Insights into the The Great Inversion


A Disturbance in the Force
Just like described here What is The Great Inversion? - Activist Post I see a lot of alternative media types talk about how everything is a black and (false) white scenario controlled by the deep state behind the scenes. Icke, Whitney Webb, etc. all elude to this or say it outright as well as apparently, Rudolph Steiner as indicated in the above link. I get this point of view (especially Steiner's), but what rankles me is that nobody points out HOW to avoid this black and white fable we have all fallen for. It all seems to distill down to: it's all corrupt. Or Icke's basic solution: just 'love.' Which to me, feels a lot like, 'Tune in, turn on, drop out!'

I'd appreciate others' insights into how this "it's a con! look, thiel funded Vance!, etc etc." could possibly be a part of a much more sinister plot to eliminate citizens' participation in who and what they are apart of in their society. In other words, if it's ALL CORRUPT, what's the point of doing anything? Just stop voting because it's a 'big club and 'we' ain't in in', and let it crash and burn (so there can be order out of chaos??)

How is dropping out going to solve the MESS that politicians have put us in? Shouldn't we fight for transparency, rules of law that ALL must abide, term limits, etc.? Are the BIG CORRUPTION revelations that come relentlessly at this point destroying citizen motivation and mobilization, turning the US into a zombie nation of drop outs and off grid-ers's all corrupt?

I can see that the 'hidden hand' has been around since, probably the inception of mankind's fall, but do they REALLY have that much control over everyone and everthing at every moment in every sliver of time?? If so, why was Hitler defeated? Was that perceived failure really a part of the deep state's devious plans? Or did humans actually rise up and defeat those plans, albeit momentarily? Can we not rally together over common-sense solutions and minimize the collective pain as a corrupt empire inevitably falls? Can we not use flawed players to help us make positive changes?

Or should we all just tune in, turn on and drop out?
Great post, Bluesky! LOL Hitler was stopped because that was the plan! :rotfl:

I get it. It’s like determinism or fatalism versus hopium. What you say really nails the conundrum.

Q: (L) What is the "ultimate secret" being protected by the Consortium?
A: You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment.

I need to think more about this before going further but thanks for crystallizing this. It is such a fundamental essential point of reference.

This problem, and coming to terms with it, may be at the gateway of something YOOGE.

PS - this also brings up the relationship between the Consortium, Quorum and Zendar and just who is really running the experiment!
This is like one of those questions on the exam when you say, Gee this is tough, I'll save this one for later. A tendency to avoid it. Which serves one good purpose and that is to gain experience, knowledge and perspective before facing it. But, at the end of the day, there it is, still waiting. (along with a few other big stumbling block questions that don't seem to have any really good answers.) A splinter in the back of the mind. I see it as an invitation to grow wings and fly over the walls. Easier said than done, for sure.
Or should we all just tune in, turn on and drop out?
Hi Bluesky, dropping out sounds a bit defeatist but our job is to really see whats going on out there. We can watch as another civilisation collapses just like so many have done in the eons past. We can do very little but that really isn't our job. As the C's have said we are souls who do not come from here and we must try to get back to where we belong.

We came here repeatedly to learn lessons to enable us to see the set-up on earth and make a choice. Do we become so attached to materialism that we want to stay here or realise it's just a school and we want to graduate.
Just like described here What is The Great Inversion? - Activist Post I see a lot of alternative media types talk about how everything is a black and (false) white scenario controlled by the deep state behind the scenes. Icke, Whitney Webb, etc. all elude to this or say it outright as well as apparently, Rudolph Steiner as indicated in the above link. I get this point of view (especially Steiner's), but what rankles me is that nobody points out HOW to avoid this black and white fable we have all fallen for. It all seems to distill down to: it's all corrupt. Or Icke's basic solution: just 'love.' Which to me, feels a lot like, 'Tune in, turn on, drop out!'

I'd appreciate others' insights into how this "it's a con! look, thiel funded Vance!, etc etc." could possibly be a part of a much more sinister plot to eliminate citizens' participation in who and what they are apart of in their society. In other words, if it's ALL CORRUPT, what's the point of doing anything? Just stop voting because it's a 'big club and 'we' ain't in in', and let it crash and burn (so there can be order out of chaos??)

How is dropping out going to solve the MESS that politicians have put us in? Shouldn't we fight for transparency, rules of law that ALL must abide, term limits, etc.? Are the BIG CORRUPTION revelations that come relentlessly at this point destroying citizen motivation and mobilization, turning the US into a zombie nation of drop outs and off grid-ers's all corrupt?

I can see that the 'hidden hand' has been around since, probably the inception of mankind's fall, but do they REALLY have that much control over everyone and everthing at every moment in every sliver of time?? If so, why was Hitler defeated? Was that perceived failure really a part of the deep state's devious plans? Or did humans actually rise up and defeat those plans, albeit momentarily? Can we not rally together over common-sense solutions and minimize the collective pain as a corrupt empire inevitably falls? Can we not use flawed players to help us make positive changes?

Or should we all just tune in, turn on and drop out?
I hear you loud and clear Bluesky!

I used to have these sorts of thoughts about it all. The whole thing gets one very frustrated to say the least. So perhaps my perspective or "take" on all of this is, that Perhaps we are multi tasking with our own evolution that is inextricably entwined with our Collective evolution. Bearing in mind that every possibility already exists!

I have been interested in the way the Quantum Structure works. It is part of us and we a part of it. I believe that this is what Einstein called the "Unified Field". What I have gained from this so far, and I have to say first before I launch into this thing, that this is my personal interpretation of the Quantum Structure as I have understood it. So this is just me venturing another perspective to look from and the possibilities that this might entail. I hasten to add that I am no expert but I feel that this is as close to getting some kind of understanding of what is happening around us and how we fit into that and how we might affect it. I could be completely wrong and barking up the wrong tree and all that, but it is just my personal interpretation of the Quantum Structure as if from a child's simple perspective.

Starting with the premise that we create our own reality. What is going on in the collective, we are part of that, but at the same time, the way in which we conduct ourselves in our own arenas, will decide what your collective reality will be. My understanding is that the more we create from our hearts, the more we get to the zero point of neutrality, no judgement, and that is what builds the potency of the frequency that sets your trajectory for your new reality, being created literally moment to moment. I believe that with this potency build up, this is how manifesting can happen pretty quickly.

So as you go along in your life, creating from your heart in the most genuine and sincere way that you can, being of service to others and choosing love over fear, and joy over pain, with no judgement and such (understanding the two sides of the same coin) you will naturally create the frequency that will build in momentum (keep on keeping on) and catapult you into the reality that you want for yourself, and this might take the form of opportunities that your attract to you, including people, jobs and events. So whilst you might be seeing the collective events globally, you yourself are not affected by them directly, you are on the periphery but your own frequency will be subliminally holding the vibration for the collective. So if we keep our vibes as high and as purely intentioned as we can, we can affect what is going on collectively.

What will be superimposed over this, will be your own Soul path with all the experiences and lessons that you wanted to accomplish, and if you are aware that this programme is running in the background, you will understand that there will be times when you might be trying to create a certain reality and perhaps the opposite is happening, or the timing is dragging on and other things seem to be popping up instead, and I believe that this is when the Soul's own contract is playing out, and once you have accomplished certain of your Soul's "to do list", then your future goals creation can resume. I came to the realisation that it is all sublimely interwoven so that with the creation of each fractal moment, your Soul's own evolvement/development is interwoven with that of our Collective creativity which is interwoven, with everything. Now if that does not confuse you then nothing will lol! I know that Quantum stuff is way more complicated than how I have explained it, but I think that it is a starting point at least. The bottom line is actually that there are so many layers running over each other, and they all, are super positioned to happen within each other kind of multiple spirals all going to a point continuously.

I will end this by saying I am still learning about it all and the understanding that I have of this subject now whether it is flawed or not, is exactly what I am supposed to know at this time. We are all works in progress and things on the Collective arena always have to play out so that the personal arena can learn from it because the past present and future are interconnected simultaneously, and they all work from each other, with each other and for each other.
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