Hitler and WWII

Thanks to groups like ADL and censors to all the so called Jewish censors who do not allow historical revisionism they are forcing young (and not so young) people to believe that Hitler is a figure they can identify with as if this man would have been totally reasonable.

Young people are identifying with Hitler because young people tend to be rebellious and seek what is prohibited. Testing to "find where the boundaries are" is a normal part of transitioning from Childhood to Adulthood.

Hitler rebelled against the New World Order, and his speeches have always been censored. Kids want to learn why.

Humans also naturally seek Structure, Order, and Predictability. They become neurotic and deeply unhappy without those things.

Jewish Bolshevism uses structural breakdown, disorder, and unpredictability as weapons of conquest. Fascism is the opposite, and provides those things.

Few Americans have ever actually listed to what Hitler said. A.I. now makes that easy.

In this speech 3 months before the end of WWII Hitler foretold the future of the West if Germany lost. People today are desperate for any Leader willing to risk his life by speaking truth.

Young people are identifying with Hitler because young people tend to be rebellious and seek what is prohibited. Testing to "find where the boundaries are" is a normal part of transitioning from Childhood to Adulthood.

True. You can't tell the kids (especially boys) all day long that over there's the devil incarnate, but you are not allowed to look, and expect that kids won't be curious. I mean, how to rebel these days and get your parents and teachers freak out? Exactly.

Hitler rebelled against the New World Order, and his speeches have always been censored. Kids want to learn why.

True in some sense, but he was also duped by powers he didn't understand, and very quickly became the plaything of others for their own interests. These complexities are lost on those who just go from "wait a minute, the guy made some fair points" to "actually, he was the good guy". It's especially tragic since many of those who toy with neo-Nazism these days were furious about the Covid thing. Well, under Hitler it was much worse. You were facing societal hysteria on a grand scale and a frankly stupid mob you had to go along with or else.

Humans also naturally seek Structure, Order, and Predictability. They become neurotic and deeply unhappy without those things.

I'm afraid you are correct, but there are also those who would rather know the truth as best as they can, even if it's dangerous, than living in a society that tells them what to do and what to think. In that sense, neo-Nazism isn't the right call for truth seekers, even though some of those suddenly celebrating Hitler probably think of themselves as "truth seekers".

In this speech 3 months before the end of WWII Hitler foretold the future of the West if Germany lost. People today are desperate for any Leader willing to risk his life by speaking truth.

He says some very true things about the suffering of Germans there - the hunger blockade after WWI that killed around 800k Germans (his numbers are largely correct), his reference to German farmers literally having to ship part of their livestock to France continually, and so on. He is also correct that for all their talk, the allies refused to take in the Jewish refugees from Germany (and the Brits also tried to prevent the Zionists from getting hold of them). However, first, trying to purge Germany of all Jews just meant a whole lot of suffering of innocent people, while the real perpetrators (Jews and non-Jews alike) roamed free and took advantage of it all. Second, even assuming a revisionist stance for a moment in that Hitler didn't actually intend to kill the Jews but expel them, it's still a fact that there were absolute horrors that were done to the Jews, particularly in the east. Just as one example, one mass shooting of Jewish civilians (women, children and all) went on for 36 hours straight. Things like that. And no wonder, given the Nazis' policies. Also, in terms of other nations taking them in as refugees, this is empty rhetoric - what did Hitler expect? It should have been clear that this would never happen. So whether it was naiveté or calculation, he sent Jews to their death and worse on a massive scale.

There had been terrible, terrible massacres, torture, rape and savagery on all sides. The Germans in Poland suffered terribly at the hand of Poles after Versailles, and the Poles under the Nazis; the Britains massacred Palestinians in 1937 in a way that rivals the worst Holocaust gore stories. The British were blown to pieces and hanged from lampposts by Zionists. Britains savagely firebombed German civilians, and millions of German women were raped by Soviets and others. Germans slaughtered entire Jewish populations in certain places. It's almost as if history is pure terror. And depending on which part of the suffering you focus, you can steer sentiments in this or that direction.

Swinging from our current horror show to its inversion (Nazism) as a dialectical counter-move is inevitable in some sense, but it keeps those who so swing on the same level. Things are opening up "left and right" and everywhere - myths are shattered, the postwar consensus is falling, anything goes. Instead of allowing ourselves to be once more blindly controlled by history running its course, we should see it as an opportunity to grow in mind and soul, to see deeper, to further our understanding and ability to see things from many different perspectives - to better understand the human condition and therefore ourselves. It can be painful at times, but it's necessary.

If we are simply driven by our emotions and lack the depth of knowledge, character and wisdom to navigate this crazy reality, we will be swept under the wave instead of learning to ride it.
Young people are identifying with Hitler because young people tend to be rebellious and seek what is prohibited. Testing to "find where the boundaries are" is a normal part of transitioning from Childhood to Adulthood.

For a human being the sense of being rebellious is in reality a search for growth and freedom at the level of the soul, to this comes before the ignorance due to a bad education of the system or society-family- where it is not taught about respect for the freedoms of others, and the concepts are distorted until adulthood, that is why what you call “rebel”, in this contex,t is more a desire between satisfaction and dissatisfaction of course there will be some limits but of poor quality Gurdjieff would say of a lower quality.
The being of a modern man is of a very inferior quality. But it can be of such poor quality that no change is possible. This should always be remembered. People whose being can still be changed are very fortunate. But there are definitely sick people, broken machines with which nothing can be done. And those people are the majority. If you think about this, you will understand why only a few can receive real knowledge. Their being prevents them.
Hitler rebelled against the New World Order, and his speeches have always been censored. Kids want to learn why.
The word rebellious appears again and it only remains to say that this person seems to have been totally devoted to the STS, which explains in a broader and deeper sense, that he was not going against the n.w.o. Now, if he believed it, it was nothing more than wishful thinking and a bit of naiveté or self-serving credulity on his part.
Q: (L) What influence was Adolf Hitler under when he undertook to do the things he did. Who was guiding him?
A: Lizards. Indirectly.

Q: (L) What connection did they use to influence him?

A: Projected beings of human type, inspired forms of great Aryan spirits
Q: (L) Why was Hitler so determined, beyond all reason, even to his own self-destruction, to annihilate the Jews?
A: Many reasons and very complex. But, remember, while still a child, Hitler made a conscious choice to align himself with the "forces of darkness," in order to fulfill his desires for conquest and to unite the Germanic peoples. Henceforth, he was totally controlled, mind, body, and soul, by STS forces.

Q: (L) So, what were the purposes of the STS forces that were controlling Hitler causing him to desire to annihilate an entire group of people?
A: To create an adequate "breeding ground" for the reintroduction of the Nephalim, for the purpose of total control of the 3rd density earth prior to elevation to 4th density, where such conquest is more difficult and less certain!

Q: (L) Do you mean "breeding ground" in the sense of genetic breeding?
A: Yes. Third density.

Q: (L) Did they accomplish this goal?
A: No.
Hitler's speeches are on the web, they can be found on Google for Kids who want to compare and research.
Humans also naturally seek Structure, Order, and Predictability. They become neurotic and deeply unhappy without those things.
Jewish Bolshevism uses structural breakdown, disorder, and unpredictability as weapons of conquest. Fascism is the opposite, and provides those things.
I am not going to take this statement with tweezers, I will only say that this is the strategy of duality, polarization, this is how evil operates ““divide et impera”, and it is the human being who always loses, that is why I put the phrase of the cass. first as a precaution.
People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future." Session 28 September 2002

Few Americans have ever actually listed to what Hitler said. A.I. now makes that easy.
Yes it is true, and it shows in this case that many United States people are very lazy because despite having many resources to get to this kind of information and knowledge, then they get carried away by fashion and tiktok is their new way of learning.

In this speech 3 months before the end of WWII Hitler foretold the future of the West if Germany lost. People today are desperate for any Leader willing to risk his life by speaking truth.
Regarding the prediction, it was "easy" to assume what was going to happen - because the war was already lost - and they had as an example the sanctions of the first war, another trap for the German people. Their way of thinking about the Jews was in tune with many people, not only Nazis or Europeans, this was not politically incorrect, the problem was and is that it became an ideology. I think that part of what he said was just the lamentation of a twisted ego that caused the total moral ruin of the good German people and the division of a country that could have been in reality a true sovereign nation, not to mention the misery and darkness that engulfed the earth with all the genocide of a war, of which his true intention has been mentioned in the sessions.
There is a lot of truth in what you say about people being desperate for a leader and so they are fooled by those who offer them a hero or a messiah - that's why they created the Marvel movies - people want to hand over their free will, their responsibility to someone else to save them or do the job for them or tell them “the truth”. There is no free lunch. If one really wants something, study, read and work on oneself.
If you have a Twitter account I highly recommend watching this

If not then read this book

Rockefeller – Controlling the Game (e-book)​

Author: Jacob Nordangård
Publisher: Stiftelsen Pharos
Published: 2022
Pages: 274, mainly text (with a few illustrations and tables)
ISBN: 978-91-9858-439-4

Description: “This is a thrilling and paradoxical story of how the family that made the world dependent on oil, has funded environmental and climate research since the 1950s, helped shape climate policy since the 1980s, and supported climate activism since the 1990s.

The Rockefeller family’s long-standing battle against climate change contains elements of sophisticated propaganda techniques, futurism, and New Age philosophy, aiming at a complete transformation of the whole earth system, including economy, ecology, culture, and humanity itself. The Rockefeller Foundation’s stated mission to “promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world” has a dark flipside.

This book introduces the Rockefeller family's most influential members, businesses, philanthropies and associates, and highlights their unprecedented influence over areas such as education, medicine, agriculture, art, architecture, population control and geopolitics.”

We are being grifted by the best
...there are also those who would rather know the truth as best as they can, even if it's dangerous, than living in a society that tells them what to do and what to think.

I have this idea that a virtuous society should teach Citizens to know the truth and do good things.
I'm going to be quite critical here, so hopefully people will understand that I'm not attacking anyone personally, merely disagreeing and/or discussing (often times only in part) something that's been said. So here goes... :-O

Young people are identifying with Hitler because young people tend to be rebellious and seek what is prohibited. Testing to "find where the boundaries are" is a normal part of transitioning from Childhood to Adulthood.
Sadly, many people are emotionally still children with their reactive, programmed and childish beliefs. They never transition into what could be construed as emotional adulthood, nor do they look deeply into any situation. They remain easily programmed, reactive and emotional. They are black and white thinkers. It's sad that they can be so easily manipulated. I think the Cs said (but I'm not sure where) that the best that can be expected from Americans is to function as emotional teenagers. I'm find that sad.
Hitler rebelled against the New World Order, and his speeches have always been censored. Kids want to learn why.
Hitler wanted to create the New World Order (Third Reich, it was a 'thing' after all). This was his aim. There are many people who have never gotten over that or what he did to pursue it.
Humans also naturally seek Structure, Order, and Predictability. They become neurotic and deeply unhappy without those things.
So do sheep and other farm animals. Humans can be lazy, stupid and unwilling to do anything for themselves. They seek salvation from outside and are not willing to do the inner work required to grow.
Jewish Bolshevism uses structural breakdown, disorder, and unpredictability as weapons of conquest. Fascism is the opposite, and provides those things.
I'm not really sure what 'Jewish Boshevism' is, but Fascism (to me) represents totalitarianism. I'm not really sure I like THAT jackboot on my neck, or anywhere near my person.
Few Americans have ever actually listed to what Hitler said. A.I. now makes that easy.
Good, but they need to be listening to what all world leaders say (as well as observing their actions in real time), rather than only listening to the ones that msm and their government deem 'appropriate'. It would also benefit them to have a really good understanding of what the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution is all about. I'm presuming a US bias here. Well actually, they should have a really good understanding of their entire Constitution.
In this speech 3 months before the end of WWII Hitler foretold the future of the West if Germany lost. People today are desperate for any Leader willing to risk his life by speaking truth.
Hitler did more than that. He risked his soul and yes, he lost it. I believe it got "smashed" because he 'sold out' and aligned with the 'bad guys'. There are worst things than risking your life, but people don't seem to understand that. They can't see past the physical.

These are just my opinions and I'm learning as I go, too.
These are just my opinions and I'm learning as I go, too.

Me too! 🙂

One should never stop learning. I love when I discover something I believed for decades is incorrect enough to need re-thinking.

Ruth, I believe your understanding of National Socialism and WW2 are what mine was 20 years ago. Basically, normal.

I use this method to evaluate any proposition: I use all available evidence to construct the best case possible for the proposition, and then construct the best case possible against it.

Next, I weigh both and decide which side is more true.

If you honestly do that for the question of whether was Hitler a bad man, you will arrive at a surprising result.

Problem is, that construction takes several thousand of hours of reading and study. I did it only because I perceived this question to be central to recent world history and the political situation in the world today, and I had the time because I'm old.
Hitler wanted to create the New World Order (Third Reich, it was a 'thing' after all). This was his aim. There are many people who have never gotten over that or what he did to pursue it.
Hitler did more than that. He risked his soul and yes, he lost it. I believe it got "smashed" because he 'sold out' and aligned with the 'bad guys'. There are worst things than risking your life, but people don't seem to understand that. They can't see past the physical.
Ruth, I believe your understanding of National Socialism and WW2 are what mine was 20 years ago. Basically, normal.

If you honestly do that for the question the question of whether was Hitler a bad man (...)
Problem is, that construction takes several thousand of hours of reading and study. (...) I had the time because I'm old.
....the question of whether was Hitler a bad man . (?)

The question in this case is not innocent, it is biased because it implies a value judgment, so the answer is not objective but depends on what the observer considers good or bad. And in this case the observer is you and you are the one who asks.
In this case the role of discernment is important because once again you enter the system of simulation and the loop of dualism: good or bad, black or white, master or slave, etc., and therefore you expose yourself to predictability, control or STS corruption.

That's right, they embrace it.... and it eventually totally destroys everything, including them.
That is why the unveiling requires sharing information to resolve basic errors and understanding, to avoid falling into self-deception or ego arrogance produced by obfuscation.
What is sought is to get out of this dual perception, without judging but questioning what is seen objectively, to be more aware of what was, is and will be reality.

About sharing STO, asking questions, reading and the levels of consciousness that make up reality:

Session 10 December 1994
Q: (L) What do you want from us?
A: We don't want when pure STO. We came because YOU wanted. But that is STS until you share with others.

(L) So, it is necessary that we share this information?
A: Up to you, it is a free will choice.

(L) Is there some risk to ourselves by sharing this information?
A: At some level, but there is "risk" to all things.

Session 10 June 1995
Q: (T) At the end of the session, you talked to Tom about his college apprenticeship and about his job and about the company he works for and that there was a possibility of an acquisition in the not too distant future. Do you think Tom understood what you were talking about?
A: Tom understood the message given, but was resisting the information, which is his prerogative.

(T) What about Cherie? Did she understand?
A: Certainly to the extent that was necessary for her level of development.

(L) Which is?
A: That is a vague question. That is difficult to answer properly, please understand, we do not mean to criticize, but objectivity is necessary for progress with these sessions. When you state a question asking if a subject's level of development is sufficient, that is subjective because who is to determine what is sufficient and what isn't? All are at different levels of development. Do you understand?
(L) Yes.
A: Now, if the question is: "Is Cherie's level of development relative to others present, greater or lesser," the answer would naturally be lesser. Which should not be surprising because the exposure level has been lesser. The same is true for the subject referred to as Tom French. The exposure level has been to a lesser degree there, too, so therefore, naturally, the understanding level is lower, relatively speaking.

Q: (L) In a previous session, comments were made regarding remolecularization, and you gave us a rather cryptic remark, and I quote: "learn 4th level assembly." Could you tell us what 4th level assembly is?
A: That is a fragmented question. The response to the question you are referring to is adequate. However, turning it around and posing a question with no further data to compare it to is not adequate. If you would, please, we ask that you build your question up more carefully. Do you understand?
Q: (L) Yes, and I don't have that particular segment of the transcript in hand so I am at a loss as to how to build the question up.
(T) Is that particular subject something that we can work with through the board, or is it too complex a set of answers for the board to handle?
A: The problem is never the method. The problem is merely caretaking in discussion, learning, or a question and answer session. For example, if one seeks an answer to a complex question, one must be patient for the absorption of information is most important and missing any part of it will cause the entire answer to be misunderstood or incomplete. Therefore, any method can be used for receiving knowledge about complicated issues, however, patience is the key, otherwise the information will not be properly absorbed.
Hitler rebelled against the New World Order, and his speeches have always been censored. Kids want to learn why.
Yes, but what was his intent? I think he wanted to take over and supplant the NWO leaders. In that sense he wasn't that special, simply doing what most politicians do today, attack the one in power so that they can be in power. Not really the same rebelliousness that human beings experience while growing up.

I think kids rebelling against the established order is a natural part of growing up for any adult, however there's a difference between that and what Hitler might've done, even if some of the same parts could be found in both phenomena. Most human beings rebel for the sake of sovereignty, not for the sake of supplanting their parents.

Not all rebelliousness is created equal, and context matters quite a bit. Even if some things contain the same parts, the end result might be completely different, you can take screws and metal and make a bicycle or a gun, and even that gun or bike can be used for entirely different purposes and not be evidently apparent. It becomes rather slippery to compare the same part of two very different phenomena and draw similar conclusions about both without factoring in the whole. If that were the case, one could say that the NWO was also rebelling against Hitler, and so did the USSR and so on, and all one would prove is that standing up against something or someone is rebelliousness which most people can relate to.

I'm sure Hitler said a lot of things that made a lot of sense, but that's politics 101, and specially for a psychopath in power, they have to say things that sound like they are addressing the grievances of the people, enamor them with words of sovereignty, and liberty and greatness, blame all the problems on someone out there and all the while the real agenda is plays out.

And regarding Matt Walsh's movie, I'm not sure I do think that the movie will be funny and I will probably give it a watch, but lately most of the things coming out of the right have been just as boring and predictable as the stuff coming out of the left. But I will allow myself to be surprised, it's just that lately you either get a full blown woke madness or full blown conservative madness, artists aren't producing much art lately, it's mostly propaganda.
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What is sought is to get out of this dual perception, without judging but questioning what is seen objectively, to be more aware of what was, is and will be reality.

I don't understand what you mean.

Endeavoring to learn the truth so one can make good value judgements seems like a good thing to me.

That process is why I didn't take the Covid Vaccine, marry my first Girlfriend, or become a Policeman like my Mom wanted.
Indeed it is, but would you call his actions self defense?


Jewish Bolsheviks had already murdered millions of Christians in Russia. The state of Bavaria had been taken by Communists.

Red Death Squads were waging gun battles in the streets and murdering their opponents daily. German farmers were being thrown off their land by Banksters. Elderly people were literally starving to death thanks to theft of their life savings via hyperinflation.

Germans in their ancestral lands seized by the Treaty of Versailles were being murdered by en masse. Children were being openly sold for sex on street corners.

I could list a hundred more outrages that would cause any decent man to rise up and defend his family.
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