I wake up to invisible presence in my room that quickly vanishes


The Force is Strong With This One
This has happened to me at least 3 times

I awake from what seemed to be a dreamless sleep with the incredible feeling that someone is right next to me.

The first time it was terrifying, I thought another human was in my pitch dark room. I jumped out of bed, ran to turn on the light and one of my walls vibrates like a huge drum in slow motion... then I'm alone again. It seemed like whatever it was escaped through my wall causing it to physically deform and vibrate. The motion lasted 5 - 10 seconds.
I never actually saw anything other than the wall move, but I had a very intense feeling that someone was very close and fled before I could turn on the light.

The other two times were in a different house. Sleeping next to my roommate I jump out of bed immediately after waking with the same intense feeling and despite not seeing anything I attempted to follow it outside but there was nothing there.

I suppose it could be something to do with brain chemistry immediately after waking up causing hallucinations for about 30 seconds.

sound familiar to anybody?
Something similar happened to me years ago when I moved into a new residence with my girlfriend. This was my first time living truly independent (i.e. not in a dorm or anything) and I had also been worried about my girlfriend recently because she thought a past abuser knew where she lived and was possibly stalking her. I remember one night I woke up in complete alarm, I was instantly fully alert and awake (sympathetic nervous system much have been shocked into action!) because I thought I heard/sensed a disturbance in my house, possibly someone slowly coming up the stairs. It really was more like I could truly sense a malevolent presence in the house. I immediately locked the door to the bedroom but never went out to investigate. I don't think it was too likely there was really someone there..possible, but unlikely.

So my questions to you would be do you have any specific or non-specific fears of someone or something following you or wanting to cause you harm? Or someone you live with or care about? Have you had any conflicts with people that you were afraid might result in the other person attempting to harm you? Generalized anxiety? Scary movies? Does your house settle/make sounds? Lol I know that's random but one possible cause for me was the fact that the house was pretty old and generally poorly constructed and it's possible the stairs squeaked slightly as the house settled or something. Have you been reading alot about abductions in the transcripts? I'm just trying to see if there is an identifiable cause in your environment that may be prompting these experiences.

Maybe there is an imbalance or disruption in your normal brain function, like an inappropriate release of adrenalin/norepinephrine or some other neurotransmitter imbalance (maybe GABA..?) but happening ~3 times it doesn't seem too likely. But I do not know enough about neurotransmitters in relation to dreams or post-dream states to accurately comment.

Other than that, on the more paranormal side of the coin, I don't have much knowledge to dispense on that either. I don't think this fits too well based on your description but have you read about shadow people?

Hope that helps a tiny bit.
This is fairly off-topic and tangential but on an interesting side note: were you aware that the pineal gland produces both melatonin (which regulates your sleep cycle and is made directly from serotonin) and dimethyltryptamine? If you are unfamiliar with DMT- when it is consumed from a source outside the body, it can cause extremely powerful entheogenic states and even true hallucinatory experiences, but when produced naturally by the brain it is thought to be the source or mediator of various dream-states and certain visual phenomena like near-death experiences and religious visions. Interestingly enough, there is a theory gaining traction that endogenous DMT is implicated in the overall experience of consciousness.

It is also very interesting to me that DMT, when isolated from a natural source and purified, exists in a crystal form. I don't want to say anymore on this for fear of upsetting the mods (exogenous DMT after all is listed as a Schedule I substance in the US) but some people, including the maverick other-worldly explorer Terrance McKenna (who I believe made the first contemporary connection between the Mayan long-count end/beginning date of 2012 and his Timewave Zero theory on the exponentially increasing experiences of novelty in human consciousness) have had some interesting things to say about this mysterious neurotransmitter. Please note that I am not condoning in any way the use of illegal substances, I am just observing the role certain chemicals play in the human experience.

from Wikipedia, based on research by J.V. Wallach:
A new hypothesis proposed is that in addition to being involved in altered states of consciousness, endogenous DMT may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that DMT and other endogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptors found in the CNS where DMT and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can be thought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with the external world that the altered states arise.

You can definitely create some fascinating threads of speculation on how all this may possibly be the mechanism that connects the material plane of biology and chemistry to the ethereal...but on a more related note to your original post, how the separation of dreams and wakeful "reality" can sometimes become hard to distinguish.
teeeg said:
This is fairly off-topic and tangential but on an interesting side note: were you aware that the pineal gland produces both melatonin (which regulates your sleep cycle and is made directly from serotonin) and dimethyltryptamine? If you are unfamiliar with DMT- when it is consumed from a source outside the body, it can cause extremely powerful entheogenic states and even true hallucinatory experiences, but when produced naturally by the brain it is thought to be the source or mediator of various dream-states and certain visual phenomena like near-death experiences and religious visions. Interestingly enough, there is a theory gaining traction that endogenous DMT is implicated in the overall experience of consciousness.

Hi Teeeg,

DMT usage and it's consequences have been discussed over here :Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock
I think that area of the forum is off-limits to me :(

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teeeg said:
I think that area of the forum is off-limits to me :(

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The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

Yeah, it's the Work sub-forum.
You can check out this thread http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=18175.0 for more information about when you'll have access to that and other semi-restricted parts of Cass forum...
Darn, that topic looks very interesting. I have my own limited experiential views on DMT/Aya, etc and how they basically open a person up to being "infected" by STS beings OR receiving good info from STO beings. Problem is, to get to the STOs, you have to move through the "energetic swamp" of the STS layer(s) between us and the STOs, so one tends to pick up "bugs" that have to be "debugged" after the experience.

Anyhow, I think that in general, and for most people, such substances have limited value beyond a handful of experiences.

By the way, as to the topic at hand, 4th Density STS beings can and do interfere with us in our dream states. It's been happening for eons, so it's nothing to get too twisted up about, BUT a bit of pre-sleep shielding can potentially help keep them out of your inner environment while you sleep.

However, that depends on where you tend to go while asleep. The STS critters have "dream prisons" set up to basically control the dream state of many people simultaneously. So you have to state your intention to your Higher/Inner Self that you want to dream within the safety of your inner light, and only on the highest densities that you can possibly go to.

Hope that's helpful...
MindOverEverything said:
However, that depends on where you tend to go while asleep. The STS critters have "dream prisons" set up to basically control the dream state of many people simultaneously. So you have to state your intention to your Higher/Inner Self that you want to dream within the safety of your inner light, and only on the highest densities that you can possibly go to.

And how do you know this?
MindOverEverything said:
I have my own limited experiential views on DMT/Aya, etc and how they basically open a person up to being "infected" by STS beings OR receiving good info from STO beings.

Hi MindOverEverything, have you had a chance to read the forum guidelines that were linked in your welcome post? You may wish to check it out, particularly the section regarding discussion of drug use and other related pastimes.
Jason (ocean59) said:
MindOverEverything said:
I have my own limited experiential views on DMT/Aya, etc and how they basically open a person up to being "infected" by STS beings OR receiving good info from STO beings.

Hi MindOverEverything, have you had a chance to read the forum guidelines that were linked in your welcome post? You may wish to check it out, particularly the section regarding discussion of drug use and other related pastimes.

Definitely read the forum guidelines, MOE. Any continued discussion of recreational drug use will end with you being banned.
Easy there, folks. I was commenting on this post up above, quoted below. I couldn't view the thread discussing DMT. I certainly don't advocate it, for the reasons I mentioned, but I won't bring it up again.
Tigersoap said:
teeeg said:
This is fairly off-topic and tangential but on an interesting side note: were you aware that the pineal gland produces both melatonin (which regulates your sleep cycle and is made directly from serotonin) and dimethyltryptamine? If you are unfamiliar with DMT- when it is consumed from a source outside the body, it can cause extremely powerful entheogenic states and even true hallucinatory experiences, but when produced naturally by the brain it is thought to be the source or mediator of various dream-states and certain visual phenomena like near-death experiences and religious visions. Interestingly enough, there is a theory gaining traction that endogenous DMT is implicated in the overall experience of consciousness.

Hi Teeeg,

DMT usage and it's consequences have been discussed over here :Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock
Shijing said:
MindOverEverything said:
However, that depends on where you tend to go while asleep. The STS critters have "dream prisons" set up to basically control the dream state of many people simultaneously. So you have to state your intention to your Higher/Inner Self that you want to dream within the safety of your inner light, and only on the highest densities that you can possibly go to.

And how do you know this?
I've been in those dream prisons many times. Prison is kind of a strong word, but it does apply. Maybe "laboratory" would be a better analogy. Sometimes I become aware of what's happening / where I am, and I bust out. Other times I investigate the place, the people in it and the guards. Sometimes I help the people inside escape, even if I don't realize fully at the time that I'm dreaming...

Some common characteristics of these dream prisons/labs I have noticed are: Being in a big house or building with many blandly colored rooms that aren't familiar, coupled with a sense that you are being watched. Many "strangers" in the house milling about, doing their own thing, but who seem to also be unfamiliar with their surroundings. (These would be other people in the same prison/lab). There is occasionally the presence of a person dressed in some type of uniform, even a servant's uniform. They're usually not a servant, but rather a guard or overseer of sorts. The general feeling in these dreams is that things are "not quite right" but there doesn't seem to be a clear way to rectify what feels wrong or even to pinpoint the wrongness.

I usually fly UP through the ceiling and into a higher density when I become lucid in these types of dreams. When breaking out of such a place, there is heavy opposition, and a feeling of many hands trying to pull me "down" back into the dream. A couple of times I didn't make it out, so I "forced a wake up" to be done with the whole business. Sometimes when I force a wake up, I also sense the presence of a hooded 4th density STS being who is trying to keep me asleep, and it requires a force of will to fully awaken and expel the intruder.

In contrast, dreams where I am exploring my own sub-conscious and unconscious levels of mind involve a big house / mansion that feels very familiar, where I can navigate throughout it with ease, including taking super fast elevators to different sections. Everything about these types of dreams feels fun and adventurous, filled with joyful self-discovery and vibrantly colored surroundings.

If I become lucid (aware of dreaming) in a dream like this, everything becomes more vivid and takes on a deeper meaning. Objects can be easily levitated, or I can fly out of the structure I am in and back in again without any opposition.

My dreams in the higher realms of 4th density usually involve meeting old friends and new ones in open, airy locations with delicious food and beverages being served. Sometimes there is a journey to a different location, usually in a flying vehicle.

Just noting the "feeling" of dreams along with the content of the dream can help us determine "where" we were during that dream. There are many interesting realms that we can explore in the dream state, and I find it helps to state my intent of where I want to go before going to sleep. Otherwise, it's like spinning the wheel of chance, and I might end up in a STS lab that I have to break out of...again.


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