HRT Drugs Shrink Women's Brains


Jedi Master

(NaturalNews) A new study carried out at Wake Forest University and published in the medical journal Neurology has found that HRT drugs literally shrink women's brains. Subjects who took HRT drugs for an extended period of time showed a loss of 2.37 cubic centimeters in the frontal lobe of the brain.

The frontal lobe is responsible for memory and thinking skills. These study findings may explain why women who use HRT drugs are increasingly being diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. David Sturdee, president of the International Menopause Society, disagrees that brain shrinkage is a bad thing. "The benefits (of HRT) are still way in excess of the risks," he explains in a BBC report. HRT drugs also increase the risk of strokes and cancer, but they earn billions of dollars in revenue for drug companies.

Are HRT drugs part of a campaign to keep the women in society barefoot, pregnant and stupid? It just so happens that these drugs -- which are mostly pushed by men -- keep women in a state of cognitive impairment in which their thinking skills are suppressed. (It turns smart women into stupid women.) The shrinkage of their frontal lobe also causes them to be unable to make good decisions about getting OFF the medications, and that plays right into the hands of Big Pharma's profit schemes.

It's not unusual for drugs to shrink the brains of those who take them. ADHD drugs have also been proven to cause stunted growth and brain shrinkage in children and teens. But that doesn't stop them from being prescribed to children.

The dumbing down of America, it seems, is being accomplished in part through the mass medication of women and children with brain-shrinking drugs.

Last night I was watching footage of a Donahue show from the 1970's. It was downright fascinating to see how highly intelligent the people in the audience were. They asked intelligent questions and were thoughtful and critical. I sat there shocked at the contrast modern-day television show audiences.

Most of today's talk shows are idiot fests, where the IQs of audience members are barely above room temperature. It's amazing how America has gone from a nation of intelligent consumers to idiot consumers in just three decades. That rising wave of idiocy just happens to coincide with the rise of Big Pharma.

Coincidence? Not likely. The mass medication of America has accomplished something quite remarkable: The mass chemical lobotomization of the population by drug companies and their government enforcers (FDA, FTC). With all the brain-shrinking drugs now being consumed by the majority of people in America, it's no exaggeration to say that America has become a nation of mentally retarded consumers, and I mean that in a clinical sense, not as a casual insult. Widespread brain shrinkage is a (sad) fact in America today.

If it all seems a little confusing, just remember this quote from one of the greatest poets in American history, W. H. Auden, who said: "We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know."
SOTT carried a story on this on Jan 13th.

Also notice my comment:

HRT is a drug therapy... See: and:

... it generally involves using synthetic hormones, mainly estrogen. It is not the same as natural plant progesterone transdermal therapy which has been shown to help many problems. See:

I've heard some horror stories from women who have been on HRT as created by the pharmaceutical companies, but have heard nothing but positive stories about women who have tried natural plant progesterone therapy. I'm on it myself.
Fwiw, another good alternative to HRT prescription drugs is St John's Wort, which can be purchased in capsule form from any health food shop (UK). I haven't tried it myself, but the women I know who do take it on a regular basis swear by it.

They certainly have a very perky 'bright-eyed and bushy-tailed' look about them!

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