Homemade dog treats/recipes


Jedi Master

I'm interested in making homemade dog treats/recipes. I've tried liver cake using wholemeal flour but would like to avoid grains. Any recipes you guys have? Gotta be cheap and relatively easy to make.

Hi Jamie. Just a note that I moved your topic under a more appropriate thread, so that more people can offer you suggestions and others can benefit from the discussion, too.
Raw chicken carcasses are pretty cheap and very easy to prepare and my dogs love them :D
Another favourite of theirs is raw pork bones which I give them when I buy belly pork for making sausages and burgers.
Raw beef bones are another favourite and I get those for free. It gives my dogs hours of entertainment and cleans their teeth. Have you been reading the Life Without Bread thread? If grains are bad for humans they're going to be even worse for dogs because dogs tolerate sugar even less well than humans. I think trying to prepare "tasty treats" for them is trying to "humanize" them in a way. I think raw meat in any form is the best and healthiest, most natural treat you can give them. If you haven't been following the Life Without Bread thread I strongly recommend it for your sake and your dog's. :)
Don Genaro said:
Raw chicken carcasses are pretty cheap and very easy to prepare and my dogs love them :D
Another favourite of theirs is raw pork bones which I give them when I buy belly pork for making sausages and burgers.
Raw beef bones are another favourite and I get those for free. It gives my dogs hours of entertainment and cleans their teeth. Have you been reading the Life Without Bread thread? If grains are bad for humans they're going to be even worse for dogs because dogs tolerate sugar even less well than humans. I think trying to prepare "tasty treats" for them is trying to "humanize" them in a way. I think raw meat in any form is the best and healthiest, most natural treat you can give them. If you haven't been following the Life Without Bread thread I strongly recommend it for your sake and your dog's. :)

Thanks for that. I'll have to try to get chicken carcasses from my local butcher, never tried asking for them but do get bones when I can. I don't want to humanize animals with treats, but rather as a reward for training and when I see/befriend dogs etc.

thanks I'll take a look at the life without bread thread. I'll do that today.

I have so many tips for home made dog treat for recipes ,,
but yet search and also learn for this ,, the above information have so good
Idea for home made dog food and recipes ..if any have other tips and formulation then share
with their good patronage....
jacke mite said:
I have so many tips for home made dog treat for recipes ,,
but yet search and also learn for this ,, the above information have so good
Idea for home made dog food and recipes ..if any have other tips and formulation then share
with their good patronage....

Hi jacke, most of your posts thus far have made little sense. Are you using an online translator?
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