ID4 and 911
Russ said:
I don't see what the point would be in putting those numbers there. What are they supposed to do?
Well, from someone who's studied film quite intensively (from a screen aesthetics, textual analysis framework), the first, simplest answer to this question is "mise-en-scène". That is to say, it was inserted as a metaphor for disaster. What you must understand is that virtually nothing in a big, Hollywood blockbuster movie is unplanned, right down to where the last tiny prop-piece is placed in a blurry background. The way in which a set is organised and lit, and also the position of the actors and the camera angle, is called "mise-en-scène", and its power should never be underestimated or discounted. The showing of the numbers 9:11, which in the U.S. is well-known as the standard emergency number, is metaphorically, and even subconsciously, saying to the audience, "This is a huge emergency!!!"
However, my second answer to the above question fits in with most of the replies on this thread. Having discussed deliberate insertions in films, there are also those filmic readings which can be made that were
not deliberate and were completely unplanned, such that even the film's director, when these readings are pointed out to him/her, becomes quite shocked at how meaningful they are, even thought they weren't planned! It is my hypothesis that these occurrences are the result of the interconnectedness of all things, and also of the fact that we are living in the Matrix. Much can probably be learned by the study of the semiotics of film -- "the science of signs" -- especially pertaining to that more specific thing known in textual analysis as "syntagmatic organisation", or the way in which apparently separate, isolated signs, by virtue of their placement, can in fact form a cohesive message. People subconsciously engage in syntagmatic analysis every day when they see someone wearing a particular shirt while wearing particular earrings, for example. Just the shirt by itself would not say as much; it's the organisation of several elements together, arranged in a specific pattern, that forms the syntagm -- or something which can be "read" and which has meaning.
The point I am trying to make in all of this is that although the showing of "9:11" in ID4 may have been deliberate, in light of the huge budget of the movie, the fact remains that there is incredible
meaning behind its juxtaposition with the half-ruined Twin Towers. The signs "9:11" and "Twin Towers" placed so tightly together form an undeniable syntagm, one which the director or screenwriter of the movie could not possibly have planned -- and this alone points to the interconnectedness of All.