Huge contrail of Boeing 787 filmed


FOTCM Member
The video looks imo impressive and could be a sign of further changes in the atmosphere or just a lucky moment that someone sat in the plane and had a chance to film that event with that dramatic light in the background.
Amazing video! :scared:

Last month I visited Europe for the first time in my life and one of the things that immediately struck me was the huge amount of contrails in the sky from commercial airplanes, something I've never seen before. Don't know if it something typical of the northern hemisphere, but here in Argentina it is entirely different. We rarely see them.
Peche said:
Amazing video! :scared:

Last month I visited Europe for the first time in my life and one of the things that immediately struck me was the huge amount of contrails in the sky from commercial airplanes, something I've never seen before. Don't know if it something typical of the northern hemisphere, but here in Argentina it is entirely different. We rarely see them.

That's probably due to the significantly higher density of air traffic over Europe compared to Argentina, or indeed all of South America.
What a neat video to watch. I would of thought the plane was on fire or had some issues of some sort, if I did not know it was only a contrail.
Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
Sun, 09 Jan 2011
Links within, Videos and Pics:
10) Do these activities have any effect on the weather?
Undoubtedly they do. But that is not intentional. See above discussion of cirrus clouds where the net effect is HEATING of the atmosphere.

What seems to be happening is that the area of weather phenomena - the troposphere - seems to have been compressed by an expanding (or dropping) stratosphere and the stratosphere itself seems to have changed it's characteristics. THIS is VERY concerning! These are signs and symptoms, along with many others that we have chronicled on SOTT, that something very unusual is going on in our cosmic neighborhood because weather changes are taking place on other planets, too. I can guarantee you that they aren't doing "chemtrails" on Mars or Jupiter or Saturn.
11) If you study the work of James McCanney, you will come to the understanding that the 5 layers of the Earth's atmosphere are also layers of alternating electrical charge. THIS IS IMPORTANT. McCanney also discusses how these electric flows around and on the earth interact with the sun to create our weather/climate. Piers Corbyn is becoming famous for utilizing similar principles for far more accurate weather predictions than the mainstream climatologists are able to work up. The fact that Corbyn CAN predict the weather as accurately as he does argues against the "chemtrails" being a weather modification activity. His method is concerned with solar activity, not so-called "chemtrails".

Webbot Hit : Electrical Ferocity Ancients Witnessed & Atmospheric Compression Events (368)
Published on May 10, 2017
The May 2017 ALTA report other wise known as the Webbots pegged exactly a river of rain in the skies, a deluge and "Rain Train" with such force that it would electrify the skies and displace cities. I dug through the new GOES-16 satellite images of the Lightning Mapper Satellite and Infrared cloud density, what I present to you should be an eye opened as these types of events will intensify further as we descend into the new grand solar minimum.

These electrical storms are ferocious to say the least and when you see the electric scorpion tail in that set of storms, you will begin to understand some of the petroglyphs.

Flood in Deheradun Uttarakhand 2017 Jul 2 / 1:34

Heavy Rain Brings Flash Floods & Havoc in Gujarat Assam & Manipur (3:59)
Published on Jul 1, 2017

07-01-2017 Las Vegas, NM - Intense severe hail storm and flash flooding (2:16)
It looks like further evidence of our changing atmosphere to me. Adapt 2030, who does a great job normally with the 'global cooling' videos etc, has gone with the 'cosmic radiation management / geo-engineering program' on this one.

As someone commented on the video:

Nah too far. They are not spraying chemicals to protect us. Just natural contrails. The government doesn't care about us enough to spend money to protect us from the grand solar minimum.
Wow, that is one massive contrail! Thanks for posting it Gawan. We don't get any commercial planes where I live, but I have noticed an increase in contrails when I visit my mother who lives in Sydney. Makes sense that the atmosphere is changing, given the rising levels of insanity on the planet and the Human-Cosmic connection.
Jeez, I agree that if I did not know that was a contrail it appears that the plane is on fire. Looks like the PTB are increasing the poisoning of the planet and their plans for less people in our world. Thanks for posting Gawan, this is very interesting indeed! I have never seen anything like it here in South Florida.
Anam Cara said:
It looks like further evidence of our changing atmosphere to me. Adapt 2030, who does a great job normally with the 'global cooling' videos etc, has gone with the 'cosmic radiation management / geo-engineering program' on this one.

As someone commented on the video:

Nah too far. They are not spraying chemicals to protect us. Just natural contrails. The government doesn't care about us enough to spend money to protect us from the grand solar minimum.

Unless it is to
1 Control weather patterns,
See HAARP Report on Ionic Heaters,
2 To increase the incidence of Vitamin D Deficiency,

Incidentally , on the original Video , although I would prefer a longer shot,
If you Expand the screen and focus on just an Edge Wisp, they do not appear to be Vanishing as most contrails do.
SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
Anam Cara said:
It looks like further evidence of our changing atmosphere to me. Adapt 2030, who does a great job normally with the 'global cooling' videos etc, has gone with the 'cosmic radiation management / geo-engineering program' on this one.

As someone commented on the video:

Nah too far. They are not spraying chemicals to protect us. Just natural contrails. The government doesn't care about us enough to spend money to protect us from the grand solar minimum.

Unless it is to
1 Control weather patterns,
See HAARP Report on Ionic Heaters,
2 To increase the incidence of Vitamin D Deficiency,

If you haven't done so, I highly recommend reading the article c.a. posted above:

Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies

Beside also the following:

Chemtrails, Disinformation and the Sixth Extinction
HAARP and The Canary in the Mine

Also Pierre LEscaudron writes in one chapter about chemtrails in his book: Earth Changes and The Human Cosmic Connection]]Earth Changes and The Human Cosmic Connection
Gawan said:
SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
Anam Cara said:
It looks like further evidence of our changing atmosphere to me. Adapt 2030, who does a great job normally with the 'global cooling' videos etc, has gone with the 'cosmic radiation management / geo-engineering program' on this one.

As someone commented on the video:

Nah too far. They are not spraying chemicals to protect us. Just natural contrails. The government doesn't care about us enough to spend money to protect us from the grand solar minimum.

Unless it is to
1 Control weather patterns,
See HAARP Report on Ionic Heaters,
2 To increase the incidence of Vitamin D Deficiency,

If you haven't done so, I highly recommend reading the article c.a. posted above:

Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies

Beside also the following:

Chemtrails, Disinformation and the Sixth Extinction
HAARP and The Canary in the Mine

Also Pierre LEscaudron writes in one chapter about chemtrails in his book: Earth Changes and The Human Cosmic Connection]]Earth Changes and The Human Cosmic Connection

Ellipse The Living Force
Re: Mind Control & HAARP
« Reply #61 on: July 21, 2011, 03:28:32 PM,1750.msg277073.html#msg277073
I stumble upon this article which talk about Haarp as a mind control machine and describe, perhaps, how it work but make some confusions with climate. The article was publish in 1999.
If you haven't done so, I highly recommend reading the article c.a. posted above:

Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies

Beside also the following:

Chemtrails, Disinformation and the Sixth Extinction
HAARP and The Canary in the Mine

Also Pierre LEscaudron writes in one chapter about chemtrails in his book: Earth Changes and The Human Cosmic Connection]]Earth Changes and The Human Cosmic Connection

SocietyoftheSpectacle, there is also this article:
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