Imminent Alien Disclosure?

The UAP/UFO disclosure psyop is promoting a new religion of sorts via social media. Will channeling UFOs replace the 'Tide Pod' challenge? While some are turning toward traditional Christianity, UFO saviors fit the bill for today's more tech-savvy innocents.

Remember how spiritualism became a huge thing from the mid-1800s to the turn of the century in America and some of the reasons for it:

Why did Spiritualism become such a phenomenon during the mid-1800s? First, we need to look at the two previous centuries. The 16th and 17th centuries in America were dominated by a very puritanical form of Christianity. Anyone who practiced anything like Spiritualism during that time would have been risking their life. It is estimated that thousands of people were executed for witchcraft in Europe and America during those centuries. Life was very rural, harsh, and rigid and people were held to very strict mores. It was a matter of life or death.

America was drastically changing in the mid-1800s. There was more industrialization and urbanization, which meant cities were growing and work was evolving. Inventions and science were transforming how people looked at the world around them. Immigrants were bringing in new religious practices and beliefs into American towns. There was literature and scientific discoveries that challenged religious beliefs and the Bible. America was on the verge of a Civil War and tensions were high. People were looking for assurance because life seemed uncertain.

Another big factor for the rise of Spiritualism was that people were not as comforted by traditional Christian beliefs when loved ones died. The death of children especially led parents to seek comfort in other places besides their community church. Spiritualism offered grieving people solace while coping with their loss. All these factors helped create an opening for Spiritualism to rise.
Some of these factors are (still) at work today it seems.
Cringey, and wide open to 'influence'. I understand why Barber is 'taken' in by this (due to his 'love-bomb' experience), but Grusch shouldn't be anywhere near it.
I guess it shows that it doesn't matter what some wistleblowers believed or believe now about NHIs (that they are hostile). There will be an attempt to subvert them and change their views, and what will count is if they will be able to see through the manipulation.

I do hope that Grusch was there for educational purposes only, but will see. This is not a good sign.
Yep. I mentioned elsewhere that Elizondo hedged his endorsement of Barber. He basically said Barber is who he says he is, by all indications has done the things he says he's done, BUT he is telling "his truth." He didn't come right out and say it, but I get the impression he was referring to Barber's love and light claims. Elizondo, while he always tries to be diplomatic and rarely badmouths people (except for having a go at Steven Greer every once in a while), clearly comes down on the side of: "the aliens pose a threat to humanity."

I would think Grusch was on the same page as Elizondo. Barber strikes me not as human COINTELPRO, but cosmic COINTELPRO. So if he's working to subvert guys like Grusch and Coulthart, that sucks. The other option is like Keit said, Grusch may be there for educational/scientific purposes. That's basically how everyone who worked on Skinwalker Ranch has approached it, and many of them seem to have retained some objectivity, at the expense of some paranormal interference in their lives. That comes with the territory of getting into this field in general, so the way I look at it, it's like a test of character. We'll see who passes through intact and who gets subverted in the process.
Yep. I mentioned elsewhere that Elizondo hedged his endorsement of Barber. He basically said Barber is who he says he is, by all indications has done the things he says he's done, BUT he is telling "his truth." He didn't come right out and say it, but I get the impression he was referring to Barber's love and light claims. Elizondo, while he always tries to be diplomatic and rarely badmouths people (except for having a go at Steven Greer every once in a while), clearly comes down on the side of: "the aliens pose a threat to humanity."

I would think Grusch was on the same page as Elizondo. Barber strikes me not as human COINTELPRO, but cosmic COINTELPRO. So if he's working to subvert guys like Grusch and Coulthart, that sucks. The other option is like Keit said, Grusch may be there for educational/scientific purposes. That's basically how everyone who worked on Skinwalker Ranch has approached it, and many of them seem to have retained some objectivity, at the expense of some paranormal interference in their lives. That comes with the territory of getting into this field in general, so the way I look at it, it's like a test of character. We'll see who passes through intact and who gets subverted in the process.
While ma'boy Trumpy is speeding with 100 EO/hour the 'UapCiaCamp' is trying hard to keep relevant .... in the USA. I kid you not but in other parts of the world no one gives a flying CH4 emission in space for what the 'disclosurers' say or do or even who they are.

If there is to be we will all see. Meanwhile, the girls in my immediate family (myself included) strongly believe us humans are the aliens on Earth and we are happy with that.
The UAP/UFO disclosure psyop is promoting a new religion of sorts via social media. Will channeling UFOs replace the 'Tide Pod' challenge? While some are turning toward traditional Christianity, UFO saviors fit the bill for today's more tech-savvy innocents.

Remember how spiritualism became a huge thing from the mid-1800s to the turn of the century in America and some of the reasons for it:

Some of these factors are (still) at work today it seems.
Just review the article in the context of the theosophy precursors, theosophy, post theosophy, anthroposophy and the 4th Way, using a timeline.
Yep. I mentioned elsewhere that Elizondo hedged his endorsement of Barber. He basically said Barber is who he says he is, by all indications has done the things he says he's done, BUT he is telling "his truth." He didn't come right out and say it, but I get the impression he was referring to Barber's love and light claims. Elizondo, while he always tries to be diplomatic and rarely badmouths people (except for having a go at Steven Greer every once in a while), clearly comes down on the side of: "the aliens pose a threat to humanity."

I would think Grusch was on the same page as Elizondo. Barber strikes me not as human COINTELPRO, but cosmic COINTELPRO. So if he's working to subvert guys like Grusch and Coulthart, that sucks. The other option is like Keit said, Grusch may be there for educational/scientific purposes. That's basically how everyone who worked on Skinwalker Ranch has approached it, and many of them seem to have retained some objectivity, at the expense of some paranormal interference in their lives. That comes with the territory of getting into this field in general, so the way I look at it, it's like a test of character. We'll see who passes through intact and who gets subverted in the process.
When was Barber supposed to have been flying helicopters for top secret govt missions? Because, from his FB page, he was a part-time musician playing gigs in L.A. in the mid-2010s.
When was Barber supposed to have been flying helicopters for top secret govt missions? Because, from his FB page, he was a part-time musician playing gigs in L.A. in the mid-2010s.
Circa 2014/2015 is when he said he retrieved the egg, which was his first alleged UFO retrieval - though he claims he had already been doing contract work for around 10 years by that time while running multiple businesses. He's got a few pics of him working as a helicopter pilot/instructor on his page too (from 2014):

He claims his helicopter instructor business was part of his non-official cover once he started working for a three-letter agency (probably CIA).

He was also running fitness centers in 2014, something he was doing until recently with his jiujitsu club.

From his Jesse Michels interview: "the last 20 years I've served more as a pilot than I have as a ground crew member". On his helicopter business: "the majority of our time [as contractors] was spent doing the day-to-day work and keeping that business up and going" with only occasional calls to perform a retrieval [whether exotic or not]. Also, when asked for his job title, he responded: "Director of operations for a helicopter company, I'm program director for Gracie jiujitsu NorCal, I'm a flight instructor for law enforcement, for airborne law enforcement agency, ... I'm the president of a corporation that manufacturers patented wheelchair parts for the veterans hospital, I service fitness centers on a number of key military bases." He mentions music classes as a kid, but not his band.

In the Coulthart interview he mentions this: "you might be interested to know that people at an elite operator level, there's a lot of them that are left-handed, a lot of them that were artists as kids or still are very good drawers, illustrators, musicians." On his businesses: "legitimacy is the best cover, so in order to provide a certain utility to the government by way of a contractor, I have to go and establish a lot of legitimate businesses. I have to function in a legitimate way under existing contracts to build a cover. A cover is not a hollow shell. It has to be layers deep and the best way to have many layers of cover is to just go do something genuine to begin with."

In both interviews he says DOPSR barred him from mentioning the agency and contractors he worked for, but he told Michels that if you guessed two top contractors you would guess correctly. The agency is most likely CIA, and the contractors are Lockheed and Northrop Grumman. (Danny Sheehan recently let slip that Barber was working from Grumman.)
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It's funny because this whole UFO disclosure thing is more about the various people involved in this space than the actual UFOs. 😅

It's like a soap opera, tune in today to find out what so and so has done or said, oh there is some drama there with that one, we thought he was one of the good ones, but now we don't know... is he good, bad, naive? *cliffhanger ending* Tune in next week to find out.
My impression is that these people do not read really, and they are stuck in a self-reinforcing echo-chamber. If they did, they'd make the connection with paranormal phenomena and mythological lore. You don't invite a vampire in. You don't summon... anything. Summoning a UFO boosts the ego as it gives the impression that one has control insofar as initiating a contact or whatever, but in the end it means that these things can detect one's thoughts from wherever they are. Rather than responding to an invitation, one should suspect that they exploit a permission. As for love bombing, they are adults. If someone gives you a drink with happy pills, it's not out of selfless beneficence, they should know better, unless it's too late...
Trump's new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is Dan Craine. Interesting work history:
2008–10, Special Tactics Air Liaison Officer, 24th Special Tactics Squadron, JSOC, Pope AFB
19–21, Director, Special Programs and Director, Special Access Programs Central Office
2021–**present**, Associate Director for Military Affairs, CIA
Chris Sharp: "Very very interesting. Remember the OGA story and the importance of the 24th Special Tactics Squadron in regards to UAP retrieval missions, working as part of JSOC, side-by-side with CIA Operations."
It's funny because this whole UFO disclosure thing is more about the various people involved in this space than the actual UFOs. 😅

It's like a soap opera, tune in today to find out what so and so has done or said, oh there is some drama there with that one, we thought he was one of the good ones, but now we don't know... is he good, bad, naive? *cliffhanger ending* Tune in next week to find out.
That's been the story of ufology from the beginning! 😅 Only now, we have social media.

If you want something meaty, check out UAP Gerb. He focuses almost exclusively on crash retrievals, but he goes deep:

Laura said: Saw this.

Ed Harris said this:
What was he told and shown? (referring to former president Jimmy Carter)
He was told that the major religions including Christianity were programs created by extraterrestrials to prevent us from destroying ourselves while they ran their experiments on us--and that they made us.

At this moment it became clear to Carter that such information could cause tremendous economic and social upheaval.


This could be a revelation if we relate it to some verses from Paul's letters. It is very interesting, so I also wrote it in the thread: ‘’words, paragraph, etc.’’

Thanks Laura for sharing.
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