If the Black Plague came from space...

I just fall on this interesting extract of "Thomas Montanus et la peste de Bruges en l'an de grâce 1666" - Thomas Montanus and the plaque of Bruges in 1666- by José Van Laere

[ Thomas Montanus (1617-1685), physician of the City of Bruges, is the author of a voluminous treatise on plague, published in 1669, and written after an epidemic of plague in Bruges in 1666]

Montanus accorde une grande importance aux symptômes prémonitoires de la peste qui nous sont accordés par la Bonté Divine pour nous permettre de nous préparer au fléau et de nous amender.
« Les comètes apparues dans le ciel le 15 décembre 1564, au début de janvier 1665 et le 15 avril de la même année n'ont-elles pas été annonciatrices de peste et de guerre et ne nous ont-elles pas incité à la contrition ? En vérité les comètes, les torches enflammées, les glaives, les dragons crachant le feu, les étincelles, les cadavres poussés par les nuées, les bruits terrifiants, les lamentations et les cantilènes s'élevant des cimetières et les pluies de sang sont autant de présages de la peste que nous envoie la Miséricorde Divine ». Il en va de même des perturbations de l'orbite des corps célestes, des changements brutaux des conditions climatiques, de l'accumulation d'animaux repoussants ( crapauds, araignées), des aboiements bruyants, et des lugubres ululements. […]

Il suffira de citer ici la foi pour le moins incompréhensible, pour ne pas dire révoltante, que Montanus avait dans la force curative « d'une bonne gorgée de vieille urine d'un homme sain » et du sang mentruel « qui, partageant les vertus du bézoard, est actif contre la peste après avoir été séché et calciné pour en faire un sel. »

I will make quickly the translation :)
I hope it is understandable as my english level is not very high...

Montanus gives a great importance to premonitory's symptoms of plague which are given to us by Good Heavens to allow us to prepare to the curse and turn over a new leaf.
« Comets appeared in the sky the 15th December, 1564, in the beginning of january 1665 et 15th april the same year didn't have been a sign of coming plague and war, and didn't incited us to contrition ?
To tell the truth, comets, burning torches, swords, fire-eater dragons, sparkes, cadavers pushed by clouds, terrifying sounds, lamentations and cantilenas arising from cimeteries, and rains of blood are quite as much signs of plague send by Good Heavens. » In the same way are disruptions of celestial corpses' orbit, violent changes of climatic conditions, accumulation of disguting animals (toads, spiders), noisy barkings, gloomy hooting […]

It would be enough to quote here the faith at less incomprehensible, to not say revolting, that Montanus got in the curating force of « a good mouthful of healthy old man's urine » and « menstrual blood who share the qualities of bezoar, is active against plague after has been dried and calcined to turn it into a salt. »

It's funny to read about urine's quality because I was just wondering yesterday if amaroli ( urinetherapy) could allow the plague, or at less make the body more resisting to.
There have been several articles written about this on SOTT. Some by Laura. Here's just a few that I found on SOTT.net




Nienna said:
There have been several articles written about this on SOTT. Some by Laura. Here's just a few that I found on SOTT.net





Yes I know most of them :) but it's an other - historical - piece to add to the "cosmic connection file"...
I was reading an article about new research of Justiniana Prima by Serbian, French and German archaeologists in the next three years. And main Serbian researcher of that locality said:

Here we will do something that has never been done in Serbian archaeology, and I think that it is rarely done in European archaeology, which is researching the impact of man on the environment in the sixth century, in ancient times - what impact on nature and climate change had a man of that age, did perhaps climatic conditions led to the fall of ancient civilizations? We will do the analysis of osteological materials, and analysis of small rodents and rats, which may also indicate the spread of the plague. It is important to understand how it came to the collapse of the ancient civilization in this region. Because, after the sixth century the Slavs come here, and we will try to find out what kind of area they encountered. It is the end of one and the arrival of a new civilization. Was the cause for that epidemics, climate change, cooling? Justiniana Prima provides an excellent opportunity for such analysis, because the layers are preserved and they have a lot of data that we have not been paying attention because we did not have methods and expertise. This program is important because our experts will educate, and on the other hand, the German experts will write doctorates related to Serbia, to our material, so that in this way the German academic community will be aware of the material from Serbia, not only through publications, but also through a doctoral dissertation.


What possible impact could've people of the sixth century had on climatic conditions of that age that would bring down an entire civilization? :rolleyes:
found an interesting attempt to interpret some mosaics from Justinian's time, where the catastrophic events may have been encoded graphically:
mkrnhr said:
found an interesting attempt to interpret some mosaics from Justinian's time, where the catastrophic events may have been encoded graphically:
Thank you mkrnhr for sharing the video. Interesting analysis and presentation.
mkrnhr said:
found an interesting attempt to interpret some mosaics from Justinian's time, where the catastrophic events may have been encoded graphically:

Yes, very sensible interpretation of the mosaics depicting the world before and after the 536 comet.
mkrnhr said:
found an interesting attempt to interpret some mosaics from Justinian's time, where the catastrophic events may have been encoded graphically:

That was very interesting. Thanks for posting.

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