Infos from Gaza


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Some success to write some words on their blog from inside Gaza.

Press agency photograph Ramattan Sameh Akram Habeeb :

Oxfam’s Mohammed Ali :
french translation here :

Dr. Akram Habeeb, professor at Gaza university :
Thanks for the links,
i'm just back from a demonstration. Many people(I definitely can say anything about the number), mostly muslims but also westerners. People came in families and the athmosphere was good, many women and children... There was at least one jew, recognizable by his kippa. He was wearing the Palestinian flag, he was surrounded by young Muslim women. The people were highly respectful with him and he was totally integrated in the crowd. I heard an Arabic saying about him:"when they demonstrate against Israël, they are even more enraged than us"
During the procession, a zionist held the Israeli flag from his appartment and made it dance. Then I saw that the ethnic bomb could be ignited very fast,because some younster were acting like avenging this (weird) provocation.
The people are organizing to make demonstations weekly.
sankara said:
i'm just back from a demonstration.

Here are some pics via, mostly from the London protest:




Sankara, in what city was this protest?

San Francisco has had at least two. Was unable to attend the last demonstration due to a nasty flu bug. Heard there was a large crowd, with several Western groups, including Cindy Sheehan's people and Jewish Voice for Peace.

This crisis has me so depressed and outraged by the cruelty, injustice and ultimate arrogance of the slaughter. The only bit of hope is that some acquaintances who aren't up on world affairs seem to be getting what's really going on despite the media's Zionist spin.

Can't help but wonder if this despicable genocidal stunt...if carried to it's horrific conclusion by the arrogant "miscalculation" that might reveal "the man behind the curtain" that the C's spoke of. It's heart-wrenching how anyone with half a brain and conscience can ignore what's going on and/or believe the justification lies that Israel, the USA, and UK spout. A price will be paid for this evil.
The demonstration was in Lyon, according to the organisation there were 20 000 demonstrators. If most of the slogans were against the Zionist state, some slogans would be "we are all Palestinians" or they would often denouncing the Arab leaders and the complicity of Sarkosy. The fear in France is that the Zionist ignite the emigration bomb. It would then divert the people from socio-political issues and may lead to very serious civil unrest. The Zionist police has been training the french police for at least three years.
The organisators of the demo in Lyon are clever, they refused all political or ethnic banners there security staff is efficient to keep the angered kids in the rank. The fact that there are so many women and children is also important.
Hello All, I came across this video while searching for information on what is going on in Gaza. The link below contains footage taken from a mobile camera in Gaza after an Israeli air strike. These people are literally being slaughtered in broad daylight while Israel gets prime time air play on every channel propagating that they are the victims in this scenario. I think the footage on this link is something extremely important to share as it is what we are all being sanitized from in mainstream reporting this is the reality that exists behind the propaganda. This is something you will never see on CNN or BBC and it is a crime of unconscionable proportions. As mentioned below there truly no words to describe the terror put forth by the state of Israel. How can this be happening and all of our leaders stand back so silent?

This video clip was taken with a mobile camera immediately after a terrorist Israeli air strike hit a busy market where kids with their mothers and fathers were searching for food to eat from one of the local markets early on Saturday 03, Jan 2009, Gaza.

As you will see, there are no words to describe the terror of the Jewish state of Israhell. This is why Israel is continuously refusing to allow foreign correspondence and reporters from entering Gaza.\]

Hi Jacqueline,

it seems this video is misleading and was not taken after an israeli strike yesterday, but in 2005, when a truck filled with Qassam rockets exploded during a Hamas rally.
All is explained here :
From these elements, it becomes clear that this video was edited for disinformation purposes.

It doesn't change the horror of what's going on in Gaza right now.
Hi Prayers for Rain

Thank you for clarifying and for correcting me. I apologize to the group for posting erroneous info... I wrote "I think" it important to share, in retrospect "I thought" very little and was reacting from an emotional place when posting. It's also a good lesson for me on how I approach information I come across on the internet in the future before sharing :-[

kind regards,
No worries, I didn't think either, as I started to blog it without doing further research to be sure the info was correct. :-[ I wondered if this is a zionist tactic, in order to show that pro Palestinians use propaganda and that in reality these horrors don't really happen.
I must correct the figure I gave in my last post. There were, according to the organisation, 15000 people and not 20 000.
As to the video, any body who is acquainted with this evil zionism know that they have no amount of limit when lying, cheating, manipulating...Like it is written on many Sabbatean/frankists texts: Doing evil in the name of god is good.
This is plain psychopathy...
This is a stunning and disturbing photo essay.  The new holocaust.  Perpetrated by Israel, payed for by the taxpayers of the United States of America.  Do people really believe that we are hated because of our freedom?

I have been so angry of late, it is borderline hate and I cannot allow this because then I will turn into one of them, yet I know not how to stop it.

Hi Crimson Eagle, this was also carried on SoTT four days ago. It's quite an effective presentation, judging by the speed it has traveled the net and the places it has appeared.
anart said:
Hi Crimson Eagle, this was also carried on SoTT four days ago. It's quite an effective presentation, judging by the speed it has traveled the net and the places it has appeared.

Effective presentation is an understatment. It is brilliant and should be required viewing for everyone on this planet who really have no clue at to what is going on. Think we will ever see this in the MSNM? Not very likely:(

I apoligize for the repost. I really need to refine my search skills:(

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