how to pray


Jedi Master
Hi, I've searched on the forum and found some interesting comments, but I might not be very good with the search engine. I wondered if there was any guidance or info on how to properly pray. Tough times for many at the mo and I thought it might be helpful, or at least give some comfort. I've prayed a few times... when in need, as you do... but who do you pray to? How are you meant to do it? Do you pray to ancestors? Passed family members? The C's? Jesus? Julius? God? Your possible future self?

If anyone has any better forum links they can send my way or if this has been discussed before I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
Hi Mugatea

Something that helped me a lot to learn how to pray (with my soul) was to obtain the crystals.

Having my crystals has made me feel more connected to the group, that I belong here.

(L) Coming down to the actual crystals. We have different colors of crystals. My idea was to both use my method of intentional implantation with energy behind it. Recently, I also thought that possibly another way to carry that energy would be singing to the stones. Is that possible?

A: Not only possible, but the preferred method for some purposes.

Q: (Galatea) Would we need to charge several stones with different intentions, or can we put multiple intentions into one?

A: Yes, Yes.

Q: (L) So you can do both. You can put multiple intentions in some stones, and some stones should be individual, I think.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Like for example, I think the stones that are used to charge water... This is how I have it. Once we take them out of the purifying bath, we sort them into types and sizes. The small ones we charge separately for putting in water. And then...

A: Sing to them.

Q: (L) So we sing to the ones that go in the water. Okay, then we'll take the ones that are for personal protection and...

A: Read to them!

Q: (L) In other words, speak to them. Talk to them about what they're supposed to be doing?

A: Yes. Modify the 91st Psalm. Provide a copy to the recipient as well so they are aware of the protective parameters and can augment them from time to time.
Perhaps you would like to read this entire session. In time you will learn to converse with the Divine Cosmic Mind.

There will be more experienced people here who will continue to give you advice.
Thank you for bringing up this question, mugatea. I would love some guidance on this too. I do use the readings that came with the crystals along with the two other prayers given. I have some other favorites added to my routine as well. What I am really wanting is advice on how to pray for others or the planet without placing my own agenda in the request that could infringe upon free will. I do want to honor free will to the fullest. When I pray for one's highest good is that an infringement on free will? Can I ask for their protection, comfort or perfect healing if they have not personally asked me for that? Does anyone have wording for a prayer for the benefit of others that they can share?
Hi, I've searched on the forum and found some interesting comments, but I might not be very good with the search engine. I wondered if there was any guidance or info on how to properly pray. Tough times for many at the mo and I thought it might be helpful, or at least give some comfort. I've prayed a few times... when in need, as you do... but who do you pray to? How are you meant to do it? Do you pray to ancestors? Passed family members? The C's? Jesus? Julius? God? Your possible future self?

If anyone has any better forum links they can send my way or if this has been discussed before I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
It is late here and I just launched into my question without first addressing yours...sorry. I think you can pray to any or all of those mentioned on your list. And I imagine it can be done in any style that suits you...a formal approach to simply talking, as long as it is sincere and does not infringe upon the free will of another.
Hi Mugatea

Something that helped me a lot to learn how to pray (with my soul) was to obtain the crystals.

Having my crystals has made me feel more connected to the group, that I belong here.

Perhaps you would like to read this entire session. In time you will learn to converse with the Divine Cosmic Mind.

There will be more experienced people here who will continue to give you advice.
Thanks a lot!
Hello @mugatea I pray different ways, for different situations. Many here pray to the Divine Cosmic Mind.

Sometimes, I say formal prayers I was raised with; there are prayers for every situation and affliction...there are prayers of thanks, also. Other times I pray to my higher self, sometimes Jesus, sometimes Mary or Joseph, asking them as parents to put a word in for my request...this is called intercession and I ask St Francis to pray/bless my pets and nature..

I have also called on my father's spirit to watch over my son, in life and death. When I called my dad in to watch over Addam during troubling times, my father's spirit was with me for hours.

What I am really wanting is advice on how to pray for others or the planet without placing my own agenda in the request that could infringe upon free will. I do want to honor free will to the fullest.
@JeanneT I have been praying daily for our planet and her peoples. In this case...and for more personal requests, keeping like concerns as yours in mind, I pray asking the Holy Spirit to descend and bless all with Grace and Mercy.
who do you pray to? How are you meant to do it? Do you pray to ancestors? Passed family members? The C's? Jesus? Julius? God? Your possible future self?
In short, I pray mainly to Divine Cosmic Mind. I also send best wishes to my past self and ask my future self for assistance.

My praying has undergone a transformation through the years of my life. I was raised in a Catholic family so I was taught to pray daily to God and my Guardian Angel. I remember that as a child I sincerely prayed every day, in the morning and before going to sleep. It was kind of funny because after the formal prayer I always asked with my own words for what I would like to receive the next day from life. It was trivial things important for kids such as: "God, please help me so the teacher will not bother me at school with anything today". When I think about it now, this prayer was especially successful or I was just a very lucky child in comparison to my classmates ;-) But coming back to the question of how are you meant to do it, I think one of the most important aspects of praying is sincerity.

Later in my life, I think somewhere in high school, I stopped attending church and also stopped praying almost entirely. This was the period when I acquired more interest in magic, wicca, and similar mumbo jumbo. When I ponder this period of life, the only activity that can be described as prayer was the occasional verbalization of my wants and needs to the Universe or various forces of nature.

There is this saying: "Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true!" Indeed some of my then wishes came true years after the wish/prayer, unsuspected, and not wanted at all at that time. My guess is that there are a lot of spirits, and entities around that can hear our prayers/thoughts. For one reason or the other, they may want to help them come true, and may have the ability to impact the turn of events. And, since One is all and all is One, it seems perfectly logical. I mean, if I pray to God, a part of God can fulfill my wish/prayer.

Finally, we come to the third stage of my life when I came across this forum. I have been acquainted with the Divine Cosmic Mind and gathered some knowledge. I started to pray daily using the Prayer of the Soul, and later with the prayers for Crystals, and also singing the song In the Garden. I memorized all of these texts, and am fond of them. I know these are powerful, great, and carefully chosen words that can create an impact, however, it is still easier for me to concentrate and engage in a prayer when I use my own words.

Nowadays, I have also this feeling that I am not supposed to pray for anything specific. I feel this would be akin to wanting to control something or somebody. And who I am to know what outcome is the best for me or others. So, another important aspect of praying for me is openness. To be as open/neutral as possible in prayer in order to be of help (in my understanding of what is good) but also leave enough space for an outcome completely different from what I would subjectively wish for.

Going into detail, when I encounter a situation that I feel needs prayer, for example, my family member has a scary problem and I would like to see it resolved for the best, I just say "Divine Cosmic Mind, please ..." and in each situation, I just put different words in the place of the dots. I try not to think too much and just let the words go from my heart naturally. However, there were only a few situations in the past years when I did this. When I pray like this, I almost instantly forget about it and never ponder the outcome of my prayers later.

Does anyone have wording for a prayer for the benefit of others that they can share?

I also wondered about the problem of free will infringement and I came to the conclusion that the safest universal prayer I can use for the benefit of others, is something like this:

"Divine Cosmic Mind, if you think this is right, provide XYZ with an opportunity to gather knowledge, awareness, and light so he could resolve his problem/make his life the best possible for him/etc."

In this way, even if the prayer will be fulfilled, in the end, it is up to the person whether or not he/she chooses to take advantage of the opportunity.

So these are my thoughts on praying I wanted to share, FWIW
Great topic. I am not sure the external peripherals and mechanics of prayer are the key point. (Such as the words, rituals and conceptualizations of what constitutes God or whatever the hell is 'out there' or 'up there' to pray to).

What is in the soul? What is being prayed about? What is the inner intent? Can we pray just to get in touch with the presence of that which is higher and greater than our selves in this current state? (While assuming that there are greater, higher forces that are actually willing to help us if that is what we need and are asking.) Is praying with intent, actually a kind of a trap? That said, I think there are different types of prayer as there are different types of love.

As for myself, I see some different categories of prayer. One is to open to that divine cosmic mind and ask for input; for knowledge: show me, teach me what is really true in any situation. "Shine your light on me, Oh Lord", IOW. Another is certainly praying for a positive outcome for others or the self, but, what constitutes a positive outcome? Do WE know? Shouldn't we be trusting that the greater cosmos knows what is best or necessary, somehow?

If life is religion then life is also prayer.

But, basically, I try to connect with and listen to whatever is higher than me, especially when I am at a loss. I try to open up to it. Prayer does not have to have an object. Prayer with an object is anticipation, or, us deciding, in advance, what the outcome should be. I think I am saying that prayer is as tricky as STO vs STS.

And perhaps with absolute faith, no prayer is necessary.

Or at least not the prayer with a wished-for outcome. 2 of my kids are vaxxed. Should I pray they will be passed over by the potential negative effects? Should I pray they only got saline? I certainly hope so. OR should I be content and accept that whatever happens is all a part of a greater plan and accept whatever comes down the pike? I said what I had to say; they did what they did for the reasons they did. The lessons are for them. And me. But whatever comes, I need to accept whatever is real and true, even if I don't like it, or it breaks my heart to see it happen.

All that said, I will say that whenever I go out at night under the stars and ground my feet into the earth or lean on a tree while bringing my concerns and conundrums before the heavens above, I never do it in with the light of the moon hitting me! (So my faith is certainly not complete!)
Some saints have said "pray constantly". What does this mean? Walking around continually twiddling a Rosary?

I think it means just being always aware that "God" is present and "with us" and available in every single moment no matter how mundane if only we are aware of it in some corner of the mind that always has that light bulb (or candle) on.
Does anyone have wording for a prayer for the benefit of others that they can share?
I tend to use the phrase “best possible outcome” when praying for people who are struggling.
It seems kind of bland, but when I say it I acknowledge that I do not know what the best outcome is.
It means that, if it must be painful, let it be merciful and if it cannot resolve so that someone is happy, may they learn from it how to be.
May good come from it, I suppose.

I’m not sure it is the best approach, but I haven’t caught any “monkey’s paw” vibes from it yet.
Hi mugatea,

This is a good question, personally I say my daily prayers at night, I recite the POTS and whenever I intend it for someone else, I change the subject of the prayer to someone else, I add details in my mind that might help identify the person.

I usually also clarify the intent of my prayer and I usually intend it to go untainted from my own personal biases, and blindspots, shortsightedness and wishful thinking. If I know something particular about the person, or the situation that they're going through, I usually mention it as well.

I pray for strength, for clarity, for vision, for will, for the persons to find ease in whatever process they may be undergoing.

When it comes to me, personally, I usually tend to have it more conversational, speak to the universe in as sincere a manner as I can, maybe mention my short comings, my confusion.

The other thing I wanted to mention was that, sharing one's burdens, or whatever situation might be at the center of one's worries, helps out immensely. It's the other part of praying I think, reaching out to the universe that is represented in other human beings. So if you're ever in a situation that proves overwhelming, feel free to open up a thread and ask others for advice and assistance as well. They may be able to help you in ways that might not be visible to you yet.
I don't usually pray a lot, I try to make my waking acts consistent with who I am.

I believe that requests through prayers are selfish in most people, which is normal since we are and we are in an STS environment.

I really like the prayer of the soul since the only prayer that I liked before was the Christian Our Father, so in moments of personal or other people's tribulation I recite it.

When doing it I notice something like if I connected.

And whenever I request something, I do it with the requirement that if it can happen great and if it can't happen too.

I always say something like "I have this problem to solve..., as long as there is no higher plan that must be respected".

In the end it boils down to asking for help, but accepting any outcome that occurs in the future.

I hope I have explained myself well.
This is a good question and yet there are so many ways to pray! Apart from reciting the prayers, whatever they are, praying is also about being grateful. I open my eyes in the morning when I wake up and say thank you. Thank you, I am alive. I pray when I stand in front of a tree or when I listen to the birds singing in the morning. Or when I laugh, because laughing is another way of praying. And especially the smile, when I smile I pray because I am present, present for that person to whom I smile. Present at that moment. Listening to the silence is another way of praying. In fact, to pray is to say to the Universe and to DCM a big thank you, in all simplicity, but also to ask for strength and courage for others, when we pray for them, and for ourselves.
Je prie aussi avec les prières données par Laura pour les Cristaux, je chante et j'ajoute des paroles et des demandes que je remets dans les mains du Divin Esprit Cosmique...
Mes Ancêtres, mes Anges Gardiens, mes Guides Spirituels, mon Âme, la belle personne que je suis en devenir, mes petits animaux qui m'ont quittée, les Cassiopéens, les Esprits aux Services des Autres de tout l'univers, l'Univers, notre belle planète Terre Mère GAYA et je suis infiniment reconnaissante pour tous les points positifs dans ma vie et les bienfaits accordés...

I also pray with the prayers given by Laura for the Crystals, I sing and add words and requests that I put in the hands of the Divine Cosmic Spirit...
My Ancestors, my Guardian Angels, my Spiritual Guides, my Soul, the beautiful person that I am becoming, my little animals that have left me, the Cassiopaeans, the Spirits at the Services of the Others of the whole universe, the Universe, our beautiful planet Mother Earth GAYA and I am infinitely grateful for all the positive points in my life and the benefits granted ...

Translated with (free version)
The epistemology of Metapsychiatry, or beyond psychiatry, was founded by Dr. Thomas Hora. I have read a number of Hora’s books, which have been eye-opening for me. One of Hora’s students ( wrote a small book on prayer, including a discussion on how to pray and the meaning of prayer. Below are some extracts from her book. If the word “God” is unsuitable (for example, if you were brought up Catholic like I was), other nomenclature can be used (e.g., Divine Mind, Love-Intelligence, The Source of All Being, etc.).


“Metapsychiatry defines prayer as a constant conscious endeavor to behold our identities as spiritual and our true place as existing in divine Reality. Prayer means listening for the inspired ideas which God is constantly bringing to us. ......... Prayer is the means of tuning in to the “still small Voice” of the One Mind. ……. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 45:10). ……… God helps us every moment of life with what we need to know, and regular prayer opens our minds to become alert to divine impulses and wisdom which can guide and protect us. ……..

“Jesus gave us directions for prayer with these words: “When thou prayest, enter into thy closet [consciousness], and when thou has shut thy door [to all worldly preoccupations], pray to thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly” (Mt. 6:6). Consciousness is the sanctuary where prayer takes place, and the most essential aspects about prayer are listening and receptivity. While prayer may begin with speaking words, contemplating a sacred text, or examining an existential issue, in its highest form, it can move beyond words and thoughts to a meditative state of pure awareness. It is a highly alert, attentive and grateful consciousness which listens for whatever it is that divine inspiration is telling it, and this communication is always only one way - from God to man.

“Prayer is not, therefore, petitioning or bargaining, complaining or demanding, asking or begging God for anything; it is not about influencing God or manipulating God to give us what we want. Prayer is based on listening and seeing, seeing Reality rather than getting anything from it. The essential issue in all prayer is always seeing: expanding consciousness to see more of the nondimensional, noumenal truth-of-being, opening our viewpoint into the infinite Reality. We seek to behold “what really is” (rather than visualize, fantasize or imagine ["what should be"]); we are seeking direct contact with Absolute Reality, a glimpse of the Perfect Order of the Universe of Mind. “Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Ps. 119:18). ……

“Prayer and meditation are the ways by which we learn to let God govern and direct our lives and our responses; these holy practices bring clarity and correction to our problems and a deeper understanding to consciousness. We do not pray for a solution to a problem. As long as we are involved with the problem, we are still anchored to it. The solution to every problem, be it physical, emotional, financial, personal or collective, is to turn away from it and find our peace in God, to see our already existing at-one-ment with the infinite Good and unconditional Love of divine Reality. ……..

"In realizing our dwelling place to be in God, our problems can be dissolved, and unexpected solutions or healings can appear. These blessings are the “fruits” of effective prayer. The purpose of frequent prayer is to increase receptivity, and the objective of prayer is always to realize some aspect of truth……. [When, through prayer, we sense the presence of spiritual qualities, whether they be peace, assurance, gratitude, or love] we can rest absolutely sure that the answer to our need is on its way (is being divinely arranged), or that the realization of the truth we seek is forthcoming – even if we do not yet see it or know it. “God helps those who let Him” – but we cannot be receptive to this “help,” if we are not primarily interested in knowing and serving its Source and no longer distracted by worldly pursuits or gain. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God,” and “devote yourselves to prayer” (Mt. 5:33 & II Cor. 7:5).”

When I pray for another, I pray to see them (as Metapsychiatry suggests) NOT as “they appear to be” (sick, troubled, poor, despairing, lost) in a phenomenal, non-spiritual world, but as their essence, what they “really are” – praying to see “… the holiness of [their] true existence” (as noted in the Prayer of the Soul).

In addition, if I am troubled by "life," I meditate on Psalm 23. If I or someone I know needs protection, I meditate on Psalm 91. If I need guidance in an uncertain situation, I meditate on Psalm 121.
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