I wake up to invisible presence in my room that quickly vanishes

MindOverEverything said:
mkrnhr said:
What is a "pre-sleep shielding"?
Psychic shielding, done before going to sleep.

Hi MindOverEverything. I think you misunderstood mkrnhr's question. More to the point, what exactly do you think psychic shielding is? What is the process? How does it work? It seems like one of those fuzzy terms that is not well defined. So maybe you can clear up for us exactly what it is you are referring to.
MindOverEverything said:
Shijing said:
MindOverEverything said:
However, that depends on where you tend to go while asleep. The STS critters have "dream prisons" set up to basically control the dream state of many people simultaneously. So you have to state your intention to your Higher/Inner Self that you want to dream within the safety of your inner light, and only on the highest densities that you can possibly go to.

And how do you know this?
I've been in those dream prisons many times.

Well, again, how do you know this? How do you know your interpretation of these dreams is correct and that they aren't just dreams?

Gurdjieff talked about people living their waking lives in a dream state, but you seem to be taking your actual dreams as reality, without any questioning or critical thought. That's kind of one of our mottoes here: question everything.

The general feeling in these dreams is that things are "not quite right" but there doesn't seem to be a clear way to rectify what feels wrong or even to pinpoint the wrongness.

And how do you know there is any objective reality to these dreams?

My dreams in the higher realms of 4th density usually involve meeting old friends and new ones in open, airy locations with delicious food and beverages being served. Sometimes there is a journey to a different location, usually in a flying vehicle.

How do you know these 'realms' are actually 4th density?

Just noting the "feeling" of dreams along with the content of the dream can help us determine "where" we were during that dream.

I think you may really benefit by reading some of the topics we've been covering here in the past months

Put in a nutshell, the takeaway lesson (and there are many) is that people tend to trust their 'feelings' and 'intuitions' far too much, with a degree of certainty that is not called for by the actual evidence. In other words, people live their lives on autopilot, with vague impressions forming into certain beliefs. They don't use their minds to discern what is real from what is not. It's our default state.

There are many interesting realms that we can explore in the dream state, and I find it helps to state my intent of where I want to go before going to sleep. Otherwise, it's like spinning the wheel of chance, and I might end up in a STS lab that I have to break out of...again.

Have you considered that, perhaps, you are spinning the wheels of chance (i.e. chaos, entropy, sleep) with your interpretations of your subjective experiences? How can you be certain of the existence of these realms?
Approaching Infinity said:
MindOverEverything said:
mkrnhr said:
What is a "pre-sleep shielding"?
Psychic shielding, done before going to sleep.

Hi MindOverEverything. I think you misunderstood mkrnhr's question. More to the point, what exactly do you think psychic shielding is? What is the process? How does it work? It seems like one of those fuzzy terms that is not well defined. So maybe you can clear up for us exactly what it is you are referring to.

I've heard of this type of "shielding" before and it's the one where you visualize yourself or surround yourself with a white light for "protection," so to speak. In other words, in effect, MOE becomes a "beacon" for those nasty critters.
Recently had this type of dream, with exception that this "intruder" not just wandered near, but tried to strangle me.

Also this reminded me some similar dreams from childhood, where i felt some presence and heard strange voices and screams (definitely not human).
FarFromHome said:
Recently had this type of dream, with exception that this "intruder" not just wandered near, but tried to strangle me.

Also this reminded me some similar dreams from childhood, where i felt some presence and heard strange voices and screams (definitely not human).

Welcome to the forum, FarFromHome! When you get a chance, please take a minute to introduce yourself on the newbies board: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/board,39.0.html
Hi Approaching Infinity,

I understand your skepticism, and I share it as well. I wouldn't put much stock in someone who suddenly showed up on a forum typing the kind of stuff that I am. :-) In a forum, it's difficult to elaborate sufficiently on these topics without taking up pages and pages of space, and much time that I can't currently spare.

As for shielding, it's NOT about a bubble of white light. Simple light bubbles can indeed make one a target for 4d STS. However, I have been a target of theirs for my whole life, so I have developed ways to keep them at bay and still deepen the integration with my inner Self without as many setbacks as the 4dSTS would like.

My shielding procedures are somewhat geometrically complex, difficult to put into writing, and really require some visual aids for me to share them with someone else. I don't even put much faith in energetic shielding, as shields can be "drilled" through by a determined 4dSTS crew. However, good shields are useful when being attacked, and they LOOOOOVE to attack me in the dream state.

I don't rigidly cling to my interpretations of my dream experiences, and I have heavily questioned and honed my views on what is happening in them over the years. I am fortunate that I have excellent dream recall and control, even when not fully lucid in the dream state. I can recall small nuances such as textures, smells, colors, the "feel" of the dream, etc. These nuances, as well as the content of the dream help me to determine the probability of "where" the dream took place on the density scale. (I deal in probabilities, not absolutes or beliefs...although I often say/write things as if they I am certain of them, simply because it's faster than saying "I have assigned a 70% probability that this-and-such is occurring.")

Much study and cross-correlation over the years has brought me to the theories that I mentioned previously. However, some or ALL of what I think could be wrong. I'm always aware of that. At the same time, until I come across better information or a bigger perspective, I've got to play the game with the tools at hand. After all, I have to sleep every night. I can go in with no plan and just react to what the 4dSTS critters try to do with me, or I can go in with as much awareness and intent as possible. I've done the former, and it's usually unpleasant, so I choose the latter.

As for feeling vs rational thought, this is extremely important in relation to dreams, yet is much more difficult to drill down into because the only "observer" of my dream state is me. However, thinking rationally I have determined a few common "locations" of where my consciousness is oriented in my dream states:

Sub-conscious mind
Unconscious mind
"Lower" 4th density (STS neighborhoods)
"Higher" 4th density (STO neighborhoods)
5th density (STO -- It can be difficult for me to recall these.)

Obtaining an "objective reality" perspective of the dream states will require technology / abilities not yet available to humanity. Until then, I do the best I can with what I have, always looking for more information.

I will do my best to read the links you've provided soon.

MindOverEverything said:
Everything about these types of dreams feels fun and adventurous, filled with joyful self-discovery and vibrantly colored surroundings.

Hi, MindOverEverything,

As the C's have said:

Q: (L) Well, is [lucid dreaming] a useful state for finding out what's going on in your subconscious, or changing your reality or anything like that?

A: It can be useful for entertainment mainly.

Q: (L) So there are no outstanding benefits to be obtained from practicing so-called lucid dreaming?

A: Not really.

If I were you, I would ask myself: How has entertaining myself by being occupied with the "dream world" helped me so far in the real world?

One can easily become entrapped within one's own subjective belief system and fantasies, which may be one of the reasons why you would have dreams of feeling "imprisoned". Also, if it is really so that you're being attacked, know that your (emotional) investment towards those attacks and the whole dream experiment, could be the very thing they'd want from you.

The best protection is knowledge, and awareness, on objective reality as it is. Those threads mentioned by AI are very great examples of where the focus should be, if we want to gain some understanding of ourselves. You may also want to read the Wave series if you haven't done so already, it will clear up a lot of things.
You quoted my description of a dream taking place in the unconscious mind, which is different than becoming lucid in a dream state.

I most often "snap" into lucidity when something "isn't right" in a dream. It seems to be a form of defense through increased awareness. When *most* people become lucid in a dream, they just fly around or conjure up people to have sex with. This is indeed pretty useless entertainment.

I can tell you from direct experience that there *is* value to be had with dream lucidity, if one goes far enough with the process. As an analogy, the internet is useless if you only visit celebrity gossip sites and don't know that other websites exist. Then one day you find a link to "The Wave" series, and the internet suddenly becomes very useful!

A lucid dream state can be a springboard to a true "out of body" experience. It's a matter of focusing the mind into the density that one wants to visit since you're already "out" of your body. It's not easy, but it is possible and I have done so and had very useful encounters with STO beings as a result. I have also used this out of body state to journey deep into my sub-conscious, to commune with my "higher" self, etc.

It seems to me that the quote you gave from the Cs about lucid dreaming could use more explanation. Maybe they were addressing Laura specifically. Maybe an STS being managed to "hack" the signal so as to divert future readers from a practice that could lead a person to discovering the STS dream-machinations. Maybe the signal was perfect, the answer was for EVERY person on earth and they're right that I'm just wasting my time. Of course, I'm asleep and dreaming anyway, so it's not like hours of productive waking work time is lost.

To be accurate, the amount of time where I am doing classical "lucid dreaming" is *very* small. If I do become lucid, I normally leave the dream state and go for a full out of body experience beyond the dream realm.

I will rephrase your first question to remove the inherent bias present in it:
"How has having more dream recall and awareness that most people helped me in the waking world?" I will answer in list format:
Deeper self-awareness.
Contact with benevolent STO beings.
Learning how STS beings manipulate humans both in dreams and while awake.
Becoming aware of information that I had been consciously ignoring.
Receiving "status updates" on my spiritual growth, physical health, etc.
Learning about spiritual insights from my Inner Self.
Discovering aspects of energetic structures and the STS control grid that surround this planet.

You also wrote, "One can easily become entrapped within one's own subjective belief system and fantasies, which may be one of the reasons why you would have dreams of feeling "imprisoned". Also, if it is really so that you're being attacked, know that your (emotional) investment towards those attacks and the whole dream experiment, could be the very thing they'd want from you."

Nearly all of the prison dreams involve me working to get one or more people out of the prison. I used to think they were only symbolic, but the more details I recollected, the more it appeared that these dream prisons are a feature of the STS control grid. I had an opportunity to question a guard in one of these dream labs/prisons, and while "it" was evasive, I did glean some useful information. I of course am fully cognizant that it could simply be symbolic, and I am working to gather more information on that front.

As to my investment towards defending from attacks, yes, the STS critters love to poke and prod to see how we react to our captivity. They're playing mind games with me and I know this, so I do my best to feed them as little as possible, as well as "claw back" anything that they have taken. They don't seem to like that very much. Maybe I'm antagonizing them... <humor> "but moooooommmmm they started it!" :-) </humor>

It is my current theory that all humans on Earth are currently captured in an elaborate STS control grid, awake or asleep. Further, when we are asleep, we are in many ways MORE vulnerable to their mind-control techniques. Because I resist them, and have my whole life, they pay extra attention to me. I would rather that this was not the case, but this is the subjective fact of my experience.

It's not objective reality, because you and most others don't interact with the STS beings the same way that I do. However, many other people do share very similar experiences, although some are much weirder than my own. Perhaps we all share the same delusions, or perhaps we are simply more aware of what is happening in these "energetic realms" than those who haven't had such experiences, or have had them but cannot recall.

I am almost done with the first Wave book, but I keep getting pulled into reading the many fascinating threads on this board. :-)

I also would like to apologize if this thread is somewhat tedious for you all. It wasn't my intent to spark a debate about what will always be my subjective experiences. Maybe one day technology will allow us to peer into the dream world and record what happens there for others to observe and analyze. Until then, I will carry on the best I can each night and work to be the best version of myself that I can be while awake.

MOE, please search the forum for threads on lucid dreaming, to understand why it is nothing but a distraction. This forum is not really interested in such distractions and in phenomenon chasing. Others have tried to point this out to you, yet you aren't listening. You can discuss such things on lucid dreaming forums, there are plenty around.
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