HSBC banker suicide ?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
It seems that he had everything to live for but within 18 months of his new job takes his life.

(How many other senior staff of large banks have died in the last year or so?)
Another banker suicide has occured. That rachets it up to 15 so far this year.


With Russia and China having briefly taken over the hub of global executive suicides, the sad trend has returned back to America. In what appears to the 15th financial services executive suicide this year, yet another JPMorgan Director took his own life. As IBTimes reports, Jefferson Township (New Jersey) police report that the Global Network Operations Center Executive Director, "Julian Knott, age 45, shot his wife Alita Knott, age 47, multiple times and then took his own life with the same weapon." They are survived by 3 teenage children...

As IB Times reports,

JP Morgan executive director Julian Knott blasted his wife Alita to death with a shotgun before turning the gun on himself.

The 45-year-old, who worked for the investment bank in London until July 2010, shot his 47-year-old wife multiple times before committing suicide with the same weapon.


Julian moved to the United States from London in 2010 and was working at JP Morgan's Global Network Operations Center in Whippany, New Jersey, at the time of the tragedy.


Jefferson Township police, in New Jersey, confirmed on Sunday they had found two unconscious bodies at the Knotts' large suburban home at 1.12am.

A statement released on Tuesday added: "Through an extensive investigation conducted by the Jefferson Township Police Department, the Morris County Prosecutors Office and the Morris County Medical Examiner's Office the preliminary investigation has revealed that the two adults died as a result of gunshot wounds and the incident has been determined to be a murder/suicide.

"This preliminary investigation revealed that Julian Knott, age 45, shot his wife Alita Knott, age 47, multiple times and then took his own life with the same weapon."
Photos of the couple painted a picture of a content family life. Beneath the 2012 photo of Julian carrying his wife on the beach, a friend commented, "Always acting like newlyweds."

College student daughter Kayleigh, who along with her two teenage brothers survive their parents, used social media site Instagram to pay tribute to her mum and dad.

"Although I am heartbroken that they will never see me graduate college, will never be there to see me get married or to be grandparents for my children, I can still have my inner peace knowing that they are now stress-free in a much better place," she wrote.
"You never know what life is going to throw at you, but it is all part of a plan that is bigger than us all."
"So hug your families a little tighter tonight and count every little blessing because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Life is so incredibly beautiful and I can't wait to see what the world has in store for me. Rest in Peace Mummy and Daddy, stay close," she added.
* * *

This is the 15th financial services exective death in recent months...

1 - William Broeksmit, 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG, was found dead in his home after an apparent suicide in South Kensington in central London, on January 26th.

2 - Karl Slym, 51 year old Tata Motors managing director Karl Slym, was found dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok on January 27th.

3 - Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old JP Morgan employee, died after falling from the roof of the JP Morgan European headquarters in London on January 27th.

4 - Mike Dueker, 50-year-old chief economist of a US investment bank was found dead close to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State.

5 - Richard Talley, the 57 year old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was found dead earlier this month after apparently shooting himself with a nail gun.

6 - Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG, also died last month, however the circumstances surrounding his death are still unknown.

7 - Ryan Henry Crane, a 37 year old executive at JP Morgan died in an alleged suicide just a few weeks ago. No details have been released about his death aside from this small obituary announcement at the Stamford Daily Voice.

8 - Li Junjie, 33-year-old banker in Hong Kong jumped from the JP Morgan HQ in Hong Kong this week.

9 - James Stuart Jr, Former National Bank of Commerce CEO, found dead in Scottsdale, Ariz., the morning of Feb. 19. A family spokesman did not say whatcaused the death

10 - Edmund (Eddie) Reilly, 47, a trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, commited suicide by jumping in front of LIRR train

11 - Kenneth Bellando, 28, a trader at Levy Capital, formerly investment banking analyst at JPMorgan, jumped to his death from his 6th floor East Side apartment.

12 - Jan Peter Schmittmann, 57, the former CEO of Dutch bank ABN Amro found dead at home near Amsterdam with wife and daughter.

13 - Li Jianhua, 49, the director of China's Banking Regulatory Commission died of a sudden heart attack

14 - Lydia _____, 52 - jumped to her suicide from the 14th floor of Bred-Banque Populaire in Paris

15 - Julian Knott, 45 - killed wife and self with a shotgun in Jefferson Township, New Jersey
This thread is on the same topic, with suicided guys not mentioned here :,33899.msg475393.html#msg475393

Many people dead. I'm still trying to figure out why and who, and if there is an effect on the financial world. Any ideas ?
The C's mentioned in sessions this year that money will cease to exist and that there will be a stock crash in about April next year. What I can see that in some companies I know the management decisions are getting crazier and crazier. Dollar and Pound are very sick currencies; Euro is not in a much better state with all those financial problems in the (Southern) European states. I am waiting for a couple of years that the whole financial system has at least a major reset event. Thanks to Laura and team, this forum and Sott I know it will be much worse. I assume that bankers on the top have much more inside insight about probable coming events compared to a amateur like me. Most / all of them will loose a lot of their power and/or be redundant soon and they should see it coming. Another possibility is that they play "trip to Jerusalem (musical chair)" with available management jobs or other "power games".

Just my 2 cents.
Shinzenbi said:
This thread is on the same topic, with suicided guys not mentioned here :,33899.msg475393.html#msg475393

Many people dead. I'm still trying to figure out why and who, and if there is an effect on the financial world. Any ideas ?

Maybe the ones that were taken out might've spilled the beans (or even just had "beans" whether they would spill them or not) on the evil machinations of the banking world when the SHTF financially. I could just be a crazy conspiracy theorist but all these deaths cannot be a coincidence. We may never know all of the whys associated with these suspicious deaths.
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