakes right down to how they were printed (including photographic doctoring) and the serial numbers they have on them. Mr Mathis clearly does not know that there were actually two autopsies at Bethesda Naval Hospital - one to deform the body so as to hide the nature of his wounds and one to fake the outcome of the examination of his by now mangled body. After that there was another set of procedures to prepare the body for the photo set up that were then presented as the official autopsy photos. In total there were as many as 4 sets of autopsy photos taken by different teams including the ones Mr Matias gullibly uses as prima facie evidence for his absurd hypothesis. When he says these photos prove its not Kennedy he's right whilst being totally wrong - for the body that he presents as Kennedy's is a mockery, Frankenstein monster concocted by professional con artists who actually reveal their fraud in the way Mathias hints at - by transforming the remains of Jack Kennedy into a freak show!

That's why the autopsy photos were never called for or cross examined by the Warren Commission!

However once Mr Mathias declares (pages 10-11) that Lee Oswald was also not murdered in November 1963... because he wore a black jumper... as this is the logical way to hide blood that wasn't there..... I have to admit his logic finally got the better of me and I gave up. My apologies.

I respect this has meaning for you. Its your choice to be drawn to this man's theory. I will reserve my right to think he's a total flat earther despite the fact that he has written 100's of maths and physics papers. (God help the sciences!)
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I quickly looked at the Miles Mathis site, and I get the same feeling that Michael BC got. Since I just finished reading Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill which I felt was well researched and written, I saw this article, and started reading it.


The Tate Murders were a False Flag and the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Project CHAOS

by Miles Mathis

Of all the “conspiracy theories” I have run across over the years, amazingly this is not one of them. I searched the internet for anything on this theory and got nothing, even at Above Top Secret and sites like that. But now that we know many recent tragedies have been faked in Hollywood fashion, why not go back to previous decades, to see how long this has been going on?

I skimmed through it but soon got the gist of it. Garbage, Waste of time in my opinion. (But dangerous if you believe it.)
Hi @Michael B-C

Thank you for explaining your position. From your posting I gathered that JFK topic is dear to your heart.

I have understood your initial response as ad hominem argument against Mr.Mathias. It is a known method in polemics to call an opposing opinion/theory a "conspiracy theory". That is a way to dispatch with the uncomfortable facts without a need for further discussion. Since any JFK murder investigation, that disagree with the official narrative, has already been labelled by the mainstream as "conspiracy theories", you went a step further and labelled it a "flat Earth" theory. And, that also removed any need for any serious discussion, IMHO.

Mr.Mathias could have been wrong in his conclusions. I do not have access to any factual evidence from JFK murder. Even films and photos, presented to the public, have been doctored and re-done to show what "they" wanted to show, as you said yourself. In such situation a "crazy" theory that JFK was not killed in Dallas has the right to be examined as any other alternate theory. Even flat Earth theory has a right to exist and be proven false by serious arguments.

Mr.Mathis covered many events and shown that they were faked by the Intelligence, so JFK murder is not a unique event. If his findings were total bunk, why would Google have been censoring him? http://mileswmathis.com/censor.pdf
He provided that response to his critics: http://milesmathis.com/critics.pdf

The quotes "never-before-published information about the assassination of JFK" and "CIA agents reported their involvement in the assassination" are from Amazon's introduction to Hank Albarelli Jr's book (in the screenshot that I posted above). To take with a grain of salt is an English idiom that means to view something with skepticism.

My main conclusions from Mr.Mathis's essays is that the modern society is in total control by the Intelligence. Unless the controlled mainstream media publishes some information, it did not happen. We, the people, never have direct access to the evidence. It will be spuned, twisted, smoked, manufactured and then presented for everybody's consumption. We are being manipulated by Hollywood, advertisers, media, scientists, bankers, politicians from cradle to death. Opposition is also controlled. Who has money buys everything. Who makes money rules the world. Knowing all that makes me think that Mr.Mathis can be wrong in small details, but he is right on the money when it comes to the current state of events in the world.
Hi @Michael B-C

Thank you for explaining your position. From your posting I gathered that JFK topic is dear to your heart.

I have understood your initial response as ad hominem argument against Mr.Mathias. It is a known method in polemics to call an opposing opinion/theory a "conspiracy theory". That is a way to dispatch with the uncomfortable facts without a need for further discussion. Since any JFK murder investigation, that disagree with the official narrative, has already been labelled by the mainstream as "conspiracy theories", you went a step further and labelled it a "flat Earth" theory. And, that also removed any need for any serious discussion, IMHO.

Mr.Mathias could have been wrong in his conclusions. I do not have access to any factual evidence from JFK murder. Even films and photos, presented to the public, have been doctored and re-done to show what "they" wanted to show, as you said yourself. In such situation a "crazy" theory that JFK was not killed in Dallas has the right to be examined as any other alternate theory. Even flat Earth theory has a right to exist and be proven false by serious arguments.

Mr.Mathis covered many events and shown that they were faked by the Intelligence, so JFK murder is not a unique event. If his findings were total bunk, why would Google have been censoring him? http://mileswmathis.com/censor.pdf
He provided that response to his critics: http://milesmathis.com/critics.pdf

The quotes "never-before-published information about the assassination of JFK" and "CIA agents reported their involvement in the assassination" are from Amazon's introduction to Hank Albarelli Jr's book (in the screenshot that I posted above). To take with a grain of salt is an English idiom that means to view something with skepticism.

My main conclusions from Mr.Mathis's essays is that the modern society is in total control by the Intelligence. Unless the controlled mainstream media publishes some information, it did not happen. We, the people, never have direct access to the evidence. It will be spuned, twisted, smoked, manufactured and then presented for everybody's consumption. We are being manipulated by Hollywood, advertisers, media, scientists, bankers, politicians from cradle to death. Opposition is also controlled. Who has money buys everything. Who makes money rules the world. Knowing all that makes me think that Mr.Mathis can be wrong in small details, but he is right on the money when it comes to the current state of events in the world.

Hi SlavaOn

I'm interested that you regarded my initial response as an ad hominem attack directed against Mr Mathias in person rather than a critique of the position he is taking. As I'm sure you know that's what the term means. Also that you followed on by saying the purpose of such an approach is to ensure that 'uncomfortable facts' are ignored without further examination. I take it by your following line:

you went a step further and labelled it a "flat Earth" theory. And, that also removed any need for any serious discussion, IMHO.

that this is what you are implying I was doing - an ad hominem attack on the author.

I suppose on this forum such a perspective would be seen through a slightly different lense and I perhaps mistakenly assumed you would agree with that. Not every conspiracy theory or theorist is of assistance to the cause of communicating our reality as being fundamentally corrupted by the widespread denial of such hidden 'conspiracies'. Some conspiracy theorists are capable of doing as great a harm to the cause of truth as the perpetrators of the systemic web of lies we live in. Thats why my conclusion was that he is akin to a flat earther - because his theory was demonstrably built on a whole series of false premises. I know nothing about the man and that was not of interest to me at that stage.

I would suggest that the flat earth theory itself does not warrant equal weight with any other because its essential premise can be easily deconstructed at its most basic levels. That's why for some people here the term 'flat earther' would not be regarded as an attack but merely a short hand for someone who has allowed themselves to believe in things - normally with passion and commitment - that are at their core entirely and demonstrably false. One could even call people who believe in the mainstream line on COVID-19 as flat earthers and I'm sure you do not think their theory deserves the same respect and credibility as those who are pointing out the absurdities and see a quite different story playing out?

But I am interested to know why you think just because there is evidence that the forensic evidence from the day of JFK's murder has been badly and deliberately corrupted that this therefore means that any theory - such as one that posits that that JFK was not killed in Dallas
has the right to be examined as any other alternate theory. Even flat Earth theory has a right to exist and be proven false by serious arguments.

I understand the perspective you take to a degree but it suggests that in such a case in which the mainstream narrative is false then ipso facto any other theory one can come up with is in someway automatically equally valid as any other. A free for all in other words with no objective truth as guide. That I really don't understand. Discernment requires that we start with the actual evidence and work methodically through it to separate the wheat from the chaff and only then - with what remains - begin to sketch out the basis for formulating a working hypothesis but one that is still flexible enough to change as further evidence is added to the mix. There can be no emotional attachment to a predetermined idea or outcome.

You say
I gathered that JFK topic is dear to your heart
and maybe that is true in that I have come to know and admire the man even more than I did when I first set out on the road to explore his life and death all of 25 years ago. But I prefer to say the topic is dear to my mind - and my mind has learned so much through this case that extrapolates out to every phase of our reality its value as a topic of topics is I think priceless. The learning about our reality never stops just because history casts certain events into its waste bin and it might be fare to argue that the whole JFK case serves as a giant window into what has happened to our collective consciousness in the ensuing near 60 years.

I see that you said
I do not have access to any factual evidence from JFK murder.

Of course you do have access to factual evidence SlavaOn - as we all here do - this forum and SOTT is full of it let alone the 100s of books and articles that can be found elsewhere. So I'm wondering whether you see any paradox in you stating you don't know the facts but you do know enough to think that Mr Mathis' theory is equally valid as any other?

As for Google censoring his work I am intrigued that you seem to assume that this in some way validates his theory by default i.e. there must be some truth in it otherwise why are Google censoring him? Have you ever thought that Google are censoring him because they know his material is false but by censoring him they appear to be validating it and therefore convince unwitting believers to go down his rabbit hole? This goes on a lot by the way. I assume you know that.

As for the CIA quote you raised, did you notice this is by Amazon not the author and whilst being about the book in general does not in any way relate to the story of Adele Edisen that this thread is on as that agency were not in any apparent way overtly involved? Did you notice that?

I respect the care of your last paragraph but I would suggest it is worth considering that just because one can deduce that lies, corruption and a near permanent state of perverting the truth are so widespread (thanks to such bodies as the intelligence sector and their paymasters) that that means that just because someone like Mr Mathis appears to be corroborating that perspective, he is not part of the problem rather than being part of the solution? I'm not saying he is being paid but there are plenty of funded disinfo merchants out there who are effectively in the pay of the same entities and whose job it is is to secretly use the righteous anger that people like you feel to catch you out and persuade you that they are at one with your perspective - whilst in reality they are nothing but just another spider in the web looking to eat you.

Much of this comes down to the thought that we are all farmed food. The answer is do we willingly allow ourselves to be eaten when we have the tools to hand - particularly networking through this forum - to chose to refuse to be munched!?
Michael B-C a dit:
I was amazed by this description of what we are going through right now. Was it intentional?

Hi Deliverance. Good spot! I think the reason why cases like that of JFK and 9/11 (among many others from our past) still warrant careful study is that they can still teach us so much - and not just about our here-and-now but also about the never ending pattern or web of the matrix of lies and deformed reality making that flows continually from past to present and future right through us and the lives we live in.

It comes back to this idea of a mosaic that has been talked about on the recent zoom meetings about the Wave series by Laura (I highly recommend joining in to anyone who hasn't yet come on board - see this link if of interest for more information). It seems to me that we have been granted the great task of trying to fill out as much of that mosaic as possible so as to give us the opportunity to be both in it but not of it, (if you understand me). So that by getting to see the scale and longevity and consistency of its colours and shapes that we can begin to grasp that what we who live through these times are but part of an inevitable and necessary process of completion of the 'logic' of the mosaic and that what see today is but a fraction of the whole meaning of the mosaic.

The universe knows best! We are here to enjoy the ride - and learn to the fullest extent possible how it plays out its multitude of colours, shapes and games for our entertainment as well as its own. That gives me great hope and faith. No matter what the apparent darkness today it will pass, for it is but one more necessary extra colour or shade in a great pageant of such wondrous and breathtaking beauty that if we can but detach our own emotions, fears and prescriptions we put upon it, then we can get some idea of why we are here - to learn all we can from the totality of the ride! Like a great orchestra, there are so many different instruments, so many different melodies, so many different tones. But they all pull in the one direction - towards the balance and harmony of all. Keep the faith! :thup:
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