Houston, we have a cat situation

Je n'ai pas trouvé ça drôle du tout... De le voir tombé... Étonnant que cela vous amuse...

I didn't think it was funny at all.... To see him fall.... Amazing that you find it amusing....
I also found it very funny but had to check and it turns out that domestic cats can jump to about 9 to 11 feet max, about 3 meters. They can fall from higher distances and land gracefully. The cat in the video looks like it's on the second story, so it's probably something like 15 feet high. So it should be fine.
I don't really like videos of critters falling because I'm always worried that they might be hurt.

My kitty was standing on the edge of the bidet last night trying to capture reflected light from a mirror on the wall and she slipped and turned it into a leap that was truly funny, so it can happen, but not all falls are funny!
Yeah, I can see where you are coming from, I'm definitely not the kind of person to laugh at suffering animals either. The reason I found it funny was that judging by the position of the roof of the building in the background, the height was very low. There's also a fence in the foreground so it didn't look like the cat jumped off any higher altitude than a ground floor window, probably a metre or so in height, so it didn't occur to me it could have hurt itself.

That said, I do agree it was insensitive of me not to take into account the cat may have been hurt. Maybe it saw something not comfortable to land on below, hence the strange jump position. I understand it may have been upsetting and I do apologise for posting this.
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Je n'ai pas trouvé ça drôle du tout... De le voir tombé... Étonnant que cela vous amuse...

I didn't think it was funny at all.... To see him fall.... Amazing that you find it amusing....
I also didn't find it funny, I thought it was very sad.
The height it fell from must have been tremendous. The poor kitty was at roof top level.
I am still thinking about the poor thing and if it survived or not.
J'ai malheureusement perdu une petite chatonne de 6 mois qui ont sauté du 4ème étage et je n'ai pas trouvé ça drôle du tout, j'étais furieuse et si malheureuse ... Depuis j'ai installé un filet de protection pour que cela n'arrive lus jamais ...

Malheureusement, j'ai perdu un petit chaton de 6 mois qui a sauté du 4ème étage et je ne l'ai pas trouvé drôle du tout, j'étais furieux et tellement malheureux ... Depuis lors, j'ai installé un filet de sécurité pour que se passe encore ...
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