


If we reach 4D, will we be a sort of "organic portal" for 4D realm because of our first presence in 4D ?
From your understanding, do you think an organic portal could 'exist' there? What is your understanding of an organic portal - does it include or exclude an individuated soul? From your understanding of a '4D realm' existence, would it necessitate an individuated soul?
Good questions! Not that I have the answer(s) but I have some concepts. I was going to point to a bunch of stuff in the glossary but I got

"..ning: main( failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/virtual/site549/fst/home/glossary/public_html/_inc/ on line 3

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '' (include_path='.:/home/glossary/public_html/_i/smarty:/home/glossary/public_html/_i/enmasse:/home/glossary/public_html/_inc') in /home/virtual/site549/fst/home/glossary/public_html/_inc/_com.."

By my current understanding a person would first have to have a magnetic center to attract a soul. This would be the case for those who have a conscious "I" in the first place. I confuse the op and non-op and adamic and pre-adamic but I "think" pre-adamic and Organic Portals are similar and lack a potential soul in this incarnation, whereas the non-op and Adamic man have (at least in potential) the ability to attract/grow a soul.

I wish the glossary were working, I need a cheet sheet! :D

If those concepts aren't misconstrued in my mind then to go on I'd say: It isn't possible for a pre-adamic/Organic Portal to move to fourth density. Speaking a little out of my awareness/understanding, but as I understand it currently, only an individuated souled (soul shard?) being can occupy 4th density at whatever their alignment (sts/sto).

For me this is where alot of programs start to fester. I (got a whole horde of them) consider a loss. My ego/personality/I's go into random frenzy over who gets to be the voice, won't I (iiiii..) be deluted by losing my (false) self(ves) in an individuated soul? What is to become of (selfish/egotistical/arrogant..) me? It's interesting to (what little I am able) observe. I hope all that makes sense. It is possible, quite likely even, that I am confusing the op/non-op and adamic/pre-adamic man.

What are some of the concepts of individuated soul and soul shards? I don't think I am making up sould shards as a concept cause I am pretty sure I read of it in the Wave, or perhaps here in the forum... anyhow the concept of it makes me think of a unity which in a way can be very beautiful, but in selfish predator terms I wonder about losing myself (which how can I if I haven't got a good connection to it). I'm kind of stuck here cause the connection is soo weak. Sometimes I wonder if the coach didn't just ride off after unharnessing the horse. :\
anart said:
From your understanding, do you think an organic portal could 'exist' there? What is your understanding of an organic portal - does it include or exclude an individuated soul? From your understanding of a '4D realm' existence, would it necessitate an individuated soul?
I read that OP are a link between 2D and 3D. So I thought that if we reach 4D we will create a same sort of link between 3D and 4D.

I had first (mis)understood that those in 4D would change of density, too, with the Wave. So, is anyone stay in 4D during the arrival of the "news students" from 3D?

Are the OP's a really stage of nature, or just an "aberration" of STS beings-in order to bring "food for the Moon" and which "normally" should not exist- even in 3D?
Are the OP's a really stage of nature, or just an "aberration" of STS beings-in order to bring "food for the Moon" and which "normally" should not exist- even in 3D?
I understood OP's are natural.

I had first (mis)understood that those in 4D would change of density, too, with the Wave. So, is anyone stay in 4D during the arrival of the "news students" from 3D?
Good question.
Where do Lizzies will go when wave comes ? In 5D ? Or they stay in 4D STS and we will be in STO.
Organic portals are portals, from 2D to 3D, how I understand this, Ops still have 2D soul, each has a part of 2D group soul, or some sort of more progressive 2D soul, but main thing is that it is only a group soul. To be 3D you must have your own soul (this is very simplified) and to be candidate for 4D you must develop your consciousness and that’s how you develop your soul also. And I would say that moving from density to density is individual process, so there will be “old" residents there when people from 3D comes to 4D, it sims that is not related with nation, race or something like that ( I am referring to stardust’s post)

I think that I understand Jsf question, will man who leaped in 4D from 3D be in some sort in lower level of 4D as some beginner? I think most probably, and considering that step from 3D to 4D is bigger then from 2D to 3D (my thinking) we must be in some mid phase on first time because that’s also big change in physicality also. But I don’t think it’s so terrifying if we keep our minds in open and learning mood.

Where do Lizzies will go when wave comes ? In 5D ? Or they stay in 4D STS and we will be in STO.
I don’t think they are going anywhere, as I understood (again) this wave is only for 3D and it’s already in 4D so it does not affect them.
I think that I understand Jsf question, will man who leaped in 4D from 3D be in some sort in lower level of 4D as some beginner?
Yes. That we would need a few more incarnations in 4D in order to really "step" in this dimension.

I don’t think they are going anywhere, as I understood (again) this wave is only for 3D and it’s already in 4D so it does not affect them.
C's said that they will have to start again the path of evolution. So maybe go back to lower dimensions ?
To Jsf's question, I don't remember the C's saying anything about a lower level of 4D. On the contrary, they said the playing field will be leveled.

Session 980725 said:
Q: (L) Well, you once said something about the transition to 4th density creating a 'level playing field.' Then, the people will wake up and there will be a battle between the humans and aliens...
A: Yes.
The knowledge that one acquired in 3D will also help oneself to prepare for the 4D experience.
Okay, so it's more like that :

Everything just seems gradual.

To Jsf's question, I don't remember the C's saying anything about a lower level of 4D. On the contrary, they said the playing field will be leveled.
"Q: (B) What happens to them when they lose, does this mean that they are degaussed, or does that mean that they have to go back and do the whole
evolutionary process all over again on the other polarity?
A: Latter."
There is also this snippet:

C's session 961123 said:
Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that are 3rd?
A: The human types there are "bi-density."
Q: (L) Holy Shiite Moslems!
A: Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can "visit" 3rd density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to "regenerate."
Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long as they want in any density?
A: In 4th and 3rd.
Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on either density?
A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is easier, naturally.
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