Infinity nightmare

FWIW, as a small kid i tended to be obsessed with having a straight, smooth blanket while lying in bed. it was to the level that made my parents question my mental condition. and although i don't recall any nightmares or night terrors related specifically to those bumps on the blanket, i had other experiences similar to those described in earlier posts, usually fever-related as well. while sick, i often woke up with the feeling of something being terribly wrong, something that i couldn't even start to comprehend. it felt a bit like some kind of mind blockage. there were more specific sensations too - like the feeling of having 1000s of 1000s of limbs and constantly growing new ones (so "cool" i remember it till this day).

Cleo said:
I remember having a similar overwhelming infinity type nightmare as a child as well. It is rather vague now since it was so many years ago but it was like a geometric shape, possibly a square or rectangle would get progressively larger while a sound would get progressively louder. It was definitely discomforting.

that reminds me of another thing i'd been experiencing from time to time as a kid and later as a teenager. it was not a nightmare and not related to sleep but otherwise similar to what you're writing of. it used to happen while i was relaxed with my eyes closed. it would often (not always) start with an ideation of a geometrical shape like rectangle or simple line. this object would just pop out in my mind and start to grow or deform in a particular manner. the growth was ever-progressing - it continued infinitely. when i kept my eyes closed, i often lost the sense of time and space, until the whole thing just "evaporated". all the time i was in full control of myself and could open eyes at any moment (ie. no physical paralysis etc.).

some kind of para-epileptic brain states sounds like a reasonable explanation, at least as far as the latter thing is concerned. it was like the brain had been relieving itself somehow through this activity.
I just googled "Infinity Nightmare," because it's the only way I could describe it. So glad I found this forum.

I had about 10 or so when I was a kid, and I'm now 29, and I've probably had 3 or 4 in the last 5 years.

The weird thing is... My infinity dreams are just like Mal's. I am usually presented with an impossible task. I have lost millions upon millions of dollars, I am tasked with guessing something that would take an infinite amount of time, or something more abstract than that.

In addition... I ALSO used to have the blanket thing as a kid (part of the 10 or so I had as a kid). I would stress in the nightmare about smoothing a white blanket, and wherever I wasn't smoothing would become shadowed... and for some reason... in these dreams that really stressed me out.

The strange thing is that the feeling lasts after I wake up. The feeling of unease. I am lucid... and know what it is. I know who I am, and what is happening. But I still feel the terrible unease. I usually toss and turn stressfully ruffling my pillow circling the same strange thoughts around in my head until I finally sleep and wake and it's gone.

I had one last night. A few hours later I got sick from something I ate. I think that triggered it. The other times I have had it as an adult is on two separate occasions where I tried to stay up drinking all night for a 6am flight... when I returned home at say 1pm and tried to sleep... I had the same type nightmare. As much as it sucks... It's cathartic to know someone else has had it before.

maximundo said:
I just googled "Infinity Nightmare," because it's the only way I could describe it. So glad I found this forum.

I had about 10 or so when I was a kid, and I'm now 29, and I've probably had 3 or 4 in the last 5 years.

The weird thing is... My infinity dreams are just like Mal's. I am usually presented with an impossible task. I have lost millions upon millions of dollars, I am tasked with guessing something that would take an infinite amount of time, or something more abstract than that.

In addition... I ALSO used to have the blanket thing as a kid (part of the 10 or so I had as a kid). I would stress in the nightmare about smoothing a white blanket, and wherever I wasn't smoothing would become shadowed... and for some reason... in these dreams that really stressed me out.

The strange thing is that the feeling lasts after I wake up. The feeling of unease. I am lucid... and know what it is. I know who I am, and what is happening. But I still feel the terrible unease. I usually toss and turn stressfully ruffling my pillow circling the same strange thoughts around in my head until I finally sleep and wake and it's gone.

I had one last night. A few hours later I got sick from something I ate. I think that triggered it. The other times I have had it as an adult is on two separate occasions where I tried to stay up drinking all night for a 6am flight... when I returned home at say 1pm and tried to sleep... I had the same type nightmare. As much as it sucks... It's cathartic to know someone else has had it before.


Hi maximundo,

I don't know whether you noticed, so I would like to tell you that, we have on the Forum collected information about dreams here ->,31626.0.html ; You may be interested in it.

And as that you are new to the Forum I encourage you to open a new thread in the newbies section where you can tell something about yourself, so we can know you better.

Welcome to the forum Oh_i_see_the_problem. Seeing this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, doesn't have to be a long story, but we'd be interest in how you found the forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
Data said:
Mal7 said:
Or it might not be having to touch them, but to run through that pattern in my head. Also the same thing in the daytime, like if I walked past a power pole I might have to go back and make that pattern.

Interesting. That reminds me of a few such habits in my youth too. It would really be interesting to learn what exactly was behind all that, but time is limited and I'm just glad that this has gone away.

Mal7 said:
I have been browsing some threads on Ketogenic diet, and will try making my first bone broth in a small crockpot sometime in the next few days.

I don't know how much of the information about diet you already have taken in, but here is just a general word of warning, just in case. Before you start experimenting, you should research as much as possible. The first step would be to get off all processed foods, alcohol, gluten and diary, step by step, and substitute with more healthy alternatives. Once you have overcome all the obstacles on that path, then the next step would be to reduce the intake of carbohydrates until you are ready to switch over to Ketosis with help of the Ketogenic Diet. You should read all relevant threads in the Diet section of this forum in their entirety.

Reminds me of habits i had as a youth also. The biggest one was rocking myself to sleep on my hands and knees and banging my head on the wall. I used to knock pictures off the other side. It progressed as i got older. I tthink it had to do with a type of restlessness. I also had resless leg syndrome. I had to learn to control it becauause it bothered everyone.. Another was having to do things in sevens. Anyways. I did notice that a lot of these types if problems wwnt away once i got clean and was on a paleo diet. It also reminds me of a chemicle imbalance. It also reminds me of champex. An anti psychotic they give to help people stop smoking. The people i know wgo have taken them get really vivid dreams to the point that they are basically still dreaming while awake. And it was always unsettling like one guy was killing everyone and another saw everyone as zombies he had to kill and would still be seeing zombies after he was awake.
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