how to get un-bored?


Dagobah Resident
So I have been playin' guitar since I was 14, right? I don't know what happened but nowadays I barely even remember that I own guitars, that they even exist.
It's kinda lame, I was making really good progress as a musician, and then I just lost interest in the 5th and 6th years.

Any suggestions how to get back into it? I used to spend hours playing guitar.

Just from the reading I've done on other threads you've posted, it sounds like you are making a lot of changes in your inner and outer life. Do you think it's possible that this loss of passion for guitar could be the result of some of these changes? Maybe you just came to the point where you realized that you learned what you needed to from guitar/music and decided to try new things?

I could be totally off here and only you can make this determination.

On the other hand, if you're looking for motivation in playing guitar, it often helps to find a group or in this case a band to jam with, making it more of a social/bonding activity. Something you can share with others instead of just playing for the sake of playing :)
Just from the reading I've done on other threads you've posted, it sounds like you are making a lot of changes in your inner and outer life. Do you think it's possible that this loss of passion for guitar could be the result of some of these changes? Maybe you just came to the point where you realized that you learned what you needed to from guitar/music and decided to try new things?

For the most part I can agree with that statement. I dunno, part of me wants to get back into it and part of me wants to sell all my stuff and move on.
RyanX might have a point, and it may just be about shifting emphases in your life -- you may want to wait a bit to sell your stuff until you're sure, unless you really need the money now. if you do decide to try to get back into it, how about trying to adapt something originally from a different instrument to guitar? One example of that that I really like is the Foo Fighter's version of 'Baker Street' -- I really like what Dave Grohl did with the original sax line there on guitar. I tried to do the right hand of a George Winston piano song (Longing/Love) before, and that was pretty fun. There's too many people to count out there trying to adapt violin pieces to guitar, but that is another example and could be a nice challenge if you're inclined that way.

Another thing I think is fun sometimes is messing with time signatures -- do you write your own stuff very much? If you like that kind of thing, it can be fun to just go try to figure out something in five, or seven -- it doesn't have to be super complicated, but getting something catchy in an odd time signature like that can be a bit more challenging than straight four. You can make it more complicated once you have the basic riff figured out. I don't know your playing background, so you may have thought of all this already, but I hope it gives you an idea if you decide you want to keep at it.
I just can't keep my attention focused on music at all, lately. I mean, there is sooooo much I know how to do but it just seems there's no inclination.
I wouldn't sell myself just for money, it's more or less be just to get the stuff outta my hair if all it is going to do is gather dust.
abstract said:
I just can't keep my attention focused on music at all, lately. I mean, there is sooooo much I know how to do but it just seems there's no inclination.

fwiw I use to spend hours coding/creating projects on my computer, and I ended up the same way. For me I think it was two fold....firstly I did it to escape (as well as create)...secondly my body/brain/hormone chemistry was out of whack (this was when I was coming out of my depression).
So a few things to look at perhaps. Why do you/did you play the guitar? Was it to create? Was it enjoyable? Was it because someone said you should? Was it to escape or be someone else?
This may give you a clearer idea as to why you have no inclination too now.

Check over the Ultra Mind quiz again in the diet and health section, because think 'boredom' could well be a chemical imbalance. As well as possibly a program (avoidance of something?).

Lastly joy and creativity.....are you able to find anything at the moment that brings you joy, and expresses your creativity? I am personally struggling with this at the moment.....but this is more to do with getting my health/brain/body back in balance or so it seems, as well as probably dealing with old emotional wounds.....I don't seem to have the inclination (or time, motive, energy, clear headedness....or my programs get me to waste my time some other way) to create well at the moment....that and somehow stress and creativity became entangled.
Lastly joy and creativity.....are you able to find anything at the moment that brings you joy, and expresses your creativity?

Yes and no. All I do lately is wake up at the crack of 2:00 pm, go to work, come home at night, listen to a little music, maybe do a binaural beat, meditate, check out the forum and smoke.
Video games have lost their flavor, along with other things i used to like to do. My brain chemistry might be out of whack from sucralose everyday for the past 3 years (i just now stopped drinking energy drinks)
It used to be I could pick up a guitar and "connect" with it, now it seems i don't have that connection anymore.
abstract said:
My brain chemistry might be out of whack from sucralose everyday for the past 3 years (i just now stopped drinking energy drinks)
It used to be I could pick up a guitar and "connect" with it, now it seems i don't have that connection anymore.

You have been making a lot of lifestyle adjustments after joining the forum, and maybe your body and mind are busy trying to catch up with all the changes (kudos for getting off the energy drinks, by the way), and this is reflected in your lack of interest in guitar. It could be that its best not to worry too much about playing for now, and just take a break -- don't beat a dead horse, and do what feels right at the moment.

I still encourage you not to sell off your stuff just yet -- I've played guitar since my teens, and I've gone through several periods where I lost interest, often for months at a time. There was always a point at the end of those times, though, when I picked my guitar up one day and was glad it was still there.
Hey abstract-
I agree with others that if you don't desperately need to sell your gear, hang onto it for awhile. I'm a musician myself and just have a couple observations. First, it is really hard to muster creative musical energy if you don't have much energy to spare. It takes energy to be creative and from the sound of it you are using most of yours up these days with work and lifestyle changes. I have always found it difficult to preserve enough energy for creative stuff when work is pretty demanding. It has been my experience that this is kind of a cyclical thing, though, so it will probably change again sometime. I have often felt like being away from it for awhile actually served to recharge me when it swung back around again. I think shijing has it right in advising to give it a rest if that is what is happening right now.

Also, if and when you do get inspired to pick up the guitar, maybe try exploring some alternate tunings. Standard tuning has been used to death at this point, even though it is still one of the most adaptable to all different keys. Most of us are pretty dialed into the sound of standard on the guitar, so changing that up might kick-start a whole new direction. Keeps you on your toes with finger positions, too. If you play by ear/and/or compose, this approach might well be a whole new universe to explore. Maybe you've already tried this approach, but it has worked for me in the past, for whatever it worth.
Well, at first I simply enjoyed playing. Then I wanted to be in a band, not to impress people, just to get out and play shows and enjoy the music process and share it with others.
However, I can hardly find any competent musicians. I'm dead serious, there's no one around town that i'd want to jam with. It's not because they suck and I'm so amazing but
most musicians, frankly, just wanna play music 1/4 the time and party the rest. I'm tired of that mindset.
abstract, I understand exactly what you mean. I myself play some guitar and I used to play with some rock bands in the past. You know, the guitar just expresses your emotions you pass to her through your fingers. Do not force yourself, when you will feel it you will play without noticing it. It will come back to you as you will go through less agitated emotions ;)
Just listen to yourself, if you need to sleep, to exercise, to play guitar, it comes alone.
I used to play ten minutes every morning, just a few chords, a few riffs. It's funny and sometimes amazing as you come up with some combinations you didn't know before.
Maybe you may try to write something. It's a good exercise IMHO for creativity.
Hope to hear you playing someday ;) and who knows.. with some members playing together LOL
Hey abstract --

abstract said:
I can hardly find any competent musicians. I'm dead serious, there's no one around town that i'd want to jam with. It's not because they suck and I'm so amazing but most musicians, frankly, just wanna play music 1/4 the time and party the rest. I'm tired of that mindset.

That is a problem, and I agree that it sucks. This is a completely different problem than you initially described, though -- is this the real reason you are disinterested in playing right now, or are there actually two separate issues going on?

I can tell you what happened to me in a similar situation, and you can see if my solution might work for you or not. I was in a band as an undergrad for a couple of years with three of my friends, and it was a really good experience. After graduation, we all ended up going our separate ways -- I'm not sure what actually happened to one of them, but another one moved to South Korea to teach English, and somehow put together another band right off the bat. The other two of us weren't so lucky, though -- we both ended up in different places, and couldn't find anyone else to play with. What we ended up doing was buying 4-track recorders, so that we could continue writing and playing, and get it down on tape without having to worry about finding other people. If you do that, you can continue being active musically while you wait to find the right people to play with down the road.
Yeah, it's several different sets of issues. i'm bored with the musicians around here, i'm bored with my own playing, etc. and so forth.
Hey Abstract

have you tried a different tuning? sounds banal, but it can suprise your preconceived notions of what you can play. I use DADGCD or variations with the A at 528 hz, it shook alot of my riffing cobwebs to just tune my guitar to a nice open strumming chord and improvize from there, reinvents chords and melody with fresh perspective.
Hi abstract,
I think that maybe what you're dealing with is fairly common and the input so far provided is pretty spot-on, imo.

thevenusian said:
First, it is really hard to muster creative musical energy if you don't have much energy to spare. It takes energy to be creative and from the sound of it you are using most of yours up these days with work and lifestyle changes.
Very well said, thevenusian. The old saying of 'we are being played' might ring true. If the channel/energy is strong there seems to be a meditative state that one enters and the music just flows thru you. Of course when changes in this channel occur, it might very well become work/boredom. Maybe a little time and these things just readjust?
abstract said:
However, I can hardly find any competent musicians. I'm dead serious, there's no one around town that i'd want to jam with. It's not because they suck and I'm so amazing but
most musicians, frankly, just wanna play music 1/4 the time and party the rest. I'm tired of that mindset.
Very true, abstract. As I bring home the bacon playing guit-fiddle/singing, I've unfortunately noticed this very common trend and have even shared in the revelry in the past. It's unfortunate to say the least and might very well have swayed your interest away from playing. Seems normal, imo. Maybe just wrong people/scene? Kind of wish you were in my neck-of-the-woods! ;)

mkrnhr said:
Hope to hear you playing someday and who knows.. with some members playing together LOL
Thanks for this comment mkrnhr, a bit of a dream for myself as well. Music at 'new heights' as it were.....beautiful. And a good reason to not give up yet, abstract. Patience perhaps?
shijing said:
What we ended up doing was buying 4-track recorders, so that we could continue writing and playing, and get it down on tape without having to worry about finding other people. If you do that, you can continue being active musically while you wait to find the right people to play with down the road.
This is a great idea and one that was brought up in another thread. As far as I know, it wouldn't be hard to make some very touching/beautiful music with others that live thousands of miles apart. Many great tools are available now that weren't just a few years ago. I'd guess a recording made with many members of this forum, for example, would be a pretty powerful statement to say the least.

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