How is the Entropic Force in our World coordinated?

mudrabbit said:
Ruth said:
A quick question... If you were in a dark alley facing a threat who would you rather be with?

1. An Organic Portal
2. 3rd Density STS
4. 4th Density STS

Take your pick, and take your time.
Again Ruth, I have to ask, what knowledge do you hold that enables you to make such a choice? That you posed the question implies that you can make that choice, based on the knowledge you have acquired.
The above is/was a hypothetical question designed to encourage people to think about the relative "dangers" posed by members of each of the above groups. Is one more dangerous that the other? You may be correct in thinking that I have come to the conclusion (and this may be an assumption) that Organic Portals are the most benign of these three 'types' and the least dangerous.

mudrabbit said:
[And why would any of the above choices be more or less of a threat than the other two?
That is a good question and it reveals my "idea" (some may say assumption) that Organic Portals are the less of a 'threat'. I could be wrong, of course. Thus revealing why I get so 'peeved' when 3D STS give OPs such a 'bad name'. I mean, so what if OPs can only 'mirror' the higher centers/chakras of another being. What results; will have a lot to do with the type of being they are 'mirroring', in my opinion.
OPs, by definition, are 3D STS. Garbage in, garbage out. Sloppy thinking will affect one's conclusions, rendering them useless, as can be shown in Ruth's last few posts on OPs (a subject to which she always returns, showing the same blind spots and conversive thinking).

And seeing as how we here on the forum are the only people in the world that use the phrase (or even the concept) "OP," I can only assume that "3D STS giving OPs a bad name" refers to the forum members here, none of whom "give OPs a bad name."

I think a better understanding of the concept of "OP"s can be gleaned from the writings of K. Dabrowski, especially concerning what he calls "primary integration." As he puts it, the vast majority of people are integrated at a primary level, and only a certain number (he does not guess what this figure is) have the genetic potential for experiencing a disintegration leading to secondary integration. That is, in esoteric terminology, only certain people have the ability to "die" and be "born again." Until that point, primary integration is characterized by automatic reactions stemming from innate tendencies and learned behaviours and external influences.
Laura said:
Kieran, when your emotions aren't running the show, you write very good posts. But you deteriorate into paranoia the instant anyone does not completely agree with you. I hope that's not pathological. So, either get a grip on your emotions or take a time out. If you can't do either, the moderators can do it for you.
Laura …

… My respect for you is enormous.

And that is based on the fact that I have read – and pondered deeply – every work you have published.

And whatever transpires now – in these posts – will not change my respect, or my gratitude for the way my mind has opened under the impact of your work. You have truly achieved – at least for one person! – what the Cassiopaeans suggested to you to do: You have reached others and given them the clues and resources to wake up and begin to change their lives.

But I – like you – will insist upon remaining free to call it as I see it. Let the dice roll where they may ….

OK. Loosening up and letting it roll ….

First of all I am quite cool when I post. I choose my words carefully. I am aware of the likely effect they will have – both on the general reader, and also on people who are dialoguing with me.

I was quite aware of the likely response from the ‘moderators’ when I replied to Anart’s post. I have observed the posts on this forum for quite some time.

Incidentally, there is no ill feeling within me for Anart – who I have never met – and I am completely open to the fact that he/she may be a wonderful person. But he/she could, of course – and the same goes for me – be something entirely different.

The impersonality of the internet is a double-edged sword …

.. and because of that I try to insert my ‘centre of gravity’ … which right now you are probably classifying as schizophrenic! But bear with me.

This thread that I started was actually a ‘lead’ into something that tends to call down thunder upon one’s head. I even titled it ‘obliquely’ so that it didn’t get targeted by certain watchful forces.

Laura, I am sure you know how difficult it is to state openly something that 99% of listeners/readers will immediately tag as ‘off the wall!’

Most will be hostile, and many others will state derisively: “We already know that!” (Without actually truly ‘knowing’ it at all!)

The dismissive “We already know that!” routine (and the implication “… so don’t repeat it! You are wasting our time!”) is often the cleverest way of shutting down those to whom the information may be completely new. After all, if they are just at the stage of ‘opening’ (or ‘budding’) they have probably already taken some ‘flack’, and may be a little ‘shell-shocked’. So the dismissive “everyone knows THAT!” can completely deflect and shut down an immanent ‘awakening.’

That is why I slammed back into Anart’s post.

Whatever may have been Anart’s intention behind the post, I think many would see it as a dismissive ‘put-down’ of the kind: “We already know that! Don’t waste our time”

Well, the fact is – as I know you know! – what people KNOW at one stage within their history can become strangely UNKNOWN very quickly! And we know that this is not accidental!

And now I return to the substance of my post.

We here are all pretty much agreed – even the ‘cointelpro’ and dis-informationists! Because they KNOW it! – that there is a vectored under-current within our civilization that is deadly to most of humanity.

Always, as we work our way back to the source, we come to an evil (from our point of view) directive force. Knowing – as you have pointed out – that most human beings cannot even conceive of directing and maintaining a ‘line of force’ beyond their own lifetimes (let alone over centuries or millennia!), we are inexorably led to the conclusion that the directing ‘entity’ is off-world. Either spatially (i.e. another planetary race) or hyper-dimensionally. Or both!

But logically we are led to the hypothesis (except for those who have had direct experience and who know!) of a ‘non-human’ directive force.

That force must have a point (or several points) of contact with a small willing percentage of humanity (traitorous humanity!) on this planet.

I am suggesting that the PRIMARY point of contact is with the controlling power of our most ‘sacred’ and ‘unchallengeable’ and ‘holy’ – and international! No borders! – institution: The Roman Catholic Church. Under the leadership of someone most people have not even heard of – the Black Pope!

(As an amusing aside, someone I recently mentioned the ‘Black Pope’ to thought I was referring to Desmond Tutu! An African Archbishop!)

The Black Pope is the leader of the Jesuits – as you know – and the Jesuit Order permeates the world … Occidental and Oriental.

Georgetown University in Washington is a Jesuit University, and more than 10% of Congress and Senate are the product of Jesuit education.

A century ago in English dictionaries under Jesuits was also the entry ‘Jesuit Assassin’ – because they were so well known for it. I am not going to load this post with links and copied articles, but I will supply them if requested, but check out the Jesuit involvement in the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and JFK and in the manipulating of the two world wars in the 20th Century and the sinking of the Titanic.

(The Titanic was an expensive tomb – though ‘funding’ is no problem whatsoever to the Jesuits! – on board of which, on the maiden voyage, were invited some of the wealthiest men in the United States. Men who just happened to be opposed to – and had the ‘clout’ to prevent it! – the setting up of the ‘Federal Reserve.’)

Laura, if you have written extensively on the Jesuits somewhere – and I have read ‘The Secret History of The World’ and your excellent analysis of ‘who wrote the bible?’ – I have not found it.

I am quite certain, from my own studies, that the Jesuit General and his Jesuit Order (which is split into ‘spiritual’ – who do actually do good works! Cover! – and ‘temporal’. Which includes P2 – the Mafia’s Mafia! – and the ‘assassins’) is the primary point of contact with, and influx from, the ‘evil’ which we talk about under various terminologies.

And the Jesuit General controls and manipulates Catholic devotees – albeit unknown to most of them! – worldwide.

Mexico is 90% Catholic.

Does this add some insight into the institutionally supported flood of ‘illegals’ into the United States?

(The Jesuits did the same thing with the Irish – manipulated the ‘potato famine’ and vectored thousands of them to the United States. Abortion is condemned, of course, so families of 8-12 children were quite common, and within one generation the Catholics had a powerful voting lobby!)

It would be wonderful, Laura, if you could bring your incredible powers of research and literate presentation to this issue.

You have my best wishes, and my gratitude for what I have learned from you, always.

hkoehli said:
OPs, by definition, are 3D STS.
So, you're saying that you are an OP, and that indeed, we all are. Its not really that simple.

hkoehli said:
Garbage in, garbage out. Sloppy thinking will affect one's conclusions, rendering them useless, as can be shown in Ruth's last few posts on OPs (a subject to which she always returns, showing the same blind spots and conversive thinking).
Lack of data will always 'trump' sloppy thinking and pretty words any day. If you are an OP, would you mind being 'studied' so we can get a better idea of what the the differences are?
Ruth said:
A quick question... If you were in a dark alley facing a threat who would you rather be with?

1. An Organic Portal
2. 3rd Density STS
4. 4th Density STS
I think I see what you are getting at Ruth. And that is an interesting question.

I would have to answer – based on the three ‘general’ choices offered above – that my inclination would be to face the ‘organic portal’ in the dark alley! (Or, if you mean, which one would I pick to join me against a threat – and, of course, not knowing any of them personally – the choice would be the same.)

My reason being that the ‘organic portal’ stands a chance of being ‘un-vectored’ and therefore being fairly neutral. Where as STS beings of 3rd and (even more powerful) 4th density are likely to be sizing me up as potential ‘prey.’

The above is, of necessity, a generalisation though, and with particular knowledge of three individual beings of each of the above orientations the choices might be quite different.

And, like you, I make a distinction between the level of STS-ness. For example, is George W Bush more or less STS-orientated than was, say, Mahatma Gandhi? Just to equate STS with 3rd density existence robs the term of much value.

It’s like saying everyone human on 3rd density is ‘respiratory’. A point to note, perhaps, but you don’t go far with it unless you start to make a comparison of the relative efficiency of ‘respiratory’ systems, their tendency to disease or health, and how respiratory processes may be consciously utilised or ignored.

I think you were warning – in a novel way – against the tendency just to assume ‘organic portals’ are ‘bad’ things and see them as the enemy … almost right up there with 4th density STS!

And you have reminded me that the main fact about ‘organic portals’ is that, lacking a ‘soul’ at this stage, they are extremely vulnerable to being vectored, possessed and utilised by STS … as opposed to being inherently evil per se.

With regard to the other point you made in your post to me I think I have pretty much covered the sort of things I would have drawn your attention to in my previous post to Laura.

An interesting ‘take’ Ruth.

Thank you.

Ruth said:
hkoehli said:
OPs, by definition, are 3D STS.
So, you're saying that you are an OP, and that indeed, we all are. Its not really that simple.
I'm not sure how you came about with that equation. You are using faulty logic.

By your logic:

1. OP's are 3D STS
2. All humans are 3D STS
3. Therefore we are all OP's

But as you can see, that is not correct. Not ALL humans are OP's, even though ALL OP's are 3D STS. Can you understand that logic? It's not like you are a newbie or anything, you've been around long enough to understand this quite simple difference in understanding. It's quite elemantary.

Ruth said:
Lack of data will always 'trump' sloppy thinking and pretty words any day. If you are an OP, would you mind being 'studied' so we can get a better idea of what the the differences are?
What lack of data? What sloppy thinking? Could you kindly point these out instead of vaguely referring to such things without pointing out the actual words and data which are faulty? Those two sentences refer exactly to what hkoelhi was referring to in what you quoted:

hkoehli said:
Garbage in, garbage out. Sloppy thinking will affect one's conclusions, rendering them useless, as can be shown in Ruth's last few posts on OPs (a subject to which she always returns, showing the same blind spots and conversive thinking).
That's pretty ironic.
Ruth said:
A quick question... If you were in a dark alley facing a threat who would you rather be with?

1. An Organic Portal
2. 3rd Density STS
4. 4th Density STS

Take your pick, and take your time. There's also the option of 2nd Density STS, but well...Do you really think they'd come to your aide after all the others 'weren't good enough ', including STO help (who were probably trying to tell you not to go there in the first place)? Your choice and your reality. See what it is? Your choices, your reality.
Sorry Ruth, I think I have been a bit slow-witted in grasping the essence of your question!

I think I see it now, and so will reply a second time.

(Your question certainly intrigued me.)

Please correct me if I am wrong.

OK. I am in a dark alley and become aware of a threat. For arguments sake lets say 2 or 3 ‘muggers.’

I have a choice of ally to side with:

1. An Organic Portal
2. 3rd Density STS
3. 4th Density STS

Knowing no more about them than that, who do I choose?

Hmmm. Well, my own assimilated views on each of the above ‘generic’ types will obviously come into play.

As in my previous post I would probably still pick the OP – having no other info than ‘type’ – because I know the sort of things STS can get up to! Things like back-stabbing and betrayal. In other words, not trustworthy.

I would consider the 4th Density STS to be very dangerous – and much more powerful than me in a number of ways – so my choice would come down to the other two.

Yep, for me, the OP would be the one. Hoping, of course, that he had not already been possessed by a 4th Density STS! Lol!

My choice … and I get ‘my reality’. Or my view of the world is the view the world presents back to me. And I get the consequences.

Ruth said:
Ah yes, choices: yours and others; between STS and STO.

The really funny thing is, that people from an STS background think that once they 'chose' STO the 'work' stops, but it really doesn't. It just begins. Service to Others means just that... and "Others" can be of any ....
A very difficult point to get across without running into mis-understandings and a general mis-interpretation of what Service to Others – all others! – means in practice.

The ‘shower them all with ‘love bombs’ brigade’ is a good example.

I actually heard a lady on a talk radio program recently who was arguing vehemently with all-comers that the second world war would not have happened if we had just spoken ‘nicely’ and ‘reasonably’ to Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s! She just brushed aside all the ‘psychological profiling’ evidence (which was what the program was really about!) and insisted that ANYONE will give up their evil ways if people just speak ‘nicely’ to them and ‘accept’ them for what they are …

… like a congenital axe-murderer for example! Lol

I think the poor lady was in no way ready to accept the ‘real’ world with all its deliberate evil, and so – like a drowning man clutching at a straw – she held fervently to the belief that ‘talking nicely’ to everybody would defuse all evil!

And now, Ruth, a question for you. If you had to make a choice your life depended upon would you assess the Jesuit General – the ‘Black Pope’ – as being:

1. An Organic Portal
2. 3rd Density STS
3. 4th Density STS
4. Something else you may care to describe (e.g. ‘STO candidate’).

Your choice. Your reality.

Actually, this extraordinarily powerful and internationally influential man is so little known generally, that I am always interested in whether people have heard of him and what they know/think of him, and his ‘office’ of Jesuit General.

I think your and Ruth' guessing games are more appropriate for tickle me section.

Even if none of us here is OP, unitil we raise our awarenes we are the same as OP's, full stop.

As innocent bystander Kieran I can only recommend you to follow Laura's advice and take some time out. Contemplate on your emotions and reasons why are you so emotionally invested in this black pope thing.

My 2 maltese soon to be euro cents
You see, this is where I begin to wonder if anyone else sees the Emperor’s nakedness.

It seems as if any rudeness or sarcasm is tolerated provided it comes via a ‘moderator’ or a ‘senior’ member.

Padawan’s deserve a regular kicking! Lol

Deckard said:
I think your and Ruth' guessing games are more appropriate for tickle me section.
Deckard, this is rude and dismissive behaviour toward two Forum members. I see what Ruth is getting at even if you don’t. It is not a guessing game.

I quote Beau to me:

Beau said:
Baiting forum members with subtle aggressiveness will not be tolerated.
Naturally this will never be seen as what you are doing.

Deckard said:
Even if none of us here is OP, until we raise our awarenes we are the same as OP's, full stop.
Full stop? That’s it then? Are you saying that it cannot be discussed? Actually I don’t agree with you. If you had done your research properly (a phrase everyone seems to delight in telling me) you would have found this on the Cassiopaea website in an article entitled ‘Organic Portals; the Other Race’.

It seems there are possibly 3 billion organic portals sharing the planet, that is, one out of two people on the planet may be effectively soul-less.
3 Billion is about half the population Deckard. Why did you state that until we raise our awareness “we are the same as OP’s, full stop.”

I think the Cs would have told us if we were the same as OPs.

Instead they said this (from the same article):

A: If you consider that the population is equally distributed, then you will understand that in an ordinary "souled" person's life, that person will encounter half as many organic portals as souled individuals. BUT, when someone is in the process of "growing" and strengthening the soul, the Control System will seek to insert even more "units" into that person's life. Now, think of all the people you have ever met and particularly those with whom you have been, or are, intimate. Which half of this number would YOU designate as being organic portals? Hard to tell, eh?
Q: (V) Is this the original meaning of the "pollution of the bloodline?"
A: Yes.
The Cs seem to be quite clearly pointing out a fundamental difference!
Deckard said:
As innocent bystander Kieran I can only recommend you to follow Laura's advice and take some time out.
Thank you Deckard. I may follow your recommendation. I do wonder, however, at your need to qualify yourself with the ‘descriptor’ of ‘innocent bystander.’ This is often an ingenuous way of suggesting to everyone that the person concerned is completely objective and impartial, and also a hidden request for leniency. The responsibility for your remark you also subtly lay at Laura’s door… “follow Laura’s advice.” You may like to do some deep introspection on this.
Again, of course, the above will no doubt be construed as an ‘aggressive attack’ on my part, by certain parties, whereas you will have been perceived to have been very helpful and constructive in suggesting my need to step back and take time out.
My ‘perceived’ emotional condition is, naturally, up for comment by everybody. For e.g:

Deckard said:
Contemplate on your emotions and reasons why are you so emotionally invested in this black pope thing.
My Goodness. ‘…this black pope thing.’

You obviously have no idea of the machinations of the temporal side of the Jesuit Order under their ‘Jesuit General’, colloquially referred to as the Black Pope! Either that or you want this discussion stopped.

And I note that despite the fact that I have constantly been taken to task for not doing my research and not making ‘proper use’ of the search engine …

mudrabbit said:
There's a reason for a search engine. Lots of people ask a lot of the same questions and it's difficult to run a "house" of this type and make any progress if the people in it are not on "the same page", so to speak. If we repeatedly answered the same questions over and over, we'd not get too far. Hence the REASON for the search engine.
… no one has actually given me a link to the articles where the web spun by the Black Pope has been elucidated and told as it is – despite the fact that apparently the whole Forum already knows about it!

The reason I am, as you put it, so emotionally invested in ‘this black pope thing’, is because it is the seat of appalling evil. And it is working today – behind the ‘White Pope’, Leo XVI … ex-Hitler Youth!



The Vatican is the engine behind the whole Middle East crisis, and they are keeping it going. They want the Moslems and the Jews destroyed, and Jerusalem is to become the commercial and entertainment centre of the NWO … and residence of the Pope!

The Moslem religion was created by the Vatican, utilising the beautiful and wealthy merchantess Khadijah, who was a devout Catholic, and who, when widowed, had retired to a Catholic convent. When Khadijah, following orders, inveigled herself into the affections of the young, artistically talented and unstable Mohammed, she became his wife. Her uncle had a specialty – drugs. Khadijah interpreted the Prophet’s hallucinogenic visions for him …

… and I am saying too much.

Islam was intended as a bulwark against the Vatican’s perceived rival at the time – Judaism.

Connect the dots.

And more machinations ….

Edward Smith was given an order to sink the Titanic and that is exactly what he did. By the command of God, [the Jesuit General] it is lawful to murder the innocent, to rob, to commit all lewdness, because he [the Pope] is Lord of life, and death, and of all things; and thus to fulfill his mandate is our duty. — W. C. Brownlee, Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, American and Foreign Christian Union, p. 143.
There is no record in history of an association whose organization has stood for three hundred years unchanged and unaltered by all the assaults of men and time, and which has exercised such an immense influence over the destinies of mankind… ‘The ends justify the means,’ is his favorite maxim; and as his only end, as we have shown, is the order, at its bidding the Jesuit is ready to commit any crime whatsoever. — G. B. Nicolini, The History of the Jesuits, Henry G. Bohn, pp. 495, 496, emphasis added.
And let us remember the oath that every person takes to become a part of the Jesuit Order :

I should regard myself as a dead body, without will or intelligence, as a little crucifix which is turned about unresistingly at the will of him who holds it as a staff in the hands of an old man, who uses it as he requires it, and as it suits him best. — R. W. Thompson, The Footprints of the Jesuits, Hunt and Eaton, p. 54.
When a person takes the Jesuit Oath, he is bound to his master until the day that he dies. Edward Smith had become a man without will or intelligence. He would commit any crime the Order wanted him to commit. Edward Smith had been required for martyrdom. On board the Titanic that night, Edward Smith knew his duty. He was under oath. The ship had been built for the enemies of the Jesuits. After three days at sea with only one pair of glasses for the bridge, Edward Smith propelled the Titanic full speed ahead, twenty-two knots, on a moonless dark night through a gigantic ice field nearly eighty square miles in area. Edward Smith did this despite at least eight telegrams warning him to be more cautious because he was going too fast.

Did Edward Smith need one caution? No, he had been traveling those waters for twenty-six years. He knew there were icebergs in that area. But eight cautions did not stop this man who was under the Jesuit oath, and under orders to destroy the Titanic.

The absurdity of warning veteran Captain Edward Smith repeatedly on Titanic’s tragic night to slow down is nothing short of preposterous. The fact that Smith never listened or heeded the warnings is insane. He had been given orders from his god in the Vatican, and nothing would turn him from his course. The encyclopedias paint a very tragic picture of Smith in his last hours. When it came time to give the order to load and lower the lifeboats, Smith wavered and one of his aids had to approach him for the order to be given. Smith’s legendary skills of leadership seem to have left him; he was curiously indecisive and unusually cautious on that fatal night. Are these words to describe a legendary sea captain with 26 years of experience, or are these words to describe a man who was struggling in his mind whether he should do his duty as a sea captain or obey his master who told him to sink the ship?

John Jacob Astor’s wife got into a life boat and was saved, while John Jacob Astor perished in the waters of the North Atlantic. There were not enough lifeboats and many of them were only half full with only women and children. To prevent nearby freighters from responding with help, the distress flares were white when they should have been red. White flares to passing freighters state that everybody was having a party.

One of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century, the sinking of the Titanic, lies at the door of the Jesuit Order. The unsinkable ship, the floating palace was created to be the tomb for the wealthy, who opposed the Federal Reserve System. By April, 1912, all opposition to the Federal Reserve was eliminated. In December of 1913, the Federal Reserve System came into being in the United States. Eight months later, the Jesuits had sufficient funding through the Federal Reserve bank to begin World War One.
The Masterminds:


Fr. Francis Browne and Franz Xavier Wernz

Fr. Browne was the Jesuit Provincial Superior in Ireland. Fr. Wernz was the Jesuit Superior General

It seems to me that it is extremely important for this knowledge to come to awareness. The Vatican is the control room for what is happening world-wide on our planet today.

All the world is beginning to be brought in line with the Vatican. You may have heard about the ‘Sunday laws’ that are soon to be introduced. Not very important you may think. Oh no? As far back as 1998 Pope John Paul 2 declared that governments should institute the crime of ‘heresy’ for failure to keep the Sunday Law … and ‘heretics’ should be punished. Hmmm. Rack, hot irons or guillotine?

Recognise any of these famous people at the good Pope’s funeral?


And good ol’ Bill welcoming Pope John Paul ‘Superstar!’


Yes, Deckard. I think it’s pretty important.

Keiran said:
I think the Cs would have told us if we were the same as OPs.
Deckard's point is that until one awakens and stops being a reaction machine, one is exactly like an OP - there is no difference. A souled person who is sound asleep is exactly like an OP - reacting mechanically to everything around them, being driven here and there by their out of control emotions and their own invented self-importance - with no will of their own. Are you familiar with Gurdjieff?

As long as one is dreaming and chasing imaginary 'bad guys' in one's dreams, one cannot awaken - your obsession with the Jesuits indicates you are dreaming - focusing on the tip of a relatively small iceberg while truly believing you hold the Grail in your hands.

Unfortunately, it appears that you are unable to consider that your 'reading instrument' is off - thus you will likely remain in your dream, chasing black popes while the world burns around you -- that is, of course, your choice.

This forum, however, is for those who are working to awaken, and it is becoming rather obvious that you would be much happier on a forum that revels in discussing such theatre.

Oh, and please note that, as before, I am not hostile at all - I am simply stating the facts of the matter.
beau said:
Ruth said:
hkoehli said:
OPs, by definition, are 3D STS.
So, you're saying that you are an OP, and that indeed, we all are. Its not really that simple.
I'm not sure how you came about with that equation. You are using faulty logic.

By your logic:

1. OP's are 3D STS
2. All humans are 3D STS
3. Therefore we are all OP's

But as you can see, that is not correct. Not ALL humans are OP's, even though ALL OP's are 3D STS. Can you understand that logic?
Of course I can understand that logic. I was the one who pointed it out to you, afterall. I did say "Its not really that simple". Maybe you didn't read that part? I also strongly believe that OPs are not "soul-less" as some people like to claim. So, in reality there is a difference. Can you tell me what it is? Or are we 'compromised' by lack of data? Its all very well being 'logical', but it really gets people no-where when there's a scarcity of information on what an OP is. Logic is usually used to support peoples own ideas and agendas.

beau said:
Ruth said:
Lack of data will always 'trump' sloppy thinking and pretty words any day. If you are an OP, would you mind being 'studied' so we can get a better idea of what the the differences are?
What lack of data? What sloppy thinking? Could you kindly point these out instead of vaguely referring to such things without pointing out the actual words and data which are faulty?
I cannot point out faulty data when there is none and non being offered apart from the 'logic' of my words. (This refers to the subject of OPs - there's not much information about it and most of it is vague and even subjective). As to sloppy thinking. Harrison said that, not me. Maybe you should ask him what he means providing you don't already know! He wants me to stop talking about OPs!

beau said:
hkoehli said:
Garbage in, garbage out. Sloppy thinking will affect one's conclusions, rendering them useless, as can be shown in Ruth's last few posts on OPs (a subject to which she always returns, showing the same blind spots and conversive thinking).
That's pretty ironic.
The point you and Harrison are trying to make seems to be quite different from mine. You seem to want me at agree to 'sloppy thinking' and being a purveyor of "garbage'.

Its a pity there isn't enough data on what an OP is to determin what is 'sloppy' and what is not, although there is no doubt a way around that, providing people get more annoyed at the 'sloppy thinking' side of things than the lack of data. To find an OP you really need to study humanity and then you really need to know what you're looking for. But, I've been through all those explanations many times before, only to be told the above. Ok, yeah, I suppose it is ironic.

I am finally – you will no doubt be pleased to hear – almost speechless….

Your last post was … well … words fail me .…

I did say almost ...

anart said:
As long as one is dreaming and chasing imaginary 'bad guys' in one's dreams, one cannot awaken - your obsession with the Jesuits indicates you are dreaming - focusing on the tip of a relatively small iceberg while truly believing you hold the Grail in your hands.

Unfortunately, it appears that you are unable to consider that your 'reading instrument' is off - thus you will likely remain in your dream, chasing black popes while the world burns around you -- that is, of course, your choice.

This forum, however, is for those who are working to awaken, and it is becoming rather obvious that you would be much happier on a forum that revels in discussing such theatre.
Chasing imaginary bad guys?

Obsession with the Jesuits?

And I like your shunting of me out of the Forum:

and it is becoming rather obvious that you would be much happier on a forum that revels in discussing such theatre.
Obvious to whom? The whole Forum? I wonder if, even now, some readers of my posts have picked up on the clues and links I have given and are realising, aghast, the power still ruthlessly controlling nations, and its history written in blood.

And remember: "Knowledge protects; ignorance endangers." And I think the Cs commented that means ALL knowledge!

And theatre? Is that what you think the Jesuit Order is? Theatre? A theatre that was behind the assassination of Lincoln and Kennedy, two world wars and others, the horrors of witch-hunting and the Inquisition, and countless acts of murder and savagery. Here is President Lincoln on the subject:

"So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed . . . But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood that Henry IV (king of France who was assassinated by the Jesuit Revaillac for giving liberty to his people), said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all he could to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million of daggers to pierce my breast, would be more that a miracle. . . . I know that Jesuits never forget nor forsake (never give up). Man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty."
- Abraham Lincoln (President)
Was Lincoln “dreaming and chasing imaginary 'bad guys'” in his dreams as well?

I think not.

Part of our education and ‘awakening’ is the study of history is it not? Otherwise why would Laura trouble to research her compendious work on ‘The Secret History of the World’?

”History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
- David McCullough
I have shown you the temporal power that is pulling the strings on this world even now. It is the planetary ‘executive’ for an off-world agenda.

Strange that you seem so desperately determined to belittle the topic and close it down as quickly as possible.

One day you will see it in the open. And by then it will be too late. A modern day inquisition will be unleashed … yes, against ‘heretics.’ And if you think that is a ‘dream’ think back to the mid-90s and what you would have said to me if I had told you about the state of a coming ‘fascist’ America today – including no Habeas Corpus; power to detain indefinitely without charges; and torture.

And like yourself, please note that I am not being hostile at all - I am simply stating the facts of the matter.

I think I am going to take that break now that Deckard so thoughtfully recommended.

I need a few weeks to recover! :-)

Kieran said:
You see, this is where I begin to wonder if anyone else sees the Emperor’s nakedness.
The problem with subjectivity is that it is entirely possible that, when presented with two people proclaiming to see the emperor's nakedness, one will in fact be seeing it, the other will be utterly convinced of it, and yet it will not in any way correspond to objective reality. In the latter case, it is his own egotism and incapacity for either self-criticism and self-doubt that leads to his "rightness" (which is in fact not right at all). The extreme of this example is found in what Lobaczewski called "paranoid characteropathy", which is caused by either a specific type of brain lesion or functionally, by experiencing such egotism in the environment of one's youth.

It seems as if any rudeness or sarcasm is tolerated provided it comes via a ‘moderator’ or a ‘senior’ member.
Again, one behavior (or any other observable phenomenon) can have more than one cause. A person saying, "You are completely ignorant on the subject," simply by virtue of saying it, is not necessarily correct. It may be true in one case, and rudeness and sarcasm in another. In this way, what you perceive as rudeness or sarcasm is in fact not; it is your emotional reaction to self-critical data.

Deckard said:
Even if none of us here is OP, until we raise our awarenes we are the same as OP's, full stop.
Full stop? That’s it then? Are you saying that it cannot be discussed? Actually I don’t agree with you. If you had done your research properly (a phrase everyone seems to delight in telling me) you would have found this on the Cassiopaea website in an article entitled ‘Organic Portals; the Other Race’.

It seems there are possibly 3 billion organic portals sharing the planet, that is, one out of two people on the planet may be effectively soul-less.
3 Billion is about half the population Deckard. Why did you state that until we raise our awareness “we are the same as OP’s, full stop.”

I think the Cs would have told us if we were the same as OPs.
So you're staking your belief on the notion that "if it was true, the Cs would have told us"?? What about critical thinking? Discovery? Learning? Do you surrender your free will so easily to other sources or information? Is this the source of your own deeply held convictions and stereotypic thought processes?

Instead they said this (from the same article):

A: If you consider that the population is equally distributed, then you will understand that in an ordinary "souled" person's life, that person will encounter half as many organic portals as souled individuals. BUT, when someone is in the process of "growing" and strengthening the soul, the Control System will seek to insert even more "units" into that person's life. Now, think of all the people you have ever met and particularly those with whom you have been, or are, intimate. Which half of this number would YOU designate as being organic portals? Hard to tell, eh?
Q: (V) Is this the original meaning of the "pollution of the bloodline?"
A: Yes.
The Cs seem to be quite clearly pointing out a fundamental difference!
As Beau pointed out to Ruth, you, too, are using faulty logic. (Might this have something to do with the fact that you "see what Ruth is getting at even if you don’t". After all, conversive thinking is contagious.) Two things with the same form (in this case the same behaviour) may have different potential. Two apple seeds, though identical in appearance, will not necessarily give birth to fruit-bearing trees. It is a question of "Being". I find it odd that you cannot see the distinction. Can you not see that 1) OPs and non-OPs being behaviourally identical and 2) OPs and non-OPs being fundamentally different; are not mutually exclusive? It is entirely possible that OPs and non-OPs behave in the exact same manner (in fact, it would seem to be so based on observation), and yet possess different inner qualities. Again, if you would read Dabrowski, you might get a better understanding of the subject. But it seems you've already formed a stereotypy regarding this topic, as has Ruth--in your case, reifying the Cs' statements on the subject. Just another "deeply held conviction" founded in sloppy thinking and paralogisms.

Deckard said:
As innocent bystander Kieran I can only recommend you to follow Laura's advice and take some time out.
Thank you Deckard. I may follow your recommendation. I do wonder, however, at your need to qualify yourself with the ‘descriptor’ of ‘innocent bystander.’ This is often an ingenuous way of suggesting to everyone that the person concerned is completely objective and impartial, and also a hidden request for leniency. The responsibility for your remark you also subtly lay at Laura’s door… “follow Laura’s advice.” You may like to do some deep introspection on this.
Again, of course, the above will no doubt be construed as an ‘aggressive attack’ on my part, by certain parties, whereas you will have been perceived to have been very helpful and constructive in suggesting my need to step back and take time out.
My ‘perceived’ emotional condition is, naturally, up for comment by everybody. For e.g:

Deckard said:
Contemplate on your emotions and reasons why are you so emotionally invested in this black pope thing.
My Goodness. ‘…this black pope thing.’


Yes, Deckard. I think it’s pretty important.
In other words, "I'm not emotionally invested, I'm just emotionally invested." More evidence of your egotism and your refusal (inability?) to observe yourself objectively. Can you not separate yourself from your opinions?
Ruth said:
I also strongly believe that OPs are not "soul-less" as some people like to claim. So, in reality there is a difference. Can you tell me what it is? Or are we 'compromised' by lack of data? Its all very well being 'logical', but it really gets people no-where when there's a scarcity of information on what an OP is. Logic is usually used to support peoples own ideas and agendas.
Its a pity there isn't enough data on what an OP is to determin what is 'sloppy' and what is not, although there is no doubt a way around that, providing people get more annoyed at the 'sloppy thinking' side of things than the lack of data.
It is convenient to say there is "no data," when one hasn't read the data. Much like the NIST saying the "found no evidence" for controlled demolition. The problem is, they didn't look in the first place!

A lack of data is not an excuse to form subjective theories surrounding this lack of data. It should be an impetus for finding such data. Such data is available, and has been presented and linked to repeatedly on this forum.

He [Harrison] wants me to stop talking about OPs!
More sloppy thinking leading to false conclusions. Garbage in, garbage out.
Kieran said:

I am finally – you will no doubt be pleased to hear – almost speechless….
Well that certainly wasn't my intent, so why did you react that way?

Kieran said:
Obvious to whom? The whole Forum? I wonder if, even now, some readers of my posts have picked up on the clues and links I have given and are realising, aghast, the power still ruthlessly controlling nations, and its history written in blood.

And remember: "Knowledge protects; ignorance endangers." And I think the Cs commented that means ALL knowledge!
Actually, regular readers of this forum already understand this has been covered - and that it is a distraction. It might be wise to remember, since you are so fond of quoting the C's, that the C's also said, "false knowledge is worse that no knowledge at all."

Kieran said:
And theatre? Is that what you think the Jesuit Order is? Theatre?
Theatre is a metaphor for distraction.

Keiran said:
A theatre that was behind the assassination of Lincoln and Kennedy, two world wars and others, the horrors of witch-hunting and the Inquisition, and countless acts of murder and savagery.
You are missing the fact that the particular face on which you are obsessing (jesuits) is one papier-mache mask - it is not the source. This has been pointed out to you several times, yet you persist - this is quite telling. Also, could you provide evidence (other than disinformation sources) that the jesuits killed Kennedy?

Kieran said:
Was Lincoln “dreaming and chasing imaginary 'bad guys'” in his dreams as well?
It's quite likely - after all, he was not awake.

Kieran said:
I think not.
True, but if you divest yourself of your emotional investment in disinformation, this might change.

Kieran said:
Part of our education and ‘awakening’ is the study of history is it not? Otherwise why would Laura trouble to research her compendious work on ‘The Secret History of the World’?
Of course, could you give me the page numbers in Secret History where Laura discusses the 'black pope'?

Kieran said:
”History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
- David McCullough
I have shown you the temporal power that is pulling the strings on this world even now. It is the planetary ‘executive’ for an off-world agenda.
No, you have repeated sensational disinformation because it is 'interesting' for you - you have 'shown' us very little.

Kieran said:
Strange that you seem so desperately determined to belittle the topic and close it down as quickly as possible.
Not strange at all - we deal with objective reality here.

Kieran said:
One day you will see it in the open. And by then it will be too late. A modern day inquisition will be unleashed … yes, against ‘heretics.’ And if you think that is a ‘dream’ think back to the mid-90s and what you would have said to me if I had told you about the state of a coming ‘fascist’ America today – including no Habeas Corpus; power to detain indefinitely without charges; and torture.
There is no question at all that something wicked this way comes and that it will manifest in any number of ways, but please don't assume that I, nor anyone here, lacks an understanding of the direction in which things are moving. The jesuits, however, are third tier finger-puppets - but feel free to waste all the time and energy you possibly can on chasing that red herring - it will make them quite happy.

Again, you are most free to pursue any interests at all that you like -however, this forum exists for the very distinct purpose of approaching an understanding of objective reality. You clearly have not researched these topics that have already been covered on the forum, although you were asked to do so several days ago. If you would like to constructively contribute to this forum, please take the time and invest the energy to 'get up to speed'.

At this point in time, this forum has been quite generous to you - kindly return the favor.
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