Horizontal/Secondary transmission of mRNA/Virus Vector Vaccines


Jedi Master

the topic "says it all". My question is if any of the used vaccines can result in a horizontal/secondary transmission. Means, the possebillity that a vaccinated person can transmit either the vaccines mRNA (or a mutation of it) or a virus vector (or a mutation of it) to any other person.


the topic "says it all". My question is if any of the used vaccines can result in a horizontal/secondary transmission. Means, the possebillity that a vaccinated person can transmit either the vaccines mRNA (or a mutation of it) or a virus vector (or a mutation of it) to any other person.

Apparently yes! According to Americas Frontline doctors:

The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins in the recipient. Patients who are vaccinated can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts. The particles have the ability to create inflammation and disease in these contacts. In other words, the spike proteins are pathogenic (“disease causing”) just like the full virus. What is most worrisome is that a person’s body is being suddenly flooded with 13 trillion of these particles and the spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus. Because of the biomimicry (similarity) on the spike, shedding appears to be causing wide variety of autoimmune disease (where the body attacks its own tissue) in some persons. Worldwide cases of pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated. In addition, we know the spike proteins can cross the blood brain barrier, unlike traditional vaccines.
I second the motion. And I agree we already have the answer.

But on a nuts and bolts pragmatic level:

What can we do about it (spike protein transmission by the injectees to the unjabbed) in terms of any mitigating therapies once it happens?

How do we deal with it inside a family "unit" that occupies the same house?
Kick them out? Leave? Seems a bit heartless but maybe not brainless.

If we are around an injected spike spreader, how do we clean up the contamination?

Is it spread mainly by touch...on objects....skin to skin contact, or through the air?

How long before they quit leeching out? (I am thinking: a LONG time)

As an aside, this seems like the ultimate irony: at first all the distancing and masking and paranoia was just plain stupid...
And everybody who later got injected were the ones acting like scared sheep gravely follow these idiotic mandates.
But now, the vaccinated people in my life are reacting like I am insane for thinking that now I might want to keep my distance from them.
Sheesh, you can't make this stuff up.
If we are around an injected spike spreader, how do we clean up the contamination?
I am a bit stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea here. I work with colleagues who have all had the vaccination. I am one of about six out of sixty. I also have a close family unit who have all had or are going to have the vaccinations. I am being bombarded on all fronts. However there is no fear - we have been told that fear only excites the STS and gives them energy. I am a great believer in the Universe and I was led to this point by the Universe. Everything is for a reason. We just have to do what we can to remain healthy and gain as much knowledge as possible and watch the scenario being played out. If it results in my physical death I am ok with that too. (Not too sure about the black death though - that could be painful.... 🤮
Is it spread mainly by touch...on objects....skin to skin contact, or through the air?

How long before they quit leeching out? (I am thinking: a LONG time)
Stephanie Seneff:Yeah. That seems to me. Like I heard about this–I know people are saying they were not vaccinatedbut they hang out around vaccinated people they start getting weird periods. I mean, that's pretty–it's sort of like, “Oh, this can't be true,”right? That's got to be fake news. But the fact is, if you are a person who's producing these exosomes from your spleen and shipping them out, there's no reason why you can't ship them out to the lungs. And in fact, they've shown experimentally that thoseexosomes do get released. Exosomes get released from the lungs.Dr. Joseph Mercola:But just to be clear, what's being shared or spread is the spike protein which in itself is toxic. It's not the SARS-CoV-2. So this is not an infection,it's this spread or shedding of a toxic protein.Stephanie Seneff:Yeah. And it could be combined with alpha-synuclein as well, because if those cells have been upregulating alpha-synuclein and then they got this prion mess and they package it up in those exosomes and ship them out. So it could be really very trigger happy for prion disease. So if you're breathing it in, you could be getting increased risk,it seems to me. I mean, it sounds really farfetched, but it's not.It just looks like it could happen from just the logic of what goes on in biology. It could happen that you would breathe in these exosomes containing these misfolded prion proteins, which are not good for you. And exactly what happens when they go into the lungs, I don't know. I have no idea.

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