High Strangeness of Nov 09

Concerning expectations, I believe they can be divided into narcissistic expectations and those expectations we have due to people exercising 'responsibility' in carrying out their agreements. You have a right to expect certain basics of treatment, support (emotionally and in other ways, etc), but no right (??) to expect that someone will give them automatically if it requires any effort on their part.

Okay, I am trying to tease this apart. So for instance, how would you distinguish between 'basics of treatment, support' that I can hold some expectation around receiving, in other words, that would be right and correct for me to expect ...but only so far as it doesn't require effort on the part of the other person? I'm not understanding this...

I do understand that agreements should be kept and how to do what is honorable and right even when it may not be to ones own advantage to do so. So I think you are saying that while I may follow that particular path, I should not expect that of others. I can see that. So that being the case, it seems to me that I should just release all expectation. Is that correct?

For instance, in this particular relationship with my husband, I have for the most part released all expectation, and that has been useful in that it has helped me really see what is reality and what is wishful thinking.
But I seem to still have some unmet expectations even if they are unconscious because ...hmmmm.. yes... that's what it is I think... I expect him to be holding my best interests in mind as I do his, when in reality he doesn't. Or maybe he does to the best of his ability but it falls short in my opinion. It doesn't feel reciprocal to me. And I suppose the way in which it doesn't feel reciprocal is in the amount of effort. It seems to me that I am rowing a lot harder and consequently I find we're going in circles.
I'm not sure how to manage this. I must fulfill my obligations, I am very conscious of this at all times. But maybe I need to reasses what that really entails?
Hi Kila, from your descriptions of yourself, I think you will benefit immensely from the EE program. Do it any time you can - breathing while walking works, and after some practice you can do the pipe breathing almost silently and the other breathing (except warrior) is normal breathing. Do it - it will help.

kila said:
Also, how does one really get a handle on service to others, while still retaining some self? Without losing oneself to the others, and if there is reciprocity, my understanding is our intent in service should not be the reciprocity itself. Yet it's hard to balance these things.

I'm not sure if this will add to this conversation or throw it horribly off track, but here goes...

It has been my personal experience that I could not learn to give all when asked (service to others) and be externally considerate until I met people who could do the same. It started with this group of people and after a few years of gaining so much while giving so little, I realized that the only way I could balance and progress was to give as much as I had gained.

Because I was receiving so much - I could give so much, and there was a balance (or a working toward balance) that allowed it to not be a situation in which one gave until there was nothing left of them.

Because I was being replenished, there was always more to give. This continues to this day.

I had spent my entire adult life to this point giving to others until there was nothing left of me. I gave most strongly and fully to those who took the most with nothing sent back in my direction because I learned in childhood that this was 'love'. It almost killed me - literally.

My point is that 'service to others' - in its real sense (at the 3D level) works when all involved are giving. Of course, not all give in the same way - and children are an exception.

I think the point is to have enough awareness to realize when serving is really just draining oneself and when it is actually nurturing oneself to give, because when serving is nurturing, then it is Real. Hopefully that doesn't confuse matters more.
My apologies for the lack of clarity, Kila.

Kila said:
Okay, I am trying to tease this apart. So for instance, how would you distinguish between 'basics of treatment, support' that I can hold some expectation around receiving, in other words, that would be right and correct for me to expect ...

What I meant to convey here, is the idea that when you have a relationship with someone, you have the right to be treated decently, fairly, considerately...all the things that are common to the social reality and are implied in having any kind of relationship.

Kila said:
but only so far as it doesn't require effort on the part of the other person? I'm not understanding this...

I mean that the idea of 'right' in that context as being questionable in the sense that you may, on occasion, have to 'stand up' and ask or demand your basic rights/equality of service to the family, etc. Certainly, people often follow the path of least resistance, and relationships do require an ongoing effort, and if one party senses an easy road to getting what they want from you, or anyone else, they will take that road. That, in effect, makes the issue of 'right' moot in that context, because then, action will be required to bring things into balance so that one person is not the feeder of everyone else.

Kila said:
I do understand that agreements should be kept and how to do what is honorable and right even when it may not be to ones own advantage to do so.

Sometimes what is right is that which requires considerable effort that one would rather not have to put out, yet is necessary for one's growth or continued committment to a particular 'choice'. There would be no disadvantage to this, as in such a situation, everyone would benefit. Like going to work when one would rather lay out, finish a needed project when one doesn't feel like it...that sort of thing.

Kila said:
For instance, in this particular relationship with my husband, I have for the most part released all expectation, and that has been useful in that it has helped me really see what is reality and what is wishful thinking.
But I seem to still have some unmet expectations even if they are unconscious because ...hmmmm.. yes... that's what it is I think... I expect him to be holding my best interests in mind as I do his, when in reality he doesn't. Or maybe he does to the best of his ability but it falls short in my opinion. It doesn't feel reciprocal to me. And I suppose the way in which it doesn't feel reciprocal is in the amount of effort. It seems to me that I am rowing a lot harder and consequently I find we're going in circles.
I'm not sure how to manage this. I must fulfill my obligations, I am very conscious of this at all times. But maybe I need to reasses what that really entails?

Laura talks a lot about her relationship dynamics in the Wave and Adventures with Cassiopaea. In addition, there are threads about understanding the dynamics of narcissism within relationships and in the context of the Work.

Have you checked out pertinent ones in Important Threads in the Work?

I don't know anything about your husband, but once you have the basic psychology understood, it could be beneficial to simply sit down with him and talk about things as you understand them and ask him for cooperation in achieving some kind of balance, if that's what's needed.

These are all just my ideas. If someone has a different view, I'm sure they'll help us both out here.
Anart said...
I'm not sure if this will add to this conversation or throw it horribly off track, but here goes...

It has been my personal experience that I could not learn to give all when asked (service to others) and be externally considerate until I met people who could do the same. It started with this group of people and after a few years of gaining so much while giving so little, I realized that the only way I could balance and progress was to give as much as I had gained.

Because I was receiving so much - I could give so much, and there was a balance (or a working toward balance) that allowed it to not be a situation in which one gave until there was nothing left of them.

Because I was being replenished, there was always more to give. This continues to this day.

Yes... I it is wonderfully pleasant isn't it??? It's like..oh yes... this is what that is supposed to look like. It does help immensely having found you all. And I am compelled to contribute even though I know right now my contributions are sort of shot gun like, pretty noisy and scattered.

I had spent my entire adult life to this point giving to others until there was nothing left of me. I gave most strongly and fully to those who took the most with nothing sent back in my direction because I learned in childhood that this was 'love'. It almost killed me - literally.

My point is that 'service to others' - in its real sense (at the 3D level) works when all involved are giving. Of course, not all give in the same way - and children are an exception.

I think the point is to have enough awareness to realize when serving is really just draining oneself and when it is actually nurturing oneself to give, because when serving is nurturing, then it is Real. Hopefully that doesn't confuse matters more.

I can absolutely relate to the above. It doesn't confuse.

I suppose, at some point I need to write a long post on the family or rant board about this because it is the most challenging aspect of my life right now. It's just the standing up and getting naked in front of everyone that I am sort or resisting. I have been with this man for almost 15 years and while recently I have seriously considered divorce, after researching the effects on my three small children I can't in good conscience divorce at this time. So, since I've made my choice I must figure out how to be in this relationship in a realistic way and somehow manage to meet some of my own needs. Still, after plowing through four or five of the psych books and related material I can say that he is not a psychopath nor a narcissist. However, his father falls into both those categories so there is a lot of wounding he is carrying. I am sure some of the attraction I hold for him is in the role of Great Universal Mother. That said he frequently asks me to be more vulnerable, I find that very difficult to stand within when he can't be trusted to take care of me or our children, he can't even take care of himself. Anyway he requires a lot, though he appears to be very self sufficient. Nonetheless, I always feel incredibly drained. The next book on the list is Unholy Hungers.
He is open to having discussions on these topics but has a very low tolerance for any kind of conflict and will just shut down if the conversations becomes too intense. He also isn't too keen on my 'obsession with knowledge', he prefers belief or faith, anything to avoid the ugly horror of reality. In all regards he goes through life pretty happy, a hell of lot happier than I am to be sure, his glass is always half full. Unfortunately, I am frequently the one pouring the water.

Anyway I have to figure it out, since I am only about halfway there and looking at a minimum of another ten to fifteen years. Some days I just get so tired it's hard to keep doing the work that has to be done, the physical work, the emotional work, the spiritual work.
I do appreciate everyone here on this forum, it does help.

Buddy wrote
I mean that the idea of 'right' in that context as being questionable in the sense that you may, on occasion, have to 'stand up' and ask or demand your basic rights/equality of service to the family, etc. Certainly, people often follow the path of least resistance, and relationships do require an ongoing effort, and if one party senses an easy road to getting what they want from you, or anyone else, they will take that road. That, in effect, makes the issue of 'right' moot in that context, because then, action will be required to bring things into balance so that one person is not the feeder of everyone else.

Yes..that is very helpful. I think I will just need to have more conversations along that line. He does try. I just feel so much older I guess, even though he is nine years older than I am. If I read these books he will sit down with me and let me talk about them :rolleyes: and if there are nuts and bolts suggestions then he is pretty good at putting those things into practice. I think therapy could be useful if it was very nuts and bolts, very practical. Which makes since at this point for us to figure out a workable structure for the relationship.

Sometimes what is right is that which requires considerable effort that one would rather not have to put out, yet is necessary for one's growth or continued committment to a particular 'choice'. There would be no disadvantage to this, as in such a situation, everyone would benefit. Like going to work when one would rather lay out, finish a needed project when one doesn't feel like it...that sort of thing.

Yes. I choose this.. so perhaps just more effort is required. Within that I am clear that no amount of wishful thinking is going to turn this man into my soul mate or create a colinear relationship but he isn't a bad man. Just because iron isn't gold doesn't mean iron isn't good and useful.
And so I need to continue to choose what I choose. I think though I may need to grieve certain things for a while, and then I will have clearer eyes to see what needs done next.

thank you I will continue reading.
Thank you for being so candid and forthright about the circumstances which challenge you. There is much to think about in considering it all, and you are clearly in the thick of a demanding situation to say the least. It seems obvious from this distance removed that you have a capacity for strength, and a clear primary task in caring for your children, which certainly requires discipline. I just want to reinforce what some others here have suggested, which is to find a way to incorporate whatever you can from the EE practices into your routine. Do something every day, even if it is just a little pipe-breathing while you walk, and the POTS while you lay in bed before falling asleep. For whatever it is worth, my experience (and I think many others) has been that it is like turning toward sunlight. Whatever is frozen, stuck, held up or constricted starts to melt of its own accord at its own speed with intelligence beyond the thinking & reasoning part of us. It isn't necessary to figure anything out or solve anything in advance. Just doing the practices regularly, however much you can do, will get that ball rolling. Try it for a month and see what happens.
Dear Kila,

Having three small children and working at the same time, you are a brave woman. I wish I lived near you and could help with your kids. I am in dire need of talking with like minded people. This summer while visiting some friends I tried asking have you ever wondered why we are here in this world etc. and my friend snapped back I don't want to know why I am here. I feel I am drifting away from them. Our talks are just chit chat, nothing of substance.

About swine flu - My niece had it (presumably) maybe it was just the normal flu. My granddaughter will not have the flu shot nor my children and nor my mother (she has asthma and her doctor told her to have it) but I told her of all the articles I read. And she won't have the regular flu shot she had every year.

Actually the events I am about to write started almost a year ago. It was in December of 2008. First, it was the anaphylactic shock due to a pill (trade name lansor - a type of proton pump - ) which I had used years ago for reflux. In about ten minutes I started to scratch and got red patches, swelling etc. Since I had an episode of allergy to tetanus serum while younger I immediately went to a clinic nearby and was given two shots and a pill and kept there for an hour. When I came home, I searched the net for side effects of lansor but found none then I changed the words etc. and found two cases in medical literature. The body produces anticores and when I told my doctor about the incident he was very surprised and said that it was extremely rare.

Not long after this incident, one morning I was watching the news and thought that there was an earthquake. Well, it turns out that my pulse has gone up to 160 per minute and my blood pressure has gone up to 180/110. I have hypertension and on medication. Well, I waited for a while hoping it would go back to normal but I started panicking and went to the same clinic and was given oxygen, a pill and had an electrocardiogram. I called both my sons, one was in a meeting ( no cell phones allowed) and the other said he will be coming as soon as possible which took about 45 minutes. Later I went to a heart specialist, he wanted some tests including a breath test and turns out I have some trouble in my lungs. The diagnosis was atrial fibrillation. He did not prescribe any medications but asked if I smoked and I said yes but did not tell me to quit either. Anyway I was really freaked so I said that I would quit. And I did for 6 months and had a depression so I started again. In the meantime I learned through Dr Mercola that a drug I had been using for osteoporosis (trade name - fosavance) causes atrial fibrillation and I immediately quit it. Actually I do not like taking drugs but I have about 25 % bone loss in my hip region.

Well after about two weeks another health issue. This time it is related to post menopause.

All of the above happened within a time frame of one month.

And this summer I went to the open market with some neighbors and after shopping I was sitting in the shade drinking mineral water and I felt uncomfortable. I cannot really describe how I felt but it was like sort of chocking and I went to the bathroom and washed my face, my arms etc. and came back and sat down to wait for my neighbors. But I was not getting any better and at that moment I saw something grayish and mist like and I freaked. I got up and took a cab home. I checked my blood pressure and pulse when I got home because I had a mild headache. I put some ice on my head just in case. Could it be a heat stroke ? But I was drinking water and I did not walk in the sun and had a hat on and it was not extremely hot. I was so freaked that I did not visit the market for a long time. Or was it some kind of bleed through or was I hallucinating. But I know what I saw.
Hi aurora,

Atrial fibrillation can cause anxiousness and lack of breath. When this happens, you can monitor your pulse to see if its rhythmic or not. Supplementation with magnesium and omega 3s will help you to stabilize your rhythm. Also a good multivitamin/mineral. If you haven't had a chance to do an elimination diet (like the Ultra Simple diet by Mark Hyman), then I highly recommend it to you. It is the best way to take care of so many health problems. Hope your doing better.
Hi Psyche,

Thanks a lot for the info. The atrial fibrillation happened a couple of times more but not as severe as that one. I take magnesium citrate every day with calcium. I am literally broke as of now so any books will have to wait. I have to eat more fish for omega 3.
The Ultra simple diet is posted in the following thread: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=13241.0 Laura posted the basics of the diet there. After a week or two in the diet, you start testing the eliminated foods (for example tomatoes, eggs, butter), although the evil foods are not welcomed back. You test one food at a time, every 3-4 days. The first day you're testing a food, you have generous amounts of that food to see if it triggers side effects or allergic reactions. Any symptom can be suspicious: pains, digestive problems, flu-like symptoms, palpitations, you get swollen, etc. If you can't tolerate the food, you eliminate it from your diet for 3 or 6 months, depending on how bad was your reaction to the food.

You can get ready to do the diet, slowly but steady. For example, if you drink coffee, you start to reduce its intake slowly in order to eliminate it in the ultra simple diet. An elimination diet like the Ultra Simple diet is the best way to make sure we're having foods that don't trigger our immune system and that are bad for our health.

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