Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Published June 28, an excellent read, a look back and forward on the post 1940's modus operandi of official control and its cracks.

Overton Window Hacking
How 70 years of psyops created a perceptual bubble regarding UFOs


"Official denial and ridicule from all nodes of consensus culture, combined with the obvious reality of the phenomenon (even if its origins remain mysterious), led to something very curious developing over the decades. Ignored reality does not simply disappear. It has to “go” somewhere ..."
In the 2nd video clip 3 hour Youtube interview is somewhat scattered ,within it she mentioned some quite revealing material -v much aling what the Cs have said - Amy no doubt had a brilliant mind but certainly was prone to high living .May she rest in peace- very sad .

I came across this commentary on the Reddit website about Amy Eskridge, which questions whether her death was really a suicide or a targeted killing with a directed energy weapon (a subject the C's have mentioned in several sessions):

Unravelling the Bizarre Trail of Anti-Gravity Pioneers: Dr. Amy Eskridge, Dr. Ning Li, and the Missing Pieces​


00 ) Intro & Context​

So I came across a video of Dr. Amy Eskridge's conference presentation on A Historical Perspective on Anti-Gravity Technology. While doing more research I came across a very verbose post by a previous Redditor about the topic. The post has since been deleted but is still available to read here:
I recommend reading the full post before mine, but it is long, so I am quoting their TL;DR here as a sparknotes of sorts for anyone unfamiliar with the topic:

TL;DR of Other Reddit Post (for Context):​

- NASA has their Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL. Many other aerospace defense contractors have HQs in Huntsville, AL as well.
- There appears to be a large number of anti-gravity research scientists in the Huntsville, AL area.
- Those researchers appear to be almost exclusively affiliated with either NASA or defense contractors, which apparently actually spend a lot of money funding anti-gravity research, despite academia funding virtually none.
- The U.S. Air Force wanted to move U.S. Space Command to Huntsville, AL, as recently as yesterday.
- Of the researchers that are NOT affiliated with NASA/defense, if they happen to publicly publish promising results, they tend to "go dark" shortly thereafter, and stop public publishing anti-gravity research. This has happened several times, with several different researchers, and Amy notes those instances in a presentation.
- It is speculated that many of those researchers are brought into the "black world" (secret projects) after publishing promising results, either by choice or by involuntarily (by force).
- Ning Li is an example of such a researcher, who initially published through the University of Alabama, Huntsville, but then "went dark." According to her son, she did not enjoy going dark. It may not have been her choice to go dark.
- Amy Eskridge was trying to change this "black world" system, by creating an organization to conduct anti-gravity research in the "illuminated" (not-secret) world.
- In 2018, Amy gave a presentation on this organization, to which many of the audience members were scientists. Those scientists sounded scared/wary that they would get disappeared if they joined her in this pursuit, openly commenting on this in the Q&A.
- Amy was blocked by NASA from disclosing her research in September 2020. NASA claimed they would allow it to come out within 30 days. It never came out.
- Amy then died in June 2022. There is speculation it is from a gunshot wound, and that the cause of death may be suicide.
- In September of 2022, Franc Milburn says he knows of an anti-gravity researcher in Huntsville, AL who has been murdered using a directed energy weapon. Reddit speculates he's referring to Amy Eskridge.
- In July 2023, a 177-page document is anonymously shared by Michael Shellenberger. That document rephrases Milburn's claim, stating Amy "was targeted with directed energy weapons and murdered by a 'private aerospace company' in the US because she was involved in the UAP conversation and working on advanced propulsion."
- That same 177-page document references Ross Coulthart stating that there are people “involved in high level physics” who worked in Huntsville, AL and disappeared. He is likely referring to Amy Eskridge or Ning Li.
Another interesting interview with Tom DeLonge:

BD: You've applied science and religion to the phenomenon in the Sekret Machines book series. What are your thoughts on the interdimensional hypothesis as a possible explanation for UFOs?

I think it's an absolute. I think what we're dealing with is that the universe is kind of like the mind of God, if you will, and all things that could be happening past, present, and future are happening simultaneously, kind of like that movie Everything Everywhere All at Once. It's all happening and the only separation through all these events are the frequencies with which we vibrate as humans, or the matter that is all around us. But if we were to change the vibration of ourselves — say we built a craft that could change the frequency with massive amounts of energy, we could probably tune in to different types of frequencies in different timelines, like a radio station back in the day when we would tune in to different radio stations in our cars.

So, I think what we're dealing with are life forms that are traversing timelines through the use of artificial frequency variation and also biologically might be able to traverse timelines without a craft, just through their consciousness. So, I think that's kind of like when you get into more of the paranormal stuff, what are all these things that we see that go bump in the night. I think it's things that are bleeding through the frequencies.
I'm not even saying that all UFOs are evil, but I am definitely saying a lot of them are, and not in the normal type of evil, but more in different and after its own interests, and that could be very harmful to human beings and what we are trying to achieve in this physical reality.
Recent clip of Dr. Garry Nolan getting asked about why UFOs keep crashing. His answer:

1) The UFO tech is advanced but still unstable, can perhaps even be brought down purposefully by humans via EM pulse (mentioned by other researchers as well) or natural causes that produce EM such as lightning strikes

2) There is "evidence" that all NHI do not comport to the same command structure, could be many things in tension with each other like 1600s colonial powers fighting or "unhappy with each other", for raw materials on Planet Earth. Is this what was seen in the skies over Nuremberg in 1561? I don't think Cs have indicated that there is a tension between these forces because there is a clear hierarchy based on physical and mental abilities (Humanoid Orions >> Minturians ~> Reptilians > Grays).

The video has some other interesting bits as well. Doesn't provide any actual evidence though.
In addition to previous comments from other Forum members, it may be worth recalling here that the three Gypsy commentators who annotated Morris K. Jessup's book The Case for the UFO stated that the battle in the skies over Nuremberg in 1561 and other such incidents was between the LM's or Little Men (the Greys?) and the S Men, who the C's said were Secret Order members. The Greys, as we know, are cyber-genetic probes of the Orions but the S Men may be 4D STS Nordics or other humanoids (like the Altareans) who are also Orions. The other possibility is that the S Men may represent the Quorum, which the C's have said is predominantly comprised of aliens. The C's once said this of the Orions:

Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cyber-genetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

This may suggest that the 4D STS Nordic types, as Orion STS*, are the top of the 4D STS food chain. This makes me wonder whether these sky battles described in the past by our medieval ancestors reflect battles between the 4D STS Nordics and the Lizards and their Grey stooges, where the former were slapping down the latter as upstarts trying to usurp the Orion Nordics' hegemony and thus needing to be put back in their place? The Gypsy commentators described on off wars between the two groups, which seem to be territorial, thus mirroring our own human conflicts. Since we are 3D food for 4D STS, perhaps we are the prize they are fighting over rather like cattle herds, where one group are the cowboys protecting the herd and the other group are rustlers trying to prise them away.

*Elsewhere the C's said that the Orion STS were the Nordics and all other humanoid combination:
Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous red-headed Nordic aliens?

A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.

So we may be looking at a complex situation involving turf wars between different Orion factions.
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