Interesting story of pakistani child education activist Malala Yousafzai.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
John stewart aired interview with this girl and she did the interview well, expressed her views boldly. She wrote a book 'I am malala' advocating the child education and even created a fund for the cause.


As story goes, pakistan BBC correspondent who happened to be friend of Malala's father ( resident of pakistani SWAT area ) requested some girl to write anonymous blog on the subject 'life under taliban' in pakistani SWAT area where the battle is raging between taliban and pakistani forces. Since the original chosen girl was discouraged and dropped out of that dairy proposal( due to the fear of being attacked), Malala's father encouraged her own daughter, which she did, that got her good coverage in pakistani western media along with taliban murder attempt that almost killed her ( she went in to coma and months of battle for survival). That made her more of a darling of western interests against taliban and more like a mouth piece. The people who came to her rescue includes madonna, Angelina Jolie, BBC , Laura Bush, British PM and she even gave a speech in UN and now she was nominated for UN youth peace prize.


In response to John stewart's question of 'what do you think of US ?' she said 'US is a peace loving coutry'. What ever the way we want read of her response ( naive or strategic ), she seems to be very bold in her views and activism. what can we expect from a 16 year old girl just came out of death bed. One of the criticism that is repeating is 'why don't she talk of drones?'. Some even accuse her as a pawn of western imperialism. At this time she seems to stuck between big forces Taliban which still wants to kill her and Western Media who uses her as a fascinating mouth peace Or May be she is in the process of becoming politician as her father wishes.
Its no wonder she gets so much coverage by talking about the U.S. that way, every media outlet in the states would jump all over quotes like that, hence why she made it on john stewart. Because the more people you have repeating how great america is must make it true right?
I'd bet it is yet again another staged psy-op.
The whole BBC blog she wrote makes me very suspicious & her father seems to have been pulling her strings all along.

That's sad if she was really willing to help her people but I do think that the hype around her story was very organized if not created from scratch.
Tigersoap said:
I'd bet it is yet again another staged psy-op.
The whole BBC blog she wrote makes me very suspicious & her father seems to have been pulling her strings all along.

That's sad if she was really willing to help her people but I do think that the hype around her story was very organized if not created from scratch.
No doubt it is psy op and she is parotting her father's version(Infact, indian subcontinent doesn't encourage women's voice, pakistan is much much worse ). Me thinking why BBC needs school girls blog for truth( 'life under taliban') instead of grown up woman ?. Of course women will ask the questions that western media don't wan't attention. Do they want fairy tale for BBC consumption (which they seems to have got royally) ?.
I watched this girl on the Pride of Britain Awards last week. She got the award for her bravery however was not able to be there in person as she was speaking at the UN. They did air some clips of her and I thought that her confidence was very disturbing for a girl in her circumstances. There is something not right about her and I thought instantly that there is something behind it all. Thanks for these posts. Its really got me thinking.
French Marigold said:
I watched this girl on the Pride of Britain Awards last week. She got the award for her bravery however was not able to be there in person as she was speaking at the UN. They did air some clips of her and I thought that her confidence was very disturbing for a girl in her circumstances. There is something not right about her and I thought instantly that there is something behind it all. Thanks for these posts. Its really got me thinking.

It may be that as she has been programmed from birth (and possibly before birth) by a father (and others) with an 'agenda' that has perhaps driven her psychologically beyond the 'norm,' her essence has been damaged severely - perhaps permanently. She may be an organic portal.

The 'young girl' - the symbol rather than Malala herself - is a powerful tool for appealing to the 'soul' sensitivities of fallen adamic-man, for purposes of STS manipulation and deception.

On the other hand she may be, ultimately, STO.

How can we know?

Perhaps we don't need to know. Maybe we just have to observe and learn.

Either way my heart goes out to her - or it.
The Strawman said:
How can we know?

Perhaps we don't need to know. Maybe we just have to observe and learn.

Observing and learning would lead to greater degrees of knowing and that is what we try to do through sharing of data and discussions.

[quote author=The Strawman]
Either way my heart goes out to her - or it.

It sure is not easy to digest the fact that we live in a world that is so steeped in lies that every normal human emotion that one can feel for others is ruthlessly manipulated and used for the gains of a minority of severely pathological people. Still, we need to accept the reality and strive to know what is the real nature of situations, events or people. That way we can bring our heart and head together harmoniously. Real love is not in opposition to true knowledge - it is through knowledge we make sure that our heart does not get abused.
obyvatel said:
The Strawman said:
How can we know?

Perhaps we don't need to know. Maybe we just have to observe and learn.

Observing and learning would lead to greater degrees of knowing and that is what we try to do through sharing of data and discussions.

I was referring to Malala the individual, rather than generally. Yes, observing leads to learning and learning leads to knowledge. Our very lives and evolution depend on knowledge of truth. The point I was making, inadequately, was that to focus on an individual that we are not likely to ever come into contact with, might be a misuse of energy that is better spent on the people we interact with in our daily lives. If not we might be tempted to focus on celebrities in a sort of curiosity and a desire to 'suss them out' - in the meantime we are missing the fact that our new work colleague is a psychopath running a destructive campaign against us without us being aware of it, for example.

edit: quotes
Thanks Obyvatel and Strawman for your input sorry I cant cut and paste as I write this off my phone. The idea of observing and learning is crucial as Obyvatel said and Strawman you made a good point about remaining vigilant to those around us. I guess we need to have a wider outlook balanced with closer observation and that is what a lot of people struggle with or dont want to see. They are only concerned with what is under their nose.

Strawman I wondered the same about the programming and as you say "organic portal" or STO? We may never know.

Ive read a wonderful book by Malcom Gladwell "Blink" and highly recommend it. He says that the first few seconds on seeing someone can give you a feeling or gut instinct and that those feelings should be listened to. Its called "thin slicing".

I have used this technique and did so when first seeing this girl.

It is very powerful when backed up by evidence and I will continue to be an observer.
The Strawman said:
The point I was making, inadequately, was that to focus on an individual that we are not likely to ever come into contact with, might be a misuse of energy that is better spent on the people we interact with in our daily lives.

I may not be understanding you correctly but by that logic, we should not be concerned with what is happening in Palestine or other parts of the world as well since if the discussion turns to specific human beings in those parts of the world, we are not likely to come in contact with them.

[quote author=The Strawman]
If not we might be tempted to focus on celebrities in a sort of curiosity and a desire to 'suss them out' - in the meantime we are missing the fact that our new work colleague is a psychopath running a destructive campaign against us without us being aware of it, for example.


When we discuss topics related to specific people, it is because these people and their situations have a bearing on a bigger context which is of interest to sott and forum readers. We do not indulge in celebrity gossip - which is what your words seem to allude to IMO.

It is important to pay attention in real life, it is also important to be aware of what is going on in a wider context.

Is there something going on that is bothering you - either something related to this thread or otherwise?
obyvatel said:
The Strawman said:
The point I was making, inadequately, was that to focus on an individual that we are not likely to ever come into contact with, might be a misuse of energy that is better spent on the people we interact with in our daily lives.

I may not be understanding you correctly but by that logic, we should not be concerned with what is happening in Palestine or other parts of the world as well since if the discussion turns to specific human beings in those parts of the world, we are not likely to come in contact with them.

[quote author=The Strawman]
If not we might be tempted to focus on celebrities in a sort of curiosity and a desire to 'suss them out' - in the meantime we are missing the fact that our new work colleague is a psychopath running a destructive campaign against us without us being aware of it, for example.

When we discuss topics related to specific people, it is because these people and their situations have a bearing on a bigger context which is of interest to sott and forum readers. We do not indulge in celebrity gossip - which is what your words seem to allude to IMO.

It is important to pay attention in real life, it is also important to be aware of what is going on in a wider context.

Is there something going on that is bothering you - either something related to this thread or otherwise?


Obyvatel, I am beginning to feel that you are singling me out for some unwarranted negative attention. Either you are reading between the lines of my post and seeing something that isn't there, or you are missing the context of my original post. At the same time I am aware that sometimes I don't make myself crystal clear because of a tendency to rush. Please allow me to show, clearly this time, my intention behind my post.

French Marigold said:

There is something not right about her [Malala] and I thought instantly that there is something behind it all.

My stream of thought led to the times I spent focussed on those in the public eye - political leaders, show business people/celebrities etc - that were brought to my attention by David Icke in the days that I followed his work regularly. I would spend time trying to analyse them, as Icke does. But then I pondered on the fact that it can be a waste of energy doing that, mainly because to really know a person you need to be interacting with them. How can we really get to know a person on the other side off the world that is presented to us only through the media?

But, as I also said, we still need to observe and learn - in other words remain aware of what's going on around us in the wider world, but not neglect the world closer to home - our own daily interactions with the people in our lives.

It was nothing more than that, Obyvatel.

You said:

I may not be understanding you correctly but by that logic, we should not be concerned with what is happening in Palestine or other parts of the world as well since if the discussion turns to specific human beings in those parts of the world, we are not likely to come in contact with them.

No, I don't think you are understanding me correctly, but that is probably my fault. I know from previous posts that you have a high level of knowledge, wisdom, and discernment, so I don't believe that you would read something carelessly and consequently make a careless reply. That suggests that my communications skills in posting on the forum are questionable.

The suggestion that I would not be concerned about Palestine (a situation particularly painful to me) and all the other manifestations of evil/STS 4th density energy feeding in 3d reality, is quite hurtful. But that's because as someone who is regularly regarded as a nutter, by peers, for trying to awaken them to the real dynamics behind Palestine etc, the idea is depressing, for want of a better word - depressing that people might think it of me. I know you are following your own logic, in response to my post, but I can assure you there is not a day goes by when I don't update myself about what is really going on, and struggle psychologically and emotionally because of the suffering of others in our harsh, cold reality.

You said:

When we discuss topics related to specific people, it is because these people and their situations have a bearing on a bigger context which is of interest to sott and forum readers. We do not indulge in celebrity gossip - which is what your words seem to allude to IMO.

Yes I know. I have spent countless hours exploring the forum and getting to know this community. I have read all of The Wave volumes, The Vegetarian Myth, and am halfway through Political Ponerology. I have Mask of Sanity, and High Strangeness waiting to be read. I did not, at any point, suggest that 'we' indulge in celebrity gossip. This whole community - Laura & Ark, the Forum, SOTT - has become a serious part of my life. I come straight on to the Forum when I get home from work, because it anchors me in truth.

To suggest that I have no idea why we discuss topics related to specific people, and that I think we indulge in celebrity gossip, is also uncomfortable to me - especially when your implied character judgements are based on a forum post. If you knew me personally you would know that those implications are groundless.

You said:

It is important to pay attention in real life, it is also important to be aware of what is going on in a wider context

Sorry, I find that patronising.

You said:

Is there something going on that is bothering you - either something related to this thread or otherwise?

No, there was nothing bothering me about this thread until your last post. As for 'otherwise' well, yes, things 'bother' me all the time - the same things that bother many other people in and outside this community - innocent people being blown to bits and burned with phosphorus in Palestine and elsewhere, animals being skinned alive for their fur, the rape and murder of Mother Earth, and so much more.

If you think something is bothering me I would genuinely appreciate hearing your thoughts. But I don't want 'me' hijacking this thread about Malala Yousafzai, so perhaps my intro thread might be a better place for it. All I want to do is evolve - both as a person in 3d reality, and as a soul in terms of riding The Wave. I am always grateful for insightful mirroring based on a reasonable understanding of who I might be.

---- I went straight to the 'Splitting' thread after writing this post, and am there now in another tab. I think that might be where I need to be right now ----
French Marigold said:
Thanks Obyvatel and Strawman for your input sorry I cant cut and paste as I write this off my phone. The idea of observing and learning is crucial as Obyvatel said and Strawman you made a good point about remaining vigilant to those around us. I guess we need to have a wider outlook balanced with closer observation and that is what a lot of people struggle with or dont want to see. They are only concerned with what is under their nose.

Strawman I wondered the same about the programming and as you say "organic portal" or STO? We may never know.

Ive read a wonderful book by Malcom Gladwell "Blink" and highly recommend it. He says that the first few seconds on seeing someone can give you a feeling or gut instinct and that those feelings should be listened to. Its called "thin slicing".

I have used this technique and did so when first seeing this girl.

It is very powerful when backed up by evidence and I will continue to be an observer.

Hi French Marigold

You make a major point about having a wider outlook balanced with closer observation. Those that you mention - people that are only concerned with what is under their nose need those who do have the wider outlook - the knowledge - to be there for them if and when their free will is triggered to seek the knowledge for themselves.

I am interested in the technique you mention. Blink will have to be added to my ever growing collection :) I'll nip over to Amazon now.
Hi Strawman

Great that you have been inspired by Blink I hope you enjoy it.

You made a good point too about concerning ourselves with other people of whom we might never meet. Are they really significant to us? Well yes if they are powerful and have a lot of Influence. I want to know how they tick if their influence affects others and myself.

I have found that most of my learning has been from being up close and personal through romantic relationships (yes with a psychopath) friendships and people I work with...... and for (had a few psychopath bosses too).

Should we be concerned with Malala?

Should we just be dealing with the facts?

As I said Initially shes really got me wondering.
French Marigold said:
Hi Strawman

Great that you have been inspired by Blink I hope you enjoy it.

You made a good point too about concerning ourselves with other people of whom we might never meet. Are they really significant to us? Well yes if they are powerful and have a lot of Influence. I want to know how they tick if their influence affects others and myself.

I have found that most of my learning has been from being up close and personal through romantic relationships (yes with a psychopath) friendships and people I work with...... and for (had a few psychopath bosses too).

Should we be concerned with Malala?

Should we just be dealing with the facts?

As I said Initially shes really got me wondering.

Yes, French Marigold, I think we should be concerned with Malala. Not specifically in the context of trying to find out what makes her tick - as I clumsily tried to say a few posts ago, it might be a waste of energy that would be better used 'where we're at' - but in terms of her influence on the world, most definitely.

Perhaps I am just talking from a purely subjective view here - at the moment I feel no motivation to find out what makes Malala tick. At the same time I would love to know what makes Obama tick. But why? Because I think he has a much bigger influence on my own life and those that are close to me. I haven't got sufficient energy to investigate everyone - so I need to prioritise in terms of who is the biggest and/or most direct threat to me and those close to me.

Now, I would like confirmation that Obama is a psychopath - you know, evidence presented by a trustworthy expert who has examined him. Why though? If I go by 'ye shall know them by their fruits' then I already know he is a psychopath - along with multiple other people in power. So why do I want that confirmation - confirmation of my own powers of awareness perhaps. If so that may be narcissistic, or at the least a waste of energy that could be used in a more STO direction.

Ah, you've had plenty of close encounters with the psychopath kind. Me too, although I didn't realise it at the time. My last encounter was just over a year ago, at work, and the suits at the top cited lack of evidence for reinstating the psychopath (after initial suspension) and rewarding him and punishing me in a way I couldn't fight. I then became aware of a thing called 'natural justice' - it came and he was kicked out for something else unrelated to me.

When the knowledge from here showed me that his incredible behaviour, and the way he was able to manipulate bosses and colleagues to believe his outrageous lies, was down to the fact that he is a certain type of being known as psychopathic, it explained everything, and opened up a new awareness for me.

Anyway, I am really conscious about hijacking this thread about Malala, so I better stop talking about me and my experiences here.

I wonder why Malala has triggered your wanting to know about her, French Marigold. Obviously she is an amazingly influential symbol on the world at the moment. But is she another Mother Teresa?
[quote author=The Strawman]
Obyvatel, I am beginning to feel that you are singling me out for some unwarranted negative attention.

That was not my intention.

[quote author=The Strawman]
Either you are reading between the lines of my post and seeing something that isn't there, or you are missing the context of my original post.

What I saw from your original post was that you picked up on French Marigold's post where she was wondering about the nature of the girl who is the topic of this discussion. Your post conveyed that there is no point thinking about it since we cannot know for sure and it is a waste of energy.

[quote author=The Strawman]
But, as I also said, we still need to observe and learn - in other words remain aware of what's going on around us in the wider world, but not neglect the world closer to home - our own daily interactions with the people in our lives.

That is true; but I did not understand why neglecting the world closer to home would be brought up in this context. French Marigold's post did not have anything that would indicate this. Now that you have explained in more detail

[quote author=The Strawman]
My stream of thought led to the times I spent focussed on those in the public eye - political leaders, show business people/celebrities etc - that were brought to my attention by David Icke in the days that I followed his work regularly. I would spend time trying to analyse them, as Icke does . But then I pondered on the fact that it can be a waste of energy doing that, mainly because to really know a person you need to be interacting with them. How can we really get to know a person on the other side off the world that is presented to us only through the media?
maybe you were unconsciously projecting what you had done in the past to French Marigold ?

[quote author=The Stawman]
You said:

When we discuss topics related to specific people, it is because these people and their situations have a bearing on a bigger context which is of interest to sott and forum readers. We do not indulge in celebrity gossip - which is what your words seem to allude to IMO.

Yes I know. I have spent countless hours exploring the forum and getting to know this community. I have read all of The Wave volumes, The Vegetarian Myth, and am halfway through Political Ponerology. I have Mask of Sanity, and High Strangeness waiting to be read. I did not, at any point, suggest that 'we' indulge in celebrity gossip. This whole community - Laura & Ark, the Forum, SOTT - has become a serious part of my life. I come straight on to the Forum when I get home from work, because it anchors me in truth.

To suggest that I have no idea why we discuss topics related to specific people, and that I think we indulge in celebrity gossip, is also uncomfortable to me - especially when your implied character judgements are based on a forum post. If you knew me personally you would know that those implications are groundless.


There was no offense intended, Strawman. I did not see anything in French Marigold's post that would indicate that she was focusing on celebrities while neglecting life closer to home. So I was trying to clarify that point in the context of the larger forum activities which you took as an attack on your character.

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