Sorry if this isn't the right place for this post, but I didn't want to "smear" the thread intended for commenting on books with this piece of rubbish.
I recently heard on a podcast someone mention the book "How to Destroy A Man Now". I tracked it down to see if it really existed and yes, it does:

The book's description reads:
Obviously I didn't buy the book and I didn't read it, but one only has to read the reviews to confirm that it is absolute bullsh*t. Its 66 pages are a step-by-step guide on how to make false accusations and use the media to destroy a man's life. Apparently this is not subtly suggested in the text, but explicitly and tacitly instructs readers with the practical steps to follow to achieve the goal. In short: the book incites women to commit a crime.
Fortunately, the book's score is barely more than 1 point (on a scale of 5) and the comments of the unfortunate people who read it make it clear that the pamphlet is not even good as toilet paper.
I'd like to think that this book is the work of an opportunist who tried to cash in on the #metoo et al movements, but I still think someone would have to be in a pretty advanced state of psychic deterioration to even think of publishing something like this.
Well, I just wanted to share it and vent a bit of my annoyance.
I recently heard on a podcast someone mention the book "How to Destroy A Man Now". I tracked it down to see if it really existed and yes, it does:

The book's description reads:
A wave of sexual misconduct allegations about powerful men have exploded recently in the media (e.g., the news, Twitter #MeToo, etc.). A bold social movement has begun with brave women coming forward and being applauded for speaking out and sharing their stories of abuse, discrimination, and harassment. As a result, accused men like Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, and dozens more have been removed from power and are suffering the consequences.
In How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN), Dr. Angela Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers women with a step-by-step guide for destroying a man’s reputation and removing him from power.
In easy to understand terms, the handbook reveals and explains the fundamental dynamics between allegations, the media, and authority as they relate to male misconduct in today’s society. It also unveils and details practical real-world methods for leveraging allegations, media, and authorities to dethrone a man from power.
Obviously I didn't buy the book and I didn't read it, but one only has to read the reviews to confirm that it is absolute bullsh*t. Its 66 pages are a step-by-step guide on how to make false accusations and use the media to destroy a man's life. Apparently this is not subtly suggested in the text, but explicitly and tacitly instructs readers with the practical steps to follow to achieve the goal. In short: the book incites women to commit a crime.
Fortunately, the book's score is barely more than 1 point (on a scale of 5) and the comments of the unfortunate people who read it make it clear that the pamphlet is not even good as toilet paper.
I'd like to think that this book is the work of an opportunist who tried to cash in on the #metoo et al movements, but I still think someone would have to be in a pretty advanced state of psychic deterioration to even think of publishing something like this.
Well, I just wanted to share it and vent a bit of my annoyance.