How does the "Brotherhood" Identify its Own & Its Enemies/Nemesis from Childhood


A Disturbance in the Force
You may laugh at this but recently I heard a Kevin Trudeau CD, in which he claims he was chosen from childhood to be a member of the "Brotherhood." He came from humble background and was not connected to the "13" families, the 300, or any connection via parent or relative to Masonry, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Secret Societies etc, so he says. However, he was handpicked and trained up, and ended in Bildeburger Meetings etc before he turned his back on them. That is his story.

The part which caught my attention however, is that he said the "Brotherhood" (which he claims is above the Illuminati) have technologies to identify their own from anywhere on the planet. (He did not go into it.)
Does anyone know what these are?
I can offer my own thoughts but perhaps there are some folk on this forum, who can zero in on this from direct knowledge.

Two people I have spoken to claimed they were chosen by secret societies and trained, one in Holland (since passed away), and one in the United States (and active on his own "conspiracy" teaching circuit). Both males and both heavily engaged with symbolism and priestly senses of mission.

My biggest Question is this. If they can "know" their own, from whatever of strata of society they are plucked from...
Do they also recognize those who are not their own, or could be their Nemesis, with the same "technologies;" and do they go in to pick them off before they grow up, recruit them before they can wake further, utilizing their intelligence to serve the agenda?

But what is the technology besides Sauron's ball; What is the science?

Any takers on this? Thanks.
I call them psychopaths.

Psychopaths learn to recognize each other in a crowd as early as childhood, and they develop an awareness of the existence of other individuals similar to themselves.[7] They are also conscious of being different from the majority of non-psychopaths. It has been observed that they view non-psychopaths - normal humans - as something akin to another species, and this view is most often that of a predator stalking prey. Normal people with their ordinary world-view cannot perceive or properly evaluate the existence of this world of predatory psychopathic concepts.

The reference [7] is to the book Political Ponerolgy, by the late Andrew Lobaczewski. You can read a review of the book with additional commentary by Laura here. Also have a look here for more information on psychopaths and psychopathy.
Hi Questioner,

I'm not sure how much of the material here you've had a chance to read, so it might be difficult to address your question. To my understanding, there is technology, that may be hyperdimensional, that allows the user to read all there is to know about a person, including genetic and energetic, or soul, profile. If this is the case, then it would be quite easy to do what you are describing.

Regarding the specific science, I am afraid that is over my head - though I would imagine it would be fairly simple once one understands energy profiles and soul manifestation in matter. Of course, I have no proof of this! If you've not yet had a chance to read the Wave Series, I recommend it because many related subjects are discussed.
You may laugh at this but recently I heard a Kevin Trudeau CD, in which he claims he was chosen from childhood to be a member of the "Brotherhood." He came from humble background and was not connected to the "13" families, the 300, or any connection via parent or relative to Masonry, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Secret Societies etc, so he says. However, he was handpicked and trained up, and ended in Bildeburger Meetings etc before he turned his back on them. That is his story.

The part which caught my attention however, is that he said the "Brotherhood" (which he claims is above the Illuminati) have technologies to identify their own from anywhere on the planet. (He did not go into it.)
Does anyone know what these are?
I can offer my own thoughts but perhaps there are some folk on this forum, who can zero in on this from direct knowledge.

Two people I have spoken to claimed they were chosen by secret societies and trained, one in Holland (since passed away), and one in the United States (and active on his own "conspiracy" teaching circuit). Both males and both heavily engaged with symbolism and priestly senses of mission.

My biggest Question is this. If they can "know" their own, from whatever of strata of society they are plucked from...
Do they also recognize those who are not their own, or could be their Nemesis, with the same "technologies;" and do they go in to pick them off before they grow up, recruit them before they can wake further, utilizing their intelligence to serve the agenda?

But what is the technology besides Sauron's ball; What is the science?

Any takers on this? Thanks.

This is how I see it there are many groups claiming to be this & that. They may even think they are part of a higher order but in reality they are not. The true elit with power and knowledge will certainly keep their steps covered as much as they can. Not saying they can't slip up but I doubt if they will go all out publicly telling people the ways that their secret society operates.

These other little society's could be way under the food chain and just coverups for the real secret society's. That is why I never buy into those claiming to be part of this or that so I would take the advice of Anart and look at the "wave Series" it could help with your question.
I believe one reason to easily detect and hand pick children is directly related to genetics. More specifically due to 'hybridization'. When it is performed with some intention, the master mind needs to harvest the results.

On a very different area, any child showing special abilities must also need to be targeted for 'removal' of the 'normal society'. A person told me (face t face) that in USA there is a specific program to detect and remove children with 'very special abilities' (¿psychic?) from school. When I heard this comment a thought came to my mind: X-Men (children showing non 'normal' abilities).

I believe that in both scenarios when these children are isolated, the indoctrination process begins. I assume a long term programming and discipline to transform the bodies into very efficient machines. To serve their unseen master.

It is very very difficult to answer your question, specifically to know which technology is used or how it works.
One interesting thing I've noted with individuals of this sort is that they all think they've got a secret access to the highest knowledge and that all other groups are beneath them, could learn from them, or are just plain misguided. Some of them are perhaps more correct in this assessment than others.

I think one of my favorite quotes from the transcripts is this. . .

9th January 2005

A: Now, another interesting question! What is up with the Navy?

Q: What is up with the navy?

A: Maybe they know things they don't tell. Maybe what they know gives them a certain respect for "nature" and a hesitancy to meddle.

Q: Can you clarify?

A: Let's just say that the navy wouldn't play with the bullies because they know about bigger bullies. The navy learned a lot from the Philadelphia experiment. George Bush senior tried to get all the data about the things he heard and saw, but failed.

Q: What is the navy doing now?

A: Flying under the radar and waiting.

I tend to think that the so-called 'brotherhood' is purely a management layer with no real power in the top-down game. The same way the Nazis would identify and use psychopathic Jews to manage (with gleeful ferocity) and lord it over the other Jews suffering in the I.G. Farben WWII work camp scenarios, the 'brotherhood' sounds to me like a group of specially chosen monster-humans given the same sort of authority. But that's just my guesstimate.

Duerrfeld, in his summary of the conference, assured his superiors, Ambros and Buetefisch, that "the concentration camp showed its willingness to assist in the construction of the plant as far as it could."

One big problem, however, troubled him. This, he reported, was the procurement of Capos, "straw bosses" with "special talents" recruited from among concentration camp inmates. However, Commandant Hoess told Duerrfeld that I.G. would have a priority in obtaining these inmate-leaders whose special talent was sadism. "These Capos," reported Duerrfeld, "are being selected from amongst the professional criminals and are to be transferred from other concentration camps to Auschwitz."

Every twenty inmates, it was estimated, would require a Capo. A few weeks later Himmler himself, on an inspection tour of I.G. Auschwitz, gave assurances of his personal support to I.G.'s project. He guaranteed I.G. an immediate labor supply of 10,000 concentration camp inmates.

I would think that any threat vectors to the big STS Lizard plan would be identified on 4th Density, where the whole life span of a group or individual can be examined and manipulated, and that agents and the Matrix are used to neutralize the threat.
Woodsman said:
I would think that any threat vectors to the big STS Lizard plan would be identified on 4th Density, where the whole life span of a group or individual can be examined and manipulated, and that agents and the Matrix are used to neutralize the threat.

Found some clues concerning 3D/4D technology with regards to tracking and monitoring individuals in session 941119:


Q: (J) Is there any significance to the high number of hang- ups I have been getting on both our phone lines?
A: Three calls were monitors because of MUFON involvement.
Q: (L) Are T*** and J***'s phones tapped?
A: Phone "taps" are no longer necessary.
Q: (L) Why?
A: Technology advancements.
Q: (L) You mean they can listen to us without tapping our phones?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can they listen to us over the phones even when the phones are hung up?
A: Can.
Q: (T) Can they listen to us through the TV. through the infra-red frequency?
A: Again, technology has advanced beyond that. Walls have "ears." Satellites can monitor any conversation or
Q: (J) Is this conversation being monitored at this point in time?
A: No.
Q: (T) Can our movements be tracked through the electronic ignition systems in our cars?
A: Not necessary. You are not yet aware of the extent to which humans have been "aided" in technological
Q: (T) By whom?
A: This requires long and complicated response.
Q: (T) The object behind using the electronic ignitions, from what I have heard, whether the source is true or not I
can't say, but I had a strange confirmation of part of it.
A: Beware of disinformation. It diverts your attention away from reality thus leaving you open to capture and conquest
and even possible destruction.
Q: (L) Is the information about the electronic ignition systems correct?
A: Disinformation comes from seemingly reliable sources. It is extremely important for you to not gather false
knowledge as it is more damaging than no knowledge at all. Remember knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
The information you speak of, T***, was given to you deliberately because you and J*** and others have been
targeted due to your intense interest in level of density 4 through 7 subject matter. You have already been documented
as a "threat."
Q: (L) Can you tell T*** what event occurred (referring to "confirmation" of electronic ignition subject)...
A: Remember, disinformation is very effective when delivered by highly trained sources because hypnotic and
transdimensional techniques are used thereby causing electronic anomalies to follow suggestion causing perceived
confirmation to occur.


What I want to know is who has the power and ability to set up these kinds of "confirmations" or
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/
Q: (T) But I'm just a nobody. Why would they go to all trouble to send somebody in a Camaro to drive up on my
A: Several answers follow: Number One, Nobody is a "nobody." Number two, it is no trouble at all for
aforementioned forces to give seemingly individualized attention to anybody. Number three, T*** has been targeted
and so has J*** and others because you are on the right track. Number four, This area is currently a "hot bed" of
activity and extremely rapidly expanding awareness.

Re: How does the "Brotherhood" Identify its Own & Its Enemies/Nemesis from Child

The start of this thread made me think of Whitney Streiber, and his secret school, which is where I started my quest for the truth. Thankfully, from there I directly found the cass site, which I just resented with eight from the first page I read.
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