Huge west London tower block inferno – Grenfell Tower fire

Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

This is Mind Blowing , and Not the first time a Big Event has
CHIMED with the TEXT found on the chabad Ashkenazi scriptural site,

The comments are worth a LOOK,
Including the "Its all a HOAX" shills,
the misdirectors and the plain Trollish.
( "THEY" dont like annies truth ) LOL,
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

Mariama said:
I read some heartbreaking accounts on the site of the Daily Mail, mothers throwing their children out of the windows, yelling for help and asking bystanders to catch them. :cry:

It's horrible. I've been watching some videos about it, and listened to what witnesses had to say. From what I understand, firefighters really did their best to save people. They had much difficulty going up the stairs, as there was a lot of fire within the building. People were waving out of their windows, letting others know they're alive and they're trapped. People watching them felt so helpless.

There was one picture of the whole building on fire and small streams of water hitting it (from the firefighters), and I was thinking that that's not going to do too much, and in such a case, a lot has to be done in a very short amount of time. What about aerial firefighting? If the government made it so to always have a few aircrafts more/less ready to go for emergency cases, they could've been applied.

The reason of the fire, and the lack of correct directions on what to do in case of a fire, a meek fire alarm (which was just a low beep), etc. makes it quite clear that authorities indeed do not want to protect their people. If they won't make sure that every building is safely built, how can we expect them to even care about protecting people from 'terrorist attacks'? I think people in the UK are becoming more and more aware of this.

A situation like this also makes me think about how we could prepare if something like this would occur. I once had a training a long time ago, and we were all encouraged to purchase a fire extinguisher and a special blanket that helps put out fires. Still, being trapped like that, there isn't much one can do. Very sad. :(
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

And the 400-500 residents, spread over the 20 residential levels, had been advised to “stay put” inside their flats - possibly because there was only one exit.

“The entire building doesn’t have an alarm and the fire brigade were telling people not to come out. I saw people jumping from the top floors without anything because the only way out was down the stairs, which has a gas pipe next to it.”

Going through numerous articles, to get a better "feel" for what happened in this tragic incident, the above stood out.

There is an estimated "400-500 residents" living in the building and the only exit out "was down one flight of stairs" which had a gas pipe located next to it?

I'm assuming the building was outfitted with elevators with a main entrance and exit point? And only "one" emergency set of stairs for the whole building?
What kind of building codes does the U.K. have? In the U.S., a building that size (regardless what it's used for - business or occupation) is required to have a front and back "main entrance/exit" and emergency stairs on opposite sides - giving four options to exit a building in an emergency.

From what I can gather from the reports, there was only one main entrance to come in and out and there was "one set of stairs" for the whole building?
Yet, the main focus in the fire is the cladding installed on the outside? The building was a death trap to begin with ... with or without the flammable cladding?
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

Interesting Addition.

An Official site for reporting Incidents says 650 were affected and 538 were misswing ,
at Least that was the figure yesterday,
NOW it is 0 people missing ???
( way back machine )
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
An Official site for reporting Incidents says 650 were affected and 538 were misswing ,
at Least that was the figure yesterday,
NOW it is 0 people missing ???

Great find, SocietyoftheS​pectacle !!!

Last I read, only 58 were missing? Sounds like a grand deception is being played through the media? A horrific deception!
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

Oxajil said:
Mariama said:
I read some heartbreaking accounts on the site of the Daily Mail, mothers throwing their children out of the windows, yelling for help and asking bystanders to catch them. :cry:

It's horrible. I've been watching some videos about it, and listened to what witnesses had to say. From what I understand, firefighters really did their best to save people. They had much difficulty going up the stairs, as there was a lot of fire within the building. People were waving out of their windows, letting others know they're alive and they're trapped. People watching them felt so helpless.

There was one picture of the whole building on fire and small streams of water hitting it (from the firefighters), and I was thinking that that's not going to do too much, and in such a case, a lot has to be done in a very short amount of time. What about aerial firefighting? If the government made it so to always have a few aircrafts more/less ready to go for emergency cases, they could've been applied.

The reason of the fire, and the lack of correct directions on what to do in case of a fire, a meek fire alarm (which was just a low beep), etc. makes it quite clear that authorities indeed do not want to protect their people. If they won't make sure that every building is safely built, how can we expect them to even care about protecting people from 'terrorist attacks'? I think people in the UK are becoming more and more aware of this.

A situation like this also makes me think about how we could prepare if something like this would occur. I once had a training a long time ago, and we were all encouraged to purchase a fire extinguisher and a special blanket that helps put out fires. Still, being trapped like that, there isn't much one can do. Very sad. :(

When I read this post i did a little search, and thought of an informative video that address escaping a high rise fire during our travels.

But be advised, that any, and all situations, (as the C's say) can't be predicted, or set in stone. The future is variable, as many outcome's are possible

This is especially true, if having to be challenged with (rapidly changing), situations encountering fire. So being prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually could possibly provide a positive outcome.

Anticipation and non-anticipation

May 14 2017

Chemistry of Fire MGM !980 (10:57)

Published on May 1, 2017
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

Reports are now 79 dead but Press TV has an interesting interview with a woman who claims to have grown up in Grenfell Tower by the name of Nadia who has identified herself on social media as DJ Isla - where she has a large following. The LiveLeak five minute video is below. Nadia asks a very serious question, "Where are the missing people? Where is the list of the 500, 600 people living in that building?"

Number of Victims in London Tower Block Fire Rises to 79 - Reports

A huge fire started at the 24-floor Grenfell Tower in North Kensington on June 14, engulfing the entire building and trapping almost 120 families inside.

"There are 79 people that are either confirmed dead and had been identified or are missing, and sadly I have to presume are dead," police Commander Stuart Cundy said addressing the press outside Scotland Yard on Monday.

British media have censored the death of hundreds of people who have lost their lives in the Grenfell Tower fire in west London, a local resident has said.

London's Grenfell Tower blaze killed 500 residents: Local resident

The more than 500 people unaccounted from Grenfell Tower fire are dead, Nadia, whose family name was not given, told Press TV.

London Police Commander Stuart Cundy told reporters on Saturday that 58 people are feared dead in the fire.

According to reports, however, the building was home to about 600 people.

Nadia told Press TV's correspondent in London, Camilia Shambayati, that only 76 out of some 600 people who were living in the building where she grew up, had been accounted for and more than 500 residents were still missing.

Nadia has identified herself on social media as DJ Isla where she has a large following.

"Where are the missing people? Where is the list of the 500, 600 people living in that building," she asked.

"Where is everyone," she further asked, adding, "Little kids are asking: 'Where are my friends?'"

She insisted that the missing residents had all died and the UK media, particularly BBC, had censored the news.

"Everyone has died and no one is telling them," she said, adding that, "the news can't pick it up" referring to the alleged media blackout of the fatalities.

On Wednesday June 14, a massive fire erupted at London’s Grenfell Tower.

The building is a 24-story, 67-meter high tower block with 120 separate apartments in North Kensington, west London.

The cause of the fire, where many of the residents were Muslims, is not yet known and the deadly incident is under investigation.

500 to 600 people died in London tower fire: DJ Isla (5:12 min.)

News reports coming out of London on the Glenfell Tower fire are scant compared with this recent Finsbury Park station incident in north London that's making the headlines. Is it a diversion?

Van Drives Into Pedestrians Near London Mosque

Van Drives Into Pedestrians Near London Mosque

UK Muslim Council Says Van Intentionally Targeted Muslims Near Mosque in London

Muslim Council Calls Finsbury Park Incident 'Manifestation of Islamophobia'

Police: 1 Killed, 8 Hospitalised After Van Rams Into Pedestrians in London

Theresa May Calls London Van Collision With Pedestrians 'Terrible Incident'

UK Labour Party Leader Says Shocked at Finsbury Park Incident

Mayor of London Condemns 'Horrific Terrorist Attack' in Finsbury Park

Boris Johnson After Finsbury Incident: 'We Will Never Allow Hate to Divide Us'

Home Secretary Urges UK Citizens to 'Stand Together' After London Attack

UK Prime Minister Condemns 'Terrorist' Finsbury Park Mosque Attack

London Police Probe Link Between Van Ramming, Death at Finsbury Park
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

angelburst29 said:
London's Grenfell Tower blaze killed 500 residents: Local resident

How could they hide the odor of decay, of that many people. Five days with sweltering temps since then and cadavers will react very violently unattended. Strange if this is true, some one would have taken video documentation (given all eye's are watching), of the necessary vehicles, to handle that volume dead.

This image was with Leaks vid. with the comments. Also many of the comments were very brutal, and barbaric. Crazy.


I sensed a forced crying jag as to the spontaneity of real grief, and the uncontrolled humility of losing loved one's. Under conditions like this........ Just saying.

Same, a little longer @ 7:38
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

The thing with REAL events is that REAL people showing REAL grief is likely to appear Odd to a Public that has been Spoon Fed crisis Actors.
I have a Friend who Knew someone involved in the Glasgow Garbage truck Crash,
real people died,
and yet the BBC Used an actress to play a Distraught Relative !

There is a video of a Woman in an upper floor that was livestreamed on Facebook ,
It is Disturbing , so I warn you first.
Real fear etc,
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

Posted by: angelburst29
« on: Today at 02:31:44 PM »
London's Grenfell Tower blaze killed 500 residents: Local resident

Rt has picked this story up as well... :/
‘Why is nobody reporting the real death toll?’ Grenfell Tower survivors ask
Published time: 19 Jun, 2017 15:58
Early on in the wake of the tragedy, the media faced a backlash among public figures like rapper Akala and pop star Lily Allen over the low reported death toll, which for several days stood at just 17 despite the block being densely populated.

Allen, who is from the area, told Channel 4 News at the time:
“I have never in my entire life seen an event like this where the death count has been downplayed by the mainstream media. 17?

“I’m sorry but I am hearing the figure is much closer to 150 and that many of those people are children.”

She said police officers and firefighters on the ground had told her of the triple figure toll.

The media came under fire again when Allen’s scheduled interview with BBC Newsnight was pulled at the last minute.

Critics said it was because she had questioned the low official number of fatalities.

The BBC later argued that Allen had been dropped because the head of the local council, Nick Paget-Brown, had agreed to appear and his position made him a priority guest.
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

It happened during evening so many many residents where there. The number of 79 is ridiculous. Concerning the odour of human flesh other odours stronger like plastic and everything you have in a building like this, a huge building, will hide the smell of corpse maybe? And those corpses are surely now ashes?
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

loreta said:
It happened during evening so many many residents where there. The number of 79 is ridiculous. Concerning the odour of human flesh other odours stronger like plastic and everything you have in a building like this, a huge building, will hide the smell of corpse maybe? And those corpses are surely now ashes?

I've been wondering about the same thing loreta and I dug up this article on SOTT: It says there that after 7 hours the corpse would in fact be not far off ashes:

(...) Body fat can make a good fuel source, but it needs material such as clothing or charred wood to act as a wick. Like that in a wax candle, a wick absorbs the fat and pulls it into the flame, where it is vapourised, so enabling it to burn.

Assuming there is sufficient wick material, the body can sustain its own fire for around 7 hours. During this time, the heat causes muscles to dry out and contract, making the limbs move and sometimes adopt characteristic postures. Bone takes longer to burn, so by the end the skeleton is usually laid bare like a charred anatomical model, coated in the greasy residue of burned flesh. (...)
An exact figure is unknown but it is a 24-storey tower block and there are thought to be around 24 people per floor.

It is still unknown how many people were home when the fire happened but despite being illegal subletting is very common in London . If you add unregistered tenants to the official number of tenants living there, minus those who weren't home, 500 people present in the building at the time the tragedy happened may in fact be a realistic estimate.

79 people out of 500-600 is around 15%. To me this number would be realistic if it wasn't for the fact that nearly all reports I've come across mentioned poor evacuation routes. The bottom floors would become extremely congested with people living higher up struggling to escape.
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

loreta said:
It happened during evening so many many residents where there. The number of 79 is ridiculous. Concerning the odour of human flesh other odours stronger like plastic and everything you have in a building like this, a huge building, will hide the smell of corpse maybe? And those corpses are surely now ashes?

Good possibility. The fire was intense there is no doubt. Smoke would have incapacitated those unable to escape the higher landing. The higher floors would have had the most intense temperatures, for total immolation, perhaps. So it very well could be a situation they are hiding. Five hundred. Just a bit unsure, what to make of it due to a lack of data.

Recovery and Inter pretation of Burned Human Remains
Victim remains at fatal fire scenes are typically difficult to detect, recover and handle. All of the burned material at the scene, including biological tissue, is often modified to a similar appearance, and bones, in particular, become discolored, brittle, and highly fragmented. As a consequence, these remains are often missed, disturbed, altered, or even destroyed during scene processing with the existing protocols.The added postmortem fracturing, fragmentation and bone loss resulting from these recovery techniques hinder the already difficult task of autopsy and laboratory analysis of burned human remains. This is especially problematic for bone trauma analysis, as its most immediate goal is distinguishing perimortem (forensically significant) trauma, from postmortem (not forensically significant) alteration. The substantial addition of trauma features created by fire and then recovery can result in a daunting analytical task.

Thermocouple Data

All there mocouple readings indicate a rapid and almost linear increases in the overall temperature in unattended fires, well past flash point, and illustrate the protecting effect of the
body tissues on the body surface areas not directly exposed to the fire source. Even the absence of chemical accelerant and in relatively unconfined areas, temperatures above 1000° C (akin if slightly
inferior to those in funeral crematory ovens) can be attained in times as short as half an hour in fires of these characteristics. However, these peak temperatures appear to be short lived, with most of the fire cycle typically taking place under 1000-900ºC. Flash point temperatures can be reached between 10 and 25 minutes, depending on the characteristics of fire and structure. Even if unattended, most of the high-temperature (above 500ºC) fire cycle was basically completed within around one hour from initial ignition in all cases. Even when peak temperatures above 1300ºC were observed in some cases, temperatures on the body surfaces away from the fire typically kept at least around 100ºC lower than room peak temperatures. Body interior and protected surfaces typically do not even reach boiling temperatures until room temperature rises to around 500-600ºC. Before flash point temperatures are reached, temperatures of protected body areas (underneath the body) keep at least around 100ºC below those of exposed areas.

Posted by: Ant22
« on: Today at 10:19:52 PM »
Insert Quote
Body burners: The forensics of fire
Linda Geddes New Scientist Sun, 24 May 2009 18:45 UTC
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
The thing with REAL events is that REAL people showing REAL grief is likely to appear Odd to a Public that has been Spoon Fed crisis Actors.
I have a Friend who Knew someone involved in the Glasgow Garbage truck Crash,
real people died,
and yet the BBC Used an actress to play a Distraught Relative !

SocietyoftheSpectacle you might want to check out sott's work on 'crisis actors'.
The super short version is (based on what we know about psychopaths) - why use actors, when it's easier to just kill people.
Why there were no 'actors' at the Boston Marathon bombings

fwiw I'm not ruling out the BBC creating fake news, just that you shouldn't jump to concluding people are actors just because they act odd or seem fake.
People react differently to emotional situations when under heightened stress, depending on temperament and cultural upbringing.
Re: Huge west London tower block inferno – reports RT

Clip from BBC Newsnight who was a witness of the event, is a resident of the area and an architect (featured on a tv show), published on the 15th June (1min 30 seconds).

He says he's never seen a building catch fire like that before in his life, the biggest problem was the outside, they'd re-clad the building at a cost of £10Million in 2016 and there is no way a fire should spread that quickly on a recently refurbished building; it was the cladding panels that were burning and peeling off like a banana the air gap between that and the insulation was a 'fantastic chimney' for the fire to rage round; saw people hanging out of windows; a woman on the 14th floor banging something at the outside of the building screaming at him to get her out; one guy caught a child, thrown out of a window from the 8th floor; then he points to a firefighter who had been in the building for 8 hours and he looks like he's been in 'hell'; the stories he's heard from other firefighters who had been in there "there's alot of people who have died'; from what 'he saw watching it the entire night - there was nothing he could do about it - anybody who was in from the 14th floor, i don't think they got out".

Ant22 said:
An exact figure is unknown but it is a 24-storey tower block and there are thought to be around 24 people per floor.

It is still unknown how many people were home when the fire happened but despite being illegal subletting is very common in London . If you add unregistered tenants to the official number of tenants living there, minus those who weren't home, 500 people present in the building at the time the tragedy happened may in fact be a realistic estimate.

79 people out of 500-600 is around 15%. To me this number would be realistic if it wasn't for the fact that nearly all reports I've come across mentioned poor evacuation routes. The bottom floors would become extremely congested with people living higher up struggling to escape.

Good points Ant22; the official death toll doesn't add up, to me at least.

Grenfell Tower Fire - Architect George Clarke gives his account of the tragedy
Nathan Blanco
Nathan Blanco
Published on Jun 15, 2017
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